102 research outputs found

    Assessing the web-portal type of eGovernment structures and measuring their socio-economic impact on the French Metropolitan Park

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    The use of eGovernment structures is becoming increasingly popular among public agencies due to the democratization of the Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs). Its application and impact at the public metropolitan level are however not widely studied, especially in France where the concept of the metropolis is relatively new. This research aims at assessing the degree of eGovernment development in the French Metropolitan Park, by developing an eGovernment Development Score (eGDS) focused on web-portal analysis while contributing to the comprehension of the relation between the quality of eGovernment structures and the economic development based upon a set of pre-selected economic indicators. The development of the eGDS illustrated disparities in term of eGovernment development between the metropolises studied, some group of cases performed better than others, indicating room for improvement. To better understand the impact of eGovernment on the economic indicators selected, a statistical analysis has been conducted. While the application of the statistical analysis pointed at several degrees of correlation and some causal relationships between the variables and eGDS, it weakly supports the claims of the existing literature, indicating that further investigations shall be conducted. The embryonic stage of the eGovernment structure of French metropolises, explains the mild causality between the development of the eGovernment structure and the economic variables selected. Preliminary relationships have however been observed between the eGDS and the youth unemployment rate, the dynamism for employment and the entrepreneurship satisfaction. This work provides a theoretical and empirical basis for future research willing to understand the evolution of the electronic government structure of the French Metropolitan Park.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5145104*es

    The Development of eServices in an Enlarged EU: eGovernment and eHealth in Estonia

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    In 2005, IPTS launched a project which aimed to assess the developments in eGoverment, eHealth and eLearning in the 10 New Member States at national, and at cross-country level. At that time, the 10 New Member States were Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, and Slovakia. A report for each country was produced, describing its government and health systems and the role played by eGovernment and eHealth within these systems. Each report then analyzes, on the basis of desk research and expert interviews, the major achievements, shortcomings, drivers and barriers in the development of eGovernment and eHealth in one of the countries in question. This analysis provides the basis for the identification and discussion of national policy options to address the major challenges and to suggest R&D issues relevant to the needs of each country ¿ in this case, Estonia. In addition to national monographs, the project has delivered a synthesis report, which offers an integrated view of the developments of each application domain in the New Member States. Furthermore, a prospective report looking across and beyond the development of the eGoverment, eHealth and eLearning areas has been developed to summarize policy challenges and options for the development of eServices and the Information Society towards the goals of Lisbon and i2010.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    eGovernance frameworks for successful citizen use of online services: A Danish-Japanese comparative analysis

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    The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by the public sector is often highlighted as a key tool for the transformation of public sector service delivery. Recent literature reviews have highlighted the limited understanding of the role played by governance, inter-governmental decision making and cooperation when introducing ICT solutions and online services to citizens. As part of a larger qualitative, multi-country comparison, this article compares the Danish and Japanese approaches to electronic governance (eGovernance) and inter-governmental cooperation to answer the question: Does a strong governance model and high level of intergovernmental action lead to the successful supply and use of online citizen services? The analysis finds that the two cases support academic arguments in favour of a strong eGovernance model and a high level of inter-governmental cooperation and decision making.  The article finds that a political- or public sector-driven and motivated public sector modernisation, a consensus seeking and an inter-governmental approach to eGovernment, trust between actors, and the role of formal and informal are important determinants for success, as illustrated by the continued strength of the Danish governance and joint-governmental cooperation model over the more fragmented Japanese approach. Still, both countries would benefit from a more holistic approach to service delivery, process, and organisational reengineering in order to progress further.The analysis finds that the two cases support academic arguments in favour of a strong eGovernance model and a high level of inter-governmental cooperation and decision making.  The article finds that a political- or public sector-driven and motivated public sector modernisation, a consensus seeking and an inter-governmental approach to eGovernment, trust between actors, and the role of formal and informal are important determinants for success, as illustrated by the continued strength of the Danish governance and joint-governmental cooperation model over the more fragmented Japanese approach. Still, both countries would benefit from a more holistic approach to service delivery, process, and organisational reengineering in order to progress further.

    From e-government to e-governance: implications for technology management

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    Our paper draws upon concrete research cases to show: firstly, how the approach, the perspective and the representational framework of eGovernment initiatives influence the nature of the changes taking place and, as too many problems remain unaddressed, why there is an urgent need for a more convincing and robust supportive scheme to qualify progress being made in this area of activity; secondly, how technology is in the middle of this uncertain development and what the options and potential impacts linked with it are. Based upon this observation, we fourthly want to show that an eGovernance approach of eGovernment applications may help explore solutions and new institutional arrangements, closer to the expectations that the eGovernment concept is supposed to convey, at least in the medium term. In a management of technology perspective, this conceptual move makes a crucial difference, and in our paper, it is supported by specific fieldwork evidence

    Exploring Estonian e-government before, during, and beyond COVID-19

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 saw lockdowns imposed across the world, and traditionally in-person tasks and services shifted online. While this posed immense challenges in some governmental and institutional settings, in Estonia rigorous digital advancements dating back to the 1990s have made this learning curve markedly less steep, as many digital service provisions were widely available prior to the pandemic. This paper explores Estonia’s e-government solutions pre-dating, during, and beyond the pandemic. It will examine mechanisms – e-ID, X-Road, the information authority, state portal, and e-learning – that existed prior to the pandemic, and others – new e-services, fully online learning, and contact tracing applications – that have emerged in direct response to the pandemic. Finally, this paper will examine how elements of Estonian e-government can, and have been, adopted in international settings, considering how cybersecurity, regulation, and accessibility are closely intertwined with such dialogues surrounding e-government

    An Intelligent Citizen-Centric Oriented Model for Egovernance: A Uae Case Study

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    Tremendous advancements in information and communication technology, coupled with the usability of smart mobile devices, have brought enormous growth in the appeal of high-quality government services. This appeal has, in turn, encouraged governments to deploy services to citizens using electronic channels. Worldwide, governments have recognized the need to deliver better-integrated services to the public to meet their expectations. Therefore, the transition from the conventional modes of delivering government services to an electronic format involves substantial considerations in the operational aspects of services delivery and drastic changes in existing core business systems across governmental public institutions. The concepts of eGovernance and smart services have emerged as new ways to deliver such services to meet citizens’ demands by developing tools and setting practical standards for services delivery. These tools comprise process reengineering and the setting of guidelines, establishment of policies, delegating of authority, and continued monitoring of performance and control. From a research perspective, there is a need to identify the several factors that constitute online and mobile services delivery in the UAE and measure the adoption of these services by the public. Extant literature includes very few studies that evaluate the delivery of online and mobile services in the context of eGovernance. This study highlights these gaps in the field and conducted research in the UAE to address them. The major aim of this research is to develop and validate a citizen-centric oriented model, which examines factors that affect people’s acceptance of eGovernance services within governmental public sector organizations such as health and education. This research adopted mixed methods for data collection, including a quantitative survey and qualitative semi-structured interviews.     To test the proposed model, the research adopted structural equation modelling (SEM), which is a powerful tool that considers a confirmatory approach rather than an exploratory approach with regard to the data analysis. Second, the validated and evaluated model was used as a roadmap for eGovernance services adoption and implementation, in which new initiatives can be evaluated. Third, this research provides an intelligent system for evaluating eGovernance implementation across government entities. The proposed novel system features an intelligent login module as a service that enables users to access multiple public government services using secured unified entry access (UEA) through a single account. The users are only required to log in once to access many eGovernance services. In addition, the proposed system applied the model view controller (MVC), which is an exceedingly secure model, to leverage the system’s quality, efficiency, security, flexibility and reusability. The system applied a collaborative filtering technique to improve the delivery of eGovernance services, measuring entities’ performance and ranking government organizations. Finally, this research provides recommendations for future works, including the validation of the developed model in other countries, consideration of G2B and G2E digital services and approaches to solving world systems’ technical challenges pertinent to big data, data sparsity, cold start and scalability

    The Exercise of Mandate:How Mandatory Service Implementation- Promoted the Use of E-Government Services in Denmark.

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    Danish e-government has for two decades been considered a global leader. Among the various reasons for this Danish success, this article explores the mandatory online self-service and digital post initiative (2012-2015) as one of the effective, strategic contributions in increasing the wider penetration and use of digital public services in Danish society. Although the mandatory shift to digital service could have caused negative reactions from public servants and citizens, this was not the case in Denmark. By reviewing a set of mandatory digital public services in the Danish context, four key aspects are identified as essential drivers. That is: pride as citizens, high levels of trust and privacy, usability and accessibility of e-government services, and informal support by family and community. The article discusses the four supportive prerequisites as keys for enforcing the implementations, which could otherwise be seen as national coercive dirigisme


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    ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi mempengaruhi berbagai lini kehidupan, termasuk perkembangan sistem pemerintahan. Saat ini pemerintah pusat maupun daerah gencar menggunakan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sebagai sarana publik, tuntutan terhadap keterbukaan informasi yang menyeluruh, serta layanan publik berbasis internet akan mempengaruhi sistem birokrasi yang akan datang. Pelayanan publik yang selama ini dilakukan dengan beinteraksi secara langsung harus dibatasi bahkan harus beralih kepada pelayanan secara online.  Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji urgensi refornasi administrasi dalam citizen-centric dan e-government di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kwalitatif. Penulis menemukan bahwa penggunaan e-government di Indonesia masih perlu ditingkatkan. Indonesia perlu mengoptimalkan penggunaan model integrasi vertikal dan integrasi horizontal yang menghadirkan network service layanan satu pintu yang membutuhkan transformasi pelayanan publik dari model Old Administration Public menuju New Public Service. Hal ini perlu juga ditunjang dengan adanya reformasi regulasi di bidang Administrasi Publik untuk meningkatkan sinergitas dan harmonisasi antar lembaga pemerintah, agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih kewenangan dan konflik antar lembaga yang dapat menghambat pemberian layanan kepada masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Refornasi Administrasi; Citizen-Centric, dan E-GovernmentABSTRACT The development of information and communication technology affects various lines of life, including the development of the government system. Currently, the central and regional governments are intensively using information and communication technology media as public facilities, the demands for comprehensive information disclosure, and internet-based public services will affect the future bureaucratic system. Public services that have been carried out by direct interaction must be limited and even have to switch to online services. This study aims to examine the urgency of administrative reform in citizen-centric and e-government in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method. The author finds that the use of e-government in Indonesia still needs to be improved. Indonesia needs to optimize the use of vertical integration and horizontal integration models that provide a one-stop service network that requires the transformation of public services from the Old Administration Public model to the New Public Service. This also needs to be supported by regulatory reforms in the field of State Administration to increase synergy and harmonization between government institutions, so that there is no overlapping of authorities and conflicts between institutions that can hinder the delivery of services to the community. Keywords: Administrative Reform; Citizen-Centric, and E-Government

    Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU

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    A study on lifelong guidance (LLG) policy and practice in the EU focusing on trends, challenges and opportunities. Lifelong guidance aims to provide career development support for individuals of all ages, at all career stages. It includes careers information, advice, counselling, assessment of skills and mentoring