98 research outputs found

    Fluorescence labels to monitor water absorption in epoxy resins

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    Water uptake phenomena was studied in a group of commercial epoxy based thermosets using gravimetric and fluorimetric analysis. The different epoxy formulations were labeled with two dansyl derivatives differing in the spacer length between the chain and the fluorophore moiety. The fluorimetric method consisted of monitoring the changes in the first moment of the dansyl emission band as a function of water immersion time. Using the fluorescence, it was possible to obtain the parameters that govern the water diffusion process and there was a good concordance with gravimetric results. Furthermore, the fluorescence response of the dansyl moieties was used to study the effect of the molecular structure of the polymers in the water absorption process.Authors wish to thank CICYT and UE for support under grants MAT1997-2072-CE and BE97-4472, respectively

    The influence of demographic processes in the organization of primary education in Split-Dalmatia County

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja utjecaja demografskih procesa na organizaciju primarnoga obrazovanja na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Analizom demografske dinamike i recentnih demografskih struktura upisnih područja osnovnih škola Splitsko-dalmatinske županije utvrđene su implikacije na promjene u mreži škola. Te promjene u broju i veličini škola uzrokuju promjene u indeksu iskorištenosti učitelja geografije. Na temelju varijable veličine škole izrađena je tipologija upisnih područja Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Usporedbom promjene učeničkoga kontingenta u međupopisnome razdoblju od 2001. do 2011. godine te projekcijom broja razrednih odjela za 2017./2018. školsku godinu izdvojena su upisna područja osnovnih škola u kojima promjena broja razrednih odjela dovodi u pitanje održivost i racionalnu organizaciju mreže osnovnih škola. Analizom prostornih podataka i vizualizacijom rezultata istraživanja u GIS-u izdvojena su upisna područja u kojima je nužna primjena učinkovitih mjera u cilju održivosti i racionalne organizacije obrazovne funkcije te uravnoteženijega regionalnog razvoja u budućnosti.The paper presents the results of the study of influences of demographic processes in the organization of primary education in the area of Split-Dalmatia County. Adverse processes in modern demographic development of Croatia contribute to the reduction of the total human potential as holders of socio-economic development. Complex consequences of these demographic processes among other things reflected in the spatial organization of certain central functions, one of which is in this paper focus on the educational function. By analysis of demographic dynamics and recent demographic structure of enrolment area primary schools Split-Dalmatia County were found implications for structural changes in the network of schools: number of schools and school size on the one hand and changes in the used state index and the straining coefficient of geography teachers on the other. Based on the size of the school as a variable, a enrolment areas typology of Split-Dalmatia County was made. By comparing the change in the student’s contingent of 2000/2001, 2010/2011 and 2013/2014 school year and the projection of the number of classes for the 2017/2018 school year were singled out catchment area of primary schools in which changes in number of classes is threatening the sustainability and rational organization of the network of primary schools. Reduction in the number of students will be reflected not only on the network of schools and the status of “parentage” but also on decrease of number of classes in subject teaching, and thus the utilization of human resources for geography, and other subjects. By analysis of spatial data and visualization of research results in GIS were singled out catchment areas in which the application of effective measures is necessary to support the sustainability and rational organization of educational functions and balanced regional development in the future

    E-register in school practice - opinions and experiences of high school teachers

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    Članak prikazuje rezultate anketnoga ispitivanja mišljenja i iskustava nastavnika srednjih škola o implementaciji e-dnevnika u školsku praksu, prednostima i nedostatcima njegova korištenja te mogućnostima njegova daljnjega unaprjeđenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 127 ispitanika – nastavnika 9 srednjih škola u gradu Zadru koji u svojem svakodnevnom radu koriste e-dnevnik. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je uporaba e-dnevnika zaživjela u odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi naših škola. Nastavnici ga pretežito pozitivno doživljavaju, smatraju ga jednostavnim za uporabu i korisnim za poboljšanje obrazovnoga sustava. Većina ih je pohađala obuke za korištenje e-dnevnika, poglavito one organizirane u školama te njihovu kvalitetu visoko pozitivno vrednuju. Nastavnici ne koriste sve potencijale e-dnevnika, već njegovim mogućnostima i opcijama pristupaju selektivno koristeći tek dio njegovih ukupnih potencijala. Na temelju iskustva korištenja e-dnevnika u školskoj praksi nastavnici navode njegove najveće prednosti i nedostatke te u skladu s njima  daju sugestije za njegovo daljnje unaprjeđenje. S obzirom na to da ne postoje slična istraživanja, ovdje prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mišljenja i iskustava nastavnika srednjih škola mogli bi poslužiti kao putokaz daljnje aktualizacije i unaprjeđenja aplikacije e-dnevnik.The article provides the results overview of a survey of the high school teachers opinions and experiences on the implementation of the E-register in school practice, the advantages and disadvantages of its use and the possibilities for further improvement. The survey involved 127 respondents - teachers of 9 high schools in the city of Zadar, who use E-register in their daily professional work. Research results show that the use of E-register has become a part of educational practices of our schools. Teachers mostly experience it positively, find it easy to use and useful for improvement the education system. Most of them attended training on the use of E-register, especially those organized in schools, and their quality is very positively evaluated. Teachers do not use all the potentials of the E-register, but its capabilities and options approach selectively using only part of its total potential. Teachers point out the greatest advantages and disadvantages of E-register and, accordingly, give suggestions for its further improvement, based on the experience of using E-register in school practice. Given the lack of similar research, the results of examining the opinions and experiences of high school teachers can be used as a sign for further updating and enhancement of the E-register application.</p

    Priručnik za nositelje produženog stručnog tretmana u osnovnim i srednjim školama

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    Ovaj je Priručnik u osnovi socijalno-pedagoški tekst koji učitelje/nastavnike i druge sudionike produženog stručnog postupka (produženog stručnog tretmana – PST) nastoji tek uvesti u složenu tematiku tretmana učenika društveno neprihvatljivog ponašanja. Namijenjen je prvenstveno učiteljima i nastavnicima osnovnih i srednjih škola koji će biti u situaciji razmatrati mogućnost i predlagati da upravo poneki od njihovih učenika budu obuhvaćeni PST-om. Neki od njih, oni koji će proći dodatnu edukaciju, mogu i aktivno sudjelovati u organizaciji i provedbi makar dijela programa PST-a prema pojedinim učenicima. Priručnik omogućuje osnovni uvid u etiološke, fenomenološke i tretmanske aspekte neprihvatljivih ponašanja te u organizacijske, intervencijske i metodičke aspekte PST-a

    Informatizacija putem sustava e-Građani s naglaskom na usluge iz područja financija i poreza : završni rad

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    Osnovni cilj rada bio je istražiti funkcioniranje sustava e-Građani, preduvjete i razinu korištenja te perspektivu razvoja sustava. Istraživanje je provedeno iz perspektive građanina s posebnim naglaskom na usluge iz područja financija i poreza te su analizirane usluge i potencijali usluga iz područja financija i poreza namijenjenih krajnjim korisnicima – građanima. U radu je definiran pojam e-Građana te funkconiranje samog sustava. Objašnjene su dostupne usluge iz područja financija i poreza s naglaskom na sustav e-Porezna, pritom su objašnjeni važniji porezi te način njihovog izračuna. Preko sustava e-Porezna je moguće dostavljati obrasce, što je u radu i objašnjeno. Na samom kraju rada prikazano je funkcionanje sustava uz pomoć use case dijagrama.The main aim of this work was to find out how the e-Citizens system works, preconditions, usage level and future perspective. The research was conducted from perspective of citizens with special emphasis on on tax and finance services, so the tax and finances sevices intended to the citizens and their potential were analised. In this work was defined term of e-Citizes and functioning of the sistem. Available tax and finance services were defined with special emphasis on system e-Porezna, while all the most important taxes and a way how to calculate them were defined. Trough system e-Porezna it is possible to deliver forms, what was defined in this work. On the end of this work it was shown how the system works with use of a use case diagram

    Informatizacija putem sustava e-Građani s naglaskom na usluge iz područja financija i poreza : završni rad

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    Osnovni cilj rada bio je istražiti funkcioniranje sustava e-Građani, preduvjete i razinu korištenja te perspektivu razvoja sustava. Istraživanje je provedeno iz perspektive građanina s posebnim naglaskom na usluge iz područja financija i poreza te su analizirane usluge i potencijali usluga iz područja financija i poreza namijenjenih krajnjim korisnicima – građanima. U radu je definiran pojam e-Građana te funkconiranje samog sustava. Objašnjene su dostupne usluge iz područja financija i poreza s naglaskom na sustav e-Porezna, pritom su objašnjeni važniji porezi te način njihovog izračuna. Preko sustava e-Porezna je moguće dostavljati obrasce, što je u radu i objašnjeno. Na samom kraju rada prikazano je funkcionanje sustava uz pomoć use case dijagrama.The main aim of this work was to find out how the e-Citizens system works, preconditions, usage level and future perspective. The research was conducted from perspective of citizens with special emphasis on on tax and finance services, so the tax and finances sevices intended to the citizens and their potential were analised. In this work was defined term of e-Citizes and functioning of the sistem. Available tax and finance services were defined with special emphasis on system e-Porezna, while all the most important taxes and a way how to calculate them were defined. Trough system e-Porezna it is possible to deliver forms, what was defined in this work. On the end of this work it was shown how the system works with use of a use case diagram

    Competencies of students for managing pedagogical documentation

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    Vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije u školama je svakodnevni dio rada učitelja i nastavnika. Dokumentacija u školi omogućuje efikasno upravljanje odgojnim radom, a njegovo vođenje i reguliranje dopušta da se na temelju podataka o radu i o stečenim iskustvima unose poboljšanja u radne procese te se pruža uvid u njegovu funkcionalnost, racionalnost i efikasnost. Upravo se zbog toga ovim radom želi istražiti jesu li studenti, učiteljskih i nastavničkih studija, spremni voditi pedagošku dokumentaciju nakon završenih petogodišnjih studija. Istraživanje se provelo među 74 studenata na završnim godinama Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti (učiteljski smjer) u Osijeku i dislociranom studiju u Slavonskome Brodu, Filozofskom fakultetu na odsjecima hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti, engleskoga jezika i književnosti, mađarskoga jezika i književnosti, njemačkoga jezika i književnosti, filozofije, povijesti i pedagogije te na Odjelu za matematiku putem online upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se budući učitelji i nastavnici samoprocjenjuju nekompetentnima za samostalno vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije. Iako su tijekom studija pohađali pedagoške kolegije te su upoznati s pedagoškom dokumentacijom većina studenata nije dobila priliku sudjelovati u vježbama ispunjavanja istih. U odgovorima, zašto se ne osjećaju dovoljno kompetentnima za vođenje pedagoške dokumentacije, navode kako im nedostaje prakse kako bi se s njom pobliže uspoznali te se tako osjećali kompetentnijma.Keeping pedagogical records in schools is a daily part of job for teachers and educators. Documentation in the school enables effective guidance in educational work, its management and regulation allow the improvement of work processes and the insight into its functionality, rationality and efficiency, based on work data and lessons learned. This is precisely why this paper seeks to investigate whether teacher studies are ready to keep pedagogical documentation after completing five years of study. The research was conducted among 74 students in the final years of the Faculty of Education (primary school teacher) in Osijek and Slavonski Brod, Faculty of Philosophy at the departments of Croatian language and literature, English language and literature, Hungarian language and literature, German language and literature, philosophy, history and pedagogy and in the Departments of mathematics through an online questionnaire. The results of the research show that future teachers and teachers are not competent to manage pedagogical documentation independently. Although they took pedagogical courses during their studies and were acquainted with the pedagogical documentation, most students did not get the opportunity to participate in the exercises for completing them. In their answers, why they do not feel competent enough to menage pedagogical documentation, they state that the reason is a lack of practice to become more familiar with it, so they would feel more competent