314,571 research outputs found


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    The emergence of E-commerce in the 1990s heralded the arrival of the New Economy. However, the failure of numerous dotcoms since early 2001 has led to a debate regarding the future direction of E-commerce and its potential relevance for agribusiness. This study examines the economic implications of E-commerce for agribusiness within the framework of New Institutional Economics. The New Institutional Economics implies that E-commerce has the potential to reduce direct transactions costs in agricultural markets, but that it also may add additional indirect transactions costs. Depending upon the tradeoff between these costs, an institutional innovation which reduces the transactions costs may provide the impetus for an alternative marketing channel for agricultural output. Two models of institutional change are explored. The North model of changes in the rules of the game is found to be more consistent with the advent of E-commerce than the model of technological change suggested by Schumpeter.E-commerce, marketing channels, New Institutional Economics, Schumpeter, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,


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    The e-commerce industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly amidst the slowdown in the country\u27s economy. Moreover, most of the e-commerce business players in Indonesia are small, micro, and medium scale (SME). Consumers in e-commerce transactions have a greater risk of loss than business actors or merchants. In other words, consumer rights in e-commerce transactions are very vulnerable, so that consumers in e-commerce transactions are in a very weak bargaining position. The importance of a country regulating legal protection for consumers is generally based on considerations of its actuality and urgency. Legal regulations for e-commerce transactions are designed to create the level of certainty needed in business transactions and to protect consumers in e-commerce transactions in order to support the growth of the digital economy in Indonesia. Current legal protection regulations for consumers in Indonesia have not been able to protect consumers in cross-border e-commerce transactions. In e-commerce transactions, there are no national borders. The consumer protection laws of each country, such as those of Indonesia, are not sufficiently helpful because e-commerce operates across borders. This type of research is normative legal research that uses statutory regulations

    Building consumers’ confidence in adopting e-commerce: A Malaysian case

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    Consumers’ confidence on the online transactions is vital for the continuous growth and development of electronic commerce. In the present study, we experimentally investigate the measures of consumers’ perceived security and privacy over online transactions as well as the perceived trust and reliability of online vendors in order to influence consumers’ overall confidence in e-commerce transactions. On the basis of responses from 163 participants, it is concluded that the major concerns in e-commerce adoption are: security and privacy over online transaction process and trust and reliability of online vendors. In order to be successful in electronic marketplace, the organisations are expected to expend their resources and exert efforts to ensure that consumers’ concerns are adequately addressed.e-commerce; security and privacy; trust; online vendors; consumer behaviour; Malaysia


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    Trading transactions are not only done conventionally, where buyersand sellers meet face to face. Now the transaction has been switchedinto cyber-spaced transaction, where the trading transactions areconducted through social networking, computers, mobile phones,etc. Such Transactions are called online trading transactions(e-commerce). According to Islamic law e – commerce transactionshould also meet some required conditions such as employers in onlinecommerce (e-commerce) are qualified to be taxable income. But ifthe income tax law that is used in the taxation for online commercetransactions (e-commerce) is employed, the tax will not be able tobe maximized because basically e-commerce transactions are verydifferent from conventional trading transactions. So the need for newrules to serve as a legal basis of the taxation of income in e-commercetransactions is emerging.Kata kunci: Sistem Transaksi, E-Commerce, KUH Perdata, HukumIsla

    E-commerce Systems and E-shop Web Sites Security

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    Fruitfulnes of contemporary companies rests on new business model development, elimination of communication obstacles, simplification of industrial processes, possibilities of responding in real-time and above all meeting the floating custom needs. Quite a number of company activities and transactions are realized within the framework of e-business. Business transactions are supported by e-commerce systems. One of the e-commerce system part is web interface (web sites). Present trend is putting the accent on security. E-commerce system security and web sites security is the most overlooked aspect of securing data. E-commerce system security depends on technologies and its correct exploitation and proceedings. If we want e-commerce system and e-shops web sites with all services to be safety, it is necessary to know all possible risks, use up to date technologies, follow conventions of web sites development and have good security management system. The article deals with definition and description of risk areas refer to e-commerce systems and e-shop web sites and show fundamental principles of e-commerce systems and e-shop web sites security.E-commerce system, e-shop web sites, security, security proceedings, web technologies

    Socio-legal analysis of electronic commercial transactions in Nigeria

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    This paper explores the origin, development and growth of electronic commerce in Nigeria from a socio-legal perspective. Electronic commerce or e-commerce as it is popularly called has witnessed a tremendous increase in its adoption as a medium for commercial transactions in recent times. The paper adopts the doctrinal and analytical approach in its examination of the intricacies of this modern mode of doing business. It assesses the level of adoption of e-commerce in Nigeria for both domestic and cross border commercial transactions. The paper found that lack of the requisite and adequate telecommunication infrastructure was a major challenge to the consolidation of e-commerce in Nigeria. It further found that the legal framework for e-commerce transactions has not evolved sufficiently above its original provisions for traditional face to face commercial transactions. Socio cultural and socio economic hindrances to e-commerce transactions were also identified. Key words: “Electronic Commerce”, “Commercial Transactions”, and “Electronic Contract

    Trust and Risk in Business Networks: Towards a Due Diligence for Electronic Commerce

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    This paper develops a due diligence for electronic transactions with new partners in business networks with complex goods such as food products to enable the use of e-commerce potentials in first time transactions. The e-commerce due diligence is a means to reduce perceived risks and uncertainties for businesses and create trust and confidence in the electronic transaction with appropriate information. The paper presents a conceptual framework for the due diligence integrating the principles of transaction decision making and the four phases of a transaction process. The operationalization of the framework assigns trust signals and control elements to the four process phases to be communicated during the process.Trust, risk, electronic commerce, first time transactions, due diligence, food networks, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,


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    The desire to use is a desire or action taken by a consumer to determine a choice from several available alternatives to solve problems. The level of desire to use is closely related to the development of the electronic commerce (e-commerce) business. Factors that can effect the desire to use e-commerce in online transactions include consumer perceptions of ease and usefulness of e-commerce. This study aims to analyze consumer perceptions related to ease and usefulness of e-commerce, either partially or simultaneously on desire to use e-commerce in online transactions. The method used was descriptive method and quantitative method. The sample of this research was 97 people of early adults aged 20-30 years in Sumedang City. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire with data analysis through multiple linear regression. The results of statistical tests that ease had a positive and significant effect on desire to use e-commerce in online transactions; usefulness had a positive and significant effect on desire to use e-commerce in online transactions; ease and usefulness had a simultaneous and significant effect on desire to use e-commerce in online transactions

    Comparative Study on Legal Certainty of Consumer Protection Regarding E-Commerce Transactions, Between Indonesia, India and the United States

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    In both conventional and electronic buying and selling agreements, the protection of consumer rights should be the main concern of business actors. Although there are already regulations governing consumer protection, until now there are still frequent violations of consumer rights, especially in e-commerce transactions. This article is juridical-normative research that compares the laws and regulations concerning consumer protection law in e-commerce transactions between Indonesia, India, and the United States. Through comparative studies and analysis using data sources from the literature, this study explores how the legal certainty of consumer protection in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia is being achieved. In addition, this research also describes the comparison regarding the legal certainty of consumer protection in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia between India and the United States based on the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection. Furthermore, this study provides a prescription for how the legal certainty of consumer protection in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia should be when viewed from a comparison of consumer protection laws in e-commerce transactions in India and the United States

    Analysis of Understanding toward Tax on E-Commerce Transactions (Case Study on Instagram Based Online Shop in Padang)

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    Recently, the economic growth of the digital or so-called E-Commerce in the world and Indonesia is growing rapidly. This is certainly in line with the increase in potential income tax for the country, One of the Indonesian government's policy to tax E-Commerce is to issue new regulations on the tax on E-Commerce transactions, however, for several reasons and in order to establish better regulations, the planned regulation will take effect on 1 April 2019 should be repealed. So that E-Commerce taxpayers refers to the old rules relating to the tax on the E-Commerce transaction. This study aims to determine how well the understanding of the E-Commerce entrepreneurs in Padang toward tax on e-commerce transactions. This type of research is empirical research with a survey approach where information is collected from several samples of a person by asking people who live in Padang. Data processing is done manually and is calculated using excel. The results show that E-Commerce entrepreneurs in Padang lack of understanding about tax especially tax on e-commerce transactions. Keywords: Tax on E-Commerce Transactions, E-Commerce Entrepreneur, Tax Regulation
