72 research outputs found

    In the frontline of the backwater? The Nordic countries and the global population drama

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    Backed by a long history of domestic population statistics and analysis, Nordic social science -including demography - could well be in the forefront of international scientific attention to the global drama of population dynamics and development. But this appears not to be the case. The paper is devoted to a discussion of this state of affairs. Following a brief presentation of the current state of population dynamics, it offers a few examples to show the value of a wider social science approach to the analysis of population/development relations. Dramatic features in current development are contrasted against the relative lack of engagement of demographers and social scientists today.Finally, a case is made for the strengthening of links between demography and social science in general - indeed for “population studies” as a field of joint enquiry, combining the rigor of demographic methods and techniques with the theoretical substance of the social sciences

    Personhood, Contraception and Population Control

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    Maori demography in Aotearoa New Zealand: Fifty Years on

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    Writing in the Journal of the Polynesian Society fifty years ago, budding demographer Ian Pool asked: “When is a Maori a ‘Maori’”? His assertion that cultural self-identification was the only credible way to define Māori collectively in official statistics was in stark contrast to the prevailing institutional practice of defining Māori by ‘degree of blood.’ In this article I use key insights from Ian’s paper to reflect on contemporary practices of demography, focusing specifically on the construction of Māori as a discrete population for demographic research, and the use of Māori ethnic identification as an independent variable. I conclude with some thoughts on how official statistics might be changed to better reflect the aspirations and needs of Māori in a post-settlement context

    Disciplining anthropological demography

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    This study furthers the epistemological development of anthropological demography, and its role in understanding the demography of Europe. Firstly we situate anthropological demography against the context of an evolving world of research in which boundaries between academic disciplines have become much more permeable. This is achieved via an overview of recent theoretical debates about the role and nature of disciplinarity, including interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Secondly, in order to understand the current state of the art, we sketch out the evolution of anthropological demography, paying particular attention to the different knowledge claims of anthropology and demography. Finally, we flesh out some of the epistemological and theoretical debates about anthropological demography by sketching out the formative research process of our own work on low fertility in the UK.anthropological demography, anthropology, demography, disciplinarity, epistemology, Europe, interdisciplinarity, low fertility, multidisciplinarity, reproductive decisions

    Human capital – the basis for enterprise development

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    У статті проаналізовано запропоновану НБУ концепцію нової моделі валютного регулювання, яка не передбачає диференціацію моделей регулювання залежно від поточного стану фінансової системи країни. Автором запропоновано підхід до валютного регулювання, який передбачає наявність трьох сценаріїв реалізації, які включають антикризове, посткризове та регулювання валютного ринку за умов поступального розвитку. На основі аналізу тенденції розвитку валютного ринку України протягом останніх років, яка має характерні повторювані кризові прояви, запропоновано власну концепцію антикризового регулювання.The article analyses the concept proposed by the NBU for a new model of currency regulation, which does not involve differentiation of regulatory models depending on the current state of the financial system of the country. The author proposes an approach to currency regulation, which involves the existence of three scenarios of implementation, which include anti-crisis, post-crisis, and currency market regulation in the context of steady development. Based on the analysis of development tendencies of the foreign exchange market in Ukraine in recent years, which has characteristic recurrent crisis manifestations, the author proposed his own concept of anti-crisis regulation

    Human capital – the basis for enterprise development

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    У статті проаналізовано запропоновану НБУ концепцію нової моделі валютного регулювання, яка не передбачає диференціацію моделей регулювання залежно від поточного стану фінансової системи країни. Автором запропоновано підхід до валютного регулювання, який передбачає наявність трьох сценаріїв реалізації, які включають антикризове, посткризове та регулювання валютного ринку за умов поступального розвитку. На основі аналізу тенденції розвитку валютного ринку України протягом останніх років, яка має характерні повторювані кризові прояви, запропоновано власну концепцію антикризового регулювання.The article analyses the concept proposed by the NBU for a new model of currency regulation, which does not involve differentiation of regulatory models depending on the current state of the financial system of the country. The author proposes an approach to currency regulation, which involves the existence of three scenarios of implementation, which include anti-crisis, post-crisis, and currency market regulation in the context of steady development. Based on the analysis of development tendencies of the foreign exchange market in Ukraine in recent years, which has characteristic recurrent crisis manifestations, the author proposed his own concept of anti-crisis regulation

    The AIDS epidemic and infant and child mortality in six districts of Uganda

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    Several studies in sub-Saharan Africa have associated infant and child mortality with the AIDS epidemic in the region. The paper uses retrospective survey data of six districts in the east, south and west of Uganda to study infant and child mortality, which increased in the 1980s probably because of the AIDS epidemic and started declining in the early 1990s, a period when the epidemic was reported to be subsiding. Deeper analysis of data indicates that children whose parents are polygamous, educated, formally employed and in business are at a higher risk of death from AIDS and related illness. Although AIDS as a direct cause of death is the fourth leading killer of children, other serious diseases such as diarrhoea, respiratory infection and measles are associated with AIDS

    Uncontained subjects: 'population' and 'household' in remote Aboriginal Australia

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    The particular abstractions represented by the terms 'population! and 'household' are central categories in modern demographic analysis. They form the organizing principles of national censuses in Western liberal democracies such as Australia, and profoundly influence both the collection methodology and the content of the collection instrument. This paper argues that these categories are founded on a particular metaphor, the 'bounded container', that broadly reflects the population and household structures of sedentary societies such as mainstream Australia. Bounded discrete categories are conducive to the collection of reliable census data in such societies, since 'unbounded' behaviours can be controlled for by statistical means. However, remote Aboriginal populations behave in radically unbounded ways. This paper proposes that the dominant metaphor underlymg Yolngu (and much remote Aboriginal) sociality is, instead, the nodal network. It then explores the consequences of attempting to 'capture' nodal network societies in terms of models based on the bounded container

    Ponowoczesne rozterki demografii, czyli kto się boi postmodernizmu?

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    (Fragment wstępu:) Mechanizmy postępu naukowego wciąż zajmują filozofów nauki. Pozostaje przedmiotem sporu, czy jest on efektem ciągłego falsyfikowania kolejnych pro­pozycji teoretycznych, następstwa niewspółmiernych paradygmatów czy raczej rozwoju programów badawczych o coraz większym potencjale wyjaśniania i pre­dykcji. Nie ulega jednak wątpliwości, że czynnikiem, który postawił w stan alarmu, a zdaniem niektórych zrewolucjonizował nauki społeczne i humanistykę ostatnich dekad, był zespół propozycji teoretycznych, metodologicznych i epi­stemologicznych określanych mianem postmodernizmu. Krytyka postmoderni­styczna znalazła szeroki oddźwięk nie tylko w sztuce, filozofii i literaturze, lecz także w obszarze antropologii, historii, socjologii, a nawet ekonomii. Pewne jej elementy zostały zaakceptowane w naukach społecznych i humanistyce mimo to, że oprócz zwolenników posiadają zagorzałych przeciwników