15 research outputs found

    correspSearch – Connecting Scholarly Editions of Letters

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    The web service correspSearch collects correspondence metadata from diverse scholarly editions by using the TEI XML–based “Correspondence Metadata Interchange Format” developed by the TEI Correspondence SIG. The web service provides the aggregated data not only on a website, but also via an API in different machine-readable formats and under a free license. The API also makes it possible to automatically refer or even link a letter in one digital edition to related letters provided by other editions. Collecting edited letters in correspSearch and linking them via the API helps overcome certain methodological disadvantages of scholarly editions of letters, since it enables the contextualization and connection of single letters within an entire correspondence network

    Communication now and then : analyzing the Republic of Letters as a communication network

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    Huge advances in understanding patterns of human communication, and the underlying social networks where it takes place, have been made recently using massive automatically recorded data sets from digital communication, such as emails and phone calls. However, it is not clear to what extent these results on human behaviour are artefacts of contemporary communication technology and culture and if the fundamental patterns in communication have changed over history. This paper presents an analysis of historical epistolary metadata with the aim of comparing the underlying historical communication patterns with those of contemporary communication. Our work uses a new epistolary dataset containing metadata on over 150,000 letters sent between the 16th and 19th centuries. The analyses indicate striking resemblances between contemporary and epistolary communication network patterns, including dyadic interactions and ego-level behaviour. Certain aspects of the letter datasets are insufficient to corroborate other similarities or differences for these communication networks. Despite these drawbacks, our work helps confirm that several features of human communication are not artefacts of contemporary mediums or culture, but are likely elements of human behaviour.Peer reviewe

    Sequentiality in Genetic Digital Scholarly Editions. Models for Encoding the Dynamics of the Writing Process.

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    After illustrating the challenges and opportunities of different models of encoding sequentiality in genetic editions, this paper will demonstrate how the BDMP transcribes its genetic materials in view of visualizing their sequentiality in the edition’s ‘Synoptic Sentence View’ (see ‘Figure 1’). The paper will conclude by presenting an example of how this encoding model may also be used to interpret the macrogenetic writing sequence of individual documents by means of an animated visualization of the writing process of the first draft of Beckett’s L’Innommabl

    The Humboldt Code: On creating a hybrid digital scholarly edition of a 19th century globetrotter

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    Tobias Kraft and Stefan Dumont report on the hybrid digital scholarly edition of Alexander von Humboldt. The complementary approach of ‘edition humboldt’ combines the strengths of a reader-friendly book edition with those of a digital full-text and facsimile edition based on a carefully curated data infrastructure. In addition to the advantages of the book for the concentrated study of longer texts, the online edition offers the complementary technological and methodological framework to provide a scholarly reliable basis for research into Humboldt’s work and life-long research activities. Tobias Kraft und Stefan Dumont geben einen Werkstattbericht zur Hybridedition von Humboldts Reisedokumenten im Rahmen des deutschen Akademieprogramms. Der Ansatz der ‚edition humboldt‘ verbindet die Stärken einer lesefreundlichen Buchedition mit denen einer digitalen Volltext- und Faksimile-Edition auf der Grundlage einer sorgfältig entwickelten Dateninfrastruktur.Tobias Kraft and Stefan Dumont report on the hybrid digital scholarly edition of Alexander von Humboldt. The complementary approach of ‘edition humboldt’ combines the strengths of a reader-friendly book edition with those of a digital full-text and facsimile edition based on a carefully curated data infrastructure. In addition to the advantages of the book for the concentrated study of longer texts, the online edition offers the complementary technological and methodological framework to provide a scholarly reliable basis for research into Humboldt’s work and life-long research activities

    Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces

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    The present volume “Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces” is the follow-up publication of the same-titled symposium that was held in 2016 at the University of Graz and the twelfth volume of the publication series of the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE). It is the result of a successful collaboration between members of the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz, the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network DiXiT, a EC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, and the IDE. All articles have undergone a peer reviewing process and are published in Open Access. They document the current state of research on design, application and implications of both user and machine interfaces in the context of digital scholarly editions. The editors of the volume are grateful to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for enabling not only the symposium in 2016 but also the publication of the present volume with their financial support. Special thanks are also due to the staff of the Centre for Information Modelling, above all Georg Vogeler, who contributed to the successful organisation and completion of the symposium and this volume with their ideas and continuous support. Furthermore we want to thank all authors as well as all peer reviewers for the professional cooperation during the publication process. Last but not least we want to thank the many people involved in creating the present volume: Barbara Bollig (Trier) for language corrections and formal suggestions, Bernhard Assmann and Patrick Sahle (Cologne) for support and advises during the typese ing process, Selina Galka (Graz) for verifying and archiving (archive.org) all referenced URLs in January 2018, Julia Sorouri (Cologne) for the design of the cover as well as the artist Franz Konrad (Graz), who provided his painting “Desktop” (www.franzkonrad.com/gallery/desktop-2008-2010/) as cover image. We hope you enjoy reading and get as much intrigued by the topic “Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces” as we did

    Atti del IX Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD). La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica

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    Proceedings of the IX edition of the annual AIUCD conferenc

    Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD. La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica.

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    La nona edizione del convegno annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD 2020; Milano, 15-17 gennaio 2020) ha come tema “La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica”, con lo specifico obiettivo di fornire un'occasione per riflettere sulle conseguenze della crescente diffusione dell’approccio computazionale al trattamento dei dati connessi all’ambito umanistico. Questo volume raccoglie gli articoli i cui contenuti sono stati presentati al convegno. A diversa stregua, essi affrontano il tema proposto da un punto di vista ora più teorico-metodologico, ora più empirico-pratico, presentando i risultati di lavori e progetti (conclusi o in corso) che considerino centrale il trattamento computazionale dei dati

    AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei paper presentati al Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018 (Bari, 31 gennaio – 2 febbraio 2018) dal titolo "Patrimoni culturali nell’era digitale. Memorie, culture umanistiche e tecnologia" (Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Memory, Humanities and Technologies). Gli abstract pubblicati in questo volume hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima mediante double-blind peer review sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD. Il programma della conferenza AIUCD 2018 è disponibile online all'indirizzo http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/

    AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei paper presentati al Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018 (Bari, 31 gennaio – 2 febbraio 2018) dal titolo "Patrimoni culturali nell’era digitale. Memorie, culture umanistiche e tecnologia" (Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Memory, Humanities and Technologies). Gli abstract pubblicati in questo volume hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima mediante double-blind peer review sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD. Il programma della conferenza AIUCD 2018 è disponibile online all'indirizzo http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/

    AIUCD 2022 - Proceedings

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    L’undicesima edizione del Convegno Nazionale dell’AIUCD-Associazione di Informatica Umanistica ha per titolo Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Nel titolo è presente, in maniera esplicita, la richiesta di una riflessione, metodologica e teorica, sull’interrelazione tra tecnologie digitali, scienze dell’informazione, discipline filosofiche, mondo delle arti e cultural studies