166 research outputs found

    Digitální knihovna VUT v Brně – představení institucionálního repozitáře: BUT Digital Library – Introduction of Institutional Repository

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    Digitální knihovna VUT v Brně je institucionální repozitář, který byl stvořen (v prvé řadě) jako místo pro uložení VŠKP. Je postaven na systému DSpace, aktuálně ve verzi 5.3. Nabídka jeho služeb se postupně rozrůstá. Příspěvek se zabývá službami repozitáře, procesem zveřejňování závěrečných prací a hlavně podporou otevřené vědy. Repozitář umožnuje autorům z VUT v Brně ukládat výsledky své vědecké práce v režimu otevřeného přístupu. Uložení plného textu je integrováno do procesu vykazování publikační činnosti (RIV).The Brno University of Technology (BUT) Digital Library is an institutional repository running of DSpace (version 5.3) initially created in 2007 as a repository for theses. The Digital Library‘s range of services is gradually growing and this paper deals specifi cally with repository services, the process for publishing theses, and support for open access. The repository enables authors to store the research results in open access mode. Full text is integrated into the national Czech systems for reporting publications (RIV)

    Qual o impacto da Biblioteca Digital do IPB? Alguns dados estatísticos

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    A Biblioteca Digital do IPB foi implementada com o objetivo de divulgar e permitir o livre acesso à produção científica realizada/produzida pela comunidade académica, promovendo a integração, a partilha e a visibilidade da informação científica, garantindo assim a preservação da memória intelectual dos docentes/investigadores do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. O Instituto Politécnico de Bragança pretende assumir-se como uma instituição de investigação aplicada de referência. Para o efeito, tem vindo a fazer um investimento estratégico na qualificação do seu corpo docente e na criação de estruturas de apoio à investigação. Fruto desta orientação estratégica, a produção científica da instituição tem vindo a crescer sustentadamente. Segundo dados apurados na ISI Web of Knowledge e através de dados divulgados e publicados pelo SCIMAGO, o Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, evidencia uma atividade científica assinalável, quando se considera o universo dos diversos institutos politécnicos. Os repositórios institucionais revestem-se de uma importância cada vez maior para as instituições enquanto produtoras de ciência e de conhecimento, servindo como plataformas gestoras de informação, onde existe uma multiplicidade de dados susceptíveis de serem aproveitados para análise estatística. A recolha sistemática de estatísticas é útil para os administradores dos repositórios, para as instituições e para os autores. Pode-se acompanhar o ritmo de depósitos de uma determinada escola/departamento. Pretende-se dar a conhecer esta análise estatística incidindo sobre as publicações científicas: a evolução dos conteúdos, comparar as publicações indexadas no ISI versus publicações em acesso livre no repositório, as consultas e downloads efectuados, centralizado nos utilizadores e aplicado a todas as publicações. Em termos de evolução dos conteúdos/depósitos constata-se que nos primeiros anos de existência, foi espaçada, mas, após a assinatura da Declaração de Berlim (08/09/2009) e com a aprovação por unanimidade a Politica de Auto-Arquivo de Publicações na Biblioteca Digital do IPB1, (30/04/2010), esta evolução foi rapidamente contrariada. Foi ainda incluída no Regulamento n.º 14/20112 - Regulamento do Sistema de Avaliação do Desempenho do Pessoal Docente do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - a obrigatoriedade de depositar e fornecer o handle associado à produção científica produzida, no sentido em que são apenas considerados os artigos depositados na Biblioteca Digital do IPB. O sucesso do repositório deve-se ao facto de estar incluído na visão estratégica da instituição, porque para além de aumentar o seu valor público, serve como indicador de medida permitindo aferir a relevância científica da instituição. Este sucesso também deve ser partilhado com o RCAAP, porque nos outorgou mais visibilidade já que nos incluiu nas redes europeias de repositórios, como o DRIVER, tendo ainda a vantagem de ser interoperável com o Curriculum DeGóis

    EPrints und das DINI-Zertifikat 2010

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    EPrints and the DINI certificat 201

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Peru: A Twelve-Year Experience and Its connections to “LA REFERENCIA”, a Latin American Repository

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    In June 2004, University of San Marcos (UNMSM, Lima, Peru) launched the first portal providing access to electronic theses and dissertations in Peru using the Cybertesis platform. This initiative marked the beginning of open access theses repositories in the country. It was followed by other higher education and research institutions, both public and private. Four years later, the Peruvian Network for Digital Theses was established. It was officially closed in December 2014. In June 2010, Red CLARA launched LA REFERENCIA, a project funded by Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Eight regional countries were part of this initiative: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. El Salvador joined it recently. The aim of the project was to design a strategy for and an agreed framework on interoperability and scientific production management for Latin America. As of today, country members have developed national networks, each with its respective national repository portal. Repositories contain three (3) basic types of collections: master’s theses and doctoral dissertations; journal articles; and research projects. Participant institutions in LA REFERFENCIA are SNRD (Argentina), IBICT (Brazil), RRAAE (Ecuador), COLCIENCIAS, MEN, RENATA (Colombia), CONICYT, (Chile), CBUES (El Salvador), CONACYT, CUDI (México), RENARE (Peru), and CENIT, REACCIUN (Venezuela). Two events furthering open access to scientific research have been of key importance in Peru in the last two years; the first being the enacting of statute 30035 and its Regulations, by which the National Repository for Open Access Science and Technology was created. According to this legislation, all projects funded with public money will be openly accessible. The second event was the implementation of ALICIA (http://alicia.concytec.gob.pe), the aforementioned National Repository for Open Access Science and Technology. ALICIA is made up of 33 repositories – 13 of them are theses and dissertation repositories; 20 are institutional ones. ALICIA contains 34,567 registration records: 9,297 of them correspond to master’s theses, and 1,906 to doctoral dissertations (ALICIA has an additional 25,270 professional theses submitted by students after completing their undergraduate studies in order to obtain a professional license granted by the Peruvian state). LA REFERENCIA offers access to 88,599 doctoral dissertations and 202,798 master’s theses. Peruvian repositories for electronic theses and dissertations use DSpace, and have adopted the DRIVE 2.0 norms. Some institutions, like Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) have implemented Altmetrics indicators, showing social network activities connected to contents in theses, dissertations and journal articles

    Calidad en repositorios digitales en Argentina, estudio comparativo y cualitativo

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    Numerous institutions and organizations need not only to preserve the material and publications they produce, but also have as their task (although it would be desirable it was an obligation) to publish, disseminate and make publicly available all the results of the research and any other scientific/academic material. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and the introduction of Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), make this task much easier. The main objective of this work is to make a comparative and qualitative study of the data -metadata specifically- contained in the whole set of Argentine repositories listed in the ROAR portal, focusing on the functional perspective of the quality of this metadata. Another objective is to offer an overview of the status of these repositories, in an attempt to detect common failures and errors institutions incur when storing the metadata of the resources contained in these repositories, and thus be able to suggest measures to be able to improve the load and further retrieval processes. It was found that the eight most used Dublin Core fields are: identifier, type, title, date, subject, creator, language and description. Not all repositories fill all the fields, and the lack of normalization, or the excessive use of fields like language, type, format and subject is somewhat striking, and in some cases even alarmingComment: BIREDIAL-ISTEC 2017, in Spanis

    Multidimensional characterization of RCAAP

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    The scientific research deposited in the repositories allows to substantiate and support the work of the researchers. These are sharing, integration and preservation of knowledge platforms that help to disseminate and systematize current scientific development. The importance of these platforms is evident in initiatives, such as the Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (RCAAP) or OpenAIRE, which integrate and index the metadata of hundreds of scientific repositories. The impact of the availability of the results of scientific research, in open manner, generates important benefits for the research activity, enhancing innovation and reproducibility of science. In this work we propose the analysis of the metadata available in the portal of RCAAP, in order to characterize the investigation by document type, date, access rights and languages

    Instruções para Auto depósito

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    Apresenta-se neste documento um conjunto de procedimentos a ter em conta aquando da realização de um auto-depósito de documentos no uBibliorum. Leia-o com atenção. Se seguir os passos indicados, o depósito será com certeza bem-sucedido

    Multidimensional characterization of RCAAP

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    The scientific research deposited in the repositories allows to substantiate and support the work of the researchers. These are sharing, integration and preservation of knowledge platforms that help to disseminate and systematize current scientific development. The importance of these platforms is evident in initiatives, such as the Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (RCAAP) or OpenAIRE, which integrate and index the metadata of hundreds of scientific repositories. The impact of the availability of the results of scientific research, in open manner, generates important benefits for the research activity, enhancing innovation and reproducibility of science. In this work we propose the analysis of the metadata available in the portal of RCAAP, in order to characterize the investigation by document type, date, access rights and languages

    Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen

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    Das 2010 erstmalig veröffentlichte „Gemeinsame Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen“ bedurfte angesichts des sich verändernden Publikationsverhaltens und neu hinzugekommenen Anforderungen aus der Forschungsberichterstattung einer Überarbeitung. Die Aktualisierung wurde von einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der DINI-Arbeitsgruppen „Elektronisches Publizieren“ (E-Pub) und „Forschungsinformationssysteme“ (FIS) sowie dem „Bundeshelpdesk zum KDSF“ erarbeitet

    Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen

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    Das 2010 erstmalig veröffentlichte „Gemeinsame Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen“ bedurfte angesichts des sich verändernden Publikationsverhaltens und neu hinzugekommenen Anforderungen aus der Forschungsberichterstattung einer Überarbeitung. Die Aktualisierung wurde von einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der DINI-Arbeitsgruppen „Elektronisches Publizieren“ (E-Pub) und „Forschungsinformationssysteme“ (FIS) sowie dem „Bundeshelpdesk zum KDSF“ erarbeitet