2,661 research outputs found

    Communication Library Mechanisms for Children’s Social Integration

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    The article deals with communicative mechanisms of social interaction between libraries and different population categories. In conditions of information society, crisis situations, and war conflicts libraries should not only be supported by society but also to reintegrate into social life. Legislative instruments that regulate the work of libraries for children and determine its place in society were analyzed. The information about sociocultural, educational and informational functions of libraries much broader on the current conditions than set by legislation have been considered. The study finds that libraries for children work with different categories of young people including relocates, children with limited health capacities, teach finance and computer basics, develop creative talents and provide psychological help for parents. The paper presents an idea that libraries are not only limited to leisure activity institutions but have an important role in the process of socialization. The article deals with mechanism of library interaction with young people, particularly social partnership. Based on the research of sites and blogs of regional children’s libraries, the National Library of Ukraine for children, the main mechanisms of communication for social integration of young people into public and social life were determined

    IPv6 Communication Library

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    Práce se zabývá síťovou komunikací na bázi IPv6. Cílem bylo vytvořit knihovnu, která umožní komunikaci nad IPv6 vývojové desce FITkit vybavené rozšiřujícím modulem pro zapojení do sítě typu Ethernet. Součástí výsledného řešení je aplikace demonstrující funkce knihovny. Použitým jazykem je ANSI C.Thesis deals with IPv6-based network communication. The aim was to create a library enabling FITkit development board equipped with Ethernet extension module to act as an IPv6 node. Project includes application to demonstrate available functionality. The library is written in ANSI C.

    CCL: a portable and tunable collective communication library for scalable parallel computers

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    A collective communication library for parallel computers includes frequently used operations such as broadcast, reduce, scatter, gather, concatenate, synchronize, and shift. Such a library provides users with a convenient programming interface, efficient communication operations, and the advantage of portability. A library of this nature, the Collective Communication Library (CCL), intended for the line of scalable parallel computer products by IBM, has been designed. CCL is part of the parallel application programming interface of the recently announced IBM 9076 Scalable POWERparallel System 1 (SP1). In this paper, we examine several issues related to the functionality, correctness, and performance of a portable collective communication library while focusing on three novel aspects in the design and implementation of CCL: 1) the introduction of process groups, 2) the definition of semantics that ensures correctness, and 3) the design of new and tunable algorithms based on a realistic point-to-point communication model

    POSH: Paris OpenSHMEM: A High-Performance OpenSHMEM Implementation for Shared Memory Systems

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    In this paper we present the design and implementation of POSH, an Open-Source implementation of the OpenSHMEM standard. We present a model for its communications, and prove some properties on the memory model defined in the OpenSHMEM specification. We present some performance measurements of the communication library featured by POSH and compare them with an existing one-sided communication library. POSH can be downloaded from \url{http://www.lipn.fr/~coti/POSH}. % 9 - 67Comment: This is an extended version (featuring the full proofs) of a paper accepted at ICCS'1

    Performance Analysis for Mesh and Mesh-Spectral Archetype Applications

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    This document outlines a simple method for benchmarking a parallel communication library and for using the results to model the performance of applications developed with that communication library. We use compositional performance analysis - decomposing a parallel program into its modular parts and analyzing their respective performances - to gain perspective on the performance of the whole program. This model is useful for predicting parallel program execution times for different types of program archetypes, (e.g., mesh and mesh-spectral) using communication libraries built with different message-passing schemes (e.g., Fortran M and Fortran with MPI) running on different architectures (e.g., IBM SP2 and a network of Pentium personal computers)

    Building a High-Performance Collective Communication Library

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    We report on a project to develop a unified approach for building a library of collective communication operations that performs well on a cross-section of problems encountered in real applications. The target architecture is a two-dimensional mesh with worm-hole routing, but the techniques are more general. The approach differs from traditional library implementations in that we address the need for implementations that perform well for various sized vectors and grid dimensions, including non-power-of-two grids. We show how a general approach to hybrid algorithms yields performance across the entire range of vector lengths. Moreover, many scalable implementations of application libraries require collective communication within groups of nodes. Our approach yields the same kind of performance for group collective communication. Results from the Intel Paragon system are included

    Building a high-performance collective communication library

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    Communication library mechanisms for children’s social integration

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    У публікації проаналізовано діяльність сучасної дитячої бібліотеки України як соціокультурного феномену. Бібліотека є універсальним соціокультурним інститутом, завдання якого полягає у залученні соціуму до культурних цінностей, у налагодженні зв’язків і взаємодії із суспільством загалом та громадянами зокрема. Якщо на початку 2000 років соціокультурну діяльність бібліотек зводили до дозвіллєвої діяльності, то сьогодні соціокультурні функції бібліотек розглядають набагато ширше. Особлива місія у процесі соціалізації особистості належить бібліотекам для дітей, які є публічними спеціалізованими установами та входять до бібліотечної й інформаційної системи України. Проаналізовано нормативно-правові акти, які регламентують роботу бібліотек для дітей та визначають її місце у житті громади. У публікації розглядаються різні форми взаємодії бібліотек і громади. Зокрема, приділена увага налагодженню соціального партнерства, взаємодії з органами влади та місцевого самоврядування. На основі дослідження сайтів і блогів обласних дитячих бібліотек, Національної бібліотеки України для дітей визначені основні напрями діяльності, форми роботи та засоби впливу на соціум. Визначені форми роботи, які формують культурний простір та впливають на середовище громадиThe article deals with communicative mechanisms of social interaction between libraries and different population categories. In conditions of information society, crisis situations, and war conflicts libraries should not only be supported by society but also to reintegrate into social life. Legislative instruments that regulate the work of libraries for children and determine its place in society were analyzed. The information about sociocultural, educational and informational functions of libraries much broader on the current conditions than set by legislation have been considered. The study finds that libraries for children work with different categories of young people including relocates, children with limited health capacities, teach finance and computer basics, develop creative talents and provide psychological help for parents. The paper presents an idea that libraries are not only limited to leisure activity institutions but have an important role in the process of socialization. The article deals with mechanism of library interaction with young people, particularly social partnership. Based on the research of sites and blogs of regional children's libraries, the National Library of Ukraine for children, the main mechanisms of communication for social integration of young people into public and social life were determined

    DD-α\alphaAMG on QPACE 3

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    We describe our experience porting the Regensburg implementation of the DD-α\alphaAMG solver from QPACE 2 to QPACE 3. We first review how the code was ported from the first generation Intel Xeon Phi processor (Knights Corner) to its successor (Knights Landing). We then describe the modifications in the communication library necessitated by the switch from InfiniBand to Omni-Path. Finally, we present the performance of the code on a single processor as well as the scaling on many nodes, where in both cases the speedup factor is close to the theoretical expectations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201

    A platform independent communication library for distributed computing

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    We present MPWide, a platform independent communication library for performing message passing between supercomputers. Our library couples several local MPI applications through a long distance network using, for example, optical links. The implementation is deliberately kept light-weight, platform independent and the library can be installed and used without administrative privileges. The only requirements are a C++ compiler and at least one open port to a wide area network on each site. In this paper we present the library, describe the user interface, present performance tests and apply MPWide in a large scale cosmological N-body simulation on a network of two computers, one in Amsterdam and the other in Tokyo