278,313 research outputs found

    Sorting of chromosomes by magnetic separation

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    Chromosomes were isolated from Chinese hamster x human hybrid cell lines containing four and nine human chromosomes. Human genomic DNA was biotinylated by nick translation and used to label the human chromosomes by in situ hybridization in suspension. Streptavidin was covalently coupled to the surface of magnetic beads and these were incubated with the hybridized chromosomes. The human chromosomes were bound to the magnetic beads through the strong biotin-streptavidin complex and then rapidly separated from nonlabeled Chinese hamster chromosomes by a simple permanent magnet. The hybridization was visualized by additional binding of avidin-FITC (fluorescein) to the unoccupied biotinylated human DNA bound to the human chromosomes. After magnetic separation, up to 98% of the individual chromosomes attached to magnetic beads were classified as human chromosomes by fluorescence microscopy

    Why genes evolve faster on secondary chromosomes in bacteria

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    In bacterial genomes composed of more than one chromosome, one replicon is typically larger, harbors more essential genes than the others, and is considered primary. The greater variability of secondary chromosomes among related taxa has led to the theory that they serve as an accessory genome for specific niches or conditions. By this rationale, purifying selection should be weaker on genes on secondary chromosomes because of their reduced necessity or usage. To test this hypothesis we selected bacterial genomes composed of multiple chromosomes from two genera, Burkholderia and Vibrio, and quantified the evolutionary rates (dN and dS) of all orthologs within each genus. Both evolutionary rate parameters were faster among orthologs found on secondary chromosomes than those on the primary chromosome. Further, in every bacterial genome with multiple chromosomes that we studied, genes on secondary chromosomes exhibited significantly weaker codon usage bias than those on primary chromosomes. Faster evolution and reduced codon bias could in turn result from global effects of chromosome position, as genes on secondary chromosomes experience reduced dosage and expression due to their delayed replication, or selection on specific gene attributes. These alternatives were evaluated using orthologs common to genomes with multiple chromosomes and genomes with single chromosomes. Analysis of these ortholog sets suggested that inherently fast-evolving genes tend to be sorted to secondary chromosomes when they arise; however, prolonged evolution on a secondary chromosome further accelerated substitution rates. In summary, secondary chromosomes in bacteria are evolutionary test beds where genes are weakly preserved and evolve more rapidly, likely because they are used less frequently

    Hexavalents in spermatocytes of Robertsonian heterozygotes between Mus m. domesticus 2n 26 from the Vulcano and Lipari Islands (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy)

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    The size and shape of the chromosomes, as well as the chromosomal domains that compose them, are determinants in the distribution and interaction between the bivalents within the nucleus of spermatocytes in prophase I of meiosis. Thus the nuclear architecture characteristic of the karyotype of a species can be modified by chromosomal changes such as Robertsonian (RB) chromosomes. In this study we analysed the meiotic prophase nuclear organization of the heterozygous spermatocytes from Mus musculus domesticus 2n=26, and the synaptic configuration of the hexavalent formed by the dependent Rb chromosomes Rbs 6.16, 16.10, 10.15, 15.17 and the telocentric chromosomes 6 and 17. Spreads of 88 pachytene spermatocytes from two males were studied and in all of them five metacentric bivalents, four telocentric bivalents, one hexavalent and the XY bivalent were observed. About 48% of the hexavalents formed a chain or a ring of synapsed chromosomes, the latter closed by synapsis between the short arms of telocentric chromosomes 6 and 17. About 52% of hexavalents formed an open chain of 10 synapsed chromosomal arms belonging to 6 chromosomes. In about half of the unsynapsed hexavalents one of the telocentric chromosome short arms appears associated with the X chromosome single axis, which was otherwise normally paired with the Y chromosome. The cluster of pericentromeric heterochromatin mostly determines the hexavalent’s nuclear configuration, dragging the centromeric regions and all the chromosomes towards the nuclear envelope similar to an association of five telocentric bivalents. These reiterated encounters between these chromosomes restrict the interactions with other chromosomal domains and might favour eventual rearrangements within the metacentric, telocentric or hexavalent chromosome subsets. The unsynapsed short arms of telocentric chromosomes frequently bound to the single axis of the X chromosome could further complicate the already complex segregation of hexavalent chromosomes

    HIM-10 is required for kinetochore structure and function on Caenorhabditis elegans holocentric chromosomes.

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    Macromolecular structures called kinetochores attach and move chromosomes within the spindle during chromosome segregation. Using electron microscopy, we identified a structure on the holocentric mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans that resembles the mammalian kinetochore. This structure faces the poles on mitotic chromosomes but encircles meiotic chromosomes. Worm kinetochores require the evolutionarily conserved HIM-10 protein for their structure and function. HIM-10 localizes to the kinetochores and mediates attachment of chromosomes to the spindle. Depletion of HIM-10 disrupts kinetochore structure, causes a failure of bipolar spindle attachment, and results in chromosome nondisjunction. HIM-10 is related to the Nuf2 kinetochore proteins conserved from yeast to humans. Thus, the extended kinetochores characteristic of C. elegans holocentric chromosomes provide a guide to the structure, molecular architecture, and function of conventional kinetochores

    Karyotyping human chromosomes by optical and X-ray ptychography methods

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    Sorting and identifying chromosomes, a process known as karyotyping, is widely used to detect changes in chromosome shapes and gene positions. In a karyotype the chromosomes are identified by their size and therefore this process can be performed by measuring macroscopic structural variables. Chromosomes contain a specific number of base pairs that linearly correlate with their size; therefore it is possible to perform a karyotype on chromosomes using their mass as an identifying factor. Here, we obtain the first images of chromosomes using the novel imaging method of ptychography. We can use the images to measure the mass of chromosomes and perform a partial karyotype from the results. We also obtain high spatial resolution using this technique with synchrotron source X-rays

    \u3cem\u3eAnolis\u3c/em\u3e Sex Chromosomes Are Derived from A Single Ancestral Pair

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    To explain the frequency and distribution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes in the lizard genus Anolis, we compared the relative roles of sex chromosome conservation versus turnover of sex‐determining mechanisms. We used model‐based comparative methods to reconstruct karyotype evolution and the presence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes onto a newly generated Anolis phylogeny. We found that heteromorphic sex chromosomes evolved multiple times in the genus. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of repetitive DNA showed variable rates of Y chromosome degeneration among Anolis species and identified previously undetected, homomorphic sex chromosomes in two species. We confirmed homology of sex chromosomes in the genus by performing FISH of an X‐linked bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and quantitative PCR of X‐linked genes in multiple Anolis species sampled across the phylogeny. Taken together, these results are consistent with long‐term conservation of sex chromosomes in the group. Our results pave the way to address additional questions related to Anolis sex chromosome evolution and describe a conceptual framework that can be used to evaluate the origins and evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes in other clades

    A method for nucleic acid hybridization to isolated chromosomes in suspension

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    A procedure was developed to provide differential fluorescent staining of metaphase chromosomes in suspension following nucleic acid hybridization. For this purpose metaphase chromosomes were isolated from a Chinese hamster x human hybrid cell line. After hybridization with biotinylated human genomic DNA, the human chromosomes were visualized by indirect immunofluorescence using antibodies against biotin and fluoresceine-isothiocyanate-(FITC)-labeled second antibodies. This resulted in green fluorescent human chromosomes. In contrast, Chinese hamster chromosomes revealed red fluorescent staining only when counterstained with propidium iodide. Notably, interspecies chromosomal rearrangements could be easily detected. After hybridization and fluorescent staining, chromosomes still showed a well-preserved morphology under the light microscope. We suggest that this procedure may have a useful application in flow cytometry and sorting

    Non-random chromosome positioning in mammalian sperm nuclei, with migration of the sex chromosomes during late spermatogenesis

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    Chromosomes are highly organized and compartmentalized in cell nuclei. The analysis of their position is a powerful way to monitor genome organization in different cell types and states. Evidence suggests that the organization of the genome could be functionally important for influencing different cellular and developmental processes, particularly at early stages of development (i.e. fertilization and the consequent entry of the sperm nucleus into the egg). The position of chromosomes in the sperm nucleus might be crucial, because their location could determine the time at which particular chromatin domains are decondensed and remodelled, allowing some epigenetic level of control or influence over subsequent paternal gene expression in the embryo. Here, we analyse genome organization by chromosome position in mammalian sperm nuclei from three breeds of pig, as a model species. We have mapped the preferential position of all chromosomes (bar one) in sperm nuclei in two dimensions and have established that the sex chromosomes are the most internally localized chromosomes in mature sperm. The distribution of two autosomes and chromosomes X and Y in sperm heads was compared in primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatids in porcine testes. The sex chromosomes were found at the nuclear edge in primary spermatocytes, which correlates with the known position of the XY body and their position in somatic cells, whereas, in spermatids, the sex chromosomes were much more centrally located, mirroring the position of these chromosomes in ejaculated spermatozoa. This study reveals the temporal repositioning of chromosome territories in spermatogenesis

    Chromosomal aberrations in transitional cell carcinoma that are predictive of disease outcome are independent of polyploidy

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    Objective To determine whether aneusomy for chromosomes 7, 9 and 17 (reported to predict recurrence in up to 65% of patients with superficial transitional cell bladder cancer and thus providing the opportunity for early and effective treatment) reflects specific genetic events on these chromosomes or merely wider unspecific genetic damage to the cell, e.g. that increased copy numbers for 7 and 17 reflect tumour polyploidy. Materials and methods The study comprised 25 primary tumours; 6 mu m thick sections from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumours were analysed. Chromosome copy numbers were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using pericentromeric probes for chromosomes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 17. A minimum of 200 nuclei per tumour area were scored by two independent observers. Results Eight of the 25 tumours examined (32%) showed no evidence of chromosomal abnormalities as detected by FISH for any chromosomes analysed. Twelve tumours (48%) showed abnormalities for one or two chromosomes, five tumours (20%) showed abnormalities for multiple chromosomes and one tumour showed abnormalities for all chromosomes analysed, suggestive of polyploidy. Conclusions Chromosomal abnormalities predictive of recurrence occur largely in the absence of other gross chromosomal lesions. In a small proportion of cases other chromosomes are affected, but this is almost always distinct from tumour polyploidy

    Somatic Pairing in Drosophila virilis Mitosis

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    In neuroblast cells homologous chromosomes tend to pair during prophase of mitosis. Heterochromatic elements of homologous chromosomes are widely separated in very early prophase, at which time the euchromatin is poorly stained. Pairing is intimate for euchromatic portions of chromosomes in early and middle prophase with chiasmata frequently present. Homologous chromosomes most commonly lie side-by-side in late prophase and metaphase. Statistical data are presented to show the frequency of intimate pairing in prophase and side by side pairing in metaphase