57,439 research outputs found

    Writing beyond the pale : literature, literary theory, and the law of genre

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    It has sometimes been claimed that certain texts written by literary theorists defy categorisation. Neither critique nor fiction, and not even identifiable as a hybrid of both, such texts resist efforts to identify their generic affiliation. These texts might have been allowed to stand merely as indicators of their creators' whimsy were it not for the fact that their content and form, not to mention their problematic relationship with what literary theorists profess elsewhere, represent a provocation to literary criticism's established approaches and procedures. This paper reviews one such text, namely Jacques Derrida 's The Post Card, and more particularly the section entitled "Envois", in the light of his essay "The Law of Genre". It asks whether texts like "Envois" repay critical scrutiny which speaks of a-genericity and multi-genericity, and assesses their implications for the future of literature and literary criticism.peer-reviewe

    Morphological Characterization and Identification of Coffea Liberica Callus of Somatic Embryogenesis Propagation.

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    Compared with other types of coffee, Liberica coffee is more difficult to be propagates using clonal methods. Meanwhile, demand for planting materials and consumption of this type of coffee is increasing lately. The objective of this paper is to present results of the work on morpological characterization of Liberica coffee (Coffea liberica) callus produced by somatic embryogenesis propagation. This research used C. liberica Arruminensis clone. This clone was one of Liberica coffee clones which had superior taste. Main activitis carried out in this experiment were explant sterilization, explant induction and histological analysis on the callus produced. The result of this research showed that non embryogenic callus was higher (72%) than embryogenic callus (28%). The callus description can be used to identify type and characteristic of the callus. Therefore, it can be a parameter to choose type of callus for propagation material. This is important because choosing the right callus is determine of the succesfully process of Liberica somatic embryogenesis

    An unexpected cause for right loin pain

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    A 49-year-old woman presented with acute onset of persistent, severe right loin pain. This was associated with uncontrolled hypertension. There was no associated fever, haematuria or dysuria. There was no history of trauma. At 17 years of age, she underwent a left nephrectomy for an atrophic kidneypeer-reviewe

    Response of arum lily calli to culture filtrate of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum

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    This report demonstrated that culture filtrate of Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum isolate ZT0505, the pathogen of bacterial soft rot disease of arum lily (Zantedeschia sp.), contained extracellular enzymes and caused arum lily leaf tissue and callus maceration. Arum lily leaf tissue and callus sensitivity to culture filtrate coincided with the host susceptibility to the pathogen. The rates of survival of callus pieces were determined after exposure for various times to culture filtrate. Survival of callus pieces (%) increased with reduction of exposure time from 20 to 14 h and from 14 to 8 h. One out of 30 callus pieces was still viable after 3 cycles of 8 h exposure. Subsequently, the surviving cells in this callus pieces proliferated and differentiated into shoots. Based on this initial work, the callus screening using culture filtrate as selection agent may be useful for in vitro selection of soft rot resistant germplasm in arum lily

    The Production of Cauliflower Microshoots using Curd Meristematic Tissues and Hypocotyl–derived Callus.

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    The capacity for microshoot production from cauliflower was investigated applying two different protocols. In the first, cauliflower curd meristematic tissue was used as a source of explants. The meristematic layer was shaved off and the clusters produced were homogenised using a commercial blender. In terms of its effect on the number and viability of microshoots, the use of 30 s blending duration treatment was found to be optimal between several treatments tested in the range 15 to 120 sec. Explants were cultivated in agitated S23 (MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) + 3 % sucrose) liquid media supplemented with different combinations of plant growth regulators. The use of 2 mg/L kinetin and 1 mg/L IBA gave the optimal results in terms of the number and viability of microshoots. The second protocol was designed to investigate the regeneration potential of hypocotyl explants of cauliflower via callus culture. The callus tissue was initiated from hypocotyl explants in callus induction medium (CIM), which consisted of S23 supplemented with 2,4-D at 1 mg/L and kinetin at 1.5 mg/L. The highest number of shoots was obtained after 28 days from sub-cultured hypocotyl derived callus on S23 basal media containing 0.5 mg/L of kinetin. This study demonstrated the ability of producing microshoots using various parts of cauliflower through both callus and without callus formation which can be useful in the later applications of cauliflower tissue culture such as the production of artificial seeds

    STUDIES ON KOLA TISSUE CULTURE II: Effect of plant growth regulators on callus induction

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    Callus induction was studied on leaf and single node cutting explants obtained from Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott and Endlicher seedlings. Callus was induced successfully from cut surfaces (periphery) ofyoung leaves in vitro on the medium supplemented with 0.5-5.0 mgl-1 naphtheneacetic acid (NAA), combined with 0.23 mgt- I 6-benzyl-aminopurine (BAP) and on medium supplemented with 0.2-0.6 mgl-1 BAP, combined with 1.0 mgl-1 NAA. Successful callus induction was al so obtained from the buds of single nodal explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1-1 .0 mgl-1 NAA, combined with 2.3 mgl-1 BAP

    Hospital management of community-acquired pneumonia in Malta

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    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains a common diagnosis requiring hospital admission and a leading cause of death worldwide. No local guideline is currently available for the management of CAP. Our aim was to evaluate current practices in the management of CAP at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta. In this prospective study we looked at all adult patients admitted with CAP in winter and summer (105 consecutive days for both seasons). Data collected and analysed included: basic patient demographics; symptoms at presentation; antibiotics prescribed and time of administration; co-morbidities; CURB65; blood oxygenation levels; admission plan; length of stay and follow-up; length of stay, follow-up chest radiography and death within 30 days from hospital admission. Of note the average time to first dose antibiotic was 7 hours 48 minutes (range 2 hours 13 minutes – 14 hours 17 minutes). A total of 178 patients (50.1%) were admitted with CURB65 scores of 0 (n=99) and 1 (n=86). Most of these could have been discharged and managed in the community with significant impact on hospital bed occupancy. Eventual standardisation of acute management of CAP by the set-up of a local guideline will improve outcome and reduce hospital bed occupancy.peer-reviewe

    Animating the DRC: Interview with Congolese Animator Jean-Michel Kibushi

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