
Response of arum lily calli to culture filtrate of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum


This report demonstrated that culture filtrate of Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum isolate ZT0505, the pathogen of bacterial soft rot disease of arum lily (Zantedeschia sp.), contained extracellular enzymes and caused arum lily leaf tissue and callus maceration. Arum lily leaf tissue and callus sensitivity to culture filtrate coincided with the host susceptibility to the pathogen. The rates of survival of callus pieces were determined after exposure for various times to culture filtrate. Survival of callus pieces (%) increased with reduction of exposure time from 20 to 14 h and from 14 to 8 h. One out of 30 callus pieces was still viable after 3 cycles of 8 h exposure. Subsequently, the surviving cells in this callus pieces proliferated and differentiated into shoots. Based on this initial work, the callus screening using culture filtrate as selection agent may be useful for in vitro selection of soft rot resistant germplasm in arum lily

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