10,051 research outputs found

    From the Big Bang to the Multiverse: Translations in Space and Time

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    Since 2004, I have been collaborating with artist Josiah McElheny on the design of cosmological sculptures, inspired originally by the chandeliers of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. This article describes the science behind the four works that have emerged from this collaboration to date: An End to Modernity (2005), The Last Scattering Surface (2006), The End of the Dark Ages (2008), and Island Universe (2008). These works incorporate idealized representations of many fundamental aspects of contemporary cosmology, including expansion of the universe, the last scattering surface, cosmic microwave background anisotropies, the growth and morphological transformation of galaxies, the rise and fall of the quasar population, the development of large scale structure, and the possibility that our universe is one of many cosmic islands in an eternally inflating multiverse. A companion article describes the history of the collaboration.Comment: From "Josiah McElheny: A Prism," edited by L. Neri and J. McElheny, published by Skira/Rizzoli, New York, 2010. More information and higher resolution images available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~dhw/McElhen

    First Spectroscopic Confirmations of z ~ 7.0 Lya Emitting Galaxies in the LAGER Survey

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    Narrowband imaging is a highly successful approach for finding large numbers of high redshift Lya emitting galaxies (LAEs) up to z~6.6. However, at z>~7 there are as yet only 3 narrowband selected LAEs with spectroscopic confirmations (two at z~6.9-7.0, one at z~7.3), which hinders extensive studies on cosmic reionization and galaxy evolution at this key epoch. We have selected 23 candidate z~6.9 LAEs in COSMOS field with the large area narrowband survey LAGER (Lyman-Alpha Galaxies at the End of Reionization). In this work we present spectroscopic followup observations of 12 candidates using IMACS on Magellan. For 9 of these, the observations are sufficiently deep to detect the expected lines. Lya emission lines are identified in six sources (yielding a success rate of 2/3), including 3 luminous LAEs with Lya luminosities of L(Lya) ~ 10^{43.5} erg/s, the highest among known spectroscopically confirmed galaxies at >~7.0. This triples the sample size of spectroscopically confirmed narrowband selected LAEs at z>~7, and confirms the bright end bump in the Lya luminosity function we previously derived based on the photometric sample, supporting a patchy reionization scenario. Two luminous LAEs appear physically linked with projected distance of 1.1 pMpc and velocity difference of ~ 170 km/s. They likely sit in a common ionized bubble produced by themselves or with close neighbors, which reduces the IGM attenuation of Lya. A tentative narrow NVλ{\lambda}1240 line is seen in one source, hinting at activity of a central massive black hole with metal rich line emitting gas.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted by ApJ

    Radio galaxy feedback in X-ray selected groups from COSMOS: the effect on the ICM

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    We quantify the importance of the mechanical energy released by radio-galaxies inside galaxy groups. We use scaling relations to estimate the mechanical energy released by 16 radio-AGN located inside X-ray detected galaxy groups in the COSMOS field. By comparing this energy output to the host groups' gravitational binding energy, we find that radio galaxies produce sufficient energy to unbind a significant fraction of the intra-group medium. This unbinding effect is negligible in massive galaxy clusters with deeper potential wells. Our results correctly reproduce the breaking of self-similarity observed in the scaling relation between entropy and temperature for galaxy groups.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 12 Page

    WISE morphological study of Wolf-Rayet nebulae

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    We present a morphological study of nebulae around Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars using archival narrow-band optical and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared images. The comparison among WISE images in different bands and optical images proves to be a very efficient procedure to identify the nebular emission from WR nebulae, and to disentangle it from that of the ISM material along the line of sight. In particular, WR nebulae are clearly detected in the WISE W4 band at 22 ÎĽ\mum. Analysis of available mid-IR Spitzer spectra shows that the emission in this band is dominated by thermal emission from dust spatially coincident with the thin nebular shell or most likely with the leading edge of the nebula. The WR nebulae in our sample present different morphologies that we classified into well defined WR bubbles (bubble B{\cal B}-type nebulae), clumpy and/or disrupted shells (clumpy/disrupted C{\cal C}-type nebulae), and material mixed with the diffuse medium (mixed M{\cal M}-type nebulae). The variety of morphologies presented by WR nebulae shows a loose correlation with the central star spectral type, implying that the nebular and stellar evolutions are not simple and may proceed according to different sequences and time-lapses. We report the discovery of an obscured shell around WR35 only detected in the infrared.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, plus 23 appendix figures; to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Phase Transitions in the Universe

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    During the past two decades, cosmologists turned to particle physics in order to explore the physics of the very early Universe. The main link between the physics of the smallest and largest structures in the Universe is the idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking, familiar from condensed matter physics. Implementing this mechanism into cosmology leads to the interesting possibility that phase transitions related to the breaking of symmetries in high energy particle physics took place during the early history of the Universe. These cosmological phase transitions may help us understand many of the challenges faced by the standard hot Big Bang model of cosmology, while offering a unique window into the very early Universe and the physics of high energy particle interactions.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 10 figures, 8 provided (7 EPS + 1 PS). Uses psfig.tex. Invited article for ``Contemporary Physics'

    Nuclear Astrophysics

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    Nuclear astrophysics is that branch of astrophysics which helps understanding some of the many facets of the Universe through the knowledge of the microcosm of the atomic nucleus. In the last decades much advance has been made in nuclear astrophysics thanks to the sometimes spectacular progress in the modelling of the structure and evolution of the stars, in the quality and diversity of the astronomical observations, as well as in the experimental and theoretical understanding of the atomic nucleus and of its spontaneous or induced transformations. Developments in other sub-fields of physics and chemistry have also contributed to that advance. Many long-standing problems remain to be solved, however, and the theoretical understanding of a large variety of observational facts needs to be put on safer grounds. In addition, new questions are continuously emerging, and new facts endanger old ideas. This review shows that astrophysics has been, and still is, highly demanding to nuclear physics in both its experimental and theoretical components. On top of the fact that large varieties of nuclei have to be dealt with, these nuclei are immersed in highly unusual environments which may have a significant impact on their static properties, the diversity of their transmutation modes, and on the probabilities of these modes. In order to have a chance of solving some of the problems nuclear astrophysics is facing, the astrophysicists and nuclear physicists are obviously bound to put their competence in common, and have sometimes to benefit from the help of other fields of physics, like particle physics, plasma physics or solid-state physics.Comment: LaTeX2e with iopart.cls, 84 pages, 19 figures (graphicx package), 374 updated references. Published in Reports on Progress in Physics, vol.62, pp. 395-464 (1999
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