10 research outputs found

    In vitro Radioprotective Activity of the Bryozoan Hyalinella punctata

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    The objective of the present study was in vitro evaluation of radioprotective activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata on cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes after irradiation with 2 gy of Co-60 gamma-rays. Since its water extract at concentration 0.001 mg/mL reduced the incidence of radiation-induced micronuclei for almost 30 %, it could be considered as a promising source of new natural products with the aforementined activity. Both the content of sulphur (1.17%) determined by gravimetric method and infrared absorption frequences (76 % similarity with those of bacitracin) of the investigated extract indicate the presence of organic sulphur compound(s) such as cyclic peptides and polypeptides which might be responsible for the observed radioprotectio

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)

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    The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml)

    Chemical composition and biological activity of the extracts of the freshwater sponge Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937)

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    Ова докторска дисертација издваја се по проблематици спроведених истраживања и представља оригиналан научни допринос проучавању хемијског састава и биолошке активности слатководних сунђера. Конкретно, ендемска и реликтна врста Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937) из Охридског језера (Охрид, Република Македонија) у њеном је фокусу. Према доступним литературним подацима, ради се о пионирском истраживању како на подручју Р. Македоније, тако и шире, у региону Западног Балкана. In vitro је ''скринован'' већи број биоактивности екстраката сунђера O. rotunda (антимикробна са ''antiquorum sensing'' активношћу, антитуморска, цитотоксична, мутагена, антиоксидативна и анти-ацетилхолинестеразна активност) ради процене њиховог потенцијала као новог извора биолошки активних супстанци од значаја у медицини и фармацији. Генерално, два екстракта (метанолни МЕ и ацетонски АЕ) врсте O. rotunda истакла су се по својој биолошкој активности. Најосетљивија бактерија била је Bacillus subtilis (МЕ, MIC и MBC 7,5 μg/mL и 15,0 μg/mL), а најосетљивија гљива Trichoderma viride (МЕ, MIC и MFC 7,5 μg/mL и 15,0 μg/mL). Осим тога, МЕ показао се као добар инхибитор продукције пиоцијанина (49,90%), а АЕ формирања биофилма (53,99%) бактеријског соја Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Ниска вредност IC50 (5,01 μg/mL) и потенцијална селетивност, уз одсуство мутагеног потенцијала и токсичности, указују на значај АЕ у потрази за новим терапеутицима природног порекла у третману рака плућа. Заправо, према ћелијама А-549 vs. MRC-5, дати екстракт био је само 2 пута мање активан а око 35 пута селективнији од позитивне контроле доксорубицина, цитостатика у клиничкој употреби. Оба екстракта инхибирала су ензим ацетилхолинестеразу у условима in vitro (како in solid, тако и in liquid), у мери да се могу сматрати могућим извором нових инхибитора овог ензима...Ова докторска дисертација се издвојува по проблематиката на спроведените истражувања и претставува оригинален научен придонес во проучувањето на хемискиот состав и биолошката активност на слатководните сунѓери. Конкретно, во нејзиниот фокус е ендемичниот и реликтен вид Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937) од Охридското Езеро (Охрид, Република Македонија). Според достапните литературни податоци се работи за пионерскo (првичнo) истражувањe, како на подрачјето на Р. Македонија, така и пошироко, на регионално ниво (Западен Балкан). In vitro е ''скринован'' (''прикажан'') поголем број на биоактивности на екстрактите од сунѓерот O. rotunda (антимикробна со ''antiquorum sensing'' активност, анти-туморска, цитотоксична, мутагена, антиоксидативна и анти-ацетилхолинестеразна активност) за да се процени потенцијалот на овој вид како нов извор на биолошки активни супстанции од важност во медицината и фармацијата. Генерално, два екстркакти (метанолен МЕ и ацетонски АЕ) на видот O. rotunda се издвојуваат со својата биолошка активност. Најчувствителна бактерија беше Bacillus subtilis (МЕ, MIC и MBC 7,5 μg/mL и 15,0 μg/mL), а најчувствителна габа Trichoderma viride (МЕ, MIC и MFC 7,5 μg/mL и 15,0 μg/mL). Освен тоа, МЕ се покажа како добар инхибитор на продукцијата на пиоцијанин (49,90%), а АЕ при формирањето на биофилм (53,99%) кај бактерискиот сој Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Ниската вредност IC50 (5,01 μg/mL) и потенцијалната селективност заедно со отсуството на мутагениот потенцијал и токсичноста укажуваат на значењето на АЕ во потрагата за нови лекови од природно потекло за третман на рак на белите дробови. Имено, дадениот екстракт према клетките А-549 беше само со два пати послаба активност, а околу 35 пати поселективен од позитивната контрола доксорубицин, цитостатик во клиничка употреба..

    Biological activity of essential oils of selected aromatic plants on species of the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and Candida isolated from the human oral cavity

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    Oralno zdravlje smatra se važnim delom opšteg zdravlja ljudi, ali je često zanemarena oblast, a razlozi tome su raznovrsni i kompleksni. Visoka učestalost oralnih oboljenja ima veliki socijalni i ekonomski uticaj. Najčešća oboljenja usne duplje su karijes, parodontalna oboljenja i oralne infekcije, dok su glavni uzročnici ovih oboljenja vrste rodova Streptococcus mutans-grupa, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus i Candida. Efikasan tretman i razvoj novih antiseptika koji poseduju antimikrobnu aktivnost je od velikog značaja za medicinu. Najčešće se koriste preparati koji sadrže hlorheksidin, povidon jod i cetilpiridinijum hlorid, zatim sintetička sredstva kao što su penicilin, cefalosporini, tetraciklini i njihovi derivati, nistatin, amfoterecin B, flukonazol itd. Ovi agensi poseduju antimikrobno dejstvo i kontrolišu upalu desni, ali imaju ograničenu efikasnost i veliki broj negativnih posledica kao što su bojenja zuba, iritacije sluzokože usne duplje, pojave alergije, nefrotoksičnost i endokrinu toksičnost, a povezuju se i sa kancerom i drugim sekundarnim oboljenjima. Problem rezistencije prema Svetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji je najveća pretnja globalnom zdravlju čoveka. Jedna od alternativa koja je poslednjih decenija u žiži naučnih interesovanja jesu etarska ulja kao izvor biološki aktivnih jedinjenja. U cilju dobijanja novih biološkli aktivnih jedinjenja, koja neće biti toksična za humane i animalne ćelije, u ovoj disertaciji analiziran je hemijski sastav i biološka aktivnost in vitro 60 komercijalnih uzoraka etarskih ulja ekstrahovano iz 47 biljnih vrsta: Cananga odorata, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum, Pastinaca sativa, Anethum graveolens, Matricaria recutita, Achillea millefolium, Helichrysum italicum, Boswellia carterii, Canarium luzonicum, Commiphora myrrha, Juniperus communis, J. virginiana, Gaultheria procumbens, G. fragrantissima, Pelargonium graveolens, Hyssopus officinalis, Mentha piperita, M. pulegium, Lavandula angustifolia, Thymus algeriensis, T. vulgaris, T. serpyllum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia lavanudilifolia, S. officinalis, S. sclarea, S. triloba, Satureja montana, Laurus nobilis, Leptospermum petersonii, L. scoparium, Eucalyptus citriodora, E. globulus, Melaleuca alternifolia, M. quinquenervia, Syzygium aromaticum, Abies procera, A. grandis, A. alba, Pseudotsuga douglasii, Pinus silvestris, Piper nigrum, Cymbopogon martinii, Rosa centifolia, Citrus aurantium spp. aurantium i C.limon. Cilj rada je ispitivanje biološke aktivnosti i uticaja etarskih ulja i komponenti odabranih aromatičnih biljaka na mikroorganizme izolovane iz usne duplje čoveka i primena u prevenciji i lečenju oralnih bolesti i infekcija...Oral health is considered an important part of general health, but is often neglected area, and the reasons for this are diverse and complex. The high incidence of oral disease has a huge social and economic impact. The most common diseases of the oral cavity are dental caries, periodontal disease, and oral infections, while the main causal agents of these diseases are species of genus Streptococcus mutans-group, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and Candida. Effective treatment and developing new drugs that have antimicrobial activity is of great significance for medicine. The most commonly used preparations containing chlorhexidine, povidone iodine and cetylpyridinium chloride, followed by synthetic drugs such as penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines and their derivatives, nystatin, amphotericin B, fluconazole, etc. These agents possess antimicrobial activity and control gum inflammation, but have limited efficacy and a large number of negative effects such as tooth staining, mucosal irritation, allergy, nephrotoxicity and endocrine toxicity, and are also associated with cancer and other secondary illnesses. The problem of resistance to the World Health Organization is the biggest threat to global human health. One of the alternatives that in recent decades are in focus of scientific interest are essential oils as a source of biologically active compounds. In order to obtain new biologically active compounds, which will not be toxic to human and animal cells, in this dissertation analysis of the chemical composition and biological activity in vitro of 60 commercial samples of essential oils extracted from 47 plant species were used: Cananga odorata, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum, Pastinaca sativa, Anethum graveolens, Matricaria recutita, Achillea millefolium, Helichrysum italicum, Boswellia carterii, Canarium luzonicum, Commiphora myrrha, Juniperus communis, J. virginiana, G . fragrantissima, Pelargonium graveolens, Hyssopus officinalis, Mentha piperita, M. pulegium, Lavandula angustifolia, Thymus algeriensis, T. vulgaris, T. serpyllum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia lavanudilifolia, S. officinalis, S. sclarea, S. triloba, Satureja montana, Laurus nobilis, Leptospermum petersonii, L. scoparium, Eucalyptus citriodora, E. globulus, Melaleuca alternifolia, M. quinquenervia, Syzygium aromaticum, Abies procera, A. grandis, A. alba, Pseudotsuga douglasii, Pinus silvestris, Piper nigrum, Cymbopogon martinii, Rosa centifolia, Citrus aurantium spp. aurantium and C. limon..

    Invasion risk associated with invertebrates and their dormant stages in ships entering Canadian ports

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    The shipping industry has been a leading mechanism for introducing nonindigenous species (NIS) into aquatic ecosystems. Two different ballast water regulations, mid-ocean exchange (MOE) and saltwater flushing, were implemented as management practices to reduce the likelihood of new biological invasions in the Pacific, Great Lakes and Atlantic regions of Canada. There has, however, been no formal assessment of the efficacy of these regulations on invertebrates and their dormant eggs transported in the ballast sediment of ships, and current invasion risk posed by these taxa to different regions of Canada. To determine the potential risk of invasion associated with this vector after the implementation of ballast water regulations, I collected sediment samples from 135 ships entering the Pacific, Great Lakes and Atlantic ports and measured density and diversity of invertebrates as well as viability of their dormant eggs. To accurately identify dormant eggs I tested the application of DNA barcoding using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rDNA. Further, I explored survival of invertebrate dormant eggs in collected ballast sediment over a one year period to determine if they accumulate inside of ballast tanks. Subsequently, to test efficacy of saltwater flushing, I compared the results of samples I collected in the Great Lakes with the results of similar samples collected prior to the implementation of saltwater flushing regulations, and to test efficacy of MOE I compared voyages with MOE vs. voyages without MOE. Finally, I compared vector strength in different regions in Canada. Overall results show DNA barcoding to be a rapid and accurate approach to identification of invertebrate dormant eggs, and the results indicate possible accumulation of dormant eggs of onychopods and bryozoans inside ballast tanks. This comparative analysis suggests that vector strength varies among different regions in Canada with the Atlantic region being under the highest risk. The two ballast management regulations differently influence the probability of introductions of NIS via dormant eggs. Finally, the amount of sediment is the single, most important factor for management of invertebrates and their dormant eggs in ballast sediment and should be treated beyond current ballast management regulations

    Antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850)

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    The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml)

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)

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    The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml)

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)

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    The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml).Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [173040, 173032, 173017, 172053, III43007

    Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)

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    The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml).Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [173040, 173032, 173017, 172053, III43007

    A bryozoan species may offer novel antioxidants with anti-carbon-dioxide anion radical activity

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    <div><p>The antiradical activity of the freshwater bryozoan <i>Hyalinella punctata</i> water extracts (two samples, seasonal collection) was evaluated by using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy against hydroxyl (√OH), superoxide anion (√O<sub>2</sub><sup>− </sup>), methoxy (√CH<sub>2</sub>OH), carbon-dioxide anion (√CO<sub>2</sub><sup>− </sup>), nitric-oxide (√NO) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (√DPPH) radicals. The extracts reduced the production of all tested radicals but to a varying degree. The better activity was observed against √CO<sub>2</sub><sup>− </sup> and √CH<sub>2</sub>OH radicals (54 ± 5% and 44 ± 4%, and 58 ± 6% and 22 ± 2%, respectively) than towards √DPPH, √NO, √OH and √O<sub>2</sub><sup>− </sup> radicals (59 ± 6% and 1.0 ± 0.1%, 46 ± 5% and 14 ± 1%, 7.0 ± 0.5% and 34 ± 3%, and 33 ± 3% and 0%, respectively). FTIR spectra of the both extracts indicate the presence of cyclic peptides and polypeptides which might be responsible for the observed activity. According to the experimental data obtained, <i>H. punctata</i> water extract may be considered as a novel promising resource of natural products with anti √CO<sub>2</sub><sup>− </sup> radical activity.</p></div