7,372 research outputs found

    Metal Biocompatible Materials

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá kovovými biokompatibilními materiály, jejich chemickým složením, tepelným zpracováním, výslednými mechanickými vlastnostmi a možnostmi aplikace těchto materiálů. V úvodu práce jsou objasněny základní pojmy a rozdělení biokompatibilních materiálů. Dále je nastíněna historická stránka a hlavní důvody vývoje těchto materiálů.The bachelor’s thesis deals with metal biocompatible materials, their chemical composition, heat treatment, final mechanical properties and possibilities of application of these materials. Basic terms and separation of the biocompatible materials are explained in thesis introduction. Next there are outlined a historical side and main reasons of development of these materials.

    Polymeric biocompatible materials

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na vybrané polymerní biokompatibilními materiály. V úvodu práce je nastíněna problematika biokompatibilních materiálů a objasněny základní pojmy. Dále je rozebíráno chemické složení, výsledné mechanické a chemické vlastnosti a příklady použití polymerních materiálů.The aim of the bachelor’s thesis is polymeric biocompatible materials. In the first part the problematic of the biocompatible materials is discussed and the basic terms are explained. In the next part are described polymeric materials and their chemical composition, mechanical and chemical properties and examples of applications.

    An experimental analysis of laser machining for dental implants

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    In the recent years, the scientific progress in both technological and medical sectors has led to an evolution of materials and fabrication techniques used for dental prosthetics. This paper proposes laser subtractive process to manufacture dental implants and explores the behavior of a CO2 laser beam effects on biocompatible materials, namely zirconia and PMMA. The aims of the experiments are the study of CO2 laser beam effects on biocompatible materials and the creation of a mathematical model to relate the process parameters with groove geometry and surface finish

    3D Printing of Biocompatible Materials for Biomedical Applications

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    In this work, we develop and test materials to be used in a 3D printed prosthesis, made according to each patients’ anatomy. These must be biocompatible, flexible and maintain airway permeability. Different polymeric materials based on PEGDA (polymer) and B2VT (photoinitia-tor) were studied, each with either PVA or SA and CaSO4. These hydrogels were crosslinked with UV light, one while printing by extrusion and the other after being deposited in casts. A systematic study was performed on the influence of laser power in in-situ reticulation and 3D printing of an SA and PEGDA/B2VT mixture, by testing their compression mechanical properties. This study was compared to samples with PVA, reticulated with UV light after 3D printing and the difference in terms of mechanical properties is enormous. First shows Young’s Modulus in the range of 4-6 MPa and the second in the range of 0.8-1 MPa. The results lead to the conclusion that higher percentages of PVA and B2VT increase the value of E and that the use of Alginate creates a material with a compression curve typical of foams

    A study of tensile and bending properties of 3D-printed biocompatible materials used in dental appliances

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    In the last years, a large number of new biocompatible materials for 3D printers have emerged. Due to their recent appearance and rapid growth, there is little information about their mechanical properties. The design and manufacturing of oral appliances made with 3D printing technologies require knowledge of the mechanical properties of the biocompatible material used to achieve optimal performance for each application. This paper focuses on analyzing the mechanical behaviour of a wide range of biocompatible materials using different additive manufacturing technologies. To this end, tensile and bending tests on different types of recent biocompatible materials used with 3D printers were conducted to evaluate the influence of the material, 3D printing technology, and printing orientation on the fragile/ductile behaviour of the manufactured devices. A test bench was used to perform tensile tests according to ASTM D638 and bending tests according to ISO 178. The specimens were manufactured with nine different materials and five manufacturing technologies. Furthermore, specimens were created with different printing technologies, biocompatible materials, and printing orientations. The maximum allowable stress, rupture stress, flexural modulus, and deformation in each of the tested specimens were recorded. Results suggest that specimens manufactured with Stereolithography (SLA) and milling (polymethyl methacrylate PMMA) achieved high maximum allowable and rupture stress values. It was also observed that Polyjet printing and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technologies led to load-displacement curves with low maximum stress and high deformation values. Specimens manufactured with Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology showed intermediate and homogeneous performance. Finally, it was observed that the printing direction significantly influences the mechanical properties of the manufactured specimens in some cases.Universidad de Málag

    Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Electrospinning Apparatus for the Deposition of PMMA Polymer for Biomedical Applications

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    This paper describes the successful design and fabrication of a deposition system for synthesis and assembly of nanoscale and submicron sized fibers of poly(methylmethacrylate)(PMMA) polymer. To optimize the electrospinning deposition process, the distance between the needle and the electrically grounded substrate, the applied voltage, and the concentration of PMMA polymer in the solution were varied. PMMA fibers as small as 500 nanometers were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical signature of PMMA was confirmed for best quality and retention of chemistry using Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). PMMA is a biocompatible polymer, and nanofibers of PMMA are key building blocks for scaffolds and other biomanufacturing applications, such as bioprinting for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering of synthetic organs (Mo, 2004)

    Future of smart cardiovascular implants

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    Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in Western society. Recent technological advances have opened the opportunity of developing new and innovative smart stent devices that have advanced electrical properties that can improve diagnosis and even treatment of previously intractable conditions, such as central line access failure, atherosclerosis and reporting on vascular grafts for renal dialysis. Here we review the latest advances in the field of cardiovascular medical implants, providing a broad overview of the application of their use in the context of cardiovascular disease rather than an in-depth analysis of the current state of the art. We cover their powering, communication and the challenges faced in their fabrication. We focus specifically on those devices required to maintain vascular access such as ones used to treat arterial disease, a major source of heart attacks and strokes. We look forward to advances in these technologies in the future and their implementation to improve the human condition

    Paper Based Pressure Sensor for Green Electronics

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    This work reports a resistive paper-based disposable pressure sensor based on porous 3D conductive cellulose micro-fiber network. The conductivity in microfibers was achieved by subjecting the network to graphene oxide (GO) - poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) solution. The modified cellulose matrix is sandwiched between graphite paper electrodes so that overall structure is flexible. The device tested in 32-386 Pa range detected a minimum of 34 Pa and exhibited fast dynamic response (in tenths of seconds) with excellent repeatability. The proposed approach for disposable sensors is a step towards green electronics and holds promise for wide range of wearable applications

    Construction of 3D in vitro models by bioprinting human pluripotent stem cells: Challenges and opportunities

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing of biological material, or 3D bioprinting, is a rapidly expanding field with interesting applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Bioprinters use cells and biocompatible materials as an ink (bioink) to build 3D structures representative of organs and tissues, in a controlled manner and with micrometric resolution. Human embryonic (hESCs) and induced (hiPSCs) pluripotent stem cells are ideally able to provide all cell types found in the human body. A limited, but growing, number of recent reports suggest that cells derived by differentiation of hESCs and hiPSCs can be used as building blocks in bioprinted human 3D models, reproducing the cellular variety and cytoarchitecture of real tissues. In this review we will illustrate these examples, which include hepatic, cardiac, vascular, corneal and cartilage tissues, and discuss challenges and opportunities of bioprinting more demanding cell types, such as neurons, obtained from human pluripotent stem cells