11,409 research outputs found

    Binocular vision

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá fyziologií binokulárního vidění pro získání prostorového vjemu z dvourozměrných obrázků pasivními a aktivními technologiemi. Na počátku je popsána fyziologie lidského zraku a binokulárního vidění i s jeho vývojem v dětství. Navazující kapitola je věnována historii a hlavním technologiím stereoskopického zobrazování jako je anaglyf, technologie využívající polarizace světla, INFITEC, stmívací brýle, head mounted display, autostereoskopické displeje a jejich kombinace. Dále popisuje postup při návrhu snímání dynamické scény pomocí dvou identických videorekordérů. V poslední částí práce je popsána realizace snímání dynamické scény zpracování v programu Matlab a výsledky subjektivního hodnocení skupinou pozorovatelů.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the physiology of binocular vision for the acquisition of spatial effect from two-dimensional images passive and active technologies. At the beginning is described physiology of the human sight and binocular vision with his ontogeny in childhood. Next section is devoted to history and main stereoscopic technology like anaglyph, INFITEC, technology using polarization light, shutter glasses, head mounted display, autostereoscopic displays and their combination. Further it describes procedure by proposal of scanning dynamic scene by the help of two identic videorecorders. In the last part of this work is described implementation of scanning dynamic scene, processing in a program Matlab and results of subjective classification by group of observers.

    Miniaturized haploscope for testing binocular vision

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    Device can reproduce virtually all binocular stimulus conditions (target configuration, vergence angle, and accommodative distance) used to test binocular performance. All subsystems of electronic controls are open-loop and solid-state-controlled and, with the exception of vergence angle drive, utilize dc stepping motors as prime movers. Arrangement is also made for readouts of each variable

    Intraexaminer repeatability and agreement in stereoacuity measurements made in young adults

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    ·AIM: To determine the repeatability and agreement of stereoacuity measurements made using some of the most widely used clinical tests: Frisby, TNO, Randot and Titmus. ·METHODS: Stereoacuity was measured in two different sessions separated by a time interval of at least 24h but no longer than 1wk in 74 subjects of mean age 20.6y using the four methods. The study participants were divided into two groups: subjects with normal binocular vision and subjects with abnormal binocular vision. ·RESULTS: Best repeatability was shown by the Frisby and Titmus [coefficient of repeatability (COR): 依13 and 依12s arc respectively] in the subjects with normal binocular vision though a clear ceiling effect was noted. In the subjects with abnormal binocular vision, best repeatability was shown by the Frisby (COR: 依69s arc) and Randot (COR: 依72s arc). In both groups, the TNO test showed poorest agreement with the other tests. ·CONCLUSION: Therepeatabilityof stereoacuitymeasures was low in subjects with poor binocular vision yet fairly good in subjects with normal binocular vision with the exception of the TNO test. The reduced agreement detected between the tests indicates they cannot be used interchangeably

    Binocular vision and reading ability in a Portuguese population of school age children

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    Preventable visual loss caused by amblyopia (2 to 4%) and its risk factors such as strabismus (3%) and uncorrected refractive errors (5 to 7%) represent an important public health problem. Children with binocular vision anomalies could be at disadvantage in reading and writing. Objectives: (1) Describe binocular vision measures in children of school age; and (2) Describe the impact of abnormal binocular vision on reading ability (reading errors and reading speed)

    Prevalence of Non Strabismic Binocular Vision Disorders in Patients with Asthenopia

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    Non-strabismic binocular vision disorders are highly prevalent conditions. Patients report to eye care practitioners with symptoms of eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision etc. These conditions are generally missed out unless a complete orthoptic and binocular vision examination is performed. Treatment of these conditions is very successful with vision therapy, lenses and prisms. Successful treatment leads to a significant improvement in the quality of life of the patients. This study was aimed towards finding the prevalence of non-strabismic binocular vision disorders in patients complaining of asthenopia

    Binocular vision parameters and body mass index

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    Background: Abnormal body mass Index (BMI) can adversely affect binocular vision. We aimed to assess the presence of possible differences in binocular vision parameters among the four BMI categories. Methods: In this comparative cross-sectional study, we enrolled young adults and categorized them into underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese groups based on their BMI. A complete orthoptic evaluation was performed to assess the mean values of binocular vision skills. Results: We recruited 120 participants with a mean (standard deviation) age of 21.30 (1.80) years with best-corrected distance and near visual acuities of 6/6 and N6, respectively. The frequency of exophoria > 4 PD was high in the obese group.  The frequency of binocular vision dysfunction was higher in the obese and underweight groups, with vergence dysfunction being the most common. The mean values for near negative fusional vergence (NFV), distance positive fusional vergence (PFV), negative relative accommodation, positive relative accommodation, monocular accommodation facility (AF), and monocular estimation method were comparable among the groups (all P > 0.05). The obese group had significantly receded near point of convergence, and reduced accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio and binocular AF than the normal, overweight, and underweight groups (all P < 0.05). The distance and near vergence facilities were significantly lower in the obese group than in the overweight and normal groups, and the distance vergence facility was significantly lower than in the underweight group (all P < 0.05). The mean values of distance NFV and near PFV in the obese group were significantly lower compared to the normal and overweight groups, and the mean values of distance NFV were significantly lower compared to the underweight group (all P < 0.05). The mean values of near PFV were significantly lower in the underweight group than in the overweight group (both P < 0.05). Both the underweight and obese groups had a significantly lower amplitude of accommodation compared to the normal group (both P < 0.05). Conclusions: The frequency of binocular vision dysfunction was higher in the obese and underweight groups. Most convergence and some accommodation parameters were adversely affected in individuals with obesity. Being underweight adversely affects certain binocular vision skills. Further studies are required to determine the relevance of BMI as a predictor of binocular vision abnormalities

    Binocular vision and anaglyph production

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na vysvětlení podstaty binokulárního vidění a pomocí geometrie vysvětluje vznik stereogramu. V další části je rozebrán technický postup při pořizování stereogramu a upozorňuje na důležitá nastavení fotoaparátů. Jsou zde rozebrány a porovnány metody pozorování stereoskopických snímků, speciálně anaglyf. V praktické části představuji navrženou aparaturu a dvě vytvořené aplikace pro snímání a úpravu stereo snímků. Součástí je i sada ukázkových fotografií.Bachelor thesis is focused on explaining the matter of stereopsis and clarifies the origin of stereogram using geometry. Next part deals with the process of shooting stereogram including important settings of the cameras. The work describes and compare several possible approaches of viewing stereoscopic images, especially anaglyph. In the last practical part two aplications for shooting and editing stereoscopic images are introduced. I enclose few photo examples .

    Binocular vision and anaglyph production

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    Tématem mé semestrální práce bylo prostudovat fyziologii binokulárního vidění pro získání prostorového vjemu z dvourozměrných obrázků pomocí brýlí s barevnými filtry, anaglyfu. Protože se to týká zrakového smyslu, na počátku jsem vysvětlil princip samotného vidění. Poté jsem popsal princip fyziologického vývoje vidění a předpokladů binokulárního vidění. Binokulární vidění je komplexní proces, probíhající i mozku. Proto je další tématem práce analýza trojrozměrných objektů, analýza prostoru, která nevědomky probíhá v našem mozku. Další kapitola pojednává o stereoskopii, technice, jež vyvolává pocit hloubky v dvourozměrném obraze. Získání prostorového vjemu pomocí brýlí s barevnými filtry je jedna z jejích technik. Sepsal sem princip získání anaglyfu, od snímání scény, přes její tvorbu až po prohlížení. Nakonec je zde uvedena ukázka programu vytvořeného v prostředí Matlab. Je to jednoduchý program na získání anaglyfu z dvou samostatných snímků.The aim of my semester work was to study the physiology of binocular vision for spatial perception of two-dimensional images using glasses with coloured filters, anaglyphs. Since the theme concerns the visual sense, I explained the principle of the vision first. Then I described the principle of physiological development of the vision and the assumptions about binocular vision. The binocular vision is a complex process ongoing in the brain. Therefore, another topic of my thesis was an analysis of three-dimensional objects, space analysis, which unknowingly takes place in our brain. The next chapter deals with stereoscopy, technology which evokes a feeling of depth in two-dimensional images. One of the techniques is obtaining spatial perception by means of glasses with colour filters. In my thesis, I summarized the knowledge about the principle of anaglyphs and I described the principle of obtaining anaglyphs, from shooting the scene, over its creation to its viewing. Finally, here is an example of the program created in Matlab. It is a simple program to obtain anaglyphs from two separate frames.