17 research outputs found

    Madness and the Family. Parent-Child Relationships in English Language Pathographies About Mental Disorders

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    Many English-language illness narratives dealing with the experience of madness address the issue of parent-child relationships and their role in the development of mental disorders and their treatment. These texts closely reflect psychological theories about the aetiology of mental health problems dominant in the time of writing. Thus, the aim of this study is to compare the way family relationship are depicted in illness narratives written in the last fifty years. The article first looks at the pathographies penned during the popularity of anti-psy­chiatry, which blamed faulty parenting for the rise of psychosis (such as Mary Barnes’s auto­biography co-authored with her psychiatrist Joseph Berke, R.D. Laing’s collaborator). Later, it analyses texts which reflect the controversial findings of the so-called recovered memory movement, which claimed the experiences of childhood sexual abuse are often repressed and lead to multiple splitting of personality. The classic example of such a book is Flora Rheta Schreiber’s Sybil. Finally, more contemporary memoirs are presented, such as the works of Elizabeth Wurtzel or Marya Hornbacher as well as books written by parents whose children have been diagnosed with mental illness and who often had to battle prejudice attributing their children’s problems to neglect or cruelty on their part. Comparing these pathographies proves that writers interpret their life experiences according to the prevailing cultural script

    Pisanie strachem: depresja, afazja, terapia w twórczości Simony Vinci

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    The purpose of this article is to show different literary representations of depression, fear and anxiety, as well as to analyze the therapeutic role of writing, in the literary work of Simona Vinci.Simona Vinci, classe 1970, è una delle voci letterarie italiane più significative dell’ultimo trentennio. Il suo esordio, nel 1997, con Dei bambini non si sa niente, vincitore nel 2000 del Premio Elsa Morante, viene accolto molto positivamente dal pubblico e dalla critica. La sua raccolta di racconti In tutti i sensi come l’amore (1999) ed il romanzo Come prima delle madri (2003) entrano nella cinquina finalista del Premio Campiello, che l’autrice si aggiudica nel 2016 con il romanzo, La prima verità.Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie różnych literackich obrazów depresji, strachu i lęku, a także analizę terapeutycznej roli pisania w twórczości literackiej Simony Vinci

    Il racconto della talassemia: Nelle mie vene e Paura di guarire

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    This study aims to analyse the narrative of thalassemia in two contemporary texts: Paura di guarire, by Ivano Argiolas (2021) and Nelle mie vene, by Flavio Soriga (2019). In the wake of the strand of narrative medicine studies, the intent is to investigate how the experience of illness and the resulting path and relationship of care are narrated.Il presente studio intende analizzare il racconto della talassemia in due testi contemporanei: Paura di guarire, di Ivano Argiolas (2021), e Nelle mie vene, di Flavio Soriga (2019). Sulla scia del recente filone di studi della medicina narrativa, l’intento è quello di esplorare come l’esperienza della malattia, il percorso e la relazione di cura che ne derivano siano narrati

    Utrata języka. Próba empatycznej lektury patografii osób po udarach mózgu

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    Source literature uses the term pathography to define a text about suffering and illness written from a patient’s perspective. There are three purposes of pathographies: they allow their authors to make their lives more coherent, i.e. continuous and meaningful, they help them understand what their bodies experienced during illness, and they make them discover how to stimulate the body to deal with its effects. There is a specific type of pathographies written by stroke survivors. The effects of a stroke include paresis of the body and aphasia which never fully disappear. Patients talk of the loss of previous identity or a transformation caused by the illness.Source literature uses the term pathography to define a text about suffering and illness written from a patient’s perspective. There are three purposes of pathographies: they allow their authors to make their lives more coherent, i.e. continuous and meaningful, they help them understand what their bodies experienced during illness, and they make them discover how to stimulate the body to deal with its effects. There is a specific type of pathographies written by stroke survivors. The effects of a stroke include paresis of the body and aphasia which never fully disappear. Patients talk of the loss of previous identity or a transformation caused by the illness

    Dialectique temporelle dans le récit de soi vivant avec une maladie rare

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    Cet article vise à identifier les dynamiques et les tensions dialectiques temporelles en jeu dans le récit de soi, la narration et les processus de compréhension de soi et du monde qui se révèlent dans l’autobiographie (DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2014) des récits sollicités et rédigés par des patients volontaires, atteints d’une maladie rare auto-immune : le lupus érythémateux systémique et sclérodermie. Cette recherche appelée E-Fom Innov (2016-2018), portée par le Pr. Farge-Bancel, donne ainsi voix aux personnes concernées, pour donner à entendre leurs expériences du vivre avec une maladie rare, dans le sillage de Tourette-Turgis (2013) et Flora (2013). C’est dans le cadre de la phénoménologie qui s’inspire de Husserl (1964 ; 1980), notamment sur sa conception dynamique du temps (PICARD, 2009), des travaux de Ricoeur (1985 ; 2005) et de Romano (1999) sur les enjeux du temps raconté et d’événement que sera examinée la dialectique temporelle à l’oeuvre dans le récit de première personne. Ainsi, dans le processus de pathologisation allant de l’anomalie à la maladie, nous examinerons le(s) rôle(s) du temps dans l’inquiétude du soi, avant de conclure sur une redéfinition du prendre soin (WORMS, 2014)

    Rytm choroby, rytm umierania. Dzienniki z lat osiemdziesiątych Teodora Parnickiego

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    Teodor Parnicki’s laconic diaries from the 1980s are filled with notes about the progress of his writing and disease, yet conceal much more than would be immediately evident. By considering what the author did not write, a very interesting picture of the final decade of communist Poland emerges. Reflection on the text, its rhythm and the construction of notes, reveals a narrative shaped by malady and senility. With the author’s decline during his final years, the schema of notes and their subject become characterized by a certain arrhythmia. These are the symptoms of the disintegrating narrative of the dying text/body

    Ten sam głos. O „Dzienniku bez samogłosek” Aleksandra Wata

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    THE SAME VOICE: THE DZIENNIK BEZ SAMOGŁOSEK [A DIARY WITHOUT VOWELS] BY ALEKSANDER WAT The purpose of this article is an interpretation of Aleksander Wat’s oeuvre from logopedic and literary perspectives. The author argues that the analysis of Aleksander Wat’s personal and medical documents, as well as of the phonetic transcripts of the recording of his voice, proves that he suffered from flaccid dysarthria. Furthermore, she also suggests that there is a correlation between Aleksander Wat’s speech disorder and his literary works, which serve to record his suffering and are an attempt to represent dysarthria in poetry. On the example of the poet’s early works, she shows that in his youth Wat was already interested in speech disorders and the significance of sound in poetry. His later compositions reflect his renewed interest in the field after he experienced a neurological incident. It turns out that the futurist poet’s interest in the sound of poetry and in utterances on the margins of standard discourses (speech impediments, stutter, errors, etc.), characteristic of many eminent avant-garde 20th-century writers, gained a personal meaning in Wat’s late works

    What’s in a name? a sida na narrativa portuguesa contemporânea, entre inscrição e silêncio

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    Pretende-se, neste artigo, analisar a tematização da sida na narrativa portuguesa contemporânea, partindo de uma prospeção não exaustiva da sua inscrição ficcional num corpus selecionado – e que integrará narrativas de Guilherme de Melo, Domingos Lobo, Eduardo Pitta, Teolinda Gersão, Pedro Vieira ou Inês Pedrosa – para, em momento posterior, averiguar as razões explicativas da presença lateral ou rarefeita da doença no romance português contemporâneo. Com efeito, na ficção portuguesa contemporânea, é verdadeiramente excecional a presença de uma (auto)ficção de sentido agónico-testemunhal, consubstanciada num romance da sida, ao invés do que se verifica noutros campos literários. Assim, partindo de uma recolha representativa de narrativas em que a experiência da sida assume variável relevância diegética, nelas se analisará a presença vestigial da doença, tentando justificar a exploração mais assídua do tema em obras excêntricas ou tangenciais ao cânone literário, frequentemente próximas do romance documental

    Patografie: voci, corpi, trame

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    La tesi intitolata Patografie: voci, corpi, trame ha per oggetto alcune opere narrative contemporanee, a carattere autobiografico e incentrate sull'esperienza della malattia. Il corpus di riferimento, che comprende testi in lingua italiana, inglese, tedesca e francese, viene analizzato attraverso un approccio comparatistico basato sull\u2019analisi testuale. Ci si sofferma, in particolare, sui tipi di ricezione a cui la patografia \ue8 soggetta e sui giudizi formulati dalla critica, prendendo parallelamente in considerazione i principali studi sull'argomento realizzati in anni recenti. Ad essere posti in primo piano sono gli aspetti di costruzione del racconto e le modulazioni della voce narrante, allo scopo di indagare non solo la portata emotiva delle patografie, ma anche e soprattutto lo specifico valore di oggetti letterari rintracciabile in questi testi