146 research outputs found


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    福建省重点科技资助项目!第98 Z 179


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    福建省重点科技资助项目!第98 Z 179


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    Underway observation of surface temperature and salinity in north South China Sea in September 2006

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    通过2006年9月南海北部开放航次的走航观测,得到了该海区多个断面的表层温度、盐度分布曲线。QuikScat海面风场资料显示观测期间处于西南季风向东北季风的转换阶段,走航观测所得的温、盐资料显示出在这一季风转换的特殊阶段该海区表层的水文特征。珠江口冲淡水的扩散范围在季风转向前后有显著的变化,低盐的冲淡水在西南季风阶段向珠江口外海区的东南方延伸较远,而在东北季风阶段则受珠江径流量、南海北部表层环流等因素的影响收缩至珠江口附近。闽南近岸和台湾浅滩南部表层具有低温高盐特征,但CTD资料表明台湾浅滩区域存在上升流,结合风场资料,可证实观测期间此处的上升流由海流-地形因素所造成。Based on the underway observation data of Joint Survey of Northern South China Sea in September 2006,the distributions of surface temperature and salinity along several sections were obtained.The sea surface wind field data from QuikScat indicated that September was the conversion period from southwest wind to northeast wind in 2006,and the temperature and salinity data obtained from the underway observation could give a clear demonstration of the hydrological character of the northern South China Sea during this special period.The extension of diluted water near the estuary of Zhujiang River had a major change after the monsoon conversion.During the phase of southwest monsoon,the diluted water could extend to the southeast to a larger distance;while the diluted water was confined to the nearby area of the estuary in the northeast monsoon.In the inshore area off south Fujian and southern part of Taiwan Bank there existed cold and high salinity waters.It was proved by the CTD data that an upwelling was active in the southern part of Taiwan Bank.Considering the northeast monsoon,it could be confirmed that this upwelling was driven by the current-topography effect.国家自然科学基金项目(40576015,40521003,40576013

    A preliminary analysis of variation of the Kuroshio axis during tropical cyclone

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    利用卫星高度计资料分析了热带气旋“艾碧“(AbE,9315)、“贝姬“(bECky,9316)、“莫拉克“(MOrAkOT,0309)和“茉莉“(MElOr,0319)对吕宋海峡及其附近海域黑潮流轴的影响。研究表明:1)吕宋海峡附近海域黑潮流轴容易受到热带气旋的影响而发生一定的变化。2)在热带气旋的作用下,黑潮流轴因中尺度涡的变异而变化;当吕宋海峡东侧的暖涡西移时,将使黑潮的流轴向西弯曲,有利于黑潮在该处的入侵。The impacts of tropical cyclones Abe(9315),Becky(9316),Morakot(0309) and Melor(0319) on the Kuroshio axis near the Luzon Strait are analyzed using satellite altimeter data.The results are as follows.1) As affected by tropical cyclone,the Kuroshio axis can be easily shifted.2) Under the influence of tropical cyclone,the Kuroshio axis changes due to the variation of mesoscale eddy.As the warm eddy in the east of the Luzon Strait moves westward,the Kuroshio axis bends to the west,which is conducive to the Kuroshio’s intrusion through the Luzon Strait.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20090121110002);国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2007CB411803、2009CB421208);国家自然科学基金项目(40976013、40821063);中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室开放课题(200304

    Observation of upwelling and diluted water in southern Taiwan Strait during July,2005

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    根据2005年7月台湾海峡西南部海域CTD观测数据,绘制出相关温盐分布图,分析了调查期间该海域的温盐分布特征。结果表明,调查期间东山海域、南澳海域以及台湾浅滩东南侧海域存在明显的上升流现象;在近岸上层,一股较强的冲淡水从西南部进入该海域并影响至台湾浅滩。Based on the CTD data of the southern Taiwan Strait obtained during July 2005,the sectional distributions of temperature and salinity in the studied area were drawn and analyzed.The results showed that:(1) upwelling appeared near the coastal areas of Dongshan and Nan'ao and around the Taiwan Bank;and(2) in the upper layer,fresh water came from the southwest and tongued into the investigated area,affecting the Taiwan Bank.国家自然科学基金项目(40331004,40576015,40521003


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    Responses of upper layer of northern South China Sea to two locally-generated tropical cyclones

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    应用Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计海面高度距平(SSHA)资料以及TMI的逐日海表温度数据,对两个局地生成的热带气旋(1999年台风LEO和2000年台风WUKONG)引起的南海北部海洋响应过程进行研究。结果表明,在热带气旋影响下,海面高度显著降低,SSHA平均减少30cm,流场上出现气旋型环流,海表温度显著降低,降低幅度为2℃左右,在其尾迹上出现冷涡;相对于降温过程,海表温度的恢复过程非常缓慢;热带气旋强度突变或移行较缓时易引起海洋的强烈响应,这种响应的空间和时间尺度都较大,持续时间至少1周,发生响应的海域范围也很广,甚至可以跨越3个纬度的距离。Responses of upper layer of the northern South China Sea to two locally-generated tropical cyclones have been studied by using the data derived from Topex/Poseidon altimeter and SST data from TRMM Microwave Imager(TMI).The two tropical cyclones are typhoon LEO from April 27th to May 2nd in 1999 and typhoon WUKONG from September 5th to September 10th in 2000.The following results are obtained.The sea surface height decreased and a geostrophic current appeared under the influence of the tropical cyclones.SST decreased apparently and there were cold eddies in the wakes of the tropical cyclones.Compared with the process of SST decreasing,it took longer time,about one week,for SST to recover.The sea surface height tended to show an intense response when there were abrupt changes in the intensity of the tropical cyclones or when they moved slowly.These responses appeared to have large spacial and temporal scales.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40576015,40576015);; 中国海洋大学物理海洋学教育部重点实验室开放课题(200304

    Coastal Upwelling off Eastern Fujian\|Guangdong Detectedby Remote Sensing

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    通过对卫星遥感数据和航次资料的分析,对粤东沿岸2000年7月份的上升流现象进行了综合分析。结果表明:观测期间,珠江冲淡水向东扩展的趋势很明显,与此同时,粤东沿岸(116°E)以东附近沿岸海域的水团具有低温、高盐的性质,显示了沿岸上升流的存在。通过对卫星遥感海表温度(SST)和风场的比较可知,上升流强度和风场的变化密切相关,海面风场平行岸分量的变化是夏季该上升流强度发生改变的重要原因。Based on satellite remote sensing data and the shipboard measurements taken in July 2000, upwelling phenomena off Fujian\|Guangdong coast are analyzed. The results reveal that during the investigation, the Pearl River runoff extended eastward evidently. Meanwhile, the surface water mass to the east of 116°E has characteristics of low temperature, high salinity and high density, which indicate the existence of coastal upwelling. By the analysis of AVHRR SST and QuikSCAT wind field, it is also manifested that there is a close relationship between the upwelling intensity and the sea surface wind field. The variations of alongshore components of sea surface wind field have important influence on the intensity of the coastal upwelling广东省自然科学基金项目032609;; 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目G1999043806;; 国家高技术研究发展计划探索课题2002AA63925