146 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of OA System for Mukamu Society

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    中国新疆维吾尔木卡姆是世界“人类非物质文化遗产”,也是中华传统文化的瑰宝。木卡姆涉及文学艺术、边疆历史、人文科学、人生哲理等文化内涵。利用其资源,以“音像化、数字化、网络化”等手段向世人传播是当前紧迫任务。 本文介绍中国维吾尔古典文学和木卡姆学会简况,阐述课题研究的背景和意义,分析国内外研究现状,描述课题研究方法和研究路线。论文采用软件工程思想、工作流技术和数据库技术,分析与设计了中国维吾尔古典文学和木卡姆学会办公自动化系统。论文的主要研究工作还包括业务需求分析、业务流程分析、系统用例分析、功能需求分析、性能需求分析、系统目标分析、系统架构设计、系统逻辑模型设计、模块功能设计、数据库设计和核...It has been named by world “Intangible Heritage of Humanity ”China Xinjiang Uygur Muqam is a treasure of traditional Chinese culture. The Maqam involved literature and art, history, humanities, philosophy and other cultural connotation. It’s an urgent task the spread of the world heritageuse of its resources the means to the “audio-visual, digital, network” etc. This dissertation described the In...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123013


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    The Impact of Political Ideology on Literary Translation: On the Chinese Translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

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    [[abstract]]Itamar Even-Zohar argues in his polysystem theory that, in a given literary system, translated literature becomes one of its most important activities to assume the central position of a literature when there are turning points, crises, or literary vacuums in it. Translated literature is then correlated with other co-systems of the target culture, such as political, economic and socio-cultural systems, to adopt specific norms, behaviors and policies to function as expected. For example, translated literature could be subservient to the dominant political ideology. The British translation theorist Theo Hermans, known as the initiator of the idea of “manipulation” in translation studies, claims that all translation implies a degree of manipulation of the source text for a certain purpose. Andre Lefevere continues to argue that translations can be realized through rewriting and refraction of the original. He points out the literary image established by translation is dominated by the ideology of the translator or the patronage and the dominant poetics in the target culture. Such legitimate and canonized literary repertoire accepted by the ruling class is usually inseparable from major historic events or special contexts. “Anti-communist literature” is recognized as the cultural hegemony of Taiwan’s dominant literature in the 1950s. At the time, the political ideology based on Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Three Principles of the People” gradually occupied the dominant position of Taiwan’s cultural polysystem. The values defended and opposed by George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four were both compatible with the political interests of the KMT National Government and the U.S. Government in the 1950s. The Chinese translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four was soon published in Taiwan in 1950 as a result. This thesis, on the basis of Andre Lefevere’s rewriting theory, is aimed to discuss how the Chinese translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four was completed through approaches like abridgment, rewriting, reduction and abbreviation in accordance with the dominant political ideology within the literary policies implemented in Taiwan in the 1950s.

    Effects of iron electrovalence and species on growth and astaxanthin production of Haematococcus pluvialis

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    Corresponding author. [email protected] increase the cell concentration and the accumulation of astaxanthin in the cultivation of Haematococcus pluvialis, effects of different iron electrovalencies (Fe2+-EDTA and Fe3+-EDTA) and species (Fe-EDTA, Fe(OH) 3x2xand FeC6H5O7) addition on cell growth and accumulation of astaxanthin were studied. Results show that different iron electrovalencies have various effects on cell growth and astaxanthin accumulation of H. pluvialis. Compared with Fe3+-EDTA, Fe2+-EDTA stimulate more effectively the formation of astaxanthin. The maximum astaxanthin content (30.70 mg/g biomass cell) was obtained under conditions of 18 μmol/L Fe2+-EDTA, despite the lower cell density (2.3×105 cell/ml) in such condition. Fe3+-EDTA is more effective than Fe2+-EDTA in improving the cell growth. Especially, the maximal steady-state cell density, 2.9×105 cell/ml was obtained at 18 μmol/L Fe3+-EDTA addition. On the other hand, all the various species of iron (EDTA-Fe, 32x x Fe(OH) , FeC6H5O7) are capable to improve the growth of the algae and astaxanthin production. Among the three iron species, FeC6H5O7 performed the best. Under the condition of a higher concentration (36 μmol/L) of FeC6H5O7, the cell density and astaxanthin production is 2 and 7 times higher than those of iron-limited group, respectively. The present study demonstrates that the effects of the stimulation with different iron species increased in the order of FeC6H5O7,32x x Fe(OH) and EDTA-Fe.Supported by Xiamen Scientific and Technologic Projects (No.3052Z20031086); Xiamen University Alumni Association Foundation in Singapore;the First National College Students Innovative Experimental Projec

    Surveillance of foodborne pathogenic bacteria contamination in instant food in Jiayuguan

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    目的了解甘肃省嘉峪关市即食食品中食源性致病菌的污染状况,为食源性疾病预防、控制提供科学依据。方法从选定的监测点和采样场所定期随机采样,按样品原有储存温度要求在最短时间内送达实验室,按《全国食源性致病菌监测工作手册》和gb 4789.10—2010《食品安全国家标准》规定的程序和方法检测分离致病菌。结果全年共采集1 022份样品,检出致病菌119株,总检出率为11.64%;共对7种食源性致病菌进行检测分离,其中蜡样芽孢杆菌检出率最高,为18.12%;食源性致病菌检出率学校周边小铺和小型餐馆中较高,散装食品明显高于定型包装食品,第二季度、第三季度明显高于第一季度、第四季度。结论嘉峪关市售即食食品中食源性致病菌污染较为严重,以蜡样芽孢杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌污染为主,主要集中在米面制品、外卖配送午餐、盒饭、婴幼儿食品中。Objective To understand the contamination status of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in food in Jiayuguan,so as to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of foodborne disease.Methods Samples,which were regularly collected from the selected monitoring points and sampling sites the under the original storage temperature of the sample,were delivered to laboratory in the shortest time,and detected and isolated for the pathogens according to the program and method of the The National Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria Monitoring Manual and GB 4789.10—2012 The National Food Safety Standards.Results A total of 1 022 samples were collected in the whole year,and 119 foodborne pathogens were detected with an overall detection rate of 11.64%; 7 kinds of foodborne pathogenic bacteria were detected and isolated,and the highest detection rate was with Bacillus cereus( 18.12%); the detection rate of foodborne pathogenic bacteria was more severe in the shop around schools and the small restaurant; that in the unpacked foods was significantly higher than that in the packaged food; that in the second and the third quarter was higher than that in the first and the fourth quarter.Conclusion Food in Jiayuguan are heavily contaminated by foodborne pathogens,especially Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus,which were dominant in flour products,takeaway delivery lunch,the instant rice and infant food


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    isr@bucknell was a newsletter published by Bucknell University\u27s Information Services and Resources department (later Library and Information Technology). The publication served the community by providing software, project, and service updates. Regular features included a letter from the Associate Vice President for Information Services and Resources, the Ask ISR column, and featured ISR web pages. This issue includes the following articles: Blackboard Rocks, Faculty Focus, The Company We Keep, Appletree Alley, Citation Searching is Here, Bucknell Banner Web, Ask ISR


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    厦门市科技项目(3052Z20031086); 国家大学生创新性实验计划(2007); 福建省大学生创新性实验计划(2007); 厦门大学大学生创新性实验计划(2007); 新加坡厦门大学校友基金会项目(2007)资

    Synthesis of Ethyl Carboxylate

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    报道了合成苯甲酸乙酯的新方法,并对不同一元羧酸乙酯的合成进行研究.应用该方法,可使反应时间大为缩短,产率也显著提高.同时对影响反应产率诸多因素进行了探讨,找出最佳反应条件.A improved method for synthesis of ethyl benzoate was developed.And then,an extended application to the synthesis of some ethyl carboxylates was studied.This new method displayed excellent performance for ethyl carboxylates from carboxylic acid and alcohol with higher yield and shorter reaction time.Moreover,the factors on reaction and optimization of reaction conditions were investigated.国家基础科学人才培养基金(J0630429)资


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    采用颗粒阻尼技术对驾驶室座椅进行减振,提高其振动舒适性;选择与驾驶室底板和座椅连接的基座作为颗粒阻尼器,建立了基座阻尼器的离散元模型;模拟整车在发动机最高转速下的振动环境,针对不同阻尼器方案(颗粒材质、阻尼器分层数、颗粒粒径和颗粒填充率),通过离散元仿真计算逐一进行耗能分析,得到了最优方案;对实物模型进行试验,对比原结构与增加阻尼颗粒后基座的加速度均方根,确认减振效果,将试验与仿真计算结果进行趋势对比,验证了离散元模型的可行性;在实际样车试验中应用最优方案,采集了座椅在发动机不同转速下的响应,进行了数据分析;针对最高转速的工况,进行了人体振动暴露的舒适性分析。研究结果表明:从频域图的单峰最大值来看,减振前座椅最大加速度响应出现在425 Hz处的0.643 4 m·s-2,安装颗粒阻尼器后最大值为25 Hz处的0.087 5 m·s-2;从时域图来看,当发动机转速分别为750、1 110、1 470、1 830、2 200 r·min-1时,安装颗粒阻尼器后座椅加速度均方根综合减幅分别达到24.2%、29.6%、34.7%、39.2%、46.0%,发动机转速越高,颗粒阻尼器的减振效果越好;安装颗粒阻尼器后各频段舒适性界限时长均有大幅度增加,频段为3.1和4.0 Hz时,安装颗粒阻尼器后舒适性界限时长均提升了1.50倍,为20 Hz时,安装颗粒阻尼器后舒适性界限时长提升了1.57倍。国家自然科学基金项目(51875490)厦门市科技计划项目(3202Z20173021)厦门市交通基础设施智能管养工程技术研究中心开放基金项目(TCIMI201813)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(20720180063