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    The present author discusses, within a system in which the maintenance of the present condition is the principle, issues concerning the protection of intangible folk cultural properties that do not fit into this principle because “change” is inevitable. First, the author considers the concept of and the necessity for the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, the basis upon which designation of intangible cultural properties is made. Then he considers the significance of transmitting cultural properties that are unavoidably subject to change. “Change” of intangible cultural properties is generally regarded negatively as being directly connected to the loss of their values. However, by studying cases of festivals in which floats are used and which are designated important intangible folk cultural properties the author proposes debating these issues from another point of view, to reexamine the positive aspects of “change”. These issues have been considered topics for discussion until now, but they have not been dealt with fully. Of course, study has been made mainly in the field of folk performing arts with some results, but study in the field of manners and customs lags considerably. With the establishment of UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, these issues have become urgent and important topics that should be dealt with in all fields of intangible folk cultural properties. This paper is a part of an attempt to pursue further progress for the protection of intangible folk cultural properties under such circumstances


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    This paper follows the one presented in the previous volume, “Protection of ‘Intangible’ Cultural Properties ― With Focus on Folk Performing Arts,” and aims to review the system of protection of cultural properties which are intangible in Japan. Although there is an increased movement toward the protection of intangible cultural heritage throughout the world, the author thinks that Japan is not actively responding to the expectations of other nations. The reason for this seems to lie in the fact that a principle of protection that takes into consideration cultural properties of Japan which are intangible as a whole has not been constructed. Based on such an idea, the author attempts to capture integrally the protection of intangible cultural properties and that of intangible folk cultural properties, which at the present are conducted under separate systems, and to find a clue to solving various related issues. In this paper, the author first verifies the present condition of the protection of intangible cultural properties and of intangible folk cultural properties from the point of view of the system of subsidy provided by the government, and presents several issues that arise as a result. He further attempts to capture integrally the protection of these two types of cultural properties, based on a scheme of cultural properties which are intangible. In addition, he examines the issue of the system for selecting cultural properties which are intangible and for which measures should be taken for documentation. In particular he focuses on the characteristics of intangible cultural properties and intangible folk cultural properties both of which are found in folk performing arts and folk techniques, and proposes flexible application of the system of designation and the system of selection for documentation. In addition, he suggests a plan for utilizing the system of selection for documentation of intangible cultural properties as a topic for future consideration


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    Changes are inevitable to intangible cultural properties. For this reason, when intangible cultural properties are witnessed by people, some changes would have happened from before. Events that are performed under the name of “tradition” as if nothing has changed are not exceptional. Such phenomena are evident when one studies Toba no Himatsuri in detail. It is probably not only because of unavoidable factors that intangible folk cultural properties, which are enacted by people, are subject to inevitable change. The strong will of the community embedded in the name of “tradition” may also be a factor. To put it in concrete terms, it is a different way of interpreting the significance of elements that constitute events. It is a different way of interpreting the expected roles of events. Of course, such interpretations may not progress uniformly or smoothly. Only those events the interpretation of whose significances have been successfully changed can survive. This paper proposes the possibility of changes in the interpretation of folk cultural properties that are intangible by presenting a record of an event that the author observed which forms the basis for his making such a proposal


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    マルウェアによる脅威が多く発見されており,それに対する対抗策として,アンチウイルスソフトウェア等のセキュリティシステムによって OS のセキュリティを高める手法が一般的となっている.しかし,セキュリティシステム自体を無効化するマルウェアも存在し,OS 上での対策は限界がある.この問題を解決方法として,仮想マシンモニタ (VMM) を用いてセキュリティ処理を施す方法が存在する.VMM を用いてセキュリティ処理を施す方法では,仮想マシン (VM) 上で OS を動かし,VMM層で OS の挙動を解析して OS のセキュリティを高める.この方法を用いたシステムは,元々は OSのセキュリティを高めるために作られた一般ユーザが対象のシステムであったが,VM 上でマルウェアと思われるプログラムを実際に動かし,その挙動を監視する VM 上でのマルウェアの動的解析に使用するというマルウェア解析者が対象のシステムにも応用でき,研究されている.マルウェアの動的解析に利用する場合,実環境とはかけ離れた環境の場合に動作を止めるマルウェアも存在するため,マルウェアの動的解析に用いる VMM はより実環境に近い環境であることが望ましい.より実環境に近い環境を提供する VMMとしては,BitVisor がある.BitVisor は実環境に近い環境を提供しつつ,デバイスへの I/O を監視できる機能をもつ.しかし,BitVisor はマルウェアの動的解析をするのに相応しい環境を提供しているが,マルウェアによって壊された環境を元の状態に戻す機能は提供していない.そこで本研究では,BitVisor に対して OS の状態をチェックポイントとして保存,復元できる機能を提案する.チェックポイントとして保存,復元するものはディスク内にあるデータであるディスクデータとメモリ上にあるデータであるメモリデータである.また,OS の状態の保存,復元の適切なタイミングは,使用するユーザが一番知っていると考え,OS の状態の保存,復元のトリガーは,任意のタイミングで OS のユーザレベルから引くことができるといった手法を用いる.我々はこの機能を BitVisor に実装してベンチマークによる実行時間のオーバヘッドを測定,評価し,提案システム導入後のオーバヘッドが実用に耐えられるレベルであることを確認した.電気通信大学201

    Resilience of Rural Farmers and Approaches for Clarifying Capacity: The Level of Household Livelihood

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    Resilience, in the context of this study, refers to insusceptibility to damage and the ability to recover after damage. Insusceptibility has two aspects, comprising robustness and flexibility in response to shock. This study sought to clarify the relationships between resilience and several other important concepts. Here, I describe an approach for clarifying the capacity for resilience. In addition, I examine the sequence of adaptation and coping behavior in the time period following a specific shock, with a particular focus on the resilience of rural farmers at the level of household livelihood

    Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Related Topics : Proceedings of the workshop on Representation Theory, September 15,16, 2012 JOSAI UNIVERSITY

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    We give an introduction to the Gauss hypergeometric function, the hypergeometric equation and their properties in an elementary way. Moreover we explicitly and uniformly describe the connection coefficients, the reducibility of the equation and the monodromy group of the solutions.Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Related Topics : Proceedings of the workshop on Representation Theory, September 15,16, 2012 JOSAI UNIVERSITY / edited by Masatoshi IIDA, Takeyoshi KOGISO, Haruko NISHI, Kiyoko NISHIZAWA. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33C05; Secondary 32S40, 34M35. Supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Researches (A), No. 20244008, Japan Society of Promotion of Science