989 research outputs found

    Review of Rita Felski, ed., Rethinking Tragedy.

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    Rita Felski, ed., Rethinking Tragedy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. x + 368 pp. ISBN 0801887390

    Time and Tragedy in Beth Henley’s The Jacksonian

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    In The Jacksonian, an autobiographical play set in Mississippi in 1964, Beth Henley filters a tragic action based on the Aristotelian model through the non-linear memory of Rosy, the play’s narrator and choric figure, as she tries not to remember that her father has killed her mother. Rosy’s father, Bill—a Girardian scapegoat figure contaminated by the racist violence of the community he lives in—is the protagonist of the tragic action. But Henley focuses on its effect on Rosy. A tragic event can occur only in progressive chronological time, but by circling around the murder in her memory, Rosy creates temporal stasis until finally the pressure of denial becomes unbearable and the murder takes place. Tragic inevitability is displaced from the formally tragic action to Rosy’s memory of it. A comparison of The Jacksonian with other dramas that incorporate tragic experience within a non-linear time scheme suggests that only in memory plays can tragedy as a genre exist in non-linear time

    Test_A il tuo mal di testa. Report d’indagine

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    In questo lavoro si riportano i principali risultati di una ricerca quantitativa volta a testare, attraverso la somministrazione di questionari a più livelli –pazienti (n= 2500) e medici (n= 100) -un semplice strumento di misurazione della percezione individuale della ricorrenza e della gravità del sintomo delle cefalee, dell’utilizzo di farmaci e del ricorso alle strutture sanitarie di riferimento (Farmacia, MMG e Centri Cefalee). L’indicatore di sintesi così costruito, denominato “Test_a”, si rivela in grado di guidare il paziente nella autovalutazione del livello di gravità del proprio sintomo e nel come affrontarlo; nello stesso tempo, lo strumento proposto può essere di ausilio a farmacisti e medici di medicina generale (MMG), potenziandone la capacità di intercettare, sensibilizzare e orientare il paziente stesso ad una corretta gestione di emicrania e cefaleaThis report contains the main results of a quantitative research aimed at testing a simple tool for detecting the individual perception of recurrence and the severity of the symptom of headaches and how it is dealt with in terms of drug use and the use of appropriate reference health structures (general practitioner and headache centers). The survey has been carried out in Italy, April-June 2017, on a sample of 2,500 patients of a total of 100 general practitioners. Two different questionnaires have been submitted, one self-compiled by the patient him/herself with items aimed at testing a measurement scale, and the second in front of the physician, in order to evaluate the level of clarity and satisfaction of the first card

    Magneto-optical characterization of MnxGe1-x alloys obtained by ion implantation

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    Magneto-optical Kerr effect hysteresis loops at various wavelengths in the visible/near-infrared range have been used to characterize the magnetic properties of alloys obtained by implanting Mn ions at fixed energy in a Ge matrix. The details of the hysteresis loops reveal the presence of multiple magnetic contributions. They may be attributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of the magnetic atoms and, in particular, to the known coexistence of diluted Mn in the Ge matrix and metallic Mn-rich nanoparticles embedded in it [Phys. Rev. B 73, 195207(2006)].Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. Proceeding of the International Conference on Magnetism. Kyoto, August 20-25 200

    Hospital Fall Prevention Using Interactive Patient Care Technology

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    The impact of patient engagement in hospital fall prevention using interactive patient care technology is not known. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the engagement of hospitalized patients in a computer-based, interactive patient care fall prevention pathway, comprised of a self-assessment of fall risk questionnaire and a fall prevention video, and hospital fall outcomes. The aims were to 1) formulate an interactive patient care technology conceptual framework to guide the study, 2) provide reliability and validity evidence for a patient self-assessment of fall risk questionnaire, and 3) explore the relationship between the fall prevention pathway engagement characteristics and a fall outcome. A conceptual framework for interactive patient care technology was developed and applied to the research investigation. The methodology included a retrospective, cross-sectional design using a convenience sample of 120 subjects to establish preliminary reliability and validity evidence for the patient self- assessment of fall risk questionnaire, and a matched 1:4 case-control design using 73 cases and 292 controls to examine the relationship between the fall prevention pathway engagement characteristics and a fall outcome. Findings indicated the patient self-assessment of fall risk questionnaire is reliable, with a Cronbach\u27s alpha of .73, and valid, with a statistically significant correlation to the nurses fall risk assessment tool, r (118) = .45, p \u3c .001. Using conditional logistic regression, length of stay, number of automatic video prompts, and fall prevention video completion status were significantly associated with a hospital fall. As length of stay increased by one day, the odds of a fall were 11% higher. With each additional automatic video prompt, the odds of a fall increased by a factor of 1.58. Cases were .38 times less likely to complete the fall prevention video than to complete it. Conclusions included an interactive fall prevention pathway promoted engagement and engagement at the empowerment level (video completion) prevented a fall. Limitations of this investigation included the use of secondary data, subject related assumptions, and the inability to generalize due to site, technology, and sample. This investigation contributes new knowledge regarding patient engagement in hospital fall prevention using interactive patient care technology

    Pengukuran Konsentrasi Partikel Asap Rokok Dengan Menggunakan P-trak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi partikel pada asap rokok pada beberapa sampel rokok yang menggunakan filter dan sampel rokok tersebut merupakan rokok yang beredar di Indonesia. Ada 4 sampel rokok berfilter yang digunakan yakni filter x, filter B, filter DE, dan filter DF. Jumlah konsentrasi partikel asap rokok diukur dengan menggunakan P-Track. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat bervariasi bergantung dari karakteristik filter yang ada pada masing-masing rokok tersebut. Konsentrasi partikel asap rokok yang terukur dengan menggunakan beberapa filter didapatkan bahwa dengan menggunakan Filter B akan mendapatkan konsentrasi partikel paling tinggi yaitu 384.100 pt/cc sedangkan Filter DE konsentrasi partikel 234.000 pt/cc untuk Filter DF konsentrasi partikel 204.400 pt/cc dan Filter X konsentrasi partikel 43.320 pt/cc. Faktor emisi partikel asap rokok yang dikeluarkan oleh batang rokok filter B lebih besar dibanding dengan filter lain oleh karena pada masing-masing filter memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda sehingga asap yang dikeluarkan akan sangat berbeda. Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui tingkat bahaya partikel asap rokok sebanding dengan banyaknya asap rokok yang masuk ke detector

    Razvoj simulacijskega modela Kanarskih otokov za strateško odločanje

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    This paper deals with the system dynamics model for decision-making, related to strategic decisions for the development of the Canary Islands. The quantitative model incorporates relevant variables, which affect the sustainable development of the quality of life on the Canary Islands. The relationship between the variables was formalized in the influence matrix. The influence diagram defines the connection between the elements of the matrix. The Following submodels were considered: Population, Tourism market, Agriculture, Environment, and GDP. The program package Powersim was used to build the simulation model. Several strategic scenarios are described and their dynamic response was analyzed. Presently the model is in the validation phase.The initial results are promising according to the positive validation results. Key words: system dynamics, simulation, model, decision support system, sustainable development, tourismPrispevek obravnava razvoj modela sistemske dinamike za podporo odločanju na strateškem nivoju pri razvoju Kanarskih otokov. Kvantitativno modeliranje zajema relevantne spremenljivke, ki vplivajo na trajnostni razvoj in kvaliteto življenja na Kanarskih otokih. Relacije med ključnimi spremenljivkami so bile formalno opredeljene s pomočjo matrike vpliva. Opredeljen je bil vzročno posledični diagram, ki določa povezavo med elementi matrike. Analizirani so bili pod-modeli populacije, turističnega trga, kmetijstva, okolja ter BDP. Programsko orodje Powersim je bilo uporabljeno pri simulaciji modela. Analiziranih ter opisanih je več simulacijskih scenarijev z odzivi. Trenutno je model v fazi validacije. Začetni rezultati obetajo pozitivne validacijski izid. Ključne besede: sistemska dinamika, simulacija, model, sistem za podporo odločanju, trajnostni razvoj, turize

    Sistem Kontrol Atap Otomatis Tempat Penjemuran Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino UNO dan Node Sensor

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk simulasi dan realisasi node sensor system control atap otomatis tempat penjemuran berbasis mikrokontroler. Node sensor yang dibangun terdiri atas mikrokontroler ArduinoUNO yang dirangkai denganbeberapa sensor seperti sensor suhu dan kelembaban, sensor hujan, sensor cahaya, dan motor servo. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen yakni dengan merancang perangkat lunak dan membangun perangkat keras. Pembacaan sensor hujan dan sensor cahaya dijadikan penentu untuk menutup dan membuka atap otomatis. Kinerja node sensor telah dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengan alat ukur terstandar. Hasil pengujian menunjukan node sensor sistemkontrol bekerja sesuai yang diharapkan. Node sensor mampu menutup dan membuka atap secara otomatis pada kondisi hujan dan/atau gelap dan kipas dinyalakan saat kondisi kelembaban melebihi nilai ambang batas yang ditetapkan.Research had been conducted to simulate and realize an automatic roof control system for drying warehouse based on microcontroller and sensor node. The sensor node is consisted of Arduino UNO microcontroller that is strung together with sensors for temperature and humidity, rain sensor, light sensor and motor servo. The research method was experimental with designing the software and  constructing the hardware. The rain sensor and the light sensors reading were fed to the microcontroller as an input to close and open the roof automatically. Sensor node performance then was analyzed and compared with the standardized instrument. The test result showed that sensor node was working as expected in which the sensor node can opened and closed  the roof automatically when it was raining in the dark condition. Moreover,  the fan was turned on when the humidity condition exceed the threshold value.Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk simulasi dan realisasi node sensor system control atap otomatis tempat penjemuran berbasis mikrokontroler. Node sensor yang dibangun terdiri atas mikrokontroler ArduinoUNO yang dirangkai denganbeberapa sensor seperti sensor suhu dan kelembaban, sensor hujan, sensor cahaya, dan motor servo. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen yakni dengan merancang perangkat lunak dan membangun perangkat keras. Pembacaan sensor hujan dan sensor cahaya dijadikan penentu untuk menutup dan membuka atap otomatis. Kinerja node sensor telah dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengan alat ukur terstandar. Hasil pengujian menunjukan node sensor sistemkontrol bekerja sesuai yang diharapkan. Node sensor mampu menutup dan membuka atap secara otomatis pada kondisi hujan dan/atau gelap dan kipas dinyalakan saat kondisi kelembaban melebihi nilai ambang batas yang ditetapkan

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukuran Kadar Alkohol Dan Suhu Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino UNO Untuk Destilasi Minuman Beralkohol

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    Dalam proses destilasi minuman tradisional beralkohol terdapat parameter fisis yang penting untuk diukur yakni suhu dan kadar alkohor. Pengukuran ini bertujuan untuk mengukur besaran fisis menjadi besaran yang terukur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat alat ukur suhu dan kadar alkohol untuk digunakan pada saat proses penyulingan berlangsung. Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan rancang bangun alat ukur dengan menggunakan dua buah sensor yakni LM35 sebagai sensor suhu dan MQ-3 sebagai sensor alcohol. Kemudian pembacaan sensor ini dihubungkan ke sistem akusisi data menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino UNO dan ditampilkan pada LCD. Alat ini kemudian di uji dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran dengan alat ukur yang lain, dari hasil diperoleh pada pengukuran suhu terdapat selisi pengukuran rata-rata 0.1oC sedangkan untuk pengukuran kadar alcohol di peroleh selisih pengukuran rata-rata 1% - 3%, sedangkan kesalahan relatif alat yang dibuat adalah 3,25%.In the process of distillation of traditional alcoholic beverages there are important physical parameters to measure i.e the temperature and the concentration alcohol. This measurement is intended to measure physical quantities into measurable quantities. This research is to develop an instrument to measure the temperature and the alcohol concentration during the distillation process. This research are began with designing the instrument employing two sensors i.e LM35 as temperature sensor and MQ-3 as alcohol sensor. Then the sensor readings is connected to a data acquisition system using the Arduino UNO Microcontroller and displayed on the LCD. The instrument then tested by comparing the measurement results with standard measurement tools, from the results obtained by the instrument there are a slight difference of 0.10 C while the alcohol concentration has a difference of 1% - 3%, while the relative error are 3.25%
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