1,406 research outputs found

    Unemployment in reforming countries: Causes, fiscal impacts and the success of transformation

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    The paper addresses and summarizes the role of unemployment in the transformation process from an economic system with a dominant state sector to a system with a dominant private sector. After reviewing the basic facts and some of the main explanations why unemployment is high during transition in countries of Central and Eastern Europe the role of unemployment and the fiscal problems due to unemployment is discussed within a model of economies of transition. The model highlights the ambivalent role of unemployment. On the one hand unemployment could jeopardize the transformation process when it reaches a critical value but on the other hand it could be regarded as an unavoidable byproduct and even a necessary device for the success of the whole process. After presenting the main features and conclusions of the model concerning the role of unemployment, another point of view, which lets doubt about the necessity and temporariness of 'transitional unemployment', will be discussed. --Central and Eastern Europe,transition,unemployment,restructuring,fiscal dynamics

    Research and Proof of Concept of Selected ISKE Highest Level Integrity Requirements

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    Informatsiooni turvalisus on saamas üha olulisemaks tänapäeva ühiskonnas, kus üha rohkem protsesse ja tegevusi digitaliseeritakse ja andmed liiguvad paberilt bittideks ja baitideks digitaalsele kujule. Eesti riigi- ja avalikud asutused koguvad ja töötlevad informatsiooni, et tagada kõrgetasemelisi teenuseid, täita põhiseaduse kohustusi või rahvusvahelisi lepinguid. Avalik sektor Eestis peab täitma andmete käitlemisel informatsiooni turvalisuse standardi Infosüsteemide turvameetmete süsteemi ISKE nõudeid kolmes teguris: käideldavus, terviklus ja konfidentsiaalsus.Käesolev töö võtab tervikluse valdkonna detailsema uurimise alla, et saavutada ISKE meetmete täitmine ja turvaeesmärkide saavutamine, millised on nõutud kõrgeima terviklusega andmetele. Analüüsides ISKE tervikluse valdkonda ja luues mitmekülgse kontseptsiooni teostuse tõestamise projekti turvanõuete realiseerimise meetmetele on võimalik suurendada arendajate ja ISKE rakendamise partnerite teadlikkust saavutamaks parem informatsiooni turvalisus.Information security becomes more and more important in today's society, where more processes and operations will be digitised and data moves from paper to bits and bytes and receive digital form. In Estonia state and public institutions are collecting and processing information for providing high level services, fulfilling state needs on constitutional tasks or international contracts. Public sector in Estonia must apply information security standard IT Baseline Security System ISKE requirements in three factors: availability, integrity and confidentiality of processed data.This work takes integrity domain under detail research to meet ISKE requirements and security objectives demanded for data with highest integrity needs. By analysing integrity domain of ISKE and providing versatile proof of concept about solution for implementing security controls, it is possible to increase awareness of software developers and ISKE implementation participants to achieve better security of information

    Combustion of Shelled Corn in a Small-Scale Fluidized Bed

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    Fluidized bed combustion is an attractive method of extracting energy from a wide variety of fuels. This study analyzed operating parameters for shelled corn combustion in a 15.2 cm diameter, 44-kW atmospheric fluidized bed burner. Variables studied include sand particle size distribution, fuel particle size, moisture, air/fuel ratio, and bed depth. Increasing moisture from 16% to 22% reduced bottom bed temperature slightly, without significantly changing the rest of the bed profile temperatures. Increasing bed depth from 0.58 m to 0.71 m reduced the freeboard temperature while increasing heat energy in the sand bed. A system based reaction rate constant was developed and mass loss profiles and residence times of the various particle sizes were determined. Solving an energy balance for the system, k values (reaction rates) gave 0.3 min-1 for whole shelled corn and 0.4 min-1 or greater for particles sizes smaller than 5.7 mm. Combustion characteristics, chemical and physical properties, and fluidization behavior of whole and cracked shelled corn are presented. In particular, the activation energy for ground corn was found to be 68,630 J/mol using ASTM E 1641-04. Combustion efficiencies ranged from 93-99% for particles smaller than 5.7 mm and approximately 85% for the whole shelled corn. It should be noted that feed rates were the fixed variable, so excess air was lower for the whole shelled corn. More studies to control the air-fuel ratio are needed. Design strategies for the fluidized bed combustor including bed material and size, available air flow, and air/fuel ratios are discussed

    Appealability of District Court Orders Granting or Denying Stays of Arbitration under 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(a)(1)

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    Treatment Components and Mechanisms of Change in Guided Self-Help for Parents of Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems

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    Although self-help parent management training represents an effective form of treatment with low barriers for families, little is known about how change is induced. The present thesis analyzed treatment components and process mechanisms of telephone-assisted self-help parent management training with a behavioral basis and a nondirective basis for child externalizing behavior problems. In a randomized controlled trial, parents of children aged 4 to 11 years with externalizing behavior problems were allocated to telephone-assisted self-help parent management training with a behavioral basis or a nondirective basis, including self-help booklets and therapist consultations via telephone. The per-protocol sample included 108 families. Based on existing measures and predefined psychometric criteria, the Therapist Intervention Scale (TIS) was developed to analyze treatment components in the self-help booklets and the audiotaped telephone consultations. Furthermore, a potential mediating effect of therapist behavior on child outcomes was examined. From an exploratory perspective, parental adherence was analyzed as a potential sequential mediator following therapist behavior. Exploratory factor analyses suggested the formation of the TIS scales Guidance & Structures as well as Relationship & Emotions. Reliability indices were acceptable to excellent. Indices for construct validity were mostly in line with the hypotheses. As expected, therapists and booklets showed a stronger emphasis on guidance and structures in the behavioral intervention and a stronger emphasis on the emotions and relationships in the nondirective intervention. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the group effect on child attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder severity and functional impairment was mediated by therapists’ emphasis on emotions and relationships in the nondirective intervention. The exploratory sequential mediation analyses indicated a potential sequential mediation effect of parental adherence following therapist behavior. We did not find a mediation effect for therapists’ emphasis on guiding and structuring or for the behavioral intervention. In conclusion, the analyses support the reliability as well as the validity of the self-developed TIS scales. In accordance with their theoretical basis, the two interventions showed distinct treatment profiles. The findings underline the importance of therapists’ emphasis on emotions and relationships for change in child outcomes as a potential unique process mechanism in the nondirective intervention and complement findings on process mechanisms of the behavioral intervention. Future research might analyze additional mediators of change and include potential moderators in one model, which might deepen our understanding of the process mechanisms underlying treatment approaches

    Arbeitswissenschaftliche Aspekte des Arbeitszeitregimes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Problemen der Arbeitszeitverkürzung

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    "Das Thema "Arbeitszeit" steht im Spannungsfeld naturwissenschaftlich-technisch-ökonomischer Denk- und Argumentationsweisen und ethisch-moralischer Sinn- und Wertkategorien. Alle Aspekte einer Arbeitszeitgestaltung müssen unter dem Gesichtspunkt gesehen werden, daß die Arbeit im menschlichen Dasein eine anthropologische Notwendigkeit von existentieller Dimension ist und einen Kernbestandteil der Menschenwürde darstellt. Die Behandlung der Arbeitszeitfrage muß stets in der Wechselwirkung von Arbeit, Freizeit, beruflicher Bildung und Erholung gesehen werden, wobei aus betrieblicher Sicht Fragen des Arbeitszeitregimes gekoppelt mit arbeitsgestalterischen Möglichkeiten besondere Beachtung verdienen. Die Qualität der Arbeitszeit bestimmt in wesentlichem Maße die Qualität der Freizeit mit. Die Arbeitswissenschaft kann von ihrem programmatischen Anspruch her in besonderer Weise einen wertvollen Beitrag zu Fragen des Arbeitszeitregimes leisten, wozu sie auch durch die gesetzlichen Auflagen in den §§ 90/91 BVG u.a. gesetzliche Bestimmungen verpflichtet ist. Im Vordergrund stehen ergonomische Erkenntnisse, die noch am weitesten dem Anspruch nach gesicherten Erkenntnissen der Arbeitswissenschaft genügen. Die darüber hinausweisenden sozialen, gesellschaftlichen, ethischmoralischen Dimensionen werden ansatzweise angedeutet und bedürfen noch weitergehender Untersuchungen." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitszeitverkürzung, Arbeitszeitgestaltung, Ergonomie, Arbeitswissenschaft

    Sonographically controlled minimally-invasive A1 pulley release using a new guide instrument - a case series of 106 procedures in 64 patients.

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    BACKGROUND With percutaneous and minimally-invasive pulley release becoming more popular, safety and reliability of such minimally-invasive procedures remain a concern. Visualization of the technical steps by ultrasound suggests increased safety but shows the potential for harm to tendons, nerves and vessels without proper instrumentation. We present the results of implementing a sonographically guided minimally-invasive procedure in 106 trigger digits of 64 patients between 2018-2021. METHODS A guide instrument for use with a commercially available hook knife was developed and tested in 16 cadaver hands. Due to complication early in our clinical series this guide was modified in due course. A revised design of the guide has been in use since November 2019 with improved performance and safety. RESULTS One hundred six procedures in 64 patients were performed. After guide revision, we report a success rate of 97.3%. Complications after instrument revision include two cases of incomplete pulley release and one case of inadvertent skin laceration. The majority of patients report returning to all strenuous activities within two weeks at most apart from four individuals with prolonged postoperative discomfort. CONCLUSION We present the results of the development and implementation of a novel guide instrument for use with a hook knife to treat trigger finger. Despite several limitations of this study, we show that sonographically controlled, minimally-invasive A1 pulley release can be performed safely and effectively with appropriate surgical instruments and practice

    Species abundance and diversity of predatory arthropods in different agricultural landscape elements

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    Magistritöö teema on seotud projektiga QuESSA (i.k. Quantification of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Agriculture; e.k. Ökosüsteemi teenuste roll jätkusuutlikus põllumajanduses). Uurimistöö eesmärkideks oli välja selgitada, kas ja kuidas mõjutavad erinevad maastikuelemendid röövtoiduliste lülijalgsete arvukust ja taksonoomilist koosseisu ning kas see sõltub püsivate maastikuelementide rohkusest. Selleks uuriti, millised röövtoiduliste lülijalgsete rühmad esinevad erinevate looduslike alade osakaaludega maastikul asuvatel kultuurpõldudega piirnevatel maastikuelementidel. Andmete kogumine toimus 2013. a. Tartumaal. Enamus kultuurpõllud (27 põldu 34 põllust) olid talirapsi tootmispõllud. Entomoloogilise materjali kogumiseks kasutati pinnasepüüniseid, mis tühjendati 48 tunni möödudes. Kokku leiti pinnasepüünistest 27 773 isendit 32 taksonist. Kõige arvukamalt esines röövtoidulistest lülijalgsetest ämblikulaadseid, jooksiklasi ja lühitiiblasi. Röövtoiduliste lülijalgsete arvukuses leiti erinevusi nii maastikuelementide võrdluses (kõrgeim haljaskesal ja madalaim heinamaal ja metsas) kui ka erineva looduslike alade osakaaluga vaatlusalade võrdluses (kõrgeim keskmise looduslike alade osakaaluga maastikes ja sarnane kõrge ja madala looduslike alade osakaaluga maastikes). Ämblikulaadsete arvukus oli kõrgeim keskmise looduslike alade osakaaluga maastikes ning maastikuelementidest toetas ämblikulaadsete arvukust enim haljaskesa tüüpi maastikuelement. Lühitiiblaste arvukus oli aga suurim kõrge looduslike alade osakaaluga vaatlusaladel, maastikuelementide võrdluses arvukuses erinevusi ei esinenud. Jooksiklaste arvukuses vaatlusalade lõikes erinevusi ei esinenud, maastikuelementide võrdluses oli kõrgeim arvukus rohumaaribadel. Jooksiklaste liigilise mitmekesisuse arvutamiseks kasutati Shannoni indeksit. Üldiselt olid indeksi väärtused samas suurusjärgus teiste varasemate agraarmaastikus läbiviidud katsete tulemustega. Käesoleva töö tulemuste põhjal erinevusi jooksiklaste mitmekesisuses ei leitud maastikuelementide ega erineva looduslike alade osakaaluga vaatlusalade lõikes. Töö tulemused ja arutelu lubavad põllupidajale soovitada põllupeenarde rajamist ja erinevate maastikuelementide planeerimisel arvestada, et röövtoiduliste lülijalgsete poolt pakutavate ökosüsteemi teenuste jõudmiseks põllule, on agraarmaastikus olulised nii lineaarsed kui ka areaalsed maastikuelemendid.This Master´s thesis is a part of the project QuESSA (Quantification of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Agriculture). The research aims were to determine whether and how different landscape elements affect predatory arthropod abundance and taxonomic composition and whether these depend on the percentage of natural and semi-natural areas (nature value) in the agricultural landscape. The taxonomic composition, abundance of predatory arthropods and diversity of ground beetles (Carabidae) were studied in different landscape elements bordering agricultural fields. Out if the 34 fields 27 were winter oilseed rape fields. The experiment was carried out in Tartu County in the summer of 2013, using pitfall traps that were emptied after 48 hours. Altogether 27,773 individuals belonging to 32 different taxa were collected. The results demonstrated that the abundance of predatory arthropods was the highest in fallows and lowest in herbaceous areal elements and forest edges. The abundance of predatory arthropods was the greatest in those landscape sectors where the percentage of natural and semi-natural areas was intermediate. The abundance of arachnids (Arachnida) was the highest also in landscapes with an intermediate proportion of natural and semi-natural habitats and at local level the abundance was most supported by fallow type non-crop elements. The abundance of rove beetles (Staphylinidae) was greatest in landscapes were the proportion of natural and semi-natural areas was high, but no differences appeared in the comparison of different landscape elements. Contrarily to rove beetles, the abundance of ground beetles did not differ between different proportions of natural and semi-natural areas but at local level the abundance was most supported by the linear herbaceous element. The diversity of carabids was measured by the Shannon-Wiener Syn. Shannon-Weaver index. No significant variations were found in the comparison of different nature value landscape sectors or landscape elements