1,228 research outputs found

    Programar notificaciones en Unity 3D para Plugin de CoAP-Californium

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    Advances in new technologies have opened up a large field of possibilities and fields of research. Today we live surrounded by devices that are connected to the internet wherever we look. Among them are the sensors, which will be the basis of this project. We can find sensors in any device around us, they have different functionalities, in our case, for this project, its functionality will alert us of any data collected that is out of the ordinary. For this we will have an Arduino board placed strategically in the environment to be monitored and through a mobile application we will be able to monitor the values of these sensors remotely. Our Arduino board will act as a server in our case, and the client will be the user through the mobile application. In this project different solutions will be proposed with their pros and cons and finally I will present the most appropriate solution that will be the one we finally apply

    Col·laboració 2.0: El futur de la divulgació científica

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    La divulgació científica ha d’afrontar un nou escenari on l’escassetat d’informació ha estat substituïda per l’abundància d’informació, que a més comença a ser generalment gratuïta i produïda per aficionats i, en alguns casos, amb la mateixa o superior qualitat que la professional. Sembla imposar-se, en conseqüència, una col·laboració entre l’àmbit professional i l’aficionat, àmbits separats per una línia divisòria que ja s’ha desdibuixat

    Influencias del nuevo aeropuerto el dorado en las aerolíneas

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    Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de los servicios que presta el aeropuerto El Dorado a las aerolíneas y en el efecto que ha tenido la entrada en la Opain S.A. a través del contrato suscrito con la Aerocivil. Se identifican los aspectos relevantes que ha tenido esta concesión, como se compone y que marco legal corresponde a este tipo de contrato. De acuerdo a esto se identifican las barreras impone Opain a los mercados que el aeropuerto puede tener de acuerdo a los servicios que estos prestan como explotador y administrador del espacio dado en concesión, de esta forma se analiza que posición tienen las aerolíneas, clientes y pasajeros con respecto a las actividades comerciales que realiza en concesionario Opain en el Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado.This work focuses on the analysis of the services provided by the El Dorado airport to airlines and the effect it has had input in Opain S.A through contract with the Aerocivil. Relevant aspects that have had this award, as composed and legal framework applicable to this type of contract are identified. Accordingly barriers imposed Opain identify markets that the airport may have according to the services they provide as operator and manager of the concession given space, in that way analyzes that position have airlines, customers and passengers with respect to commercial activities carried on Opain dealer at the El Dorado International Airport

    What memory binding functions is the hippocampus responsible for?

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    The role of the hippocampus in binding information in working memory (WM) is little understood. When complex experiences comprise associations between different pieces of information such as objects and locations (relational binding), the function of the hippocampus is required to hold them in WM (Mitchell et al., 2000; 2006; Piekema, 2006). However, recent evidence suggests that if the to-be-associated information leads to the formation of integrated objects such as coloured shapes (conjunctive binding), the hippocampus is less involved in holding temporary representations of these complex events in WM (Baddeley et al., 2010; Piekema, 2006). We investigated the relational and conjunctive binding hypotheses of the hippocampal functions in a patient with right hippocampal damage. The patient and controls were asked to study visual arrays of stimuli which consisted of shape-colour relations (shape-colour pairs) or shape-colour conjunctions (coloured shapes). After the study array, they were presented with a new screen consisting of one set of shapes (line drawings) and one set of colours. They were asked to reconstruct the bindings by selecting the shapes and their corresponding colours. As compared to healthy controls, the patient was impaired in holding relations of shapes and colours in WM whereas he could retain the conjunctions similarly to controls. These results lend support to the role of the hippocampus in supporting memory for inter-item associations but not memory for conjunctions of features which define objects' identity

    Short-term memory binding in mild cognitive impairment

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    We showed that short-term memory (STM) binding is sensitive to sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease (AD) but is not affected by healthy ageing, chronic depression in the elderly or other forms of dementia. STM binding deficits were also observed in individuals with a genetic susceptibility for AD in the preclinical stages. Hence, we aim to investigate longitudinally individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) using STM binding tasks. Here we report on preliminary cross-sectional results. A comprehensive neuropsychological test battery and a visual STM task were given to 21 MCI patients and 20 controls. The STM task required participants to recognise changes across two consecutive arrays presenting either single features (colour or shape) or feature bindings. The MCI group performed significantly poorer than controls on standard tests of memory, attention and on the binding condition of the STM task, but not on single feature conditions. Performance on the binding task and on standard memory tests did not correlate. Eight MCI patients clearly performed outwith the range of normality in the binding task. However, they did not significantly differ from the other 13 MCI patients in disease severity or demographic and neuropsychological variables. Six patients with binding impairments showed a multiple domain profile whereas ten patients with a preserved binding function showed an amnesic profile [Chi-square = 5.45, p = 0.020]. These results suggest that (1) the binding task is assessing a function different from other memory tests and that (2) STM binding may be differentially impaired in MCI subgroups

    Reverse Logistics: Overview and Challenges for Supply Chain Management

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    1-7This paper is aimed at introducing the concept of reverse logistics (RL) and its implications for supply chain management (SCM). RL is a research area focused on the management of the recovery of products once they are no longer desired (end-of-use products, EoU) or can no longer be used (end-of-life products) by the consumers, in order to obtain an economic value from the recovered products. This way, RL has become a matter of strategic importance, an element that companies are considering in their decision-making processes related to the design and development of their supply chains. In addition, a description of the implications of RL for SCM will be discussed and, finally, an analysis of some of the opportunities and challenges that RL implies for SCM will be presented.S

    Planificación y gestión de una promoción inmobiliaria

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    El presente PROYECTO FINAL DE GRADO tiene como objetivo crear un guión, un marco guía, para el seguimiento de las operaciones de planificación, control y gestión de todas las fases que integran una PROMOCIÓN INMOBILIARIA, desde el momento de la primera toma de contacto entre un propietario de un suelo urbanizable, suelo urbano ó solar con un promotor (ofertas y contraofertas), hasta la entrega de la vivienda al futuro propietario incluyendo su fase de servicio de post-venta posterior. Fruto de la consideración que nos ha demostrado nuestra propia experiencia profesional, respecto a que una OPERACIÓN INMOBILIARIA se trata de una compleja gestión de actividades y procesos dilatada en el tiempo. Hemos creído interesante enfocar el proyecto hacia dicha temática, en la que analizamos y estudiamos la PLANIFICACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DE UNA PROMOCIÓN INMOBILIARIA desde el punto de vista del Promotor. Su control, sus costes y su planificación se consideran conceptos vitales para llevar a buen término la misma y conseguir un objetivo final, de ahí que se proceda a analizar las diferentes fases que componen el proceso inmobiliario, con el desarrollo de las actividades que componen cada fase; definiendo la planificación y gestión de cada una de las actividades de cada una de las fases y el resultado de la planificación en general. Todo ello en el marco del perfil profesional del Ingeniero en Edificación que forma parte de la estructura del Promotor. Finalmente y en resumen, pretendemos que el PROJECTO FINAL DE GRADO ofrezca una visión global del proceso inmobiliario completo, y demuestre que una promoción inmobiliaria no se basa sólo en la ejecución de una obra; sino que, el proceso comporta muchas fases anexas que requieren una buena planificación y una correcta gestión, poco reconocida para según qué perfiles profesionales del propio sector de la construcción. En una promoción inmobiliaria debe haber mucha planificación de todos los aspectos que le influyen y debe haber una buena gestión de todos los trámites que se deben realizar. Este proyecto quiere ser una muestra del camino a recorrer

    An Experimental Study on Pitch Compensation in Pedestrian-Protection Systems for Collision Avoidance and Mitigation

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    This paper describes an improved stereovision system for the anticipated detection of car-to-pedestrian accidents. An improvement of the previous versions of the pedestrian-detection system is achieved by compensation of the camera's pitch angle, since it results in higher accuracy in the location of the ground plane and more accurate depth measurements. The system has been mounted on two different prototype cars, and several real collision-avoidance and collision-mitigation experiments have been carried out in private circuits using actors and dummies, which represents one of the main contributions of this paper. Collision avoidance is carried out by means of deceleration strategies whenever the accident is avoidable. Likewise, collision mitigation is accomplished by triggering an active hood system