238 research outputs found

    Social Practices of Planning Law in the Built Environment Of Santiago 2007-2017

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    This thesis explores the role of planning law in urban change in Santiago, Chile. Working from a view of law constituting the built environment, I examine the interaction between the practices of planning law and the production of the spatial to analyse how legal instruments impact in urban processes. Cities are subject to legal institutions and procedures that aim to regulate and organise their development. The enforcement of planning law by governments affects the practices of actors in cities. Yet, little is known about the spatial impact of actors’ interpretations, understandings and ways of doing things from the perspective of the practice of planning law. My main argument is that reading the relation between law and the built environment in cities such as Santiago can help to uncover the potential for legal instruments to achieve desired urban change. The thesis expands on the literature of legal geography and on debates examining the relation between law and the city. To that end, I conduct an exploration of the social practices of law by documenting and comparing the interpretation and enforcement of planning law by public, private and civil actors in the built environment of three local governments in Santiago. The research approach develops an analytical understanding of the meaning of the social practices of law and their constitutive role in the spatial outcomes in the built environment. The research explores this relation between law and the built environment by examining primary data collected through qualitative fieldwork, document analysis and quantitative analysis of rulings regarding administrative decisions on planning controversies in Santiago. Mixed methods provide a broad range of sources to document the ways public, private and civil actors put planning law into practice. At the same time, the thesis researches the discourses of law that are mobilized by these actors in the processes of change in the Municipalities of Santiago and in Chilean legal institutions. The data is analysed through discourse analysis, with a focus on actors’ practices, discourses and strategies using planning law and its spatial manifestations in the built environment. 3 Avoiding seeing law as an abstract concept and a linear process, I contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of planning law, arguing its social practice in a given time and place is a key element to unveil its constitutive role in the built environment through the canalisation, as in establishing the legal course and limits of the intentions and objectives of different actors. Providing an analysis of how planning law is materialised in the built environment, the research seeks to uncover the relevance of social practices of the different actors in the use of planning law. It discovers that formalistic interpretations deeply influence how actors perceive planning law and how they use it for their objectives and presents the built environment as a manifestation of the consequences of a legalistic interpretation of planning law. The reflection on the strong links between the social practice of law and its spatial manifestation seeks to explain how canalisation could be used for addressing urban policy objectives through legal instruments and the potential of planning law to produce change in Santiago

    “Avances en biofortificación de papa ​ en Perú”​

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    Características de la personalidad en agresores sexuales a menores de edad en un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima Norte, 2019

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    En la presente investigación sobre las características de la personalidad en agresores sexuales a menores de edad en un Establecimiento Penitenciario de Lima Norte., 2019. Se planteó como objetivo principal: determinar las características de la personalidad en agresores sexuales a menores de edad en un Establecimiento Penitenciario de Lima Norte. En el aspecto metodológico se utilizó el enfoque de investigación cuantitativo, con un diseño de investigación no experimental de corte transversal. La tipología de investigación fue descriptiva. La muestra de la investigación estuvo compuesta por 120 internos, entre sentenciados y procesados por delitos contra la libertad sexual. Los cuales eran en tu totalidad de sexo masculino y el rango de edades oscilaba entre 18 a 65 años. En la presente investigación se hizo uso del Inventario de Personalidad NEO FFI de Costa y McCrae, dicho instrumento psicológico cuanta con una validez y confiablidad aceptable para realizar la investigación, presentando un Alfa de Crombach superior a 0.70. En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación, se indica que los agresores sexuales a menores de edad cuentan con un Neuroticismo alto y una Responsabilidad baja. En conclusión, se caracterizan por dificultad en el manejo de emociones, irritabilidad, bajos niveles de autoeficiencia y desinterés en el bien común.In the present investigation on Characteristics of the personality in sexual aggressors to minors in the Penitentiary Establishment of North Lima. 2019. Was proposed as a general objective: to determine the characteristics of the personality in sexual aggressors to minors in the Penitentiary Establishment of North Lima. In the methodological aspect, the quantitative research approach was used, with a cross-sectional non-experimental research design and the type of research was descriptive. The sample of the investigation was composed of 120 inmates, sentenced and prosecuted for crimes against sexual freedom, which were all male and the range of ages ranged from 18 to 65 years. In the present investigation, the NEO FFI Personality Inventory of Costa and McCrae was used, this psychological instrument having an acceptable validity and reliability to carry out the research, with a Crombach's Alpha higher than 0.70. In the results of the investigation it is indicated that the sexual aggressors to minors have a high Neuroticism and a low Responsibility, which is characterized by difficulty in the handling of emotions, irritability, low levels of self-efficiency and disinterest in the common good

    Procrastinación y Autoeficacia académica en estudiantes universitarios limeños

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    El presente estudio es transversal con diseño correlacional (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018), su objetivo es relacionar procrastinación y autoeficacia en el contexto académico. Participaron 178 universitarios a quienes se les administró la Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA, Dominguez, Villegas & Centeno, 2014) y la escala de Autoeficacia Percibida para Situaciones Académicas (EAPESA, Dominguez, Villegas, Yauri, Mattos & Ramírez, 2012). Se encontró que las variables presentan correlación, la dimensión Autorregulación académica correlaciona positivamente con Autoeficacia académica (.39); asimismo, la dimensión Postergación de actividades correlaciona negativamente con Autoeficacia (-.23); se halló también, que existen diferencias en las dos variables al comparar los tres grupos de alumnos por ciclos, los alumnos de ciclos intermedios presentan mayores niveles de postergación de actividades que los que inician estudios y que los que culminan los estudios, asimismo se encuentran diferencias por género; las mujeres presentan mayores niveles de autorregulación académica


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    En este artículo se presenta una descripción general de la Cadena Láctea en Colombia y en la cuenca lechera del departamento de Nariño e igualmente se mencionan las posibles consecuencias que se derivarán, para este importante sector de la economía regional, cuando entren en vigencia los puntos acordados en el Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos. Como elementos imprescindibles para el análisis se incluyen los indicadores que determinan, en buena medida, la competitividad del renglón lácteo de Colombia y Nariño, los contingentes asignados a cada país, las condiciones acordadas para el libre comercio de productos lácteos, las potencialidades de los productos colombianos, los problemas y dificultades que actualmente limitan la productividad en Nariño y los retos que tendrán que afrontar todos los eslabones de la cadena láctea por efecto del TLC