69,471 research outputs found

    Impact estimation using data flows over attack graphs

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    We propose a novel approach to estimating the impact of an attack using a data model and an impact model on top of an attack graph. The data model describes how data flows between nodes in the network -- how it is copied and processed by softwares and hosts -- while the impact model models how exploitation of vulnerabilities affects the data flows with respect to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data. In addition, by assigning a loss value to a compromised data set, we can estimate the cost of a successful attack. We show that our algorithm not only subsumes the simple impact estimation used in the literature but also improves it by explicitly modeling loss value dependencies between network nodes. With our model, the operator will be able to use less time when comparing different security patches to a network

    A New Measurement of Exclusive \boldmathρ∘\rho^{\circ} Photoproduction at HERA

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    Exclusive ρ∘\rho^{\circ} photoproduction has been measured with high statistics by the H1 Collaboration. The kinematical range is 20<W<9020 < W < 90 GeV, ∣t∣<3|t|<3 GeV2^2 and Q2<4Q^2<4 GeV2^2. Cross sections are measured differentially in WW and tt and allow the extraction of the Pomeron trajectory, for the first time using ρ∘\rho^{\circ} photoproduction data of one single experiment. The preliminary result, αP(t)=1.093±0.003(stat.)−0.007+0.008(syst.)+(0.116±0.027(stat.)−0.046+0.036(syst.)\alpha_{\mathbb{P}} (t) = 1.093 \pm 0.003 (stat.) ^{+0.008}_{-0.007} (syst.) + (0.116 \pm 0.027 (stat.) ^{+0.036}_{-0.046} (syst.) GeV−2⋅t^{-2} \cdot t, deviates significantly from the canonical expectation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (requires class ws-procs9x6); Talk presented in the 14th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, April 2006, Tsukuba, Japan; To appear in the Proceeding

    Euroscepticism Revisited - Regional Interest Representation in Brussels and the Link to Citizen Attitudes towards European Integration

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    Recent scholarship has suggested that nation-states will gradually fade away in favor of regions and super-regions as the main actors within a European Union characterized by strong regional identities. At the same time, recent developments have shown that citizen support for European integration is essential for any future development of the Union. The puzzle inspiring this paper is the finding that the greatest support for the EU increasingly stems from minority nationalist, or strong identity regions seeking to bypass their central states to achieve their policy goals at the EU level. This paper empirically tests this suggestion, while shedding light on the relationship between the quality of representation of regional interests at the EU level and positive citizen attitudes towards the EU. In particular, it finds two explanations for cross-regional variation in the relationship between Euroscepticism and representation: (1) a cultural explanation, embodied by differences in the nature and quality of representation between regions that are linguistically distinctive and regions that are not; and (2) an institutional explanation, embodied by differences in the nature and quality of representation between regions from federal and non-federal member states. The paper uses an eclectic methodological approach, first utilizing multivariate regression analysis, estimating logistic and ordinal logit models that help explain variation in Euroscepticism at the regional level. The results are then complemented by the findings of indepth elite interviews of regional representatives—more specifically the directors of a selection of the many regional information offices present in Brussels. This paper takes the study of Euroscepticism to a new level, as most previous scholarly work has focused on explanations at the individual or at the member state level. At the same time it strengthens the notion of a growing importance of a “Europe of the regions.

    Pinning and Depinning of the Bragg Glass in a Point Disordered Model Superconductor

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    The three-dimensional frustrated anisotropic XY model with point disorder is studied with both Monte Carlo simulations and resistively-shunted-junction dynamics to model the dynamics of a type-II superconductor with quenched point pinning in a magnetic field and a weak applied current. Both the collective pinning and the depinning of the Bragg glass is examined. We find a critical current I_c that separates a creep region with unmeasurable low voltage from a region with a voltage V \sim I-I_c, and also identify the mechanism behind this behavior. It is further found to be possible to collapse the data obtained at a fixed disorder strength by plotting the voltage versus TI, where T is the temperature, though the reason for this behavior is unclear

    Functional characterization of hexokinases in the moss Physcomitrella patens

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    Carbohydrates are important nutrients and structural components in all living organisms. In plants they affect the developmental and metabolic processes throughout the plant life cycle. However, the mechanisms by which plants recognise and respond to carbohydrates are mainly unknown. Hexokinase, an enzyme that mediates the first catalytic step in hexose metabolism, has recently been suggested to be involved in sugar sensing and signalling in plants. The moss Physcomitrella patens has recently emerged as a powerful model system in plant functional genomics following the discovery that gene targeting works in it with frequencies comparable to those in yeast. The aim of this thesis was to learn more about the function of plant hexokinases, both as key metabolic enzymes and in their putative role as sensors in sugar signalling, using Physcomitrella patens as a model system. Five hexokinases from Physcomitrella patens were cloned and studied with respect to their subcellular localizations. PpHxk1 and PpHxk5 are located in the stroma of chloroplasts and are dependent on N-terminal transit peptides for correct localization. PpHxk2 and PpHxk3 both contain hydrophobic membrane anchors that localize the proteins to the outer envelope of chloroplasts. PpHxk4 contain neither a transit peptide nor an anchor, and is found in the cytosol. A targeted knockout revealed that PpHxk1 is the major hexokinase in Physcomitrella, accounting for 80% of the glucose phosphorylating activity. Consistent with this, the knockout mutant exhibits an artificial starvation phenotype with altered sensitivities to plant hormones and a disturbed development

    Journal Staff

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    Syftet med studien Àr att öka kunskaperna om förskollÀrares uppfattningar om och arbete med att motverka uteslutningar i en barngrupp. Jag valde att arbeta utifrÄn en kvalitativ metod dÀr jag gjorde enskilda intervjuer med verksamma förskollÀrare. Intervjuerna gjordes pÄ en och samma förskola dÀr avdelningarna bestÄr av Äldersindelade barngrupper. Intervjupersonerna var frÄn olika avdelningar och hade erfarenhet av arbetet med bÄde stora och smÄ barn. Efter att alla intervjuer var gjorda och transkiberade sÄ pÄbörjades en sammanstÀllning av det insamlade materialet för att faststÀlla ett resultat. Det stÀlle pÄ förskolan som pedagogerna upplevde att uteslutningar kunde förekomma bland barn var frÀmst i den fria leken. DÀr har pedagogerna inte lika stor insyn som i en planerad aktivitet som Àr vuxenstyrd. Pedagogerna upplevde Àven att leken eller regelstyrda aktiviteter var nÄgot barn kunde anvÀnda som orsak för att inte bjuda in fler barn. Samtliga pedagoger var överrens om att man ska ingripa nÀr man ser eller misstÀnker att uteslutningar sker bland barn. En pedagog eller vuxen fÄr aldrig blunda för det som sker. NÄgra av metoderna som anvÀndes av barn vid uteslutningar som pedagogerna uppmÀrksammat var verbala eller icke verbala uttryck, kroppssprÄk, blickar och viskningar mellan varandra. Slutsatser jag kan dra Àr att uteslutningar Àr nÄgot som Àr vanligt förekommande i förskolan. Det Àr frÀmst i den fria leken dÀr pedagogerna har minst översikt över vad barnen gör men kan Àven visa sig i andra aktiviteter
