8,122 research outputs found

    Passion and compassion : teaching first graders reading comprehension through kindness and the works of Kevin Henkes

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    A literature review in the field of reading comprehension combined with a research-based curriculum created based on the experts and the author\u27s personal experiences both in the classroom as a teacher and a student

    Clinical Supervision of Externs in Speech-Language Pathology

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    The focus of this qualitative study was to investigate clinical supervisors’ perceptions about the externship experience in speech-language pathology. This study was designed to investigate the range of supervisors’ preparedness to mentor the extern student, self-perceptions of the role of the externship supervisor, and opinions regarding a possible professional credential. Data was collected from a focus group and individual interviews. All participants were SLPs who supervised a minimum of two graduate student externs from the same large Midwestern university. The results indicated that externship supervisors felt unprepared for their early supervision experiences, vary in their practices of developing and systematizing pre-professional externship experiences, and that a professional credential in supervision would likely contribute to the standardization of graduate students’ training in speech-language pathology

    La detenzione paterna come fattore di rischio di Parent Abuse: sperimentazione di un modello di intervento per la cogenitorialità

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    Obiettivo generale del presente studio è individuare tecniche di intervento innovative per la promozione del benessere del detenuto e del suo nucleo familiare in un’ottica di risocializzazione attraverso la cura delle relazioni. Nello specifico, gli obiettivi sono: - Esplorare la diffusione del femomeno del PA nei nuclei familiari con padre detenuto - Valutare l’efficacia dell’intervento di Parental Enrichment attraverso misurazioni pre e post nelle variabili considerate (stress genitoriale paterno, stili educativi, mentalizzazione paterna) - Valutare, inoltre, se in seguito all’intervento di Parental Enrichment si rileva un cambiamento nella frequenza di comportamenti PA rispetto a prima dell’intervento - Esplorare la relazione tra mentalizzazione paterna e comportmenti di PA stess

    Capital as Power: Essay Prize

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    The Review of Capital as Power (RECASP) announces an annual essay prize of $1,000 for the best paper on the subject of capital as power. Submitted articles should not have been published in a refereed journal or book before. The particular topic is open. The paper can be theoretical, historical or empirical, and it may support or critique the capital as power framework. Winning essays will be published (with revisions, if necessary) in the Review of Capital as Power. Deadline: December 31 of the competition yea

    2018 Capital as Power Essay Prize

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    capital as powerThe Review of Capital as Power (RECASP) announces an annual essay prize on the subject of capital as power. The best paper will receive a prize of 1000.Aprizeof1000. A prize of 500 will be awarded to the second best contribution, while a $300 prize will be given to the third best article. Submitted articles should not have been published in a refereed journal or book before. The particular topic is open. The paper can be theoretical, historical or empirical, and it may support or critique the capital as power framework. Winning essays will be published (with revisions, if necessary) in the Review of Capital as Power. DEADLINE: January 31, 201

    Aprendizaje en anfibios, el eslabón perdido: un modelo simple cerebral en el estudio de conductas complejas

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    El cerebro de los grupos filogenéticamente más antiguos, como peces y anfibios, no presenta neocorteza cerebral, teniendo una organización más simple que la observada en los mamíferos. En particular, los anfibios son un grupo clave dentro de los vertebrados pues representan la transición desde el agua a la tierra. Desde la perspectiva de la evolución cerebro-conducta, este grupo sirve especialmente para interpretar cuáles son las implicaciones que tal transición pudo haber tenido en la organización cerebral. Por lo tanto, los anfibios ofrecen la oportunidad única de encontrar los mecanismos básicos de una amplia variedad de comportamientos sin una fuerte modulación cortical. Este artículo incluye la descripción de tres procedimientos en anfibios que se han desarrollado en nuestro laboratorio para estudiar diversos aspectos del aprendizaje, tanto apetitivo como aversivo, así como sus bases neurales. En primer lugar, el aprendizaje en una situación de corredor recto, en la que el pallium medial (área homóloga al hipocampo de mamíferos) está implicado funcionalmente en la extinción de la respuesta. En segundo lugar, el aprendizaje espacial, donde la activación del pallium medial también juega un papel fundamental. Por último, varias situaciones de aprendizaje aversivo de evitación, donde el striatum (área homóloga a la amígdala de mamíferos) asumiría un importante papel funcional. Globalmente, el estudio del modelo de los anfibios está empezando a dar las claves sobre los mecanismos neurales básicos de estos comportamientos aprendidos. Además, el conjunto de estos datos muestran que estos procesos de aprendizaje son muy generales entre los distintos grupos de vertebrados, lo que sugiere que estos caracteres han sido altamente conservados a lo largo de la evolución.Fil: Muzio, Ruben Nestor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (i); Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicologia; Argentin

    Multimessenger Potential of the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland

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    The Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G) is the only ultrahigh energy (UHE, ≳30{\gtrsim}30~PeV) neutrino monitor of the Northern sky and will soon be the world's most sensitive high-uptime detector of UHE neutrinos. Because of this, RNO-G represents an important piece of the multimessenger landscape over the next decade. In this talk, we will highlight RNO-G's multimessenger capabilities and its potential to provide key information in the search for the most extreme astrophysical accelerators. In particular, we will highlight opportunities enabled by RNO-G's unique field-of-view, its potential to constrain the sources of UHE cosmic rays, and its complementarity with IceCube at lower energies

    The Real Resource Curse and the Imperialism of Development

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    Carbon Capitalism. Energy, Social Reproduction and World Order

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    accumulation capital as power fossil fuels market civilization perpetual war social reproductionModern civilization and the social reproduction of capitalism are bound inextricably with fossil fuel consumption. But as carbon energy resources become scarcer, what implications will this have for energy-intensive modes of life? Can renewable energy sustain high levels of accumulation? Or will we witness the end of existing capitalist economies? This book provides an innovative and timely study that mobilizes a new theory of capitalism to explain the rise and fall of petro-market civilization. Di Muzio investigates how theorists of political economy have largely taken energy for granted and illuminates how the exploitation of fossil fuels increased the universalization and magnitude of capital accumulation. He then examines the likelihood of renewable resources providing a feasible alternative and asks whether they can beat peak oil prices to sustain food production, health care, science and democracy. Using the capital as power framework, this book considers the unevenly experienced consequences of monetizing fossil fuels for people and the planet
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