19,039 research outputs found

    Tsunami-HySEA model validation for tsunami current predictions

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    Model ability to compute and predict tsunami flow velocities is of importance in risk assessment and hazard mitigation. Substantial damage can be produced by high velocity flows, particularly in harbors and bays, even when the wave height is small. Besides, an accurate simulation of tsunami flow velocities and accelerations is fundamental for advancing in the study of tsunami sediment transport. These considerations made the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) proposing a benchmark exercise focussed on modeling and simulating tsunami currents. Until recently, few direct measurements of tsunami velocities were available to compare and to validate model results. After Tohoku 2011 many current meters measurement were made, mainly in harbors and channels. In this work we present a part of the contribution made by the EDANYA group from the University of Malaga to the NTHMP workshop organized at Portland (USA), 9-10 of February 2015. We have selected three out of the five proposed benchmark problems. Two of them consist in real observed data from the Tohoku 2011 event, one at Hilo Habour (Hawaii) and the other at Tauranga Bay (New Zealand). The third one consists in laboratory experimental data for the inundation of Seaside City in Oregon.Acknowledgements: This research has been partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069) and the Spanish Government Research project DAIFLUID (MTM2012-38383-C02-01) and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Andalucía TECH. The GPU and multi-GPU computations were performed at the Unit of Numerical Methods (UNM) of the Research Support Central Services (SCAI) of the University of Malaga

    Defensa de la Obra: la verdad técnica e interpretativa en la Dirección y Ejecución de la Obra Musical. Estudio y análisis comparativo de la ejecución de obras respetando la partitura de sus Autores en la Dirección de Orquesta e Interpretación del Repertorio de Obras Sinfónicas y Ópera (siglo XVIII al XX), fundamentado en la Escuela de los Maestros Swarowsky y Gómez-Martínez

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    El estudio plantea la defensa de la obra musical contra interpretaciones, fundamentalmente en la Dirección de Orquesta, que mediante errores, falseamientos y/o adulteraciones (EFA) de su auténtico contenido, actúan contra su verdadera estructura, forma y estilo, produciendo así un resultado contrario a la obra y lo creado en ella por el autor. Los principales objetivos son, de un lado demostrar que la inmensa mayoría de interpretaciones y ejecuciones de obras musicales clásicas son realizadas produciendo EFA, lo que se evidencia mediante la aplicación de la Metodología de Análisis Musical Swarowsky/Gómez-Martínez. Y de otro lado demostrar la validez de dicha Metodología para la subsanación de EFA, así como, por tanto, para la correcta interpretación y ejecución de la obra. El estudio evidencia dos resultados fundamentales que reúnen los diferentes parámetros utilizados, y que prueban el cumplimiento de los objetivos marcados para la demostración de la hipótesis a estudio: 1.- La desvirtuación probada de las interpretaciones de la muestra de obras sometidas a estudio mediante los procedimientos marcados por la Metodología Swarowsky/ Gómez-Martínez, a cargo de la inmensa mayoría de directores de orquesta estudiados, todos los cuales han cometido EFA. Es decir: la existencia del problema. 2.- La validez del procedimiento para la interpretación correcta de la obra mediante la Metodología de Análisis Musical y relación completa de parámetros de actuación para la Dirección de Orquesta marcados por la Escuela Swarowsky-Gómez-Martínez. Es decir, la resolución del problema y su aplicación formal a la técnica de interpretación y ejecución musical en general y a la Dirección de Orquesta en particular. La demostración de la congruencia entre hipótesis teórica y resultados arrojados por los datos obtenidos y probados a través del estudio se constata a través de una muestra de 177 interpretaciones de 74 directores de orquesta para un total de 28 obras sinfónicas y operísticas de 22 compositores de los siglos XVIII al XX, cuyos resultados arrojan un total de miles de EFA que se señalizan en las partituras y se comprueban en sus correspondientes audiciones musicales

    European Jobs Monitor 2014: Drivers of Recent Job Polarisation and Upgrading in Europe

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    [Excerpt] European labour markets added nearly 30 million new jobs in a golden age of employment creation prior to the onset of the Great Recession in 2008. These labour markets subsequently shed six million jobs, and unemployment peaked at 11% in 2013, its highest rate in well over a decade. This third annual European Jobs Monitor report looks in detail at recent shifts in employment at Member State and European Union level in the two years from the second quarter of 2011 to the second quarter of 2013. It applies a jobs-based approach, which ranks jobs according to wage and then groups them into five categories of equal size (quintiles) ranging from lowest-paid to highest-paid. The net employment change between the starting and concluding periods (in terms of people employed) for each quintile in each country is summed to establish whether there has been net gain or loss. This analytic approach enables employment shifts to be described quantitatively (how many jobs were created or destroyed) and qualitatively (what sectors and occupations were most affected). The report also examines some of the likely drivers of recent shifts in the employment structure: technological advances, as measured by the cognitive and routine task content of jobs; globalisation and trade, measured as the offshorability of tasks or direct international trade; and labour market institutions

    Between Planning and Heritage: Cultural Parks and National Heritage Areas

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    The number of cultural parks and heritage areas is increasing in Europe and the United States. Those are spreading over other areas where the economic sectors related to tourism and leisure gain weight. Heritage areas or parks are heterogeneous initiatives that place cultural heritage at the heart of spatial planning policy and economic development, aiming at the reinvention of large territories and local community participation in planning. Their relevance stems from their potential influence on the territorial configuration of broad regions and their impact upon the articulation of traditional protected areas. Notwithstanding this, they have attracted scant academic attention so far

    Ownership structure and accountability: the case of the privatization of the Spanish tobacco monopoly, 1887–96.

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    This paper analyses the case of the privatization of the Spanish tobacco monopoly, focusing on the period between 1887 and 1896, which corresponds to the first leasing contract between the state and the Spanish Tobacco Company and it is concerned with two different issues. First, it deals with the effects of privatization on accountability.The main question examined is whether public and private ownership entail different approaches to the way in which managers are accountable to owners, and the impact this issue had on corporate reporting. Second, it is concerned with exploring the determinants of accounting disclosure. Here, the basic issue is to understand the factors shaping changes in corporate reporting during the period of study.Accounting history; Corporate Reporting; Privatization; Tobacco Monopoly; Spain;

    Privatization and management accounting systems change : the case of the 19th century Spanish tobacco monopoly.

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    This paper examines changes to the accounting system of the Spanish tobacco monopoly in 1887, following the decision by the state to lease the publicly owned and state-run monopoly to a privatesector company. The switch to private-sector management generated a fundamental change in the demands made of the accounting system. As a result, double-entry bookkeeping and a new method of calculating costs were implemented. The paper discusses the motives behind the design of the new accounting system and its consequences using the framework provided by agency theory. It highlights the need to consider the role of the capital structure of the firm and the state as explanatory factors for both the parameters and uses of cost accounting information.Privatización; Monopolio; Tabaco; España; S. XIX;