948 research outputs found

    Natural multiparticle entanglement in a Fermi gas

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    We investigate multipartite entanglement in a non-interacting fermion gas, as a function of fermion separation, starting from the many particle fermion density matrix. We prove that all multiparticle entanglement can be built only out of two-fermion entanglement. Although from the Pauli exclusion principle we would always expect entanglement to decrease with fermion distance, we surprisingly find the opposite effect for certain fermion configurations. The von Neumann entropy is found to be proportional to the volume for a large number of particles even when they are arbitrarily close to each other. We will illustrate our results using different configurations of two, three, and four fermions at zero temperature although all our results can be applied to any temperature and any number of particles.Comment: Replaced with revised editio

    Equation of state for Entanglement in a Fermi gas

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    Entanglement distance is the maximal separation between two entangled electrons in a degenerate electron gas. Beyond that distance, all entanglement disappears. We relate entanglement distance to degeneracy pressure both for extreme relativistic and non-relativistic systems, and estimate the entanglement distance in a white dwarf. Treating entanglement as a thermodynamical quantity, we relate the entropy of formation and concurrence to relative electron distance, pressure, and temperature, to form a new equation of state for entanglement.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. A., 4 pages, 1 figur

    Back to Back: A Focus on Reducing the Logistics Costs and Tax

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    The objective is to identify the main aspects related to the operation of Back to Back set out in international trade, which enables reduction of logistics costs and taxes. The operation of Back to Back is an excellent opportunity to increase foreign exchange gain and offer greater flexibility to commercial operations that the business requires. The methodology used in preparing this study was qualitative research according to the characteristics and nature of the problem. From the use of descriptive research study aims to demonstrate the main theoretical aspects underlying the subject in reference. This study aimed to identify the main aspects related to the operation of Back to Back set out in international trade and tax effects in an organization and logistics of industrial electronics segment of the State of Santa Catarina. The study demonstrated that the benefits of the operation of Back to Back is of paramount importance for companies having a positive impact in financial terms by reducing the need for tax payments and logistics costs which affect the processes of import and export. The results presented showed that the company studied the operation of Back to Back is essential for international negotiations

    Práticas de orçamento: um estudo em empresas hoteleiras do Brasil

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    This study aims to explore the budgeting practices in the hotel companies of Brazil’s main tourist centers. The justification is oriented by the number of foreign tourists received by the top ten Brazilian tourist destinations, which reaches 95% of the country. Another motivation is the lack of research on hotel companies in developing countries, and it should also be considered that Brazil will host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016, which requires a suitable hotel structure to receive a large number of athletes and tourists. Thus, in order to achieve the purpose of this study, surveys were sent to the hotels associated with the Brazilian Association of the Hotel Industry (ABIH), with replies by 40 hotel companies. Descriptive statistics were applied to the results, in order to improve the basis for discussions. The results indicate that most of the hotels adopt corporate budgeting with bottom-up as main budgeting process. Research shows that budgets are developed, more frequently, using the results from previous years and economic indicators. In the performance evaluation, the comparative analysis, the analysis of the causes of deviations and adequacy measures are often applied. The analysis of variance is primarily directed at controlling costs/expenses, identifying potential problems and providing feedback for the next period.Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las prácticas presupuestarias en las empresas hoteleras de los principales centros turísticos de Brasil. La razón fundamental se orienta en el número de turistas extranjeros recibidos por los diez destinos turísticos brasileños, que alcanza el 95 % del país. Otra motivación es la falta de investigación en la industria hotelera en los países en desarrollo y se debe considerar también que Brasil será sede de la Copa del Mundo en 2014 y los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, que exige una adecuada infraestructura hotelera para recibir un gran número de atletas y turistas. Por lo tanto, para lograr el objetivo de este estudio, se enviaron cuestionarios a los hoteles asociados a la Asociación Brasileña de la Industria Hotelera (ABIH), la recepción de retorno de 40 empresas hoteleras . Estadística descriptiva se aplicaron a los resultados con el fin de mejorar la base para la discusión. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte del negocio de hoteles adopta presupuesto con la de abajo hacia arriba como el proceso presupuestario predominante. La investigación muestra que se desarrollan los presupuestos, con más frecuencia, el uso de los resultados de años anteriores y los indicadores económicos. En la evaluación del desempeño, a menudo se aplica a un análisis comparativo, el análisis de las causas de las desviaciones y la adecuación de las medidas. El análisis de las variaciones se dirigen principalmente a controlar los costos/gastos, identificar problemas potenciales y proporcionar información para el próximo período.O presente estudo tem como objetivo explorar as práticas orçamentárias em empresas hoteleiras dos principais centros turísticos do Brasil. A justificativa se orienta na quantidade de turistas estrangeiros recebidos pelos dez principais destinos turísticos brasileiros, que atinge 95% do país. Outra motivação é a carência de pesquisas em empresas hoteleiras nos países em desenvolvimento, devendo ser considerado também que o Brasil sediará a Copa do Mundo em 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos em 2016, o que requer uma estrutura hoteleira adequada para receber um grande número de atletas e turistas. Assim, para atingir o objetivo deste estudo, foram enviados questionários aos hotéis associados à Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Hotéis (ABIH), recebendo retorno de 40 empresas hoteleiras. A estatística descritiva foi aplicada sobre os resultados, com a finalidade de melhorar a base das discussões. Os resultados apontam que a maioria dos hotéis adota o orçamento empresarial, tendo o bottom-up como processo orçamentário predominante. A pesquisa mostra que os orçamentos são elaborados, com maior frequência, utilizando-se os resultados de anos anteriores e indicadores econômicos. Na avaliação de desempenho, são frequentemente aplicadas a análise comparativa, a análise das causas dos desvios e as medidas de adequação. A análise das variações estão principalmente direcionadas para o controle dos custos/despesas, a identificação de problemas potenciais e o fornecimento de feedback para o próximo período

    Coopetition from Beginning to End: An Analysis of the Cooperation Process between Competitors

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    This research aims to analyze, from beginning to end, the process of interorganizational coopetition, seeking to understand the temporal patterns of coopetitive relationships by exploring their antecedents, processes and results, which in this research are understood as: the moment before interorganizational coopetition (pre-coopetition), the moment when interorganizational coopetition is in progress (coopetition) and the moment after the end of the coopetitive relationship between competitors (post coopetition). For this, a case study was developed, using a qualitative approach. The case was defined from the identification of competitive and cooperative elements in the relationship between two Brazilian non-profit organizations, one of which is governmental and the other sectoral. Data were collected from January 2018 to February 2020 and analyzed through narrative analysis and pattern matching, using the MAXQDA 2020 software. The study from the beginning to the end of the coopetitive relationship allowed to contribute to the literature, identify different elements of cooperation and competition in the moment before and after the coopetitive relationship. Unlike the pre-coopetitive moment, which presented some elements of cooperation, in the post-coopetition moment a strategy of pure competition between organizations was identified.This research aims to analyze, from beginning to end, the process of interorganizational coopetition, seeking to understand the temporal patterns of coopetitive relationships by exploring their antecedents, processes and results, which in this research are understood as: the moment before interorganizational coopetition (pre-coopetition), the moment when interorganizational coopetition is in progress (coopetition) and the moment after the end of the coopetitive relationship between competitors (post coopetition). For this, a case study was developed, using a qualitative approach. The case was defined from the identification of competitive and cooperative elements in the relationship between two Brazilian non-profit organizations, one of which is governmental and the other sectoral. Data were collected from January 2018 to February 2020 and analyzed through narrative analysis and pattern matching, using the MAXQDA 2020 software. The study from the beginning to the end of the coopetitive relationship allowed to contribute to the literature, identify different elements of cooperation and competition in the moment before and after the coopetitive relationship. Unlike the pre-coopetitive moment, which presented some elements of cooperation, in the post-coopetition moment a strategy of pure competition between organizations was identified

    Evidenciação das práticas de planejamento, execução e controle do orçamento: Um levantamento nos portos públicos do Brasil

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    Budgeting is one of the oldest planning and control systems adopted by the companies, and continues to receive significant attention. Despite being widely used in the business world, budgeting is also oftentimes the target of criticism. Therefore, this work aims at demonstrating budgeting practices in port companies in Brazil. The work presents a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a descriptive and exploratory objective, and the use of a survey. The research was conducted by sending the survey to Brazilian public ports. The results show that the Brazilian ports use only a few budgeting practices. Among the main features identified in the study there are the lack of alignment between the budgeting and strategic planning and of the internal evaluation of the results and the partial application of control mechanisms. These characteristics show that Brazilian public ports have opportunities for improvement in different budgeting practices.Keywords: budgeting, ports, planning, execution, control.O orçamento é um dos sistemas de planejamento e controle mais antigo adotado pelas empresas, e continua a receber significativa atenção na literatura e na pesquisa. Apesar de ser amplamente utilizado no mundo dos negócios, o orçamento também é frequentemente alvo de críticas. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar práticas orçamentárias em empresas portuárias no Brasil. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, com objetivo descritivo e exploratório, e utilização de questionário. A pesquisa foi realizada com o envio de questionário aos portos públicos do Brasil. Os resultados mostram que os portos brasileiros, se comparados à literatura, aplicam apenas parcialmente as práticas orçamentárias. Entre as principais características identificadas no estudo, estão a falta de alinhamento entre a elaboração do orçamento e o planejamento estratégico e de avaliação interna dos resultados e a aplicação parcial dos mecanismos de controle. Essas características mostram que os portos públicos do Brasil têm oportunidades de melhoria em diferentes práticas de orçamento.Palavras-chave: orçamento, portos, planejamento, controle

    Differential hydrophobicity drives self-assembly in Huntington's disease

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    Identifying the driving forces and the mechanism of association of huntingtin-exon1, a close marker for the progress of Huntington's disease, is an important prerequisite towards finding potential drug targets, and ultimately a cure. We introduce here a modelling framework based on a key analogy of the physico-chemical properties of the exon1 fragment to block copolymers. We use a systematic mesoscale methodology, based on Dissipative Particle Dynamics, which is capable of overcoming kinetic barriers, thus capturing the dynamics of significantly larger systems over longer times than considered before. Our results reveal that the relative hydrophobicity of the poly-glutamine block as compared to the rest of the (proline-based) exon1 fragment, ignored to date, constitutes a major factor in the initiation of the self-assembly process. We find that the assembly is governed by both the concentration of exon1 and the length of the poly-glutamine stretch, with a low length threshold for association even at the lowest volume fractions we considered. Moreover, this self-association occurs irrespective of whether the glutamine stretch is in random coil or hairpin configuration, leading to spherical or cylindrical assemblies, respectively. We discuss the implications of these results for reinterpretation of existing research within this context, including that the routes towards aggregation of exon1 may be distinct to those of the widely studied homopolymeric poly-glutamine peptides


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    LONGMAN LANGUAGE ACTIVATOR (2002) E LONGMAN ESSENTIAL ACTIVATOR (2006) COMO FERRAMENTAS PARA A PRODUÇÃO TEXTUAL NAS AULAS DE INGLÊS COMO LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA Diego dos Santos Lunkes[1] [email protected]   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul   RESUMO Os dicionários podem ser ferramentas indispensáveis para aprendizes de inglês. Dicionários para produção fornecem designações, mas não se ordenam pela progressão alfabética, o que dificulta a consulta. Como exceções à regra, há o Longman Language Activator (2002) (LLA (2002)) e o Longman Essential Activator (2006) (LEA (2006)). O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e avaliar esses dicionários como opções na produção textual em inglês para estudantes com proficiência pré-intermediária. A metodologia utilizada é exposição e o emprego dos conceitos operadores básicos aplicáveis a um dicionário dessa natureza. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o LLA (2002) e o LEA (2006) são boas ferramentas de auxílio à produção. Entretanto, em ambos os dicionários há incongruência entre a proposta da obra e o conteúdo apresentado. Concluindo, pode-se afirmar que eles são obras recomendáveis ao auxílio na produção textual em inglês como língua estrangeira. Palavras-chave: dicionário onomasiológico; lexicografia; produção textual ABSTRACT   The dictionaries can be indispensable tools for learners of English. Dictionaries for production provide designations, but they are not organized by alphabetic order, what hampers the research. As exceptions to the rule, there are Longman Language Activator (2002) (LLA (2002)) and Longman Essential Activator (2006) (LEA (2006)). The aim of this article is to present and to evaluate these dictionaries like options for textual production in English for students with pre-intermediate proficiency. The methodology used is the exposition and the use of the basic operator concepts in dictionaries of this kind. The results found demonstrate that LLA (2002) and LEA (2006) are good tools for production support. However, in both dictionaries there is incongruity between the proposal of the work and the presented content. Concluding, it is possible to affirm that they are recommended to the support in textual production in English as a foreign language. Keywords: onomasiologic dictionary; lexicography; textual production [1] Graduando em Bacharelado em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Su

    Pluralistic ignorance: Conceptual framework, antecedents and consequences

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present, in an integrated manner, the knowledge acquired about pluralistic ignorance in the fields of social psychology, sociology and business. Particularly, to identify the factors that work as antecedents of pluralistic ignorance, as well as its consequences, in various research contexts. Design/methodology: This integrative study on pluralistic ignorance was conducted with the Proknow-C method, which allows the construction of knowledge through a structured process of search and identification of a bibliographic portfolio. Findings: The major results include the literature review and the identification of research networks such as Allport, O'Gorman, Shamir and Miller in the field social psychology and Harvey, Buckley and Halbesleben in organizations. A systemic analysis showed how pluralistic ignorance is formed, and clarified the difference between perceptual and inferential ignorance. The systemic analysis resulted in a model with seven social comparison errors that can be seen as antecedents of ignorance and a framework with its consequences, divided into three categories: people's attitude, people's behavior and organizational capabilities. Research limitations/implications: As with every research review, identification and review of the literature depend on the authors' world view. One of the difficulties in researching pluralistic ignorance is that it is studied in different areas of knowledge and from different perspectives. Originality/value: The knowledge acquired throughout more than eight decades of research on pluralistic ignorance is fragmented into different perspectives. However, what was shown by the systemic analysis of the literature is that studies are more often geared toward psychosocial issues and it is still not very well known how the causes and consequences of pluralistic ignorance interact with the management processes in the organizational environment. This review presents a model for guiding the process of formation of pluralistic ignorance and a guiding framework for future research, as far as its consequences are concerned.Peer Reviewe

    Fibromialgia e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático: uma associação uni- ou bidirecional?

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Farmácia.A fibromialgia (FM) é uma doença crônica caracterizada por dor generalizada, baixa tolerância à dor, hiperalgesia e alodinia, além de outras sintomatologias associadas. Já o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) é um transtorno relacionado ao trauma e ao estresse, apresentando sintomatologia característica de reexperimentação, sintomas de evitação, alterações de humor e cognição e também sinais de hiperexcitação. Ambos são mais prevalentes em mulheres e, frequentemente, apresentam um evento traumático antecedendo o seu desenvolvimento subsequente. Uma sobreposição de diversos mecanismos fisiopatológicos das doenças foi observada, o que nos levou a acreditar na possível existência de uma associação entre FM e TEPT. No presente trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão de escopo avaliando a associação entre FM e TEPT, realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo e Lilacs. Observamos que a prevalência de TEPT e de FM aumentou consideravelmente quando ambos se encontravam em associação (FM-TEPT), com valores muito superiores aos encontrados quando a FM ou o TEPT estavam isolados, em relação à população em geral. A depressão e ansiedade, por exemplo, mostrou taxas mais altas nesses indivíduos. Uma menor taxa de emprego ocorreu na associação FM-TEPT e na FM. Os indivíduos com FM apresentaram mais sintomatologia de TEPT, e os indivíduos com TEPT apresentaram mais dor, com uma maior sensibilidade e um pior funcionamento físico. Assim, podemos concluir que a associação entre fibromialgia e TEPT pode ser confirmada, sendo bidirecional