397 research outputs found

    Human cytomegalovirus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell reconstitution in adult allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients and immune control of viral infection

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    Background Human cytomegalovirus infection is the most frequent viral complication in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We investigated the development of human cytomegalovirus-specific T cells in adult recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplants. Design and Methods From May 2003 through October 2006 a total of 45 patients were monitored for human cytomegalovirus-specific T-cell reconstitution. Human cytomegalovirus-infected autologous dendritic cells were used as a stimulus to detect interferon-γ-producing human cytomegalovirus-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells during the first year after transplantation. Interleukin-2 production by specific T cells was also determined. ![Figure 1.][1] Figure 1. Probability of HCMV infection development and HCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell immunity reconstitution. A: cumulative incidence curves of HCMV infection according to donor (D) and recipient (R) HCMV-serostatus. B: cumulative incidence curves of HCMV infection and HCMV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell reconstitution (i.e. corresponding to a specific T-cell number greater than 0.4 cells/μL blood). C: cumulative incidence curves of HCMV-specific CD8+ T-cell reconstitution according to D/R HCMV-serostatus. D: cumulative incidence curves of HCMV-specific CD4+ T-cell reconstitution according to D/R HCMV-serostatus. Results Human cytomegalovirus infection was detected in the blood of 39/45 patients at a median of 29 days after transplantation. Human cytomegalovirus-specific T-cell reconstitution followed reactivation of latent human cytomegalovirus infection at a median time of about 2 months after transplantation. Only donor human cytomegalovirus-seronegativity and bone marrow as a stem cell source were found to delay specific T-cell reconstitution significantly. Levels of three CD8+ and one CD4+ human cytomegalovirus-specific T-cells/μL blood had a positive predictive value of around 80% for identifying patients able to control human cytomegalovirus infection spontaneously. Five patients who received high doses of steroids for treatment of graft-versus-host disease developed human cytomegalovirus infection requiring pre-emptive treatment despite high levels of interferon-γ-producing T cells in response to human cytomegalovirus. Specific interleukin-2 production was not detected in patients with human cytomegalovirus infection requiring treatment, while 90% of patients who spontaneously controlled human cytomegalovirus infection had T cells that produced interleukin-2 and interferon-γ. Conclusions Pre-transplant human cytomegalovirus infection of the recipient is a major factor driving human cytomegalovirus-specific immune reconstitution. Control of human cytomegalovirus infection likely requires the presence of both interferon-γ and interleukin-2 producing T cells. Corticosteroid treatment may favor active viral replication even in patients with specific T cells. [1]: pending:ye

    Hodgkin's disease as unusual presentation of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for malignant glioma

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    BACKGROUND: Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a complication of solid organ and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT); following autologous HSCT only rare cases of PTLD have been reported. Here, a case of Hodgkin's disease (HD), as unusual presentation of PTLD after autologous HSCT for malignant glioma is described. CASE PRESENTATION: 60-years old man affected by cerebral anaplastic astrocytoma underwent subtotal neurosurgical excision and subsequent high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous HSCT. During the post HSCT course, cranial irradiation and corticosteroids were administered as completion of therapeutic program. At day +105 after HSCT, the patient developed HD, nodular sclerosis type, with polymorphic HD-like skin infiltration. CONCLUSION: The clinical and pathological findings were consistent with the diagnosis of PTLD

    Cytomegalovirus-Specific T Cell Epitope Recognition in Congenital Cytomegalovirus Mother-Infant Pairs

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    Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the most common infection acquired before birth and from which about 20% of infants develop permanent neurodevelopmental effects regardless of presence or absence of symptoms at birth. Viral escape from host immune control may be a mechanism of CMV transmission and infant disease severity. We sought to identify and compare CMV epitopes recognized by mother-infant pairs. We also hypothesized that if immune escape were occurring, then one pattern of longitudinal CD8 T cell responses restricted by shared HLA alleles would be maternal loss (by viral escape) and infant gain (by viral reversion to wildtype) of CMV epitope recognition. Methods: The study population consisted of 6 women with primary CMV infection during pregnancy and their infants with cCMV infection. CMV UL83 and UL123 peptides with known or predicted restriction by maternal MHC class I alleles were identified, and a subset was selected for testing based on several criteria. Maternal or infant cells were stimulated with CMV peptides in the IFN-gamma ELISpot assay. Results: Overall, 14 of 25 (56%; 8 UL83 and 6 UL123) peptides recognized by mother-infant pairs were not previously reported as CD8 T cell epitopes. Of three pairs with longitudinal samples, one showed maternal loss and infant gain of responses to a CMV epitope restricted by a shared HLA allele. Conclusions: CD8 T cell responses to multiple novel CMV epitopes were identified, particularly in infants. Moreover, the hypothesized pattern of CMV immune escape was observed in one mother-infant pair. These findings emphasize that knowledge of paired CMV epitope recognition allows exploration of viral immune escape that may operate within the maternal-fetal system. Our work provides rationale for future studies of this potential mechanism of CMV transmission during pregnancy or clinical outcomes of infants with cCMV infection

    Estimation of the worldwide seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection does not usually produce symptoms when it causes primary infection, reinfection, or reactivation because these three types of infection are all controlled by the normal immune system. However, CMV becomes an important pathogen in individuals whose immune system is immature or compromised, such as the unborn child. Several vaccines against CMV are currently in clinical trials that aim to induce immunity in seronegative individuals and/or to boost the immunity of those with prior natural infection (seropositives). To facilitate estimation of the burden of disease and the need for vaccines that induce de novo immune responses or that boost pre-existing immunity to CMV, we conducted a systematic survey of the published literature to describe the global seroprevalence of CMV IgG antibodies. We estimated a global CMV seroprevalence of 83% (95%UI: 78-88) in the general population, 86% (95%UI: 83-89) in women of childbearing age, and 86% (95%UI: 82-89) in donors of blood or organs. For each of these three groups, the highest seroprevalence was seen in the World Health Organisation (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean region 90% (95%UI: 85-94) and the lowest in WHO European region 66% (95%UI: 56-74). These estimates of the worldwide CMV distribution will help develop national and regional burden of disease models and inform future vaccine development efforts

    Clinically-based determination of safe DNAemia cutoff levels for preemptive therapy or human cytomegalovirus infections in solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

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    Transplantation Centers using human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) antigenemia-based preemptive therapy will need to replace in the near future the antigenemia assay with a more standardized and automatable assay, such as a molecular assay quantifying HCMV DNA in blood (DNAemia). Thus, in view of replacing antigenemia with clinically safe cutoff values, DNAemia levels corresponding to antigenemia cutoffs guiding HCMV preemptive therapy were determined retrospectively in solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients (HSCTR) using an "in-house" quantitative PCR (QPCR) method. Since preemptive therapy had prevented appearance of HCMV disease in all patients tested, DNA cutoffs determined retrospectively had to be considered as safe clinically as antigenemia cutoffs used prospectively. However, in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR), initiating preemptive therapy upon an antigenemia cutoff of 100 pp65-positive leukocytes, a DNAemia cutoff of 300,000 copies/ml blood had positive and negative predictive values of >90%, indicating that a DNAemia cutoff could achieve, in terms of prevention of HCMV disease, the same clinical results as the antigenemia cutoff. In HSCTR, initiating preemptive therapy upon first antigenemia positivity, a DNAemia cutoff of 10,000 copies/ml blood had a positive predictive value of >90%, indicating that the great majority of patients treated under the antigenemia guidance would have been treated also using this DNA cutoff. On the other hand, the negative predictive value of 28.6% indicated that two out of three HSCTR had been treated under the antigenemia guidance having the same levels of viral DNA as the untreated patients. The data suggest that a quantitative cutoff could be adopted as a guiding criterion for preemptive therapy also in HSCTR. Regression analysis allowed to determine the DNAemia (corresponding to QPCR) cutoff values for two commercial assays tested both in solid organ and HSCTR. Retrospective DNAemia cutoff values will be verified for safety in prospective trial

    Reconstitution of Human Cytomegalovirus-Specific CD4+ T Cells is Critical for Control of Virus Reactivation in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients but Does Not Prevent Organ Infection

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    The relative contribution of human cytomegalovirus (HMCV)-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells to the control of HCMV infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients is still controversial. HCMV reactivation and HCMV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell reconstitution were monitored for 1 year in 63 HCMV-seropositive patients receiving HSCT. HCMV reactivation was detected in all but 2 patients. In 20 of 63 (31.7%) patients (group 1) HCMV infection resolved spontaneously, whereas 32 of 63 (50.8%) patients (group 2) controlled the infection after a single short-course of pre-emptive therapy and the remaining 9 (14.3%) patients (group 3) suffered from relapsing episodes of HCMV infection, requiring multiple courses of antiviral therapy. The kinetics and magnitude of HCMV-specific CD8(+) T cell reconstitution were comparable among the 3 groups, but HCMV-specific CD4(+) T cells were lower in number in patients requiring antiviral treatment. HCMV-seronegative donors, as well as unrelated donors (receiving antithymocyte globulin) and acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were associated with both delayed HCMV-specific CD4(+) T cell reconstitution and severity of infection. Conversely, these risk factors had no impact on HCMV-specific CD8(+) T cells. Eight patients with previous GVHD suffered from HCMV gastrointestinal disease, although in the presence of HCMV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) systemic immunity and undetectable HCMV DNA in blood. Reconstitution of systemic HCMV-specific CD4(+) T cell immunity is required for control of HCMV reactivation in adult HSCT recipients, but it may not be sufficient to prevent late-onset organ localization in patients with GVHD. HCMV-specific CD8(+) T cells contribute to control of HCMV infection, but only after HCMV-specific CD4(+) T cell reconstitution

    Immune Correlates of Protection Against Human Cytomegalovirus Acquisition, Replication, and Disease

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common infectious cause of infant birth defects and an etiology of significant morbidity and mortality in solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. There is tremendous interest in developing a vaccine or immunotherapeutic to reduce the burden of HCMV-associated disease, yet after nearly a half-century of research and development in this field we remain without such an intervention. Defining immune correlates of protection is a process that enables targeted vaccine/immunotherapeutic discovery and informed evaluation of clinical performance. Outcomes in the HCMV field have previously been measured against a variety of clinical end points, including virus acquisition, systemic replication, and progression to disease. Herein we review immune correlates of protection against each of these end points in turn, showing that control of HCMV likely depends on a combination of innate immune factors, antibodies, and T-cell responses. Furthermore, protective immune responses are heterogeneous, with no single immune parameter predicting protection against all clinical outcomes and stages of HCMV infection. A detailed understanding of protective immune responses for a given clinical end point will inform immunogen selection and guide preclinical and clinical evaluation of vaccines or immunotherapeutics to prevent HCMV-mediated congenital and transplant disease

    Sustained impairment of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell response is responsible for recurrent episodes of disseminated HCMV infection in a D+R- hand transplant recipient

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is the major viral complication in solid organ transplant recipients. Seronegative recipents (R-) of organs from seropositive donors (D+) appear to be at higher risk of developing symptomatic HCMV infection. To what extent systemic life-threatening complications can be risked for non-life-saving transplant procedures? A case report describing successful treatment of repeated episodes of active HCMV infection in a D+R- hand recipient in the absence of HCMV-specific T-cell immunity is presented. In the attempt to save both the patient and the transplanted hand, a preemptive treatment strategy was adopted with the aim to boost the constitution of the virus-specific T-cell immune response and simultaneously avoid onset of disease. Careful monitoring of HCMV load in blood and HCMV-specific T-cell immunity guided administration of repeated courses of antiviral treatment and avoided emergence of HCMV-related symptoms. Following establishment of HCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell response, preemptive treatment was no longer required due to sustained HCMV disappearance from blood. The patient is now well, and his hand too. In conclusion, evaluation of virus-specific T-cell immunity is of crucial importance in D+R- transplant recipients and careful monitoring of HCMV-specific T cell mediated response should always parallel monitoring of HCMV load in transplant recipients

    Comparison of Quantitative Cytomegalovirus Real-time PCR in Whole Blood and pp65 Antigenemia Assay: Clinical Utility of CMV Real-time PCR in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients

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    Successful preemptive therapy for cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in transplant patients depends on the availability of sensitive, specific, and timely diagnostic tests for CMV infection. Although the pp65 antigenemia assay has been widely used for this purpose, real-time quantification of CMV DNA has recently been recognized as an alternative diagnostic approach. However, the guidelines for antiviral therapy based on real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) have yet to be established. From November 2004 to March 2005, a total of 555 whole blood samples from 131 hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients were prospectively collected. RQ-PCR was conducted using an Artus® CMV LC PCR kit (QIAGEN). Both qualitative and quantitative correlations were drawn between the two methods. Exposure to the antiviral agent influenced the results of the two assays. Additionally, the discrepancy was observed at low levels of antigenemia and CMV DNA load. Via ROC curve analysis, the tentative cutoff value for preemptive therapy was determined to be approximately 2×104 copies/mL (sensitivity, 80.0%; specificity, 50.0%) in the high risk patients, and approximately 3×104 copies/mL (sensitivity, 90.0%; specificity, 70.0%) in the patients at low risk for CMV disease. Further study to validate the optimal cutoff value for the initiation of preemptive therapy is currently underway

    Inflammatory and Immune Responses during SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Pregnant Women and Their Newborns

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    Background. Pregnant women are more susceptible to severe disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We performed a prospective study to analyze the inflammatory and immune profile after SARS-CoV-2 infection occurring in vaccinated or non-vaccinated pregnant women and their newborns. Methods. Twenty-five pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection were enrolled, and sixteen cord blood samples were obtained at delivery. Results. We observed that IL-1β, TNF-α, Eotaxin, MIB-1β, VEGF, IL-15, IL-2, IL-5, IL-9, IL-10 and IL-1ra levels were significantly higher in vaccinated than non-vaccinated mothers. Furthermore, the newborns of the vaccinated mothers produced higher levels of IL-7, IL-5 and IL-12 compared to the newborns of non-vaccinated mothers. Anti-Spike (S) IgG levels were significantly higher in all vaccinated mothers and their newborns compared to the non-vaccinated group. We found that 87.5% of vaccinated women and 66.6% of non-vaccinated women mounted an S-specific T-cell response quantified by ELISpot assay. Moreover, 75.0% of vaccinated mothers and 38.4% of non-vaccinated mothers showed S-specific CD4+ T-cell proliferative response. The T-helper subset response was restricted to CD4+ Th1 in both vaccinated and non-vaccinated women. Conclusion. A higher level of cytokines, IgG antibodies and memory T cells was noted in the vaccinated women. Furthermore, the maternal IgG antibody trans-placental transfer occurred more frequently in vaccinated mothers and may protect the newborn