146 research outputs found

    Sib-compatibility in S1 lines of Medicago sativa L

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    Impacts of International Wheat Breeding Research in Developing Countries, 1966-97

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Impacts of International Wheat Breeding Research in the Developing World, 1988-2002

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Isolation and Properties of the Enzyme System Forming Indoleacetic Acid

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    Impact of CGIAR maize germplasm in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Open Access ArticleThis study reports on the adoption and impacts of CGIAR-related maize varieties in 18 major maize-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) during 1995–2015. Of the 1345 maize varieties released during this timeframe, approximately 60% had a known CGIAR parentage. About 34% (9.5 million ha) of the total maize area in 2015 was cultivated with ’new’ CGIAR-related maize varieties released between 1995 and 2015. In the same year, an additional 13% of the maize area was cultivated with ’old’ CGIAR-related maize varieties released before 1995. The aggregate annual economic benefit of using new CGIAR-related maize germplasm for yield increase in SSA was estimated at US1.11.6billionin2015,whichweattributedequallytocoinvestmentsbyCGIARfunders,publicsectornationalresearchandextensionprograms,andprivatesectorpartners.GiventhattheannualglobalinvestmentinCGIARmaizebreedingatitsmaximumwasUS1.1–1.6 billion in 2015, which we attributed equally to co-investments by CGIAR funders, public-sector national research and extension programs, and private sector partners. Given that the annual global investment in CGIAR maize breeding at its maximum was US30 million, the benefit-cost ratios for the CGIAR investment and CGIAR-attributable portion of economic benefits varied from 12:1–17:1, under the assumption of a 5-year lag in the research investment to yield returns. The study also discusses the methodological challenges involved in large-scale impact assessments. Post-2015 CGIAR tropical maize breeding efforts have had a strong emphasis on stress tolerance

    CGIAR modeling approaches for resource constrained scenarios: IV Models for analyzing socio‐economic factors to improve policy recommendations

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    International crop-related research as conducted by the CGIAR uses crop modelingfor a variety of purposes. By linking crop models with economic models andapproaches, crop model outputs can be effectively used as inputs into socioeco-nomic modeling efforts for priority setting and policy advice using ex-ante impactassessment of technologies and scenario analysis. This requires interdisciplinarycollaboration and very often collaboration across a variety of research organizations.This study highlights the key topics, purposes, and approaches of socioeconomicanalysis within the CGIAR related to cropping systems. Although each CGIARcenter has a different mission, all CGIAR centers share a common strategy of strivingtoward a world free of hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation. This meansresearch is mostly focused toward resource-constrained smallholder farmers. Thereview covers global modeling efforts using the IMPACT model to farm householdbio-economic models for assessing the potential impact of new technologies onfarming systems and livelihoods. Although the CGIAR addresses all aspects of foodsystems, the focus of this review is on crop commodities and the economic analysislinked to crop-growth model results. This study, while not a comprehensive review,provides insights into the richness of the socioeconomic modeling endeavors withinthe CGIAR. The study highlights the need for interdisciplinary approaches to addressthe challenges this type of modeling faces

    Biosecurity and Yield Improvement Technologies Are Strategic Complements in the Fight against Food Insecurity

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    The delivery of food security via continued crop yield improvement alone is not an effective food security strategy, and must be supported by pre- and post-border biosecurity policies to guard against perverse outcomes. In the wake of the green revolution, yield gains have been in steady decline, while post-harvest crop losses have increased as a result of insufficiently resourced and uncoordinated efforts to control spoilage throughout global transport and storage networks. This paper focuses on the role that biosecurity is set to play in future food security by preventing both pre- and post-harvest losses, thereby protecting crop yield. We model biosecurity as a food security technology that may complement conventional yield improvement policies if the gains in global farm profits are sufficient to offset the costs of implementation and maintenance. Using phytosanitary measures that slow global spread of the Ug99 strain of wheat stem rust as an example of pre-border biosecurity risk mitigation and combining it with post-border surveillance and invasive alien species control efforts, we estimate global farm profitability may be improved by over US$4.5 billion per annum

    Avoiding lodging in irrigated spring wheat. II. Genetic variation of stem and root structural properties

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    Lodging-related traits were evaluated on the CIMMYT Core spring wheat Germplasm Panel (CIMCOG) in the Yaqui Valley of North-West Mexico during three seasons (2010–2013). Genetic variation was significant for all the lodging-related traits in the cross-year analysis, however, significant G × E interaction due to rank changes or changes in the absolute differences between cultivars were identified. The inconsistences on cultivar performances across seasons particularly reduced the heritability of key characters related to root lodging resistance (anchorage strength). Target characters related to stem lodging resistance (stem strength) showed good heritability values equal or above 0.70. Positive correlations between stem strength and stem diameter and between root plate spread and root strength were found. Selecting for greater stem diameter and wall width, greater root plate spread and shorter plant height could enable breeders to increase lodging resistance by increasing stem strength, root strength and decreasing plant leverage, respectively. Achieving a lodging-proof crop will depend on finding a wider root plate spread and implementing new management strategies. Genetic linkages between lodging traits will not constrain the combination of the key lodging-trait dimensions to achieve a lodging-proof ideotype. However, strong association between stem strength and stem wall width will increase the total biomass cost needed for lodging resistance