78 research outputs found

    Geoportal Schaddelmühle – Erden der Keramik

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    Geoportal Rochlitzer Berg – Porphyrhaus

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    This case study analyzed stride frequency, represented by time of gait cycle (TGC), and maximum pronation velocity (MPV) for one subject running 350 km over 16 consecutive days. Data collection took place during a day-and-night team relay-race around Germany in 2008. TGC and MPV measurements were performed by a gyrometer incorporated in the subject’s running shoe and recorded by a portable data logger. For data analysis TGC and MPV velocity were determined in 25 runs for altogether 112,532 steps of the right foot. Means and standard deviations of both parameters for complete runs and for all consecutive five-minute segments within each run were calculated. Results showed an increase of TGC and a decrease of MPV within single runs. Between run comparisons across all 25 runs showed no systematic change in TGC and MPV during the relay-race. Interestingly, during the unfamiliar night-runs TGC and MPV were increased compared to day-runs, potentially caused by altered biorhythm or limited vision at night

    Hairpin Formation in Friedreich's Ataxia Triplet Repeat Expansion

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    Triplet repeat tracts occur throughout the human genome. Expansions of a (GAA)(n)/(TTC)(n) repeat tract during its transmission from parent to child are tightly associated with the occurrence of Friedreich's ataxia. Evidence supports DNA slippage during DNA replication as the cause of the expansions. DNA slippage results in single-stranded expansion intermediates. Evidence has accumulated that predicts that hairpin structures protect from DNA repair the expansion intermediates of all of the disease-associated repeats except for those of Friedreich's ataxia. How the latter repeat expansions avoid repair remains a mystery because (GAA)(n) and (TTC)(n) repeats are reported not to self-anneal. To characterize the Friedreich's ataxia intermediates, we generated massive expansions of (GAA)(n) and (TTC)(n) during DNA replication in vitro using human polymerase beta and the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli polymerase I. Electron microscopy, endonuclease cleavage, and DNA sequencing of the expansion products demonstrate, for the first time, the occurrence of large and growing (GAA)(n) and (TTC)(n) hairpins during DNA synthesis. The results provide unifying evidence that predicts that hairpin formation during DNA synthesis mediates all of the disease-associated, triplet repeat expansions

    Geotope - Einblicke in die Erdgeschichte

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    Naturschutz ist inzwischen tief in unserem Denken und Handeln angekommen. Aber noch immer wird dabei zu allererst an den Schutz von Tieren und Pflanzen gedacht, gefolgt vom Schutz des oberirdischen und unterirdischen Wassers. Das ist verständlich, hat doch diese Art des Naturschutzes lange zurückliegende Wurzeln

    Direito e Moral Através dos Casos do Professor Fuller

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    O objetivo central foi analisar “O Caso dos Exploradores de Cavernas” e “O Caso dos Denunciantes Invejosos” – que proporcionam uma discussão bastante profícua sobre a distinção conceitual entre Direito e Moral que é um dos pontos mais delicados do aprendizado da disciplin
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