49,492 research outputs found

    Long-term IR Photometry of Seyferts

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    Long-term (up to 10000d) monitoring has been undertaken for 41 Seyferts in the near-IR (JHKL). All but 2 showed variability, with K ampl in the range <0.1 to > 1.1 mags. The timescale for detectable change is from about one week to a few years. A simple cross-correlation study shows evidence for delays of up to several hundred days between the variations seen at the shortest wavelengths and the longest in many galaxies. In particular, the data for F9 now extend to twice the interval covered earlier and the delay between its UV and IR outputs persists. An analysis of the fluxes shows that, for any given galaxy, the colours of the variable component are usually independent of the level of activity. The state of activity can be parameterized. Taken over the whole sample, the colours of the variable components fall within moderately narrowly defined ranges. In particular, the H-K colour is appropriate to a black body of temperature 1600K. The H-K excess for a heavily reddened nucleus can be determined and used to find E_{B-V}, which can be compared to the values found from the visible region broad line fluxes. Using flux-flux diagrams, the flux within the aperture from the underlying galaxy can often be determined without the need for model surface brightness profiles. In many galaxies it is apparent that here must be an additional constant contribution from warm dust.Comment: Better quality available from ftp://ftp.saao.ac.za/pub/isg/seyf.pd

    Period-magnitude relations for M giants in Baade's Window NGC6522

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    A large and complete sample of stars with K < 9.75 in the NGC6522 Baade's Window is examined using light curves from MACHO and IJK from DENIS. All 4 of the sequences ABCD in the K vs logP diagram of the LMC are seen in the Bulge. The Bulge sequences however show some differences from the Magellanic Clouds. The sequences may be useful as distance indicators. A new diagram of the frequency of late-type variables is presented. The catalogued SR variables of the solar nbd are found to be a subset of the total of SRs, biased towards large amplitude.Comment: 11 pages 11 fig

    Mid-IR period-magnitude relations for AGB stars

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    Asymptotic Giant Branch variables are found to obey period-luminosity relations in the mid-IR similar to those seen at K_S (2.14 microns), even at 24 microns where emission from circumstellar dust is expected to be dominant. Their loci in the M, logP diagrams are essentially the same for the LMC and for NGC6522 in spite of different ages and metallicities. There is no systematic trend of slope with wavelength. The offsets of the apparent magnitude vs. logP relations imply a difference between the two fields of 3.8 in distance modulus. The colours of the variables confirm that a principal period with log P > 1.75 is a necessary condition for detectable mass-loss. At the longest observed wavelength, 24 microns, many semi-regular variables have dust shells comparable in luminosity to those around Miras. There is a clear bifurcation in LMC colour-magnitude diagrams involving 24 micron magnitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Critical Groups of Graphs with Dihedral Actions II

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    In this paper we consider the critical group of finite connected graphs which admit harmonic actions by the dihedral group DnD_n, extending earlier work by the author and Criel Merino. In particular, we show that the critical group of such a graph can be decomposed in terms of the critical groups of the quotients of the graph by certain subgroups of the automorphism group. This is analogous to a theorem of Kani and Rosen which decomposes the Jacobians of algebraic curves with a DnD_n-action.Comment: Revised version includes new examples and increased detail in expositio

    Composition of Integers with Bounded Parts

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    In this note, we consider ordered partitions of integers such that each entry is no more than a fixed portion of the sum. We give a method for constructing all such compositions as well as both an explicit formula and a generating function describing the number of k-tuples whose entries are bounded in this way and sum to a fixed value g

    Book Review: How to Bake Pi: An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics

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    If you think about it, mathematics is really just one big analogy. For one example, the very concept of the number three is an drawing an analogy between a pile with three rocks, a collection of three books, and a plate with three carrots on it. For another, the idea of a group is drawing an analogy between adding real numbers, multiplying matrices, and many other mathematical structures. So much of what we do as mathematicians involves abstracting concrete things, and what is abstraction other than a big analogy? [excerpt

    The Power of X

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    In his recent book, The Math Myth: And Other STEM Delusions, political scientist Andrew Hacker argues, among other things, that we should not require high school students to take algebra. Part of his argument, based on data some have questioned, is that algebra courses are a major contributor to students dropping out of high school. He also argues that algebra is nothing more than an enigmatic orbit of abstractions that most people will never use in their jobs. [excerpt
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