3,799 research outputs found

    Human Rights across National Borders

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    In Pakistan are visible thousands of children living alone in the streets, used by different kind of people for underground proposes. Then one finds them older entering Greece borders, bringing with them the underground exploitative activities as well as the solidarity support of local population living where migrant pass. Looking to the youngsters migrant flow from Afghanistan to Europe, is it possible to understand it when sociologist look at it as a problem of national stock and flow? Or does sociology need to adopt without borders methodologies

    Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes is a growing prevalent disease, usually symptomless, with devastating chronic complications for the individual, family and society. Its progressive nature leads to the dose escalating and the association of different drugs which will rapidly become insufficient to achieve the glycemic goals established individually. Insulin is the most effective drug to control diabetes but there is frequently a silent contract to resist to its implementation between the healthcare team and people with type 2 diabetes. This publication aims to share information about this therapeutic option, eliminating old myths and giving an understandable teaching about all the process of insulin therapy centered on the person with type 2 diabetes. Sharing knowledge with different groups of healthcare professionals regarding the glycemic goals and how to reach them with distinct kinds of available insulins, will allow the release by multiprofessional teams of a homogeneous and non contradictory information to the people with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, a good engagement between physicians and nurse educators in the same team is the cornerstone to the initiation and intensification of insulin therapy. The decision of starting insulin therapy is not the end of the process. The progressive nature of the disease compels to empower the patient to adjust its dose of insulin according to the self monitoring blood glucose data and to realize that the decision of a single therapeutic scheme is not definitive, being adapted upon the clinical condition of the person along the diabetes evolutio

    Diabetes Gestacional como Fator de Risco Cardiovascular

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    Who are the prisoners?

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    Criminal proceedings are socially unequal. But are they discriminatory? The impunity of some corresponds, in fact, to the ruthless condemnation of others, including due to miscarriages of justice or for minor offenses. Sociology, without being able to be definitive as to whether or not there is organized discrimination and how, presents sociographic data of the prison population. A population that is impoverished, young, male, poorly educated. Psychology contributes with likely causes of predisposition to fulfil the role of prisoner: family disruption, school failure, exclusionary cultures. Practitioners on the ground recognize pre-offenders before the age of criminal responsibility. The police demand convictions from an early age, from experience, recognizing in them the new generation of criminals who will soon commit crimes of their own. Will the analytical model most used in social theory, separating the political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, be the most appropriate to explain what the social role of the prisoners might be? What happens to the people living in the negative side of these dimensions? There is a consensus about the influence of the economic situation on the likelihood of someone being incarcerated. But there is no agreement as to how institutional processes with such symbolic and political importance as the criminal courts accept being part of a socially selective process so admittedly unjust: how do these organs of sovereignty offer themselves to fulfill a purpose so patently opposed to their doctrinal aims, and how do they gain political legitimacy by doing so? How is it that they sometimes are used to incarcerate the politically or merely socially inconvenient among us? Given that we are in the presence of a global phenomenon (all states and all powers use sequestration as a form of social control) we ask ourselves whether the typical dimensions used by social theory serve the needs of understanding prisons. Is the social role of prisoners economic, political, cultural, of status? How does this explain the centrality of gender and stigma? How to, in practice, explain the normative inconsistencies and claims of the special dangerousness of young men? Why has torture in the prisons become an internationally recognized fact by the custodial states, to the point of they themselves recognizing their incompetence to abolish such prohibited and disgusting practices? Around the hypothesis that the bulk of prisoners are modern scapegoats unconsciously created by states, according to a traditional formula for appeasing feelings of vindictiveness, we discuss the explanatory relevance of this anthropological hypothesis to the study of prisons

    Yes or no?

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    Violencia y sociedad

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    The recent interest in the sociology of violence has arisen at the same time that western societies are being urged to consider the profound social crisis provoked by global financial turmoil. Social changes demand the evolution of sociological practices. The analysis herein proposed, based on the studies of M. Wieviorka, La Violence (2005), and of R. Collins, Violence: A Micro-sociological Theory (2008), concludes that violence is subject to sociological treatments centered on the aggressors, on the struggles for power and on male gender. There is a lack of connection between practical proposals for violence prevention and the sociology of violence. It is accepted that violence as a subject of study has the potential, as well as the theoretical and social centrality, to promote the debate necessary to bring social theory up to date. This process is more likely to occur in periods of social transformation, when sociology is open to considering subjects that are still taboo in its study of violence, such as the female gender and the state. The rise of the sociology of violence confronts us with a dilemma. We can either collaborate with the construction of a sub discipline that reproduces the limitations and taboos of current social theory, or we can use the fact that violence has become a “hot topic” as an opportunity to open sociology to themes that are taboo in social theory (such as the vital and harmonious character of the biological aspects of social mechanisms or the normative aspects of social settings).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A real red flag!

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    Trust and the face

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    Damasio´s books call for scientific cooperation between neurosciences and social sciences. He acknowledge both the epistemic limits that obstruct the free flow of knowledge between different scientific fields and Cartesian preconceptions that radically separate macro and micro analyses, societies and individuals. The face is strategically in position of mediating both worlds imaginarily untouched by one another. It challenge present scientific paradigm that presuppose the split between social and natural sciences. The face is both natural and cultural. That is the perfect research field to open to new cognitive adventures beyond the limits of science. And to help us to overcome the impasse of the development of social sciences

    Defeat may not be the worst result!

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