5,982 research outputs found

    Energy propagation in dissipative systems Part II: Centrovelocity for nonlinear wave equations

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    We consider nonlinear wave equations, first order in time, of a specific form. In the absence of dissipation, these equations are given by a Poisson system, with a Hamiltonian that is the integral of some density. The functional I, defined to be the integral of the square of the waveform, is a constant of motion of the unperturbed system. It will be shown that Z, the center of gravity of this density, is canonically conjugate to I and can be used as a measure to locate the position of the waveform. By introducing new coordinates based on Z, we get expressions for the centrovelocity, Image, and the decay of I, which compare to the ones of part I, in both the conservative and the dissipative case. With the derived expressions, we investigate the decay of solitary waves of the Korteweg-de Vries equation, when different kinds of dissipation are added

    The War

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    Perturbations of embedded eigenvalues for the planar bilaplacian

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    Operators on unbounded domains may acquire eigenvalues that are embedded in the essential spectrum. Determining the fate of these embedded eigenvalues under small perturbations of the underlying operator is a challenging task, and the persistence properties of such eigenvalues is linked intimately to the multiplicity of the essential spectrum. In this paper, we consider the planar bilaplacian with potential and show that the set of potentials for which an embedded eigenvalue persists is locally an infinite-dimensional manifold with infinite codimension in an appropriate space of potentials

    Inferring telescope polarization properties through spectral lines without linear polarization

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    We present a technique to determine the polarization properties of a telescope through observations of spectral lines that have no intrinsic linear polarization signals. For such spectral lines, any observed linear polarization must be induced by the telescope optics. We apply the technique to observations taken with the SPINOR at the DST and demonstrate that we can retrieve the characteristic polarization properties of the DST at three wavelengths of 459, 526, and 615 nm. We determine the amount of crosstalk between the intensity Stokes I and the linear and circular polarization states Stokes Q, U, and V, and between Stokes V and Stokes Q and U. We fit a set of parameters that describe the polarization properties of the DST to the observed crosstalk values. The values for the ratio of reflectivities X and the retardance tau match those derived with the telescope calibration unit within the error bars. Residual crosstalk after applying a correction for the telescope polarization stays at a level of 3-10%. We find that it is possible to derive the parameters that describe the polarization properties of a telescope from observations of spectral lines without intrinsic linear polarization signal. Such spectral lines have a dense coverage (about 50 nm separation) in the visible part of the spectrum (400-615 nm), but none were found at longer wavelengths. Using spectral lines without intrinsic linear polarization is a promising tool for the polarimetric calibration of current or future solar telescopes such as DKIST.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Mathematical models for sleep-wake dynamics: comparison of the two-process model and a mutual inhibition neuronal model

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    Sleep is essential for the maintenance of the brain and the body, yet many features of sleep are poorly understood and mathematical models are an important tool for probing proposed biological mechanisms. The most well-known mathematical model of sleep regulation, the two-process model, models the sleep-wake cycle by two oscillators: a circadian oscillator and a homeostatic oscillator. An alternative, more recent, model considers the mutual inhibition of sleep promoting neurons and the ascending arousal system regulated by homeostatic and circadian processes. Here we show there are fundamental similarities between these two models. The implications are illustrated with two important sleep-wake phenomena. Firstly, we show that in the two-process model, transitions between different numbers of daily sleep episodes occur at grazing bifurcations.This provides the theoretical underpinning for numerical results showing that the sleep patterns of many mammals can be explained by the mutual inhibition model. Secondly, we show that when sleep deprivation disrupts the sleep-wake cycle, ostensibly different measures of sleepiness in the two models are closely related. The demonstration of the mathematical similarities of the two models is valuable because not only does it allow some features of the two-process model to be interpreted physiologically but it also means that knowledge gained from study of the two-process model can be used to inform understanding of the mutual inhibition model. This is important because the mutual inhibition model and its extensions are increasingly being used as a tool to understand a diverse range of sleep-wake phenomena such as the design of optimal shift-patterns, yet the values it uses for parameters associated with the circadian and homeostatic processes are very different from those that have been experimentally measured in the context of the two-process model

    On extensions of the core and the anticore of transferable utility games

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    We consider several related set extensions of the core and the anticore of games with transferable utility. An efficient allocation is undominated if it cannot be improved, in a specific way, by sidepayments changing the allocation or the game. The set of all such allocations is called the undominated set, and we show that it consists of finitely many polytopes with a core-like structure. One of these polytopes is the L1-center, consisting of all efficient allocations that minimize the sum of the absolute values of the excesses. The excess Pareto optimal set contains the allocations that are Pareto optimal in the set obtained by ordering the sums of the absolute values of the excesses of coalitions and the absolute values of the excesses of their complements. The L1-center is contained in the excess Pareto optimal set, which in turn is contained in the undominated set. For three-person games all these sets coincide. These three sets also coincide with the core for balanced games and with the anticore for antibalanced games. We study properties of these sets and provide characterizations in terms of balanced collections of coalitions. We also propose a single-valued selection from the excess Pareto optimal set, the min-prenucleolus, which is defined as the prenucleolus of the minimum of a game and its dual.Transferable utility game; core; anticore; core extension; min-prenucleolus
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