2,087 research outputs found

    Dynamic calibration of an instrumented bike brake hood in measuring power absorbed by the hands

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    AbstractOne of the most significant factors in ride quality in cycling sports are the vibrations generated by road surface defects passing through the bicycle and transmitted to the cyclist's hands and buttocks. To study comfort, one metric that has been put forward is the measurement of the power absorbed at the cyclist's hands. Measuring absorbed power requires the use of the force and the velocity at the hands and provides an overall energy-based quantity. The aim of this study is to dynamically calibrate an instrumented brake hood transducer to measure the power absorbed at the cyclist's hands. Using a base excitation technique involving suspended masses, dynamic calibration of the brake hood was conducted in the 3-100 Hz frequency range, and the force transducer sensitivity and seismic mass were measured. An accelerometer attached to the brake hood enabled measurements of acceleration and calculation of velocity. A frequency-dependent phase mismatch between the force signal and the acceleration was obtained by measuring the accelerance at the hand-bike interface. A device called the Power Calibrator equipped with an impedance head was developed to assess the accuracy of the power measured by the instrumented brake hood. The results show that the instrumented brake hood can accurately measure the absorbed power at the cyclist's hands. Phase mismatch between the force and the velocity signals must be corrected to improve the accuracy of measurements. To implement the measurements, it is recommended that the calculations be done in the frequency domain

    L'orthographe des homophones : quelles difficultés pour les élèves du secondaire?

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    Cet article rend compte des résultats obtenus lors d'une recherche descriptive visant à faire le portrait des principales difficultés rencontrées par les élèves du secondaire relativement à l'orthographe des homophones, et cela, à travers différents angles d'analyse. Dans cette recherche, nous avons fait ressortir les erreurs d'homophonie commises le plus fréquemment par les élèves étudiés et avons ensuite analysé chacune des formes homophones problématiques en fonction de critères variés tels que leur fréquence lexicale, leur appartenance à une catégorie grammaticale particulière ou encore la structure syntaxique qui les sous-tend.Les résultats révélés par notre analyse montrent, entre autres, que ce sont principalement les finales verbales en /E/ qui posent problème aux élèves du secondaire, suivies par les formes homophones s'est/c'est/ces/ses et se/ce. De plus, de nombreux facteurs semblent expliquer la prépondérance de certaines erreurs.This article presents results of a descriptive study aimed at establishing a picture of the main difficulties encountered by Quebec high school students regarding the spelling of homophones. In this study, we outlined the most frequent homophonous errors made in texts by 136 students studied and, for ten targeted homophonous groups, we established the success and failure rate of the expected forms for each context of realization. The results of our analysis show that the main problems high school students face are verbs ending with the sound 'e', followed by the s'est/c'est/ces/ses and se/ce homophonous forms.Aquest article presenta els resultats obtinguts durant una investigació descriptiva amb el propòsit de presentar un panorama de les principals dificultats trobades pels alumnes francòfons de secundària del Quebec en relació amb l'ortografia dels homòfons en francès. En aquesta investigació es destaquen els errors relacionats als homòfons que 136 alumnes participants cometen amb més freqüència i, de deu grups homòfons específics, en cada context de realització en destaquem la taxa d'èxit i error de les formes esperades en els textos. Entre els principals resultats, la nostra anàlisi mostra que són principalment les formes verbals finals en /E/ les que plantegen els principals problemes als alumnes de secundària, seguides per les formes homòfones s'est / c'est / ces / ses i es / ce.Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos durante una investigación descriptiva con el propósito de presentar un panorama de las principales dificultades encontradas por los alumnos francófonos de secundaria de Quebec en relación con la ortografía de los homófonos en francés. En esta investigación se destacan los errores relacionados a los homófonos que 136 alumnos participantes cometen con mayor frecuencia y, para diez grupos homófonos específicos, en cada contexto de realización se destacan la tasa de éxito y fracaso de las formas esperadas en los textos. Entre nuestros principales resultados, nuestro análisis muestra, entre otros, que son principalmente las formas verbales finales en /E/ las que plantean los principales problemas a los alumnos de secundaria, seguidas por las formas homófonas s'est/c'est/ces/ses y se/ce

    L’orthographe des homophones : quelles difficultés pour les élèves du secondaire?

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    Aquest article presenta els resultats obtinguts durant una investigació descriptiva amb el propòsit de presentar un panorama de les principals dificultats trobades pels alumnes francòfons de secundària del Quebec en relació amb l'ortografia dels homòfons en francès. En aquesta investigació es destaquen els errors relacionats als homòfons que 136 alumnes participants cometen amb més freqüència i, de deu grups homòfons específics, en cada context de realització en destaquem la taxa d'èxit i error de les formes esperades en els textos. Entre els principals resultats, la nostra anàlisi mostra que són principalment les formes verbals finals en /E/ les que plantegen els principals problemes als alumnes de secundària, seguides per les formes homòfones s'est / c'est / ces / ses i es / ce.This article presents results of a descriptive study aimed at establishing a picture of the main difficulties encountered by Quebec high school students regarding the spelling of homophones. In this study, we outlined the most frequent homophonous errors made in texts by 136 students studied and, for ten targeted homophonous groups, we established the success and failure rate of the expected forms for each context of realization. The results of our analysis show that the main problems high school students face are verbs ending with the sound ‘e’, followed by the s’est/c’est/ces/ses and se/ce homophonous forms.Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos durante una investigación descriptiva con el propósito de presentar un panorama de las principales dificultades encontradas por los alumnos francófonos de secundaria de Quebec en relación con la ortografía de los homófonos en francés. En esta investigación se destacan los errores relacionados a los homófonos que 136 alumnos participantes cometen con mayor frecuencia y, para diez grupos homófonos específicos, en cada contexto de realización se destacan la tasa de éxito y fracaso de las formas esperadas en los textos. Entre nuestros principales resultados, nuestro análisis muestra, entre otros, que son principalmente las formas verbales finales en /E/ las que plantean los principales problemas a los alumnos de secundaria, seguidas por las formas homófonas s’est/c’est/ces/ses y se/ce.Cet article rend compte des résultats obtenus lors d’une recherche descriptive visant à faire le portrait des principales difficultés rencontrées par les élèves du secondaire relativement à l’orthographe des homophones, et cela, à travers différents angles d’analyse. Dans cette recherche, nous avons fait ressortir les erreurs d’homophonie commises le plus fréquemment par les élèves étudiés et avons ensuite analysé chacune des formes homophones problématiques en fonction de critères variés tels que leur fréquence lexicale, leur appartenance à une catégorie grammaticale particulière ou encore la structure syntaxique qui les sous-tend.Les résultats révélés par notre analyse montrent, entre autres, que ce sont principalement les finales verbales en /E/ qui posent problème aux élèves du secondaire, suivies par les formes homophones s’est/c’est/ces/ses et se/ce. De plus, de nombreux facteurs semblent expliquer la prépondérance de certaines erreurs

    Échos : La main comme langage et connexion

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    Evaluating airborne laser data on steeply sloping terrain

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    Accuracy of Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping (ALTM) elevations is not well known on steeply sloping terrain. A unique method was used whereby, the planimetric location of ALTM ground strikes were located in the field and reference elevations measured at these points. Survey-grade Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and rigorous techniques accurately established vertical heights to 0.010 meters, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Sampled slopes range from 0.5 degrees to 50.6 degrees. A positive quadratic relationship exists between slope and vertical error. Error is negligible on slopes less than twenty degrees. Incidence angle, footprint size, and elevation spread from the upper reach of the footprint to the lower reach for each laser strike were also determined. An increase in each results in an increase in ALTM elevation imprecision. Elevation spread within the footprint and horizontal error could account for high percentages of vertical error on steeper slopes

    Alien Registration- Laroche, Albertine (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Self-Care: How to Deal with Stress

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    In this lecture, Fr. Roger gives us a nuanced take on stress, and how humans react to it. Speaker: Fr Roger Champoux received his high school and college education in the Collège des Jésuites of Québec and graduated in 1958. He joined the Jesuit order in August the same year, and studied Philosophy in Montreal. After spending time in Vietnam and the Philippines, he studied Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Gregorian University in Rome. In 1976, he settled in the Philippines where he was assigned to the East Asian Pastoral Institute while being the director of Our Lady of Peace Guidance Center. He has resided in the Loyola House of Studies since 1990, and continues to work in the aforementioned Guidance Center while attaining his PhD in Psychology at Ateneo de Manila. Over the years, he has worked as a part-time lecturer in the Graduate School of the Ateneo de Manila Department of Psychology.https://archium.ateneo.edu/magisterial-lectures/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Liberal critics of the United States policy toward the Vichy government 1940-1943

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    Importance of Optimizing Visual Acuity in Vulnerable Seniors Living in an Institution

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    Visual acuity is an important measurement taken during an eye exam for checking an individual’s ability to see properly and to guide the adjusting of ocular refraction. It is a routine test usually done in a few minutes and with no particularly difficulty. However, this measurement can be more difficult to do in seniors with cognition or communication disabilities. For example, this may be true for a senior with dementia or suffering from aphasia following a stroke. The purpose of this article is to present certain aspects of population aging, data connected with institutionalization of seniors, various conditions that are more prevalent with age, as well as specific factors demonstrating the importance of optimizing vision in seniors. Lastly, this article will provide an overview of various scales available for measuring visual acuity