1,443 research outputs found

    Concurrent Model Transformations with Linda

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    Nowadays, model transformations languages and engines use a sequential execution model. This is, only one execution thread deals with the whole transformation. However, model transformations dealing with very large models, such as those used in biology or aerospace applications, require concurrent solutions in order to speed up their performance. In this ongoing work we explore the use of Linda for implementing a set of basic mechanisms to enable concurrent model transformations, and present our initial results.Proyectos TIN2011-23795, TIN2011-15497-E y Andalucía Tech Campus de Excelencia

    Les Altres comarques. Sortida d'estudi a la Selva Marítima

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    Teaching Model Views with UML and OCL

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    The specification of any non-trivial system is normally composed of a set of models. Each model describes a different view of the system, focuses on a particular set of concerns, and uses its own notation. For example, UML defines a set of diagrams for modelling the structure and behavior of any software system. One of the problems we perceived with our students is that they are able to understand each one of these diagrams, but they have problems understanding how they are related, and how the overall system specifications work when composed of a set of views. This paper presents a simple case study that we have developed and successfully used in class, which permits students developing the principal views of a system, simulate them, and check their relations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Linda-based Platform for the Parallel Execution of Out-place Model Transformations

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    Context: The performance and scalability of model transformations is gaining interest as industry is progressively adopting model-driven techniques and multicore computers are becoming commonplace. However, existing model transformation engines are mostly based on sequential and in-memory execution strategies, and thus their capabilities to transform large models in parallel and distributed environments are limited. Objective: This paper presents a solution that provides concurrency and distribution to model transformations. Method: Inspired by the concepts and principles of the Linda coordination language, and the use of data parallelism to achieve parallelization, a novel Javabased execution platform is introduced. It offers a set of core features for the parallel execution of out-place transformations that can be used as a target for high-level transformation language compilers. Results: Significant gains in performance and scalability of this platform are reported with regard to existing model transformation solutions. These results are demonstrated by running a model transformation test suite, and by its comparison against several state-of-the-art model transformation engines. Conclusion: Our Linda-based approach to the concurrent execution of model transformations can serve as a platform for their scalable and efficient implementation in parallel and distributed environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards Distributed Model Transformations with LinTra

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    Performance and scalability of model transformations are becoming prominent topics in Model-Driven Engineering. In previous works we introduced LinTra, a platform for executing model transformations in parallel. LinTra is based on the Linda model of a coordination language and is intended to be used as a middleware where high-level model transformation languages are compiled. In this paper we present the initial results of our analyses on the scalability of out-place model-to-model transformation executions in LinTra when the models and the processing elements are distributed over a set of machines.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Modificacions del mapa provincial espanyol des de 1834

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    El Canigó: una ascensió emblemàtica

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    Un país amb 7 territoris

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    El nou Estatut d?autonomia de Catalunya (2006) preveu la creació de vegueries, enteses en la doble funció d?ens local en substitució de les diputacions i com a àmbit d?actuació perifèrica de la Generalitat. Resta per aclarir l?encaix de la vegueria amb la província estatal. Hores d?ara la planificació del territori i bona part de l?administració perifèrica de la Generalitat s?organitza en 7 àmbits, en tant que l?Estat manté inalterada la seva organització en 4 províncies. S?estudien els precedents històrics de les vegueries contemporànies i en particular el debat i gestació de 9 regions en temps de la Generalitat republicana (1931-1939). Es posa de relleu la important aportació intel·lectual d?Enric Lluch en la reforma i simplificació del mapa de vegueries (de 9 a 7). Es planteja el feixuc trànsit efectuat des de la idea de ?província única? al plantejament d?un increment en el nombre de províncies-vegueries.The new Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia (2006) foresees the creation of vegueries, a new political entity at the local level with the dual role to replace the provincial governments and to become the space of peripheral government action of the Generalitat. It is still undefined the fitting of this new entity within the state provinces. At the moment the territorial planning and a great part of the peripheral administration of the Generalitat are organized in seven areas, while the state maintains unaltered the organization in four provinces. This paper analyzes the historical precedents of the contemporary jurisdictions and in particular the debate and development of 9 regions during the time of the republican Generalitat (1931-1939). It is also pointed out the significant intellectual contribution of Enric Lluch in order to reform and simplify of vegueries map (from 9 to 7). It is brought up also the cumbersome transition from the idea of the single province to the approach of an increase in the number of provinces- vegueries.El nuevo Estatuto de autonomía de Cataluña (2006) prevé la creación de veguerías, entendidas en la doble función de ente local en substitución de las diputaciones y como ámbito de actuación periférica de la Generalitat. Queda por aclarar el encaje de la veguería con la provincia estatal. De momento la planificación del territorio y buena parte de la administración periférica de la Generalitat se organiza en 7 ámbitos, mientras que el Estado mantiene inalterada su organización en 4 provincias. Se estudian los precedentes históricos de las veguerías contemporáneas y en particular el debate y gestación de 9 regiones en tiempo de la Generalitat republicana (1931-1939). Se pone de relieve la importante aportación intelectual de Enric Lluch en la reforma y simplificación del mapa de veguerías (de 9 a 7). Se plantea el laborioso tránsito realizado desde la idea de ?provincia única? al planteamiento de un incremento en el número de provincias-veguerías