25 research outputs found

    Unengaged head at term in primigravida: does it affect the chance of having a normal delivery?

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    Background: In Obstetrics it is traditional concept that fetal head engagement occurs by 38 weeks in primigravida. Unengaged head in primigravida has been considered a possible sign of cephalo pelvic disproportion. It is associated with higher risk of cervical dystocia, which has led to increased rate of caesarean section with its financial implication and future restriction of family size. Labour is prolonged, the duration of both latent and active phase increases, due to improper fitting high fetal head.Methods: The prospective descriptive study was conducted at the Yenepoya Medical College hospital OBG Department.  Study population included were 75 primi gravidas with unengaged head at term. Details of labour were noted down.  Augmentation was done with oxytocin and dose of oxytocin was titrated . CTG was used to monitor fetal heart.  Emergency LSCS was performed in patients with fetal distress or non-progress of labour.  In case of vagina delivery, duration of 1st and 2nd stage, APGAR score at 1 and 5 minutes, and birth weights were recorded.Results: Of the 75 primigravida 66.66% were in the age group of 21-25yrs.  Majority of the women were of 39-40 weeks (42.66%) of gestation. Common causes of unengaged head was deflexed head in 15 (20%) CPD in 11 (14.66%), loops of cord around neck in 8 (10.66%), polyhydramnios in 2(2.66%), placenta previa type-I and II  : anterior in 5 (6.66%) 8 patients were with occipito posterior position.  No cause could be identified in 27 cases (36%). Vaginal delivery occurred in 68% and LSCS in 32%.Conclusions: Unengaged head in primi gravida with spontaneous onset of labour is not an indication for LSCS. The attitude of watchful expectancy and timely intervention especially in those cases in which no significant etiological factor is found, the chances of vaginal birth increase there by reducing maternal land foetal morbidity

    Effect of feeding Moringa oleifera hay on performance, lactation, and nitrogen balance in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes in semi-arid areas of South Asia

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    The present study was conducted in semi-arid areas to examine the effect of feeding Moringaoleiferahay (MOH) on intake, digestibility, milk yield and its composition in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes. Eight buffaloes of Nili Ravi breed were selected from the dairy herd on the basis of nearly similar lactation stage and body weight in the experiment. In this trial, buffaloes were blocked by parity and randomly assigned within block to one of two tre atments for the duration of 17 weeks. An isonitrogenous and isocaloric concentrate was formulated and f ed as a part of ration to all buffaloes with same quantity. While in the remaining part of the ration, one group was offered ad libitum Medicago sativa hay (MSH) and other group was provided MOH, respectively. Animals were fed at the rate of3% of their body weight per day.Dry matter (DM) intake was higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet than in those fed MSH die t. Digestibility of DM, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and ether extrac t were significantl y higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet as compared to MSH diet. Milk yield and 4% fat corrected milk, solid corrected milk, milk protein, and solid not fat were higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet than in those fed MSH diet; however, milk fat percent, milk fat yield (kg/day), lactose, total solids, specific gravity and milk pH were not affected by the treatments. The findings of the present study indicate that feeding MOH as a part of the ration not only has inc reased nutrients intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance but also improved milk production in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes in semi-arid areas


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine: (1) the quality of services and computer lab infrastructure at the University of Bhinneka PGRI, (2) student satisfaction at the University of Bhinneka PGRI, (3) the influence of the quality of services and computer lab infrastructure on student satisfaction at the University of Bhinneka. PGRI. The type of research used in this research is associative research with a quantitative approach method. The research subjects were University of Bhinneka PGRI students totaling 58 people and using the Random Sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out through a questionnaire. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis and inferential analysis through multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of service in the category is quite good, namely with a percentage of 62.1%, infrastructure facilities are in a fairly good category with a percentage of 69% and student satisfaction is in the category of not good, with a percentage of 41%. The results of inferential statistical analysis showed the value of fcount (36,186) ftable (3,165) at the significance level. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the quality of service and computer lab infrastructure has a significant effect on student satisfaction. Keywords: The Quality of Services, infrastructure facilities, Computer Lab, Satisfactio

    A simple process for the preparation of pralidoxime chloride

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    431-435Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM chloride) is an important drug included in National List of Essential Medicines-2003 for treating pesticide poisoning. However, the current methods for its preparation use hazardous methyl halides such as methyl chloride or methyl iodide. In the present work, reaction of pyridine-2-aldoxime with methyl methanesulfonate in acetonitrile gave 2-PAM mesylate in high yields (90%). Use of methyl tosylate in toluene resulted in 2-PAM tosylate (90% yield). Both 2-PAM mesylate and 2-PAM tosylate on treatment with dry hydrogen chloride in isopropanol, resulted in 2-PAM chloride in high yields (90%) and purity (>99%)

    Altered gene expression profiles define pathways in colorectal cancer cell lines affected by celecoxib

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    It is well established that celecoxib, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and a tested chemopreventive agent, has several COX-2-independent activities. In an attempt to better understand COX-2-independent molecular mechanisms underlying the chemopreventive activity of celecoxib, we did global transcription profiling of celecoxib-treated COX-2-positive and COX-2-deficient colorectal cancer cell lines. Celecoxib treatment resulted in significantly altered expression levels of over 1,000 to 3,000 transcripts in these cell lines, respectively. A pathway/functional analysis of celecoxib-affected transcripts, using Gene Ontology and Biocarta Pathways and exploring biological association networks, revealed that celecoxib modulates expression of numerous genes involved in a variety of cellular processes, including metabolism, cell proliferation, apoptotic signaling, cell cycle check points, lymphocyte activation, and signaling pathways. Among these processes, cell proliferation and apoptotic signaling consistently ranked as the highest-scoring Gene Ontology terms and Biocarta Pathways in both COX-2 expresser and nonexpresser cell lines. Altered expression of many of the genes by celecoxib was confirmed by quantitative PCR and at the protein level by Western blotting. Many novel genes emerged from our analysis of global transcription patterns that were not previously reported to be affected by celecoxib. In the future, in-depth work on selected genes will determine if these genes may serve as potential molecular targets for more effective chemopreventive strategies

    Electrocardiography Assessment of Sympatico–Vagal Balance during Resting and Pain using the Texas Instruments ADS1299

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    Sympatico–vagal balance is essential for regulating cardiac electrophysiology and plays an important role in arrhythmogenic conditions. Various noninvasive methods, including electrocardiography (ECG), have been used for clinical assessment of the sympatico–vagal balance. This study aimed to use a custom-designed wearable device to record ECG and ECG-based cardiac function biomarkers to assess sympatico–vagal balance during tonic pain in healthy controls. Nineteen healthy volunteers were included for the ECG measurements using the custom-designed amplifier based on the Texas Instruments ADS1299. The ECG-based biomarkers of the sympatico–vagal balance, (including heart rate variability, deceleration capacity of the heart rate, and periodic repolarization dynamic), were calculated and compared between resting and pain conditions (tonic pain). The custom-designed device provided technically satisfactory ECG recordings. During exposure to tonic pain, the periodic repolarization dynamics increased significantly (p = 0.02), indicating enhancement of sympathetic nervous activity. This study showed that custom-designed wearable devices can potentially be useful in healthcare as a new telemetry technology. The ECG-based novel biomarkers, including periodic repolarization dynamic and deceleration capacity of heart rate, can be used to identify the cold pressor-induced activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, making it useful for future studies on pain-evoked biomarkers

    Electrocardiography Assessment of Sympatico–Vagal Balance during Resting and Pain Using the Texas Instruments ADS1299

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    Sympatico–vagal balance is essential for regulating cardiac electrophysiology and plays an important role in arrhythmogenic conditions. Various noninvasive methods, including electrocardiography (ECG), have been used for clinical assessment of the sympatico–vagal balance. This study aimed to use a custom-designed wearable device to record ECG and ECG-based cardiac function biomarkers to assess sympatico–vagal balance during tonic pain in healthy controls. Nineteen healthy volunteers were included for the ECG measurements using the custom-designed amplifier based on the Texas Instruments ADS1299. The ECG-based biomarkers of the sympatico–vagal balance, (including heart rate variability, deceleration capacity of the heart rate, and periodic repolarization dynamic), were calculated and compared between resting and pain conditions (tonic pain). The custom-designed device provided technically satisfactory ECG recordings. During exposure to tonic pain, the periodic repolarization dynamics increased significantly (p = 0.02), indicating enhancement of sympathetic nervous activity. This study showed that custom-designed wearable devices can potentially be useful in healthcare as a new telemetry technology. The ECG-based novel biomarkers, including periodic repolarization dynamic and deceleration capacity of heart rate, can be used to identify the cold pressor-induced activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, making it useful for future studies on pain-evoked biomarkers