29 research outputs found

    An Instruction Idea Connecting Integral Concepts In Senior High School With Irregular Area Measurement In Elementary School

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    The topic integral has been taught in Senior High School (SMA) as an anti differentiation only. This makes the learning process merely consists of symbol manipulation. This makes the students focus merely on developing their rote skills for solving repetitive exercises. This implies the student do not understand the integral whole idea. This research has a goal to design mathematics learning on integral idea. In addition the proposed alternative learning activity must grow the students’ intrinsic motivation to learn and improve their mathematics skills. The proposed learning plan is naturally connected to the measurement of irregular regions in elementary school math activities. Keyword: Idea Learning, Integral, Area

    On The Teaching Of Analyzing The Effects Of Parameter Changes On The Graph Of Function

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    The proficiency level of some tenth and eleventh graders on analyzing the effects of parameter changes on the graph of function is observed in this project. The result shows the level is low. It seems that those students did not sufficiently work on math problems involving deep reasoning. The students used to solve math problems by plugging in formulas only. In this project, the causes are found and reported. At the end part, an alternative teaching approach is proposed. Key Words: parameter, graph of function, alternative teaching

    Partial Internal Control Recovery on 1-D Klein-Gordon Systems

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    In this exposition, a technique to recover internal control on a distributed parameter system is reported. The system is described by 1-D Klein- Gordon partial differential equation with a time-varying parameter. We would like to recover the internal control applied to the system if we know some limited information about the output. We use a method called sentinel method to recover the internal control. It involves some construction of a linear functional, and we show that this construction relates closely to the exact controllability problem

    Aspek Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik Dalam Pembelajaran Body Painting Mahasiswa SENDRATASIK Universitas Palangka Raya

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    Kegiatan pembelajaran seni yang diciptakan dalam sebuah lingkungan institusi prodi Sendratasik, FKIP, Universitas Palangkaraya. Karya body painting merupakan wujud kreativitas mahasiswa yang menekankan pembelajaran berbasis budaya local, meliputi aspek kognitif, apektif dan psikomotorik, yang tidak lepas dari unsur- unsur visual yang dimuaat dalam karya body painting, guna kepentingan pertunjukan seni drama, tari dan musik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriftif, dengan Teknik  pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, studi pupstaka, pengalaman estetis, dokumen pendukung. Hasil dari pembahasan ini meliputi beberapa karya body painting yang diciptakan, menumbuhkan pembelajaran yang kreativitas, serta bentuk estetika pada karya body painting dengan berbagai macam bentuk visual seperti ornamen Dayak, tumbuhan, manusia, dan fantasi

    Kwamentara: Kwartet Ornamen Nusantara Sebagai Media Apresiasi

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    Values education through art education is an activity that specifically aims to instill certain values, such as religious values, moral values, and aesthetic values in the form of learning to appreciate and create art. In its application in formal schools, planting local cultural values can be done explicitly by providing interesting and fun media for art appreciation for students. One of them is kwementara, a quartet card containing ornaments in the archipelago, students are expected to appreciate ornamental objects in which there are noble cultural values of the nation. The method used in this research is research and development (R&D) which is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of products by going through the stages of product development. In this section the use of cards as media can provide interesting information in the process of developing creativity, so that the learning process will be in demand and liked by students both formally and non-formally, in making this learning media attention and ability are needed in creating new motifs in a visual element, so that every composition and layout when carrying out the design process needs to be considered, so that the feasibility of this learning media work must pass several trials and validations so that it can be used. In its application, the kamentara card is used in formal, non-formal and informal learning activities, so that in daily activities students can use it as a medium for playing and learning in appreciating the ornaments of the archipelago

    Transformasi Estetik Keramik Kasongan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    Kasongan ceramics experience aesthetic transformation over time. Changes in the art of Kasongan ceramics were initially limited to household items with designs limited to circles, rounds, and cylinders, changing into animal shapes with pasting decoration techniques, jars with paint finishing techniques or glass mosaics, and Loroblonyo sculptures with glaze finishing techniques. The manufacturing technique, which was initially limited to traditional techniques, has evolved over time in terms of tool preparation, embodiment, and finishing. This is evident in the work produced, which range from traditional techniques to temple techniques and finishing techniques using paint, glass, and glaze. The ceramic design that was originally intended to fulfill daily needs has undergone a design shift, namely toward a ceramic design that is not only functional (traditional), but also more oriented toward art product design (decoration) or practical art (functional decoration). External and internal factors that exist in the wider community influence the variety of products produced by ceramic artisans in Kasongan


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                        Educational philosophy is an important idea in the development of learning, especially the educational curriculum. This is an important bridge so that the direction of education becomes clearer to make an achievement. One of the most important parts is the development of the concept of an arts education curriculum which refers to several understandings in an educational philosophy. The development of an arts education curriculum includes several important streams such as philosophical, juridical, empirical foundations, with perennialism, essentialism, progressiveism, and reconstructiveism. The development of the art education curriculum aims to respond to the journey of art education in Indonesia. This is related to the function of the curriculum, its objectives, meaningfulness, benefits, parameters, achievements, and further development of art learning in Indonesia. In this study using a qualitative description method, by collecting data including interviews, literature studies, and observations, important sources in this study include the thoughts of art education developers, schools and communities, which are then matched with understandings of the arts education curriculum. The results of this study reveal the school of educational philosophy in looking at the development of the arts curriculum, both in its development, application, evaluation and subsequent development processes. Another thing is that the aspect of art education is an important part when viewed from the approach and understanding of educational philosophy in Indonesia. This reveals the achievements of each era and period of educational curriculum development as a basis for shaping art learning in formal schools in Indonesia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat siswa dalam pembelajaran tari kreasi melalui media Audio Visual kelas X Farmasi di SMK Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya tahun ajaran 2021/2022 yang berjumlah 150 siswa yang terbagi dalam 5 kelas. Sebagai sampel hanya diambil siswa kelas X Farmasi saja, dengan jumlah siswa 37 orang.             Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang diperkuat dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan mengambil latar SMK Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya, sedangkan objek penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan minat belajar pada pembelajaran seni budaya dengan menggunakan media Audio Visual. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus dan melalui empat tahapan yang mencakup : (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) observasi, (4) refleksi. Data diperoleh melalui observasi , wawancara, tes, mengerjakan soal dan dokumentasi.             Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dalam siklus I menunjukan bahwa seluruh kegiatan pembelajaran belum cukup baik dilaksanakan oleh siswa meskipun mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I dibandingkan pra siklus karena rata-rata persentase masih dibawah 75%. Siklus II telah menunjukan hasil yang sangat memuaskan dari hasil belajar dan minat belajar siswa yang telah mencapai rata-rata 86% dengan persentase secara klasikal sebesar 97% artinya tindakan perbaikan untuk proses pembelajaran telah mencukupi dan mencapai kriteria. Kata Kunci : Audio-Visual, Minat Belajar, Tari Kreas


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    Budaya yang turun temurun dilakukan di desa Tapin Bini Kecamatan Lamandau merupakan budaya asli yang diturunkan oleh nenek moyang suku Dayak Tomun, Kebudayaan yang masih dijaga serta dikembangkan oleh masyarakat suku Dayak Tomun tepatnya di desa Tapin Bini adalah kebudayaan yang bersifat ritual. Ritual yang selalu ada dan dilakukan masyarakat desa Tapin Bini adalah upacara ritual adat Babukung. Babukung merupakan tarian upacara ritual adat kematian suku Dayak Tomun di desa Tapin Bini, yang dipercaya oleh masyarakat yang menganut agama Hindu Kaharingan. Tari ini dilaksanakan ketika ada salah satu masyarakat setempat yang meninggal dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan tari Babukung serta untuk mengetahui fungsi tari Babukung pada upacara ritual adat kematian agama Hindu Kaharingan suku Dayak Tomun di desa Tapin Bini Kecamatan Lamandau. Manfaat penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber informasi tertulis bagi pendidikan formal atau sekolah mengenai tari Babukung pada upacara ritual adat kematian agama Hindu Kaharingan di desa Tapin Bini Kecamatan Lamandau yang bisa dijadikan sumber pembelajaran bidang seni tari. Kata Kunci : Tari Babukung pada Upacara Ritual Adat Kematian

    Analisis Tari Ganggereng Di Sanggar Ranu Mareh Mabuan Kabupaten Barito Selatan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Tari merupakan kesenian yang berkembang dari zaman nenek moyang hingga saat ini. Salah satu tarian khas Kalimantan Tengah yang berasal dari Kabupaten Barito Selatan adalah tari Ganggereng yang dilestarikan keaslian geraknya dan wariskan melalui pengajaran tari oleh Sanggar Ranu Mareh Mabuan. Melalui penelitian ini bentuk penyajian, struktur gerak, serta makna estetis tari Ganggereng di Sanggar Ranu Mareh dikupas menggunakan teori-teori yang relevan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bentuk penyajian, struktur gerak, dan makna estetika bentuk penyajian tari Ganggereng di Sanggar Ranu Mareh Mabuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk penyajian tari dapat dianalisis melalui gerak tari, tata rias dan busana, musik iringan, desain lantai, jumlah penari, properti, dan tempat pertunjukkan. Struktur tari dapat dianalisis melalui identifikasi motif, frase, kalimat, dan gugus gerak. Sedangkan makna estetika dapat dianalisis melalui makna gerak, musik iringan, tata rias dan busana, serta makna simbolik