656 research outputs found

    Proyecto de intervención en educación emocional en un aula de Educación Infantil

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    En el presente trabajo se hace un viaje a través de la Educación Emocional desde su aparición hasta el día de hoy, a través de la investigación teórica sobre el concepto “educación emocional” e “inteligencia emocional”, las diferencias y similitudes entre ambas y el desarrollo emocional en la etapa de Educación Infantil. Con ello se quiere demostrar la importancia de desarrollar desde las edades más tempranas la Educación Emocional, sus beneficios y la manera en que esto influye en las personas. También se plantea una propuesta de programación con una ejemplificación en términos de Unidad Didáctica para un aula de segundo de Educación Infantil, con cuyas actividades se pretende ayudar a los niños a desarrollar habilidades para reconocer y manejar las propias emociones y actuar ante las de los demás.At this paper, a research has been carried out on emotional education since itsnbegining until today. It is made through theoretical research about the concept of “emotional education” and “emotional intelligence”, the differences and similarities between both concepts and the emotional development at the Preschool education. It wants to reflect the importance of the developing of emotional education at the earliest ages, its benefits and how it affects people. In addition, a proposal for an programming with an exemplification in terms of Didactir Unit for a vhildhood education second grade classroom is proposed,which activities pretend to help how kids can develop skills to recognize and manage their own emotions and act on other people´s emotions.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Spectral problem for the complex mKdV equation: singular manifold method and Lie symmetries

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    This article addresses the study of the complex version of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation using two different approaches. Firstly, the singular manifold method is applied in order to obtain the associated spectral problem, binary Darboux transformations and τ\tau-functions. The second part concerns the identification of the classical Lie symmetries for the spectral problem. The similarity reductions associated to these symmetries allow us to derive the reduced spectral problems and first integrals for the ordinary differential equations arising from such reductions.Comment: This article is intended to be published in the special issue dedicated to Prof. Decio Levi (in Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics

    El proceso de intervención desde el trabajo social dentro del programa de acogida e integración de personas solicitantes de protección internacional en la Cruz Roja Zaragoza

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    El cambio de los movimientos migratorios a finales del siglo pasado y las crisis recientes del siglo actual, han puesto en evidencia un marco europeo ausente de una gestión y política migratoria adecuada. Las políticas consecuentes a las crisis humanitarias intentaron dar respuesta a la ola de personas buscando asilo en Europa, creando respuestas de aplicación como el Programa de acogida e integración de personas solicitantes de protección internacional. A pesar de crearse por dicho motivo, este programa abarca a todas las personas solicitantes de protección internacional, es decir, cualquier persona cuya vida corra peligro en su país de origen.El presente trabajo se centra por lo siguiente en conocer cómo se desarrolla dicha respuesta a través del trabajo social. Concretamente, en una de las entidades que lleva el Programa: Cruz Roja Zaragoza, dentro del Centro de Acogida.<br /

    Copper (II) Metallodendrimers Combined with Pro-Apoptotic siRNAs as a Promising Strategy Against Breast Cancer Cells

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    Cancer treatment with small interfering RNA (siRNA) is one of the most promising new strategies; however, transfection systems that increase its bioavailability and ensure its delivery to the target cell are necessary. Transfection systems may be just vehicular or could contain fragments with anticancer activity that achieves a synergistic effect with siRNA. Cationic carbosilane dendrimers have proved to be powerful tools as non-viral vectors for siRNA in cancer treatment, and their activity might be potentiated by the inclusion of metallic complexes in its dendritic structure. We have herein explored the interaction between Schiff-base carbosilane copper (II) metallodendrimers, and pro-apoptotic siRNAs. The nanocomplexes formed by metallodendrimers and different siRNA have been examined for their zeta potential and size, and by transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence polarisation, circular dichroism, and electrophoresis. The internalisation of dendriplexes has been estimated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy in a human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7), following the ability of these metallodendrimers to deliver the siRNA into the cell. Finally, in vitro cell viability experiments have indicated effective interactions between Cu (II) dendrimers and pro-apoptotic siRNAs: Mcl-1 and Bcl-2 in breast cancer cells. Combination of the first-generation derivatives with chloride counterions and with siRNA increases the anticancer activity of the dendriplex constructs and makes them a promising non-viral vector.Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de MadridJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch


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    Os anticoncepcionais hormonais orais são fármacos utilizados com o principal objetivo de evitar uma gravidez e hoje apresentam uma eficácia de 99% se tomado corretamente. Sua composição é bem variada tanto em relação a dosagem quanto ao princípio ativo. Entretanto, apesar dos inúmeros benefícios é preciso tomar cuidado com os riscos que podem ser gerados à saúde das mulheres. Este estudo é uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a relação dos anticoncepcionais com a trombose. O estudo evidenciou que apesar de os anticoncepcionais serem substâncias valiosas na vida das mulheres, eles precisam de atenção ao serem utilizados já que também possuem efeitos adversos, dentre eles o mais severo, a trombose, e com isso é ressaltada a importância da atenção farmacêutica na orientação dos fármacos


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    The new challenges faced by the contemporary society, which is marked by the fragility of the national State and the legitimacy of the empire of globalization, intensify the peripherys’s rejection of the social structure, accentuated by the different, which, in the present study, is portrayed as the foreigner. The immigrant represents the risk, justifying the logic of exclusion, which produces new conflicts and victims of precariousness. Thus, the present article aims to approach the foreigner in the contemporary world from the study of Fraternal Law. For this, it adopted the deductive method of approach and the socio-analytical method of procedure. It is understood, from the portrayed described, the need to reinforce in society, in the relationship between people, the reopening of interrupted communication channels, t allowing the (re) construction of socially destroyed links, with the redirection to the communication, friendship, otherness and fraternity. Fraternal Law fosters the recognition of the other and values the human being in the search for a society based on peace and fraternity through social justice and equality.Os novos desafios da sociedade contemporânea, marcada pela fragilidade do Estado nacional e pela legitimação do império da globalização, intensificam o rechaço à periferia da estrutura social, acentuada pelo diferente, o qual, no presente estudo, é retratado no estrangeiro. Tem-se, portanto, o imigrante como representante do risco, justificando, desse modo, a lógica de exclusão, o que produz novos conflitos e vítimas da precariedade. Assim, o presente artigo tem por objetivo abordar o estrangeiro na contemporaneidade a partir do estudo do Direito Fraterno. Para tanto, adota-se o método de abordagem dedutivo, enquanto método de procedimento socioanalítico. Compreende-se, a partir do retratado descrito, a necessidade de reforçar na sociedade, na relação entre as pessoas, a reabertura dos canais de comunicação interrompidos, permitindo, assim, a (re)construção de laços socialmente destruídos, com o redirecionamento para a comunicação, a amizade, a alteridade e a fraternidade. O Direito Fraterno fomenta o reconhecimento do outro e valoriza o ser humano na busca por uma sociedade baseada na paz e na fraternidade, a partir da justiça social e do pacto entre iguais

    Position Statement on the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Response Evaluation to Systemic Therapies of Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors, With a Special Focus on Radioligand Therapy

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    Neoadjuvant therapy; Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy; ProgressionTeràpia neoadjuvant; Teràpia amb radionúclids del receptor de pèptids; ProgressióTerapia neoadyuvante; Terapia con radionúclidos del receptor de péptidos; ProgresiónBackground The aim of this study was to provide a guidance for the management of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in clinical practice. Material and Methods Nominal group and Delphi techniques were used. A steering committee of 8 experts reviewed the current management of NETs, identified controversies and gaps, critically analyzed the available evidence, and formulated several guiding statements for clinicians. Subsequently, a panel of 26 experts, was selected to test agreement with the statements through 2 Delphi rounds. Items were scored on a 4-point Likert scale from 1 = totally agree to 4 = totally disagree. The agreement was considered if ≥75% of answers pertained to Categories 1 and 2 (consensus with the agreement) or Categories 3 and 4 (consensus with the disagreement). Results Overall, 132 statements were proposed, which incorporated the following areas: (1) overarching principles; (2) progression and treatment response criteria; (3) advanced gastro-enteric NETs; (4) advanced pancreatic NETs; (5) advanced NETs in other locations; (6) re-treatment with radioligand therapy (RLT); (7) neoadjuvant therapy. After 2 Delphi rounds, only 4 statements lacked a clear consensus. RLT was not only recommended in the sequencing of different NETs but also as neoadjuvant treatment, while several indications for retreatment with RLT were also established. Conclusion This document sought to pull together the experts’ attitudes when dealing with different clinical scenarios of patients suffering from NETs, with RLT having a specific role where evidence-based data are limited.This project was funded by Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company

    In Vitro anticancer properties of copper metallodendrimers

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    Newly synthesized carbosilane copper dendrimers (CCD) with chloride and nitrate surface groups seem to be good candidates to be used as gene and drug carriers in anti-cancer therapy, due to their properties such as size and surface charge. Copper attached to the nanoparticles is an important element of many biological processes and recently their anti-cancer properties have been widely examined. Zeta size and potential, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), circular dichroism (CD), analysis of haemolytic activity, and fluorescence anisotropy techniques were used to characterize copper dendrimers. Additionally, their cytotoxic properties toward normal (PBMC) and cancer (1301; HL-60) cells were examined. All tested dendrimers were more cytotoxic against cancer cells in comparison with normal cells

    Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Carbosilane Dendrimers Functionalized with Polyphenolic Moieties

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    A new family of polyphenolic carbosilane dendrimers functionalized with ferulic, caffeic, and gallic acids has been obtained through a straightforward amidation reaction. Their antioxidant activity has been studied by different techniques such as DPPH (2,2 '-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay, FRAP assay (ferric reducing antioxidant power), and cyclic voltammetry. The antioxidant analysis showed that polyphenolic dendrimers exhibited higher activities than free polyphenols in all cases. The first-generation dendrimer decorated with gallic acid stood out as the best antioxidant compound, displaying a correlation between the number of hydroxyl groups in the polyphenol structure and the antioxidant activity of the compounds. Moreover, the antibacterial capacity of these new systems has been screened against Gram-positive (+) and Gram-negative (-) bacteria, and we observed that polyphenolic dendrimers functionalized with caffeic and gallic acids were capable of decreasing bacterial growth. In contrast, ferulic carbosilane dendrimers and free polyphenols showed no effect, establishing a correlation between antioxidant activity and antibacterial capacity. Finally, a viability assay in human skin fibroblasts cells (HFF-1) allowed for corroborating the nontoxicity of the polyphenolic dendrimers at their active antibacterial concentration.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaComunidad de Madri

    Exploring the Interactions of Ruthenium (II) carbosilane metallodendrimers and precursors with model cell membranes through a dual spin label spin probe technique using EPR

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    Dendrimers exhibit unique interactions with cell membranes, arising from their nanometric size and high surface area. To a great extent, these interactions define their biological activity and can be reported in situ by spin-labelling techniques. Schiff-base carbosilane ruthenium (II) metallodendrimers are promising antitumor agents with a mechanism of action yet to explore. In order to study their in situ interactions with model cell membranes occurring at a molecular level, namely cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micelles (CTAB) and lecithin liposomes (LEC), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was selected. Both a spin probe, 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-dodecyl)ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl bromide (CAT12), able to enter the model membranes, and a spin label, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) covalently attached at newly synthesized heterofunctional dendrimers, were used to provide complementary information on the dendrimer-membrane interactions. The computer-aided EPR analysis demonstrated a good agreement between the results obtained for the spin probe and spin label experiments. Both points of view suggested the partial insertion of the dendrimer surface groups into the surfactant aggregates, mainly CTAB micelles, and the occurrence of both polar and hydrophobic interactions, while dendrimer-LEC interactions involved more polar interactions between surface groups. We found out that subtle changes in the dendrimer structure greatly modified their interacting abilities and, subsequently, their anticancer activity