1,676 research outputs found

    Хліб: семантика в контексті народного етикету Середнього Полісся

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    У статті представлено дослідження міфологічних уявлень, пов’язаних з хлібом. Розглянуто особливості функціонування, семантизації цього культурного явища та його номінацію.Статья представляет исследование мифологических представлений, связанных с хлебом. Рассмотрено особенности функционирования, семантизации этого культурного явления и его номинацию.The article presents the study of the mythological presentations, what a connected with bread. The considered particularity of the operation, semantization this cultural phenomena and its nomination

    Silicon photonics:moving into the red

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    A Guided Workbook Intervention (WorkPlan) to Support Work-Related Goals Among Cancer Survivors: Protocol of a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Returning to and staying at work following illness is associated with better physical and psychological functioning. Not working has been shown to be associated with reduced self-esteem, lowered self-efficacy, and decreased belief in one's ability to return to the workplace. Although there is a growing body of research looking at what predicts return to work following cancer treatment, there are fewer studies examining interventions targeting return to work. Objective: The primary objective is to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a theoretically led workbook intervention designed to support cancer patients in returning to work to inform a fully powered randomized controlled trial (RCT). Methods: This is a multicenter feasibility RCT where the main analysis uses a qualitative approach. Sixty participants (aged 18-65 years) who have received a diagnosis of cancer and who intend to return to work will be randomized to either the WorkPlan intervention group or a usual care group (ratio 1:1). Participants in the intervention group will receive a guided workbook intervention (which contains activities aimed at eliciting thoughts and beliefs, identifying targets and actions, and concrete steps to achieve goals) and will receive telephone support over a 4-week period. The primary outcome measure is time taken to return to work (in days), and secondary outcome measures include mood, quality of life, illness perceptions, and job satisfaction. Data will be collected through postal questionnaires administered immediately postintervention and at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. In addition, interviews will be undertaken immediately postintervention (to explore acceptability of the intervention and materials) and at 12-month follow-up (to explore perceptions of participation in the trial and experiences of returning to work). Results: Enrollment for the study will be completed in May 2016. Data analysis will commence in April 2017, and the first results are expected to be submitted for publication in late 2017. Conclusions: Currently no standardized return-to-work intervention based on targeting cancer patient beliefs is in existence. If the intervention is shown to be feasible and acceptable, the results of this study will inform a future full RCT with the potential to provide a valuable and cost-efficient tool in supporting cancer survivors in the return-to-work process

    Employer's management of employees affected by cancer

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    Return to work (RTW) following treatment can be problematic for cancer survivors. Although some people affected by cancer are able to continue working, a greater proportion of these survivors end up unemployed, retire early or change jobs than those without a diagnosis of cancer. One of the reasons for not returning to work is the lack of understanding and support from employers and supervisors. Currently, it is not clear what factors are likely to influence the employer’s management of employees recovering from cancer. This article reports the outcome from a review of the published literature on factors related to the current employer management of employed cancer survivors

    Residual effects of esmirtazapine on actual driving performance: overall findings and an exploratory analysis into the role of CYP2D6 phenotype

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    INTRODUCTION: Esmirtazapine is evaluated as a novel drug for treatment of insomnia. PURPOSE: The present study was designed to assess residual effects of single and repeated doses of esmirtazapine 1.5 and 4.5 mg on actual driving in 32 healthy volunteers in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Treatment with single doses of zopiclone 7.5 mg was included as active control. METHODS: Treatments were administered in the evening. Driving performance was assessed in the morning, 11 h after drug intake, in a standardized on-the-road highway driving test. The primary study parameter was standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP), a measure of "weaving". All subjects were subjected to CYP2D6 phenotyping in order to distinguish poor metabolizers from extensive metabolizers of esmirtazapine. RESULTS: Overall, esmirtazapine 1.5 mg did not produce any clinically relevant change in SDLP after single and repeated dosing. Driving impairment, i.e., a rise in SDLP, did occur after a single-dose administration of esmirtazapine 4.5 mg but was resolved after repeated doses. Acute driving impairment was more pronounced after both doses of esmirtazapine in a select group of poor metabolizers (N = 7). A single-dose zopiclone 7.5 mg also increased SDLP as expected. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that single and repeated doses of 1.5 mg esmirtazapine are generally not associated with residual impairment. Single-dose administration of 4.5 mg esmirtazapine was associated with residual impairment that generally resolved after repeated administration. Exploratory analysis in a small group of poor CYP 2D6 metabolizers suggested that these subjects are more sensitive to the impairing effects of esmirtazapine on car driving

    Long-lived stops in MSSM scenarios with a neutralino LSP

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    This work investigates the possibility of a long-lived stop squark in supersymmetric models with the neutralino as the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). We study the implications of meta-stable stops on the sparticle mass spectra and the dark matter density. We find that in order to obtain a sufficiently long stop lifetime so as to be observable as a stable R-hadron at an LHC experiment, we need to fine tune the mass degeneracy between the stop and the LSP considerably. This increases the stop-neutralino coanihilation cross section, leaving the neutralino relic density lower than what is expected from the WMAP results for stop masses ~1.5 TeV/c^2. However, if such scenarios are realised in nature we demonstrate that the long-lived stops will be produced at the LHC and that stop-based R-hadrons with masses up to 1 TeV/c^2 can be detected after one year of running at design luminosity

    Work-related upper extremity disorders: one-year follow-up in an occupational diseases registry

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    To study the course and consequences of work-related upper extremity disorders in the registry of the Netherlands Centre for Occupational Diseases (NCvB). A follow-up study was performed in a sample of consecutive cases of work-related upper extremity disorders notified to the NCvB. Perceived severity was measured with VAS (0-100), quality of life with VAS (0-100) and SF-36, functional impairment with DASH and sickness absence with a questionnaire. Measurements took place directly after notification (T0) and after 3, 6 and 12 months (T1-T3). A linear mixed model was used to compare scores over time. Average age of the 48 consecutive patients (89% response) was 42 years; 48% were men. Perceived severity, functional impairment and sickness absence decreased statistically significant during the follow-up period, and quality of life scores improved. Patients older than 45 years scored worse on perceived severity of the disease, functional impairment and quality of life than did younger patients. The role of registries of occupational diseases for preventive policy can be extended by creating longitudinal data in sample projects. In the sample from our registry, work-related upper extremity disorders had a favourable cours