114 research outputs found

    Serratus posterior superior intercostal plane block for breast surgery: A report of three cases, novel block and new indication

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    Breast surgery is a common surgical procedure in the world. Since it affects the postoperative recovery and mobilization, pain after breast surgery is an important issue.1 Several regional techniques such as interpectoral/ pectoserratus blocks (PECS I/II), erector spinae plane block (ESPB), and rhomboid intercostal plane block (RIB) are used for pain relief after breast surgery. PECS I-II blocks most commonly used techniques for breast analgesia.2 However, they are closed to the surgical area, and the local anesthetic distribution may be affected by the surgical incision of the pectoral muscles. ESPB may be performed from the cervical to the sacral vertebrae. The clinical, cadaveric, and radiological results of ESPB are inconsistent.3 RIB provides focused hemithoracic analgesia; however, RIB fails to cover the cranial aspect of the T2 dermatome.

    Vanilla spice and investigation on areas of usageVanilya baharatı ve kullanım alanları üzerine bir araştırma

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    Many countries are of rare plants growing thanks to geographial conditions. Spices which are rare and precious not only primarily provide different flavour and aroma to food and beverages but also commercially contribute to the economy of the country. The transformation of these plants into the spice is made throught traditional or contemporary methods. As a term association, spice generally evokes bitter, salty and refreshing feelings on people.  On the other hand, vanilla is also a spice that can be used in ice-cream, chocolate, dessert, pastry, and confectionery. Also, vanilla is utilized in sector such as medicine, cosmetic and parfume. The purpose of this study is to discuss the general characteristics of vanilla, the orchid plant family it belongs to, its tranformation process to be a spice, the contribution of vanilla type that can be produced in to the industry, the types of vanilla, its areas of usage, how vanilla is produced and differences between vanilla and vanilin. ÖzetBirçok ülke, coğrafi şartların uygunluğu sayesinde nadir olarak yetişen bitkilere sahiptir. Az bulunan ve kıymetli olan baharatlar; öncelikle yiyeceklere ve içeceklere farklı tat ve koku sağlamakta, diğer bir yandan da ticari olarak ülke ekonomilerine katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu bitkilerin baharat haline dönüştürme süreçleri geleneksel veya modern şekilde yapılmaktadır. İnsanlar tarafından genel olarak baharat, kelime çağrışımı itibariyle; acı, tuzlu, ferahlatıcı vb. his uyandırmaktadır. Fakat vanilya dondurma, çikolata, tatlı, pasta ve şekerlemelerde kullanılan bir baharat olma özelliği taşımaktadır. Ayrıca vanilya ilaç, kozmetik, parfüm gibi endüstrilerde de kullanılmaktadır.  Bu çalışmada vanilya bitkisinin genel özelliklerine, ait olduğu orkide ailesine, kullanılabilir bir baharat olması için geçirdiği sürece, üretilebilen türün endüstriye olan katkısına, vanilyanın çeşitlerine, kullanım alanlarına ve vanilinin nasıl üretildiğine, vanilya ve vanilin arasındaki farklılığa yer verilecektir

    A subclass of meromorphic Janowski-type multivalent q-starlike functions involving a q-differential operator

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    Keeping in view the latest trends toward quantum calculus, due to its various applications in physics and applied mathematics, we introduce a new subclass of meromorphic multivalent functions in Janowski domain with the help of the q-differential operator. Furthermore, we investigate some useful geometric and algebraic properties of these functions. We discuss sufficiency criteria, distortion bounds, coefficient estimates, radius of starlikeness, radius of convexity, inclusion property, and convex combinations via some examples and, for some particular cases of the parameters defined, show the credibility of these results. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Higher-order q-derivatives and their applications to subclasses of multivalent Janowski type q-starlike functions

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    In the present investigation, with the help of certain higher- order q-derivatives, some new subclasses of multivalent q-starlike functions which are associated with the Janowski functions are defined. Then, certain interesting results, for example, radius problems and the results related to distortion, are derived. We also derive a sufficient condition and certain coefficient inequalities for our defined function classes. Some known consequences related to this subject are also highlighted. Finally, the well-demonstrated fact about the (p, q)-variations is also given in the concluding section

    Coefficient Estimates for a Subclass of Meromorphic Multivalent q-Close-to-Convex Functions

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    By making use of the concept of basic (or q-) calculus, many subclasses of analytic and symmetric q-starlike functions have been defined and studied from different viewpoints and perspectives. In this article, we introduce a new class of meromorphic multivalent close-to-convex functions with the help of a q-differential operator. Furthermore, we investigate some useful properties such as sufficiency criteria, coefficient estimates, distortion theorem, growth theorem, radius of starlikeness, and radius of convexity for this new subclass.</p

    Performance analysis of precise point positioning (ppp) technique in antarctica continent

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    Küresel ısınmanın etkisi ile kutup bölgelerinde meydana gelen iklim değişikliklerinin takibi, atmosfer fiziğinin daha iyi ortaya konulabilmesi, buzullardaki deformasyonların ve tektonik hareketlerin sürekli olarak izlenmesi büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bu kapsamda GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite SystemKüresel Navigasyon Uydu Sistemi) ve uzaktan algılama uyduları küresel çaptaki afetlerin izlenmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. GNSS’i oluşturan uydu sistemlerinin en temel parçası olan GPS uydularının yörüngelerinin ekvatora göre 55 eğime sahip olmasından dolayı kutup bölgelerinde başucu doğrultusu çevresinde uydu gözlemleri kısıtlı olmaktadır. Ayrıca, kutup bölgelerinde yaz ve kış aylarında gün ışığı süresi ve hava koşulları büyük farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu nedenlerden dolayı kutup bölgelerinde yapılacak GPS ölçmelerine etki eden atmosfer kaynaklı hataların giderilmesi daha fazla önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında PPP tekniğinin Antarktika Kıtasındaki performansı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Antarktika Kıtasında UNAVCO’ya ait sürekli gözlem yapan HUGO ve HOWE sabit GPS istasyonlarına ait farklı mevsimlerdeki 30 saniye aralıklı günlük gözlem verileri statik ve kinematik PPP yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada, günümüzün en yaygın kullanılan online GNSS değerlendirme servislerinden birisi olan Canadian Spatial Reference System-Precise Point Positioning (CSRS-PPP) servisi ve açık kaynak kodlu akademik bir yazılım olan RTKLIB kullanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonuçlarına göre PPP tekniği ile elde edilen koordinatların, AUSPOS online rölatif konumlandırma servisi ile elde edilen ve bilinen olarak kabul edilen koordinatlarla statik çözümlerde milimetre, kinematik çözümlerde ise santimetre mertebesinde farklara sahip olduğu görülmüştür.It is of great importance to observe the climate changes that occur in the polar regions with the effect of global warming, to better reveal the atmospheric physics, and to continuously monitor the deformations and tectonic movements in the glaciers. In this context, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and remote sensing satellites are widely used in the monitoring of global disasters. As one of the most fundamental components of GNSS, GPS satellites have inclined orbits 55 with respect to the equator, therefore around the zenith direction the satellite observations are limited in the polar regions. Also, the daylight duration and weather conditions vary greatly in the polar regions in summer and winter times. For these reasons, eliminating the effects of atmospheric errors on GPS measurements in polar regions is much more crucial. In this study, the performance of PPP technique in Antarctica Continent was investigated. For this purpose, the daily observations with 30-second sampling rates from different seasons belong to HUGO and HOWE continuous GPS stations of UNAVCO in the Continent, were processed with static and kinematic PPP methods. In the study, Canadian Spatial Reference System-Precise Point Positioning (CSRS-PPP) online service, and RTKLIB, an open source academic software, were used. In results of the study, it is seen that the coordinates obtained with PPP technique have differences with the known coordinates of the points obtained from the AUSPOS online relative positioning service are in millimeter for static solutions and in centimeter for kinematic solutions, respectively

    Hankel inequalities for bounded turning functions in the domain of cosine Hyperbolic function

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    In the present article, we define and investigate a new subfamily of holomorphic functions connected with the cosine hyperbolic function with bounded turning. Further some interesting results like sharp coefficients bounds, sharp Fekete-Szegö estimate, sharp 2nd 2^{nd} Hankel determinant and non-sharp 3rd 3^{rd} order Hankel determinant. Moreover, the same estimates have been investigated for 2-fold, 3-fold symmetric functions, the first four initial sharp bounds of logarithmic coefficient and sharp second Hankel determinant of logarithmic coefficients fort his defined function family

    Serratus posterior superior intercostal plane block: A technical report on the description of a novel periparavertebral block for thoracic pain

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    Background and objectiveWe report a novel block technique aimed to provide thoracic analgesia: the serratus posterior superior intercostal plane (SPSIP) block.DesignA cadaveric evaluation along with a retrospective case series evaluating the potential analgesic effect of the SPSIP block. This study included one unembalmed cadaver and five patients. InterventionsBilateral ultrasound-guided SPSIP block was used on cadavers with 30 mL of methylene blue 0.5% on each side; single-injection SPSIP blocks were used in patients. To measure results, dye spread was used in the cadaver, and dermatomal/pain score evaluation was used in patients.Main resultsAnatomical investigation in one unembalmed cadaver shows that its mechanism of action covers the rhomboid major muscle, erector spinae muscle, the deep fascia of the subscapularis/serratus anterior muscles, and intercostal nerves. In our patients, SPSIP resulted in an almost complete sensory block in the back of the neck, shoulder, and hemithorax.ConclusionOur cadaveric study shows extensive dye spread from C7 to T7. Patients who were administrated SPSIP block reported consistent dermatomal blockade from C3 to T10 levels of the hemitorax. The SPSIP block seems to be a safe, simple, and effective technique for thoracic analgesia