392 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory and antidisbiotic effect of oral biothrit-denta fytogel at orthodontic operations in patients with dentoalveolar anomalies

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    Background. To determine the condition of the oral cavity in persons with dentoalveolar anomaly after orthodontic operations and the effect on it of oral applications of the Biotrit-Denta phytogel. Methods. A total of 20 patients with dental-maxillary anomalies and 13 healthy individuals were examined. In unstimulated saliva (oral fluid), the activity of elastase, catalase, lysozyme, urease and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined. The antioxidant-prooxidant index API was calculated using the ratio of catalase activity and MDA content, and the degree of dysbiosis was calculated using the ratio of relative activities of urease and lysozyme. All 20 patients underwent orthodontic surgery, of this number 10 patients received oral applications of the Biotrit-Denta phytogel for 30 days, the other 10 patients made up the comparison group. After 2 months, the above indicators were determined in all patients in saliva. Results. An increase in the activity of elastase, urease, the content of MDA and the degree of dysbiosis with a decrease in the activity of catalase and the API index was found in patients with dental-maxillary anomalies. Applications of the phytogel reduced the activity of elastase, urease, MDA content and the degree of dysbiosis, however, they increased the activity of catalase, the API index and showed a tendency to increase the activity of lysozyme. In the comparison group, there were no significant changes in the indicators. Conclusion. Dentoalveolar anomalies in patients in the oral cavity cause the development of dysbiosis and inflammation, a decrease in antioxidant and immune defense. Oral applications of phytogel "Biotrit-Denta" have antidisbiotic and anti-inflammatory effects

    Periodontal condition in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus after orthodontic surgery

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    Background. Determine periodontal condition in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus after orthodontic surgery. Methods. In rats, type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) was reproduced with aloxane (100 mg / kg, intraperitoneally) once. Orthodontic surgery was performed by fixing the spring, starting from the 12th day. Animal euthanasia was performed on the 35th day of the experiment. The activity of urease, lysozyme, catalase, elastase, as well as the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hyaluronic acid were determined in the gum homogenate. In the alveolar bone homogenate, the activity of alkaline phosphatase (AlP) and acid phosphatase (AcP) and elastase was determined, as well as the content of calcium and protein. The antioxidant-prooxidant index (API) was calculated by the ratio of catalase activity and MDA content, and the degree of dysbiosis according to A. P. Levitsky was calculated by the ratio of the relative activities of urease and lysozyme. The mineralizing activity (MA) was calculated by the ratio of the activity of alkaline phosphatase (AlP) and AcP in the bone tissue and the mineralization (MD) degree was calculated by the ratio of the concentration of calcium, and protein. Results. In rats with DM1, the level of elastase, urease, MDA and the degree of dysbiosis increase in the gum, however, the level of lysozyme, hyaluronic acid, and the API index decrease. In the bone tissue of the periodontium of rats with type 1 diabetes, the level of alkaline phosphatase and MA decreases, but the level of AC increases. Orthodontic surgery significantly reduces the degree of dysbiosis in the gums and shows a tendency to increase API and decrease elastase activity. After orthodontic surgery, rats significantly increase the level of alkaline phosphatase and MA. Conclusion. With type 1 diabetes, periodontitis, dysbiosis develops and the mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue decreases. Orthodontic surgery tends to improve periodontal conditions

    Anti-inflammatory and antidisbiotic effect of oral biothrit-denta fytogel at orthodontic operations in patients with dentoalveolar anomalies

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    Azari Mehrdad Mohammed Ali. Anti-inflammatory and antidisbiotic effect of oral biothrit-denta fytogel at orthodontic operations in patients with dentoalveolar anomalies. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(4):591-599. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2657322 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6878 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2019; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.04.2019. Revised: 15.04.2019. Accepted: 26.04.2019. UDK 616.314:621.78 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND ANTIDISBIOTIC EFFECT OF ORAL BIOTHRIT-DENTA FYTOGEL AT ORTHODONTIC OPERATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH DENTOALVEOLAR ANOMALIES Azari Mehrdad Mohammed Ali Odessa National Medical University [email protected] Abstract Background. To determine the condition of the oral cavity in persons with dentoalveolar anomaly after orthodontic operations and the effect on it of oral applications of the Biotrit-Denta phytogel. Methods. A total of 20 patients with dental-maxillary anomalies and 13 healthy individuals were examined. In unstimulated saliva (oral fluid), the activity of elastase, catalase, lysozyme, urease and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined. The antioxidant-prooxidant index API was calculated using the ratio of catalase activity and MDA content, and the degree of dysbiosis was calculated using the ratio of relative activities of urease and lysozyme. All 20 patients underwent orthodontic surgery, of this number 10 patients received oral applications of the Biotrit-Denta phytogel for 30 days, the other 10 patients made up the comparison group. After 2 months, the above indicators were determined in all patients in saliva. Results. An increase in the activity of elastase, urease, the content of MDA and the degree of dysbiosis with a decrease in the activity of catalase and the API index was found in patients with dental-maxillary anomalies. Applications of the phytogel reduced the activity of elastase, urease, MDA content and the degree of dysbiosis, however, they increased the activity of catalase, the API index and showed a tendency to increase the activity of lysozyme. In the comparison group, there were no significant changes in the indicators. Conclusion. Dentoalveolar anomalies in patients in the oral cavity cause the development of dysbiosis and inflammation, a decrease in antioxidant and immune defense. Oral applications of phytogel "Biotrit-Denta" have antidisbiotic and anti-inflammatory effects. Key words: dentoalveolar anomalies, orthodontics, oral gel, inflammation, dysbiosis

    The edge wiener index of suspensions, bottlenecks, and thorny graphs

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    Let G be a simple connected graph. The distance between the edges g and f E(G) is defined as the distance between the corresponding vertices g and f in the line graph of G. The edge-Wiener index of G is defined as the sum of such distances between all pairs of edges of the graph. Let G1+G2 and G1ο G2 be the join and the corona of graphs G1 and G2, respectively. In this paper, we present explicit formulas for the edge-Wiener index for these graphs. Then we apply our results to compute the edge-Wiener index of suspensions, bottlenecks, and thorny graphs

    Evaluation of Diethyl phthalate and Diallyl phthalate biodegradation mechanisms in the treatment of synthetic wastewater

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    Background and Aims: Over the last few years, Phethalic Acid Esters (PAEs) have attracted a widespread attention due to their widespread production and use. These compounds are not only linked to endocrine disruption and cancer but also considered as emerging and hazardous pollutants. Large amounts of PAEs have been detected in industrial wastewaters. Given the widespread use of biological processes in industrialwastewater treatment, this study aimed to identify biodegradation pathways of PAEs and their potential metabolites.Materials and Methods: Two short-chain esters from phthalic acid esters including diethyl phthalate (DEP) and diallyl phthalate (DAP) were selected in the present study. We used the survey of metabolites in a moving bed biofilm reactor effluent to determine biodegradation pathways of designated esters at hydraulic retention times of 1 to 12 hours. Influent concentration of 100 mg/l was also considered throughout the study.Results: Phthalic acid, mono-methyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate and catechol were identified as the most noteworthy metabolites in biodegradation of both esters. The degradation pathway of both studied compounds was similar and involves either detachment of ester-chain or removal of methyl group, followed by few decomposition steps resulting in the production of benzene ring. The degradation can proceed further with ring cleavage and it ends with 2-hydroxy muconic semi-aldehyde.Conclusion: The main route for removal of studied compounds was de-esterification followed by demethylation. According to identifies degradation pathways and metabolites produced, biodegradation can be considered as a reliable treatment process for industrial wastewaters containing PAEs.Key words: Biodegradation, Phthalic Acid Esters, Synthetic wastewater


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    Periodontoprotective action of oral gel "Biotrit-Denta" in rats with sugar diabetes, received orthodontic treatment

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    Background. Significant changes in diabetes mellitus are observed in the oral cavity, which can affect by treatment measures. The purpose of this study was to determine the therapeutic effect of oral phytogel "Biotrit-Denta" on periodontal tissues of rats with experimental diabetes mellitus and received orthodontic treatment. Methods. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) was reproduced by alloxan. From 12-th day of the experiment rats were fixed in the month with orthodontic springs. One group of rats from the first day of the experiment received daily oral application gel "Biotrit-Denta". The duration of the experiments was 35 days. In the gum the level of inflammation markers (elastase, MDA), activity of urease, lysozyme, catalase were determined. The bone tissue of the alveolar process, the activity of alcoline (AlF) and acidic (AcF) phosphatases, the content of calcium and protein were determined. Results. Diabetes mellitus causes in periodontis of rats the development of inflammation, dysbiosis, decrease in immunity, antioxidant defense and the mineralizing activity of bone tissue. The orthodontic operation was no effect on the periodontal parameters that were changed in diabetes. Oral applications of gel "Biotrit-Denta" eliminated the phenomens of inflammation, dysbiosis and normalized the mineralising activity of bone tissue. Conclusion. Oral applications of gel "Biotrit-Denta" have periodontoprotective effect

    Investigating the Causes of Elderly People Leaving Home during Coronavirus Disease-19 Epidemic

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    BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) disease affects all age groups, especially the elderly, and regarding the high mortality rate among the elderly, preventive measures are needed to reduce mortality in the elderly. AIM: This study was conducted to investigate the causes of in elderly people leaving home in time of COVID-19 epidemic. METHODS: The present study is a descriptive-analytical study performed on 1656 elderly people in Urmia, Iran, by simple random sampling method. The data collection tool in this study was a researcher-made questionnaire that included demographic characteristics, a questionnaire on the causes of the elderly leaving home during the COVID-19 epidemic. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and Fisher tests using SPSS 23 software. RESULTS: The results revealed that the highest concern of the elderly to leave home was to receive health services (45.89%) such as visiting the doctor or the caregiver, receiving medication, and so on. As the second priority, buying daily necessities such as bread, food, clothes … (42.75%) was one of the reasons for the elderly to leave home. Furthermore, education, gender, age, underlying diseases, occupation, and living conditions of the elderly were related to the needs of health services and living necessities and this relationship was statistically significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Effective interventions should be designed based on the causes of the elderly leaving home, including the use of home distance care and health ambassadors to estimate the needs and causes of leaving home. Therefore, the elderly would be protected from this disease and its mortality

    Quality evaluation and stability index determination of Qom rural drinking water resources

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    Background and Aims: Corrosion and scaling are among the problems that despite science advancement, water facilities are still faced it. Corrosion lead to financial and health losses on water supply system and consumer, scaling also causes clogging and head loss in water supply network. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the corrosion and scaling potential of Qom villages water supply sources.Materials and Methods: In cross-sectional study 100 samples in 12 months from 2011 to 2012 were collected to verify the water quality according to 1053 standard of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI). Then water corrosion and scaling were studied using Langelier, Ryznar, Aggressive and Puckorius indexes.Results: The results showed that the Langelier index, Reynar index, aggressive or corrosion index and index Puckorius were -1.62 (±0.11), 10.5 (±0.17), 12.03 (±0.14) and 9.92 (±0.13) respectively. Physical and chemical parameters of the water showed that the mean pH, TDS, total hardness, turbidity, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, sodium, ammonia, phosphate, and chloride were 7.27, 1205.29 mg/L, 435.661 mg/L CaCO3, 0.747 NTU, 132.29 mg/L, 25.58 mg/L, 0.68 mg/L, 245.50 mg/L, 0.015 mg/L, 0.17 mg/L and 231.22 mg/L respectively.Conclusion: The amounts of color, TDS, turbidity, pH, calcium, magnesium, fluoride and ammonia in the study areas are in satisfactory and acceptable status compared to the internal standard but the amount of phosphate, hardness and chloride in this area were exceeded from permissible limit. Comparison of four stability index also showed that water conditions in all parts of this study are located in corrosive range.Key words: Drinking water, Villages of Qom province, Stability inde

    Tele Education in Diabetic Patients during Coronavirus Outbreak

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    The number of cases of infection to coronavirus disease (COVID)-19, human casualties and economic losses are increasing, and one of the high-risk groups in which the risk of infection and death is high is diabetics. People with diabetes experience severe symptoms and complications if they are infected by COVID-19. One way to control and prevent the spread of the coronavirus is to stay home, avoid daily physical interactions, and quarantine at home. Due to the high prevalence of diabetes and the importance of long-term follow-up, Tele education in diabetic patients is one of the methods that provide care using communication means. As the quality of information received by diabetic patients improves, their awareness of treatment goals and, consequently, their acceptance of treatment methods will increase, which in turn will lead to greater effectiveness and better treatment outcomes. Finally, Tele education reduces contact between diabetics and physicians, therapists, and health care providers, thereby reducing the risk of disease