390 research outputs found

    La Intuición Colectiva en las cooperativas de Nicaragua

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    El presente artículo surge de la necesidad de abordar desde la Psicología, la economía el tema a Intuición colectiva en las cooperativas de Nicaragua, como una necesidad de dar a conocer cómo operara la Intuición individual y colectiva en las cooperativas de Nicaragua y qué aportes hacen a la sociedad, a su colectivo comunitario y su familia. Para responder a la creencia que las asociaciones, ¿cooperativas nacen a través de un líder? Pues es menester explicar esta concepción del hombre en el mundo de las creencias y mitos. Al contrario, las asociaciones, cooperativas, gremios sociales se auto organizan a través de redes sociales donde se articulan de una manera inconsciente por la psiquis (Mente) como se auto organizan. Con este cambio de mirada de la concepción dogmática y domesticada de la sociedad en que vivimos, se tratará de explicar en este humilde articulo-ensayo como operan. Para lo cual se recurre a los postulados científicos de Carl Jung que aborda el tema desde la teoría psicológica. A los paradigmas emergentes (Holístico), tomando como referentes que sustentan este ensayo a: Boff Leonardo, Bohm, David Brockman, Capra Fritjof, Eisler Riane, Gelb, Michael, Gutiérrez Pérez Francisco, Marx Carlos, Engels Frederick, entre otros autore

    The role of subnational actors in North America during the NAFTA renegotiation

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    This article analyzes the economic relations of subnational states in the United States with Mexico and Canada during the period of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but also during the negotiation and ratification of the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA). The first part considers the theoretical debates on the international economic relations of subnational states, highlighting the economic paradiplomacy, as well as the endogenous and exogenous factors that encourage these processes. The second part examines such economic relations, particularly exports, imports and integrated supply chains from a subnational level, looking at the cross-border region in North America. The third part concentrates on the analysis and presents the main results and conclusions

    Resilient Design in The Tropics: An Overheating Assessment Method for Naturally Ventilated Buildings

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    As a consequence of global warming, overheating has become the main source of discomfort when speaking about the thermal performance of buildings. On the one hand, energy consumption together with the risk of heatstroke rises during warm periods and in extreme situations such as heatwaves. On the other hand, there is no broadly accepted method to measure overheating. Most of the literature is limited to a simple count of hours above comfort limit, disregarding the intensity and temporal extent of the periods, whereas other methods have a limited application since they were developed for a certain type of building and location. This paper proposes a novel method for overheating assessment in existing and projected buildings based on 5-step criteria. The objective of the process is to assess the intensity and the total time extent of overheating following adaptive theory and established limits of human comfort. The method consists in hourly counts of overheating hours divided into five segments (i.e. hours above 0.1°K, 1°K, 2°K, 3°K, and 4°K) using the upper comfort limit as a threshold. The output of the method thus provides a quantitative answer regarding overheating in a building, assessing not only the intensity but the range of the problem, allowing to evaluate different strategies to regain comfortable conditions for the occupants

    Towards Passive Working Environments : Free Running Office in Guadalajara, Mexico

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    [Abstract] Unlike vernacular architecture, most of the newly built office buildings in Mexico are poorly adapted to the climate. The main reason is a lack of normative to limit and regulate the environmental performance of office buildings, since the existing one, is focused on active methods, disregarding the possibility of free-running buildings. This research focuses on the interaction between architecture and the climate to design comfortable environments for office workers in the region of Guadalajara, Mexico. The investigation starts with a climate analysis to reveal the climate’s challenges and opportunities as well as the potential for passive design strategies. Fieldwork was conducted in an office tower originally designed following the results of a predesign analysis. With the outcome from the case study, a building module was developed, and the initial parameters were set for further parametric analysis. The results were measured considering the percentage of time in comfort of each different case, as well as the percentage of time overheated. The study identified solar protection as the most effective passive strategy for the location, for the cases where is not possible, a high resistance building envelope is recommended with the inclusion of thermal mass, and insulation

    José Martínez Torres, Opacidad y transparencia. La primera narrativa de Carlos Fuentes ante la crítica. Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Chiapas-Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 2010; 226 pp.

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    Se hace una reseña del libro Opacidad y transparencia. La primera narrativa de Carlos Fuentes ante la crítica

    Jorge Manrique, Poesía. Ed., est. y notas de Vicenç Beltrán. Real Academia Española-Círculo de Lectores-Galaxia Gutenberg, Madrid, 2013; xii + 276 pp. (Biblioteca Clásica, 13).

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    Se reseña el libro:Poesía. Ed., est. y notas de Vicenç Beltrán

    Conocimientos, actitudes y practicas acerca de medidas cadioprotectoras (MCP) en docentes de la universidad de las regiones autonomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN), Bilwi, Region Autonoma del Atlantico Norte (RAAN), Julio-Septiembre de 2014

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    En este estudio se determinaron los Conocimientos, actitudes y practicas sobre las medidas Cardioprotectoras en docentes no relacionados con medicina de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN). Se identificó la sede principal, en RAAN-Bilwi. Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, para lo cual se tomó un universo de 40 docentes y una muestra de 30, se diseñó un instrumento validada por informantes claves los cuales eran conocedores de las MCP. Los docentes que aceptaron participar en el estudio recibieron un cuestionario estructurado que fueron llenados de forma anónima. Solamente el 66.6% de los entrevistados había escuchado alguna vez sobre Medidas Cardioprotectoras, siendo la televisión donde la mayoría (60%) recibió información referente a cardioprotección. Gran parte de los entrevistados tienen conocimientos y practicas principalmente Regulares, sin embargo las actitudes que tienen estos son favorables, por lo tanto reconocen los beneficios de la cardioprotección y las consecuencias de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, pero no son puestas en práctica en su totalidad. Es pertinente promover actividades aeróbicas dentro del Recinto Universitario, tomando en cuenta que el nivel de conocimiento sobre MCP en estos docentes es regular, por lo tanto surge la necesidad de darles a conocer los resultados de este estudio a fin de hacer conciencia sobre la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares y evitar complicaciones futura

    Building performance, climatic variables, and indices: identification of correlations for social housing across the Mexican territory

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    These three volumes contain the proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, held in A Coruña from 1 to 3 September 2020. These are its contents: Estos tres volúmenes contienen las actas de la 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, celebrado en A Coruña los días 1-3 de septiembre de 2020. Estos son sus contenidos: Estes tres volumes conteñen as actas da 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, celebrado na Coruña os días 1-3 de setembro de 2020. Estes son os seus contidos: Volume 1. Technical Articles: 1 Sustainable Buildings; 2 Sustainable Communities. Volume 2: Technical Articles: 3 Analysis and Methods; 4 Resilient and Extreme Design. Volume 3: Technical Articles: 4 Resources; 5 Education. Poster Session (technical articles). Poster Session (posters)

    A realist evaluation of the roles of opinion leaders in the diffusion of innovations in primary care in Florianopolis, Brazil

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    Local opinion leaders are people with credibility and influence within social groups. Therefore, they are often used as part of strategies to promote adoption of innovations in healthcare settings. Evidence from trials show that opinion leaders are an effective strategy to promote behaviour change, but the outcomes of their use are variable and unpredictable across studies. There is a need for better understanding of how and why opinion leaders work or not in different circumstances to improve the design of behaviour change interventions. This study addressed this knowledge gap by analysing the roles of opinion leaders during the implementation of two innovations in a primary care system of Brazil. Using a realist evaluation, I developed, tested and refined programme theories about the roles of the opinion leaders. First, I developed initial theories from documents, literature review, stakeholders’ consultation and my experience in the setting. Second, I tested and refined those initial theories drawing on 18 interviews with managers and practitioners and a reassessment of the literature. The three programme theories focused on how recognising opinion leaders motivates buy-in to innovations; how involving opinion leaders in implementation gives credibility to innovations; and how the practice of opinion leaders with innovations promotes adoption. The analytical framework was based on the programme theories and the Context-Mechanism-Outcome configuration. The causal processes identified in data analysis were compared to the initial theories to generate refined programme theories. The key findings across refined theories were summarised in a middle-range theory. The findings suggested causal processes that might explain some of the variability in opinion leaders’ interventions. Key mechanisms included ownership of innovations, trust, and reinforcement of group norms and modelling. Key contextual factors included interest in the innovations, similarity between opinion leader and peers, and informal relationships. The initial mobilisation of opinion leaders is a separate component of the intervention, leading to contradictory outcomes across system levels. Ultimately, there is a trade-off between harnessing the influence of opinion leaders as a resource for implementation and jeopardising their credibility

    Formación de cooperativas y su efecto en el desarrollo productivo, económico y social en Nicaragua

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    In this article, an analysis is carried out on the significant contributions provided by economists, philosophers and entrepreneurs precursors of the organization of cooperatives, which founded the theoretical and legal bases for its operation, in Europe and America, likewise, training is addressed of cooperatives in Nicaragua in the last century and the effects in the present. It is a qualitative investigation, where primary and secondary sources were applied, typical of this type of study. Among the main results are: The period of cooperative development that takes place between 1895 and 1914, the theoretical contributions that favored the organization of cooperatives, being overshadowed by governments in power, obtaining significant achievements with the Sandinista Front Government , in relation to greater number of cooperatives, development of collectivist values ​​and positive impact on both the production and the economic aspects of the country   Esta investigación ha sido posible gracias al Financiamiento de un Contrato de Beca del Fondo para Proyectos de investigación (FPI), de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua.  En este artículo, se realiza un análisis sobre los aportes significativos brindados por economistas, filósofos y empresarios precursores de la organización de las cooperativas, que fundaron las bases teóricas y legales para su funcionamiento, en Europa y América, así mismo, se aborda la formación de cooperativas en Nicaragua en el siglo pasado y los efectos en el presente. Es una investigación cualitativa, donde se aplicaron fuentes primarias y secundarias, propias de este tipo de estudio. Entre los principales resultados, están: El periodo de desarrollo cooperativista que transcurre entre los años 1895 y 1914, los aportes teóricos que favorecieron la organización de las cooperativas, siendo eclipsadas por los gobiernos en el poder, obteniéndose logros significativos con el Gobierno del Frente sandinista, con relación a mayor número de cooperativas, desarrollo de valores colectivistas e impacto positivo tanto en la producción como en lo económico del país.   Esta investigación ha sido posible gracias al Financiamiento de un Contrato de Beca del Fondo para Proyectos de investigación (FPI), de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua. &nbsp