18 research outputs found


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    The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus had a significant impact on providing health services the world over and is reflected in pediatric surgery also. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the prevalence of forms of appendicitis among children during and prior to the pandemic, and to compare the demographic characteristics. A retrospective study which covered a period from September 1, 2018 until September 1, 2021 and all the patients who underwent surgery for acute appendicitis was carried out. Demographic and clinical data were collected and analysed. The study included a total of 267 patients. Prior to the pandemic a total of 160 children underwent surgical treatment, 61.9% boys and 38.1% girls, while during the pandemic a total of 107 underwent surgical treatment, mostly boys 68,2%, and to a lesser extent, girls 31.8%. The average age of the patients was 11.0Ā±3.9 years. Even though there is a difference in the number of children who underwent surgical treatment for perforated appendicitis prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic, 54:44 or 33.8:41.1%, the difference is not statistically significant. During the pandemic, two patients who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus received surgical treatment for a perforated appendicitis. The Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the healthcare system worldwide. In most centers for pediatric surgery, there was an increased incidence of perforated appendicitis without significant deviations in the demographic characteristics, which correlates with the results of this stud

    Animal Assisted Therapy and Perception of Loneliness in Geriatric Nursing Home Residents

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    Use of animals for therapeutic purposes, animal assisted therapy or AAT is a method for improving quality of life for long-term inpatients. The object of this paper was to evaluate dog companionship as a form of AAT and its effects on per- ception of loneliness in geriatric nursing home residents. The participants were involved in a six-month program of dog companionship three times weekly for 90 minutes. There were 21 residents included in the program, with a mean age of 80 years. Loneliness was measured by the short version of the UCLA Scale of loneliness. Comparison of test results before and after participation in the program showed that dog companionship reduces the perception of loneliness

    Integration of biological and chemical methods in control of pepper bacterial spot

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    Bacterial spot, caused by Xanthomonas euvesicatoria, is widely spread disease of pepper in Serbia. When weather conditions are favorable for disease development, pepper producers do not have adequate resources to control this pathogen. Copper based bactericides registered in our country are not effective enough. However, effective protection could be achieved only by integrating positive effects of different protection methods. In order to develop sustainable and integrated control strategy for this disease, we investigated various combinations of biological control agents and chemicals. Intensity of the disease ranged from 31 to 59% on untreated control plants. All integrated treatments were effective against X. euvesicatoria and significantly reduced disease severity in all experiments, compared to untreated control. The most efficient treatment was integration of acibenzolar-S-methyl, copper hydroxide and bacteriophages, reducing disease severity 97-99%. This combination may be an effective new tool for pepper growers to manage bacterial spot

    Seroprevalencija respiratornog koronavirusa pasa u Hrvatskoj

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    Canine respiratory coronavirus is a relatively new addition to the list of pathogens causing canine infectious disease complex. The virus is highly contagious, with a high prevalence in the dog population worldwide, especially in shelters. This study aimed to establish the presence and risk factors associated with infection in privately owned dogs and breeding colonies. This study was the first to demonstrate the presence of canine respiratory coronavirus in Croatia. Out of the 257 serum samples, 35.03% of dogs from breeding kennels and 43% of pet dogs tested enzyme-linked immunoassay positive, but the difference was not statistically significant. Sex was not an important risk factor, but the seropositivity rate increased with age. Mixing of dogs during hunting, training and dog shows was not associated with a higher seroprevalence in the breeding colonies. Daily cleaning and disinfection showed little effect on the infection spread. The study was done on a limited sample. However, it still provides evidence that the epizootiology of this disease is complex. There is no available vaccine for canine respiratory coronavirus, and further studies on environmental and risk factors will give the valuable data needed to prevent this disease.Pseći respiratorni koronavirus nedavno je dodan na listu patogena koji uzrokuju zarazni kaÅ”alj legla. Zbog svoje izrazite kontagioznosti proÅ”irio se diljem svijeta, a osobito je čest u pasa u skloniÅ”tima za nezbrinute životinje. Osnovni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati proÅ”irenost infekcije u pasa u privatnom vlasniÅ”tvu i uzgajivačnicama te ustanoviti čimbenike rizika koji pogoduju infekciji. Ovo je bilo prvo istraživanje koje je dokazalo prisutnost psećeg respiratornog koronavirusa u Hrvatskoj. Od 257 pretraženih uzoraka seruma 35,03 % uzoraka pasa privatnih vlasnika i 43 % uzoraka pasa iz uzgajivačnica dalo je pozitivan rezultat imunoenzimnog testa. Važno je napomenuti da razlika u seroprevalenciji između ovih dviju populacije nije bila statistički znakovita. Spol također nije bio znakovit čimbenik rizika, ali je seroprevalencija rasla s porastom dobi životinja. MijeÅ”anje životinja iz različitih uzgoja, prilikom lova, dresure ili izložbi pasa, nije dovelo do porasta seroprevalencije u uzgajivačnicama. Ni provođenje dnevne dezinfekcije nije znakovito utjecalo na seroprevalenciju. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno na ograničenom broju uzoraka, ali ipak dokazuje složenost epizootiologije infekcije psećim respiratornim koronavirusom. Kako cjepivo joÅ” uvijek nije dostupno, dodatna istraživanja čimbenika okoliÅ”a i domaćina, važnih za epizootiologiju ove bolesti, dat će važne podatke nužne za provođenje mjera prevencije

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodiÅ”njoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonoloÅ”kim/morfoloÅ”kim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodiÅ”njoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonoloÅ”kim/morfoloÅ”kim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Kritika neoliberalizma Noama Chomskega

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    Interdisciplinary treatment of impacted teeth

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    U normalnim uvjetima zub eruptira kada se razvije 1/2-3/4 njegove konačne duljine korijena. Impakcija zuba u većini se slučajeva dijagnosticira nakon toga razdoblja i općenito je bez simptoma te iz toga razloga pacijenti ulaze u terapiju kasnije od optimalnog. Impakcija zuba čest je problem u svakodnevnoj ortodontskoj praksi i u većini slučajeva prepoznaje se slučajno tijekom rutinskog kliničkog pregleda i analize radioloÅ”ke snimke. NajčeŔće impaktirani zubi su mandibularni treći kutnjaci, zatim maksilarni očnjaci, mandibularni drugi pretkutnjaci i maksilarni srediÅ”nji sjekutići. Ukoliko se dijagnoza impaktiranosti postavi dovoljno rano, moguće je postići prirodno nicanje zuba primjenom interceptivne terapije, odnosno pravodobnom ekstrakcijom mliječnog prethodnika. U slučajevima kada to nije moguće postići, liječenje impaktiranih zuba zahtijeva interdisciplinarnu suradnju ortodonta, oralnog kirurga, a ponekad i parodontologa. Terapija se temelji na kirurÅ”koj ekspoziciji impaktiranog zuba jednom od metoda kirurÅ”kog prikaza i ortodontskim pomacima kako bi se impaktirani zub doveo u zubni luk. Na početku terapije potrebno je ortodontski osigurati dovoljno mjesta u zubnom luku za smjeÅ”taj impaktiranog zuba. Zatim slijedi odabir prikladne metode kirurÅ”kog prikaza koji ovisi o položaju impaktiranog zuba, a vrlo je važno procijeniti postoji li dovoljno pričvrsne gingive kako bi se izbjeglo uključivanje parodontologa u proces terapije. Ukoliko, uslijed kompliciranosti slučaja, nijedna tehnika kirurÅ”ke ekspozicije nije zadovoljavajuća, može se izvesti autotransplantacija ili pristupiti vađenju zuba. Ako situacija dozvoljava izvođenje jedne od metoda kirurÅ”kog prikaza, nakon razdoblja cijeljenja započinje se ortodontsko izvlačenje i smjeÅ”tanje zuba u pravilni položaj u zubnom luku. Liječenje je dugotrajno, komplicirano i izazovno, a uspjeÅ”nost terapije ovisi o mnogobrojnim faktorima.Under normal conditions, a tooth erupts when approximately half to three-quarters of its final root length has developed. Tooth impaction is typically diagnosed after this period and is generally asymptomatic, which is why patients often seek treatment later than optimal. Tooth impaction is a common problem in everyday orthodontic practice and is usually identified incidentally during routine clinical examinations and radiographic analysis. The most commonly impacted teeth are mandibular third molars, followed by maxillary canines, mandibular second premolars, and maxillary central incisors. If the diagnosis of impaction is made early enough, natural tooth eruption can be achieved through interceptive treatment, such as timely extraction of the primary predecessor. Otherwise, the treatment of impacted teeth requires interdisciplinary collaboration between an orthodontist, an oral surgeon, and sometimes a periodontist. Treatment involves surgically exposing the impacted tooth using appropriate techniques and aligning it within the dental arch through orthodontic movements. Sufficient space must be created within the arch initially, and the choice of surgical exposure technique depends on the tooth's position and the presence of adequate attached gingiva. If, due to the complexity of the case, none of the surgical exposure techniques are satisfactory, autotransplantation can be performed, or extraction of the tooth may be considered. If the situation allows for one of the tooth exposure methods to be performed, orthodontic traction begins after a healing period, which involves positioning the tooth correctly within the dental arch. The treatment is lengthy, complicated, challenging, and the success of the therapy depends on many factors

    Interdisciplinary treatment of impacted teeth

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    U normalnim uvjetima zub eruptira kada se razvije 1/2-3/4 njegove konačne duljine korijena. Impakcija zuba u većini se slučajeva dijagnosticira nakon toga razdoblja i općenito je bez simptoma te iz toga razloga pacijenti ulaze u terapiju kasnije od optimalnog. Impakcija zuba čest je problem u svakodnevnoj ortodontskoj praksi i u većini slučajeva prepoznaje se slučajno tijekom rutinskog kliničkog pregleda i analize radioloÅ”ke snimke. NajčeŔće impaktirani zubi su mandibularni treći kutnjaci, zatim maksilarni očnjaci, mandibularni drugi pretkutnjaci i maksilarni srediÅ”nji sjekutići. Ukoliko se dijagnoza impaktiranosti postavi dovoljno rano, moguće je postići prirodno nicanje zuba primjenom interceptivne terapije, odnosno pravodobnom ekstrakcijom mliječnog prethodnika. U slučajevima kada to nije moguće postići, liječenje impaktiranih zuba zahtijeva interdisciplinarnu suradnju ortodonta, oralnog kirurga, a ponekad i parodontologa. Terapija se temelji na kirurÅ”koj ekspoziciji impaktiranog zuba jednom od metoda kirurÅ”kog prikaza i ortodontskim pomacima kako bi se impaktirani zub doveo u zubni luk. Na početku terapije potrebno je ortodontski osigurati dovoljno mjesta u zubnom luku za smjeÅ”taj impaktiranog zuba. Zatim slijedi odabir prikladne metode kirurÅ”kog prikaza koji ovisi o položaju impaktiranog zuba, a vrlo je važno procijeniti postoji li dovoljno pričvrsne gingive kako bi se izbjeglo uključivanje parodontologa u proces terapije. Ukoliko, uslijed kompliciranosti slučaja, nijedna tehnika kirurÅ”ke ekspozicije nije zadovoljavajuća, može se izvesti autotransplantacija ili pristupiti vađenju zuba. Ako situacija dozvoljava izvođenje jedne od metoda kirurÅ”kog prikaza, nakon razdoblja cijeljenja započinje se ortodontsko izvlačenje i smjeÅ”tanje zuba u pravilni položaj u zubnom luku. Liječenje je dugotrajno, komplicirano i izazovno, a uspjeÅ”nost terapije ovisi o mnogobrojnim faktorima.Under normal conditions, a tooth erupts when approximately half to three-quarters of its final root length has developed. Tooth impaction is typically diagnosed after this period and is generally asymptomatic, which is why patients often seek treatment later than optimal. Tooth impaction is a common problem in everyday orthodontic practice and is usually identified incidentally during routine clinical examinations and radiographic analysis. The most commonly impacted teeth are mandibular third molars, followed by maxillary canines, mandibular second premolars, and maxillary central incisors. If the diagnosis of impaction is made early enough, natural tooth eruption can be achieved through interceptive treatment, such as timely extraction of the primary predecessor. Otherwise, the treatment of impacted teeth requires interdisciplinary collaboration between an orthodontist, an oral surgeon, and sometimes a periodontist. Treatment involves surgically exposing the impacted tooth using appropriate techniques and aligning it within the dental arch through orthodontic movements. Sufficient space must be created within the arch initially, and the choice of surgical exposure technique depends on the tooth's position and the presence of adequate attached gingiva. If, due to the complexity of the case, none of the surgical exposure techniques are satisfactory, autotransplantation can be performed, or extraction of the tooth may be considered. If the situation allows for one of the tooth exposure methods to be performed, orthodontic traction begins after a healing period, which involves positioning the tooth correctly within the dental arch. The treatment is lengthy, complicated, challenging, and the success of the therapy depends on many factors

    Oxygen reduction on a duplex stainless steel

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    O-2 reduction on duplex stainless steel was investigated in neutral and alkaline solutions with and without the presence of chloride ions. All polarization curves showed hysteresis with higher reaction rate in positive going sweep than in the negative one. Tafel slopes of about -90 mV dec(-1) in neutral and alkaline solutions without chloride ions and about -150 mV dec(-1) in NaCl solution were obtained. Reaction rate is almost independent on pH in solutions of pH lt 12 while in more alkaline solutions reaction order with respect to OH- ions of about -1 was obtained. Reaction rate and kinetic parameters for O-2 reduction on duplex stainless steel were compared to data for O-2 reduction on pure Fe and great similarity was found