1,256 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the analytical variability of dipstick protein pads in canine urine

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    BackgroundThe dipstick is a first-line and inexpensive test that can exclude the presence of proteinuria in dogs. However, no information is available about the analytical variability of canine urine dipstick analysis. ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to assess the analytical variability in 2 dipsticks and the inter-operator variability in dipstick interpretation. MethodsCanine urine supernatants (n = 174) were analyzed with 2 commercially available dipsticks. Two observers evaluated each result blinded to the other observer and to the results of the other dipstick. Intra- and inter-assay variability was assessed in 5 samples (corresponding to the 5 different semi-quantitative results) tested 10 consecutive times over 5 consecutive days. The agreement between observers and between dipsticks was evaluated with Cohen's k test. ResultsIntra-assay repeatability was good (3/10 errors), whereas inter-assay variability was higher (from 1/5 to 4/5 discordant results). The concordance between the operators (k = 0.68 and 0.79 for the 2 dipsticks) and that of the dipsticks (k = 0.66 and 0.74 for the 2 operators) was good. However, 1 observer and 1 dipstick overestimated the results compared with the second observer or dipstick. In any case, discordant results accounted for a single unit of the semi-quantitative scale. ConclusionsAs for any other method, analytic variability may affect the semi-quantitation of urinary proteins when using the dipstick method. Subjective interpretation of the pad and, to a lesser extent, intrinsic staining properties of the pads could affect the results. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the effect of this variability on clinical decisions

    Scattering as a quantum metrology problem: a quantum walk approach

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    We address the scattering of a quantum particle by a one-dimensional barrier potential over a set of discrete positions. We formalize the problem as a continuous-time quantum walk on a lattice with an impurity, and use the quantum Fisher information as a mean to quantify the maximal possible accuracy in the estimation of the height of the barrier. We introduce suitable initial states of the walker and derive the reflection and transmission probabilities of the scattered state. We show that while the quantum Fisher information is affected by the width and central momentum of the initial wave packet, this dependency is weaker for the quantum signal-to-noise ratio. We also show that a dichotomic position measurement provides a nearly optimal detection scheme

    Fiat Lux: creazione e valore della luce nella Bibbia e nella tradizione ebraica antica

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    Poder de polícia e construção jurídica do Estado: uma análise das obras de Direito Administrativo da Primeira República

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.A pesquisa tem como objeto o desenvolvimento do poder de polícia como instituto jurídico durante a Primeira República. As fontes trabalhadas serão as obras jus-administrativas da época. O aumento populacional, o fim da escravidão, a questão social e a reestruturação urbana foram alguns dos fatores que geravam instabilidade social e faziam com que as elites procurassem respostas para encerrá-los. A solução pela ação estatal não foi rara nesse contexto. Nas últimas três décadas, a historiografia brasileira comprovou o intervencionismo estatal do período por diversos exemplos (i.e.: a revolta da vacina; a repressão às greves em 1917 e 1919; o aumento no controle social de mendigos, menores e prostitutas; entre outros). Tais atividades, no entanto, precisavam de fundamentação jurídica. Esta veio, principalmente, por meio das fórmulas “poder de polícia”, “polícia administrativa” e (por vezes) “polícia”. A palavra, que tinha suas raízes no Antigo Regime, possuía: por um lado, um grau de indeterminação que permitia aos juristas da época moldá-la com facilidade; por outro, a potencialidade necessária para excetuar alguns limites do Estado de Direito. Com efeito, o instituto jurídico era útil como legitimação de uma intervenção “genérica”, servindo como válvula de escape para o liberalismo. The object of this research is the juridic figure of “police power” and how did the brazilian jurists of the “First Republic” (Primeira República) drew it's contours. It has been clear by the recent historic researchers that there has been a number of examples of state interventionism in this period (such as the “revolta da vacina”, the repression on the worker's strike in 1917 and 1919, the increase of social control on poors, etc.). All of these state actions demanded legal groundings. The formulas “police power” (poder de polícia), “polícia administrativa” and sometimes just “police” were used to rationalize in legal terms the state activity. Even though most still identifies the “First Republic” as the peak of liberalism in its classic form, the current work tries to demystify this understanding by showing the existence of non-liberal elements in the theories of the works which we will analyze. The authors of legal literature on administrative law were largely very critical of the presuppositions of the classic liberalism. Although it cannot be stated that they were pro-interventionism, since most of them still cared for liberal concepts in certain areas (such as the economy), it is clear that they do not buy the liberalism in its classic form. That is to say: they demanded interventionism, but not in all areas. The “police power” was the legal ground for this interventionism, mostly because of its generic and malleable form. Each author could use this legal argument as it pleased. That's why it was so convenient but at the same time problematic, because due to its undefined nature it was also not a strong and widely accepted legal argument

    Effect of Dietary Supplements in Reducing Probability of Death for Uremic Crises in Dogs Affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (Masked RCCT)

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    Chitosan and alkalinizing agents can decrease morbidity and mortality in humans with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Whether this holds true in dog is not known. Objective of the study was to determine whether a commercial dietary supplement containing chitosan, phosphate binders, and alkalinizing agents (Renal), compared to placebo, reduces mortality rate due to uremic crises in dogs with spontaneous CKD, fed a renal diet (RD). A masked RCCT was performed including 31 azotemic dogs with spontaneous CKD. Dogs enrolled in the study were randomly allocated to receive RD plus placebo (group A; 15 dogs) or RD plus Renal (group B; 16 dogs). During a first 4-week period, all dogs were fed an RD and then randomized and clinically evaluated up to 44 weeks. The effects of dietary supplements on mortality rate due to uremic crises were assessed. At 44 weeks, compared to group A, dogs in group B had approximately 50% lower mortality rate due to uremic crises (P = 0.015). Dietary supplementation with chitosan, phosphate binders, and alkalinizing agents, along with an RD, is beneficial in reducing mortality rate in dogs with spontaneous CKD

    Chapter Il viaggio come paradigma esistenziale nella Bibbia e nella letteratura ebraica antica

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    The divine command issued to Abraham in Genesis 12,1: «Go (lek-lekà) from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you», presents us with a dramatic image of the human existence as it unfolds in the Bible and in the ancient Hebrew texts. It is a departure for an undisclosed destination from which there is no coming back, an act of unconditional trust. The patriarchs describe themselves as wanderers and nomads (see Genesis 47,9) and the road (derek), the way becomes a metaphor for life. True life lies beyond the known world; only those who take upon themselves to embark on a long and perilous journey will see the “promised land” towards which Israel’s and humanity’s adventure leads

    Development of a measurement platformon a light airplane and analysis of airborne measurementsin the atmospheric boundary layer

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    In the present paper we provide an overview of a long term research project aimed at setting up a suitable platform for measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer on a light airplane along with some preliminary results obtained from fi eld campaigns at selected sites. Measurements of air pressure, temperature and relative humidity have been performed in various Alpine valleys up to a height of about 2500 m a.m.s.l. By means of GPS resources and specifi c post-processing procedures careful positioning of measurement points within the explored domain has been achieved. The analysis of collected data allowed detailed investigation of atmospheric vertical structures and dynamics typical of valley environment, such as morning transition from ground based inversion to fully developed well mixed convective boundary layer. Based on data collected along fl ights, 3D fi elds of the explored variables have been detected and identifi ed through application of geostatistical techniques (Kriging). The adopted procedures allowed evaluation of the intrinsic statistical structure of the spatial distribution of measured quantities and the estimate of the values of the same variable at unexplored locations by suitable weighted average of data recorded at close locations. Results thus obtained are presented and discussed