54 research outputs found

    The New Hope of the Czech Minority: The Earliest Reception of Leoš Janáček and His Music (1872–1876)

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    Mezi géniem a světcem: dekonstrukce Nejedlého koncepce velkého českého skladatele

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    Based on a previous metahistorical analysis of Zdeněk Nejedlý's conception of the history of modern Czech music, as it is revealed in his main texts from the period 1901–1921, the paper presents results of a deconstruction of Nejedlý's conception of the Great Czech Composer. This conception is based on concepts of common ideal character traits, common martyr-like destiny, and common Smetanian or Bohemian spirit, shared by all great Czech composers (Smetana, Fibich, Foerster). Its narrative mechanism used systematic referring to the conception of an ideal Christian saint and was probably also influenced or transmitted by the essential 19th century conceptions of genius (Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche) as well as by representations of great personae of Czech history (Jan Hus, Karel Havlíček) in two important texts of the Czech philosophy of history – F. Palacký's History of the Czech Nation and T. G. Masaryk's Czech Question

    Proměny a konstanty Helfertova psaní o Janáčkovi

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    The study deals with development of Vladimír Helfert's writing about Leoš Janáček from the period 1911–1939 and presents the results of a discourse analysis of Helfert's texts (both musical-critical and historiographical) on Janáček. In his texts, Helfert ignored Janáček until the beginning of the First World War: this was the time of "struggle against Dvořák", in which Helfert stood on Zdeněk Nejedlý's side. Helfert wrote his first text on Janáček in 1915, but it was not until he moved to Brno in the summer of 1919 that he began to regard Janáček favourably. The turnover in his writing on Janáček occurred in 1920, when Helfert transformed some former conceptual negatives into positives. After Janáčekian anniversary festival in 1924, Helfert started to write about Janáček more frequently and systematically, and, around 1925, a coherent critical conception of Janáček started to emerge from his writing. In many aspects, it was similar to Nejedlý's conception of the Great Czech Composer. In the following years, Helfert further developed this conception and gradually recognized Janáček as a  classical figure of modern Czech music; this process culminated in the first part of his unfinished monograph on Janáček from 1939. The basic features of his conception are the following: (1) organicity of Janáček's artistic development and inclusion of Janáček into the organicist model of the evolution of modern Czech music; (2) contraposition of Janáček and other great Czech composers, and the view of Janáček as a sheer individuality; (3) recognition of some negatives of Janáček's musical thought as positives in their own rightspecific qualities ("elementariness", non-constructiveness, aphoristicity, etc.); (4) Janáček as a completely new, revolutionary type of composer; (5) identity of the character of the composer's personality and the character of his music; (6) Janáček as a primarily vocal and dramatic composer; (7) Janáček as a Beethovenian genius; (8) the myth of eternally young Janáček; (9) Janáček as an essential realist and, therefore, anti-romantic; and (10) emphasising Janáček's Russianisms or Slavicness

    Civilist tendencies in the inter-war Czech music : at the beginning of a research

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    The study deals with "civilist" [civilistní] tendencies in music and musical culture of the interwar Czechoslovakia. The "civilism" [civilismus] in literature had its parallels in other areas of Czech artistic production too, especially in visual arts, and later – after the First World War – also in classical music. Since the culture of the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918–1938), being seen in its entirety, appears to be saturated with various reflections of modernity (either real modernity or imagined), the term "civilist" makes sense only when it refers to such works of art that unilaterally focus on representing the typical civilizational and civil moments and realities of the 1920s and 30s: sports, physical education and other leisure activities, jazz, tango and popular musical culture in general, attributes of the metropolitan environment, technical devices, machinery, cars, motorcycles, klaxons, airplanes, film, cabaret, circus, bar and cocktails, and various aspects of everyday urban life. Although the civilist tendencies represent a crucial and typical phenomenon of Czech music and musical culture of the inter-war period, musicology has reflected them only very little and has not approached them as a particular research problem so far. The present study proposes hypotheses and methodology for a future research on musical civilism, gives an overview of contemporary discourse about musical civilism, and presents the most important musical works and topics which the future research should focus on

    Environmental Effects among Differently Located and Fertile Sites on Forest Basal-Area Increment in Temperate Zone

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    Environmental properties differently influence the growth of forest tree species. The antagonistic effects of variable environmental properties classify the forest response according to various tree compositions among different sites. The division of the forest response was assessed in 52 stands arranged into 26 types of 13 site management populations (MPs) in 5 areas in the Czech Republic territory. The assessment was performed using time-series multiple regressions of basal-area increment from pure immature stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), oaks (Quercus sp.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and willows (Salix sp.) dependent on the interpolated average temperatures, annual precipitation, atmospheric concentrations of SO2, NOx and O3 and soil properties over the period 1971-2008 at p < 0.05. Site MPs differentiated the forest response to a greater extent than tree species. The response of the forests was significantly distributed by means of the montane, upland and waterlogged sites. The multiple determination index (r2) GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.6 indicated an adaptable tree increment but an interval of r2 between 0.80-0.92 implied forest sensitivity to variability in environmental properties on non-waterlogged sites. The index r2 < 0.6 suggested a fluctuating forest increment that reflects environmental variability inconsistently. The fluctuating increment most affected the spruce and pine stands grown from upland to submontane locations. Montane spruce stands, as well as rock pines, appeared to be one of the most sensitive ones to environmental change. Floodplain forests seemed as adaptable to variable environmental properties.O

    The Complex Evaluation of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic at Universities: A Soft Computing Approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the educational process since the teaching process has been forced to go online in many countries. This enforced change revealed the weaknesses and strengths of the national educational systems and particular institutions. This article aims to analyse the impact of COVID-19 at selected European universities and assess the satisfaction of students, teachers, IT staff and management. This study is unique for its systematicity and complexity – it aggregates the opinions of all interested groups of stakeholders, distinguishes several time periods (before, during and after the pandemic), and allows the respondents to express hesitance in their evaluation. The evaluation model uses fuzzy sets to capture the uncertainty and to aggregate the opinions of different stakeholder groups. The empirical results show that most of the satisfaction development is the same or similar for all institutions examined. Then, the pandemic strongly influenced the satisfaction of all stakeholder groups at the universities examined. This impact was mostly negative, however, several lessons learnt have been revealed. Therefore, it was shown that it is highly beneficial to include these aspects to obtain a reliable picture of overall satisfaction

    The New Hope of the Czech Minority: The Earliest Reception of Leoš Janáček and His Music (1872–1876)

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    Vertical profile of concentration and flow of aerosol particles over arable land

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    At present, the immission load of the territory and population by solid / liquid or mixed particles with the size of 1 nm - 100 μm suspended in the atmosphere, or PM, is one of the biggest problems not only in the Czech Republic but practically throughout Europe. High PM concentrations are associated with a large number of health problems. These include respiratory disorders and an increased risk of lung and skin cancer (WHO, 2006). In the Czech Republic, long-term exposure to PM is an important factor responsible for reducing the quality of life of the population. Among the most serious effects in terms of overall health burden is a significant reduction in life expectancy (WHO, 2006). Transport and industrial activities are generally considered to be the main source of PM10 particles. Existing information on the chemical composition, size distribution, secondary particle fraction and deposition flux of particles on different types of surfaces is still incomplete. Aerosol concentration measurements have been performed in many cities at street level or for personal exposure assessment (Kaur et al., 2005, Longley et al., 2004). Eddy covariance measurements of particulate emission flux over large urban agglomerations were performed (Dorsey et al., 2002, Järvi et al., 2009, Martin et al., 2009, Deventer et al., 2013). Direct measurement of the emission flux of the eddy particles by the covariation method provided information on the upward air flow and vertical particle exchange over some urban agglomerations (eg Manchester, London, Helsinki). A description of the measurement of the eddy particle flow by the covariance method from an aircraft is given in Buzorius et al. (2006). Less information exists on the emission flux of particles above different types of sources at different heights, eg above arable land, opencast coal mine or local fireplaces

    Atmosférická depozice acidifikačních činitelů na území České republiky

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    Import 19/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologick