61 research outputs found

    Beach Party Animal

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    No abstract availableThis review essay was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, as part of The International Journal of Screendance, Volume 3 (2013), Parallel Press. It is made available here with the kind permission of Parallel Press

    From the Incoming Editors

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    Documenting Intimacy

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    Documenting Intimacy is a research initiative piloted by Dr Brian Lobel and Dr Marisa Zanotti to explore documenting one-to-one performance from the perspective of artists. The Live Art Development Agency (LADA) was invited to be a commissioning and publishing partner on the project and Alex Eisenberg (LADA) has produced the website. Project Statement We initiated a research process by asking a community of artists about their experiences with one-to-one performance and the pressures, both artistically and professionally, to document performance, and to document performance well. A number of questions arose which informed our initial conversations. These questions included: Does documenting, in a traditional sense, interrupt the intimacy which one-to-one performance often promises as its unique quality? What innovative methods can be used to capture a multitude of audience experiences? Does anyone really care about documentation or what remains after the performance? Is it purely an economic or professional pressure which demands this documentation? Can documentation be an integral piece of the performance-making process

    A novel mutation in isoform 3 of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump impairs cellular Ca2+ homeostasis in a patient with cerebellar ataxia and laminin subunit 1\u3b1 mutations.

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    The particular importance of Ca2+ signaling to neurons demands its precise regulation within their cytoplasm. Isoform 3 of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (the PMCA3 pump), which is highly expressed in brain and cerebellum, plays an important role in the regulation of neuronal Ca2+. A genetic defect of the function of the PMCA3 pump has been described in one family with X-linked congenital cerebellar ataxia. Here we describe a novel mutation of the PMCA3 pump (ATP2B3) in a patient with global developmental delay, generalized hypotonia and cerebellar ataxia. The mutation (a R482H replacement) impairs the Ca2+ ejection function of the pump. It reduces the ability of the pump expressed in model cells to control Ca2+ transients generated by cell stimulation and impairs its Ca2+ extrusion function under conditions of low resting cytosolic Ca2+ as well. In silico analysis of the structural effect of the mutation suggests a reduced stabilization of the portion of the pump surrounding the mutated residue in the Ca2+-bound state. The patient also carries two missense mutations in LAMA1, encoding for laminin subunit 1\u3b1. On the basis of the family pedigree of the patient, the presence of both PMCA3 and LAMA1 mutations appears to be necessary for the development of the disease. Considering the observed defect in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and the previous finding that PMCAs act as digenic modulators in Ca2+-linked pathologies, the PMCA3 dysfunction along with LAMA1 mutations could act synergistically to cause the neurological phenotype


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    Los journals son los medios validados internacionalmente para difundir conocimiento. La escritura cientí­fico-académica está caracterizada por las propiedades de objetividad, neutralidad, impersonalidad y precisión con las que referirí­a a la realidad externa. Nuestros objetivos fueron a) analizar los distintos tipos de mecanismos de atenuadores o mitigadores presentes en la sección introducción de los artí­culos académicos en el campo de las Ciencias Agrarias en publicaciones internacionales en inglés de las últimas dos décadas; y b) determinar el punto de vista de los autores cuando están presentes los atenuadores en el corpus seleccionado según su disciplina. Es un estudio de casos de artí­culos de revistas internacionales relacionados con las ciencias naturales, sociales y artí­culos interdisciplinarios y se consideran las construcciones impersonales: verbos impersonales, desagentivaciones y pasivas desagentivadas y plural mayestático; los escudos: verbos epistémicos y modales epistémicos, verbos evidenciales, adverbios y adjetivos de posibilidad y probabilidad; y aproximadores: afectan el grado de certidumbre de las afirmaciones. Hasta el momento hemos encontrado construcciones impersonales, en voz pasiva y activa (agente inanimado), uso de escudos y el uso de la primera persona y pronombres de la 1era persona (sing./pl.) seguidos de verbos de cognición o performativos. Como conclusiones provisorias vemos que los atenuadores en la introducción se utilizan para mitigar la voz autorial y reducir la fuerza de aseveraciones categóricas y presenta el esquema organizativo de un triángulo invertido. Se introduce el tema de investigación de manera amplia y se desarrolla lo conocido hasta el momento, en forma detallada, incluyendo todos los estudios realizados sobre el tema citando a aquellos autores que hayan investigado previamente lo pertinente al trabajo en estudio. Finalmente se detallan los objetivos de la investigación. Se tiende a dar preponderancia a datos y antecedentes "corriéndose" del foco, y utilizan el "nosotros mayestático" hacia el final de la sección al momento de presentar los objetivos y/o la hipótesis.Journals are means of international validation to spread and share knowledge. Academic and scientific writing is expected to be objective, neutral, impersonal and accurate. Our aims were a) to analyse the various types of hedging devices used in the introduction section of the papers published in international journals of Agronomy Sciences during the last two decades; and b) to determine the authorial viewpoint when there are hedges in the corpus selected according to the discipline. This is a case study of interdisciplinary articles and in the natural and social sciences taken from international journals. We have considered the following markers of hedging: impersonal expressions such as agentless, passive structures, royal "we" ; shields such as epistemic and modal epistemic verbs, evidential verbs, adverbs and adjectives of possibility and probability; and approximation: those affecting the level of certainty of the assertions. So far we have found cases of impersonal structures (both active and passive voice), shields and the use of first subjects and pronouns (singular and plural) followed by performative and cognition verbs. Our provisional conclusions indicate that hedges in the introduction section of the articles are used to mitigate the authorial voice and reduce the force of categorical assertions while displaying an inverted triangle structure of the organization of the section. The problem is broadly overviewed and the literature is reviewed to show the latest developments, including citations and references to previous research. Finally, the aims of the study are expressed. There is a tendency to highlight data and antecedents while the author stays away from the main focus through the use of devices as the "royal" we at the end of the section.Os periódicos são meios de disseminação de conhecimento validados internacionalmente. A escrita cientí­fico-acadêmica caracteriza se pelas propriedades de objetividade, neutralidade, impessoalidade e precisão com que se referiria à realidade externa. Nossos objetivos foram a) analisar os diferentes tipos de mecanismos atenuantes ou atenuantes presentes na seção de introdução de artigos acadêmicos da área de Ciências Agrárias em publicações internacionais em inglês das últimas duas décadas; eb) determinar o ponto de vista dos autores quando os atenuadores estão presentes no corpus selecionado de acordo com sua disciplina. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de artigos de periódicos internacionais relacionados às ciências naturais e sociais e são considerados artigos interdisciplinares e construções impessoais: verbos impessoais, passivas desativadas e desativadas e plural majestoso; escudos: verbos epistêmicos e modais epistêmicos, verbos evidenciais, advérbios e adjetivos de possibilidade e probabilidade; e aproximadores: afetam o grau de certeza das afirmações. Até agora encontramos construções impessoais, voz passiva e ativa (agente inanimado), uso de escudos e uso de pronomes de primeira pessoa e 1ª pessoa (sing./pl.) seguidos de verbos de cognição ou performativos. Como conclusões provisórias vemos que os atenuadores na introdução são utilizados para mitigar a voz autoral e reduzir a força das afirmações categóricas e apresenta o esquema organizacional de um triângulo invertido. O tema de pesquisa é apresentado de forma ampla e o que se sabe até agora é desenvolvido em detalhes, incluindo todos os estudos realizados sobre o assunto, citando aqueles autores que investigaram anteriormente o que é relevante para o trabalho em estudo. Por fim, detalham-se os objetivos da pesquisa. Há uma tendência a dar preponderância aos dados e antecedentes "deslocando-se" do foco, e eles usam o majestoso "nós" no final da seção ao apresentar os objetivos e/ou a hipótese


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    En esta presentación se analizan las especificidades de género en el contexto de la ruralidad, contexto en que se re-editan configuraciones históricas e, institucionalmente, se muestran temas de agenda que contribuyen a visibilizar problemáticas estructurales, aunque las respuestas que las organizaciones de producción hacen a estas son diferentes según los territorios estudiados. Se trabajó con dos regiones argentinas: la patagónica y la pampeana. Nuestro objetivo es caracterizar y contextualizar el rol de la mujer en el ámbito rural, su acceso a los recursos e inserción en las producciones.  Metodológicamente se trabajó con datos provenientes de recorridos anteriores de este grupo de investigación en las regiones del paralelo 24 (Patagonia) y de las localidades de Roldán, Funes y Firmat (Pampeana). A estos datos se suman entrevistas y estudios de casos. La problematización de género, entre las semejanzas y diferencias de las regiones estudiadas evidencian según el contexto histórico, territorios de identidades y relaciones sociales atravesadas por conflictos puntuales, que exponen la importancia de visibilizar las tensiones presentes en los procesos de producción con relación al acceso a recursos, imprescindibles para la realización de los ciclos de producción, realidad esta, más compleja para las mujere


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    En esta presentación se analizan las especificidades de género en el contexto de la ruralidad, contexto en que se re-editan configuraciones históricas e, institucionalmente, se muestran temas de agenda que contribuyen a visibilizar problemáticas estructurales, aunque las respuestas que las organizaciones de producción hacen a estas son diferentes según los territorios estudiados. Se trabajó con dos regiones argentinas: la patagónica y la pampeana. Nuestro objetivo es caracterizar y contextualizar el rol de la mujer en el ámbito rural, su acceso a los recursos e inserción en las producciones. Metodológicamente se trabajó con datos provenientes de recorridos anteriores de este grupo de investigación en las regiones del paralelo 24 (Patagonia) y de las localidades de Roldán, Funes y Firmat (Pampeana). A estos datos se suman entrevistas y estudios de casos. La problematización de género, entre las semejanzas y diferencias de las regiones estudiadas evidencian según el contexto histórico, territorios de identidades y relaciones sociales atravesadas por conflictos puntuales, que exponen la importancia de visibilizar las tensiones presentes en los procesos de producción con relación al acceso a recursos, imprescindibles para la realización de los ciclos de producción, realidad esta, más compleja para las mujere

    The Helicobacter cinaedi antigen CAIP participates in atherosclerotic inflammation by promoting the differentiation of macrophages in foam cells

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    Recent studies have shown that certain specific microbial infections participate in atherosclerosis by inducing inflammation and immune reactions, but how the pathogens implicated in this pathology trigger the host responses remains unknown. In this study we show that Helicobacter cinaedi (Hc) is a human pathogen linked to atherosclerosis development since at least 27% of sera from atherosclerotic patients specifically recognize a protein of the Hc proteome, that we named Cinaedi Atherosclerosis Inflammatory Protein (CAIP) (n = 71). CAIP appears to be implicated in this pathology because atheromatous plaques isolated from atherosclerotic patients are enriched in CAIP-specific T cells (10%) which, in turn, we show to drive a Th1 inflammation, an immunopathological response typically associated to atherosclerosis. Recombinant CAIP promotes the differentiation and maintenance of the pro-inflammatory profile of human macrophages and triggers the formation of foam cells, which are a hallmark of atherosclerosis. This study identifies CAIP as a relevant factor in atherosclerosis inflammation linked to Hc infection and suggests that preventing and eradicating Hc infection could reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis.Peer reviewe

    Decision-Support System for Safety and Security Assessment and Management in Smart Cities

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    Counter-terrorism and its preventive and response actions are crucial factors in security planning and protection of mass events, soft targets and critical infrastructures in urban environments. This paper presents a comprehensive Decision Support System developed under the umbrella of the S4AllCitites project, that can be integrated with legacy systems deployed in the Smart Cities. The system includes urban pedestrian and vehicular evacuation, considering ad-hoc predictive models of the evolution of incendiary and mass shooting attacks in conjunction with a probabilistic model for threat assessment in case of improvised explosive devices. The main objective of the system is to provide decision support to public or private security operators in the planning and real time phases in the prevention or intervention against a possible attack, providing information on evacuation strategies, the probability or expected impact of terrorist threats and the state of the traffic network in normal or unusual conditions allowing the emergency to be managed throughout its evolution