42 research outputs found

    Molecular Targeting of John Cunningham Virus ‎‎(JCV) Among Colorectal Tumors Patients in ‎Central Iraq

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    صممت هذه الدراسة كبحث ذو أثر رجعي  (Retrospective study) اذ اشتملت على ثمانية و ستون (68 ) خزعة نسجية من منطقة القولون ( (colorectal  المحفوظة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بشمع البارافين . اذ تضمنت اثنان و اربعون (42) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بسرطان القولون وستة عشرة (16) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بورم القولون الحميد. كما ادخلت عشرة (10) قطع نسيجية من عينات القولون غير المصابة ظاهريا كمجموعة سيطرة لهذه الدراسة . كان عمر الاشخاص في مجموعتي المرضى والسيطرة يتراوح بين 7 - 85 سنة.       جمعت هذه النماذج من أرشيفات الأنسجة المرضية لمختبرات مستشفى الحلة التعليمي/بابل , مستشفى الصدر التعليمي/ النجف الاشرف ,مستشفى الحسين التعليمي/كربلاء المقدسة و مستشفى الديوانية التعليمي/الديوانية , بالإضافة الى العديد من مختبرات الأنسجة المرضية الخاصة الموجودة في بابل, النجف, كربلاء, و أرشيف معهد الطب العدلي في بابل . تم جمع هذه العينات للفترة من آب 2010 الى شباط 2014 . وتمت مطابقة العمر والجنس لكل عينة من هذه العينات.       شكلت مجموعةِ العينات المحفوظة لسرطان القولون والتي أظهرت نتائج موجبة لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) نسبة18)  % 42.8 من اصل 42 عينة( من مجموع هذه العينات, ووجدت بنسبة 1) % 6.25 من اصل 16 عينة( في مجموعة اورام القولون الحميدة .لا توجد حالات موجبه لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) في مجموعة انسجة قولون الاصحاء الضابطة. تم تحديد اعلى نسبة للإصابة بفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV)-في مجموعة العينات السرطانية اعتمادا على مراحل تمايز الخلايا في مرحلة الخلايا غير المتمايزة حيث بلغت  11 )61.1 % من اصل 18 عينه),يليها 33.3%(6 من اصل 18 عينه) في مرحلة متوسطة التمايز ,واخيرا 6.55%(1 من اصل 18 عينه)  في عينات السرطان للخلايا عالية التمايزIn order to prove the implication of John Cunningham virus in colorectal cancer of Iraqi patients. Sixty eight (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded colorectal tissues were obtained in this study ;42 biopsies from colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and (16) from benign colorectal tumors as well as (10) apparently normal colorectal autopsies control group. The age of these individuals (patients and control groups) were ranged between 7 and 85 years. The patients samples were collected from the archives of histopathology laboratories of AL-Shaheed Gazi Al-Hariery Hospital for Specialized Surgery /Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad Medical City ;Al-Hilla ;AL-Saddar(Al-Najef); Al-Hussein (Kerblla) as well as many private histopathology laboratories that generously helped as and are kindly thanked in the present dedication. This study found the percent of JCVs -ISH in tissues with CRC observed in42.8% ( 18 out of 42 cases), and in the benign was detected in 6.25%  (1 out of 16 cases) while, in the healthy control group was detected in10% (1 out of 10 cases). The highest rates of JCV detected in relation with tumor grade depending on the differentiated of cells were 61.1 % (11 out of 18 cases) in grade I(well differentiated carcinoma), followed by 33.3% (6 out of 18cases) in grade II(moderately differentiated carcinoma), and 6.55% (1 out of 42 cases) in grade III (poorly differentiated carcinoma). Conclusion of This Study Significant association of John Cunningham virus infection with colorectal cancers indicate for an important possible role for this viral agent in the development of this subset of colorectal tumor

    Utilization of Natural Polymer in the Preparation of Oral Jelly of Granisetron

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    The aim of present study was to formulate and evaluate oral jellies containing granisetron (GSN). This new dosage form was designed for administration of the drug to specific aged patients (i.e. pediatric) in certain condition. GSN is an antiemetic which is usually used for the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The selection of this dosage form was based on its acceptability by pediatric population, ease of use and no need for water after taking the dose. In this study, two types of natural jellifying agents have been used in different concentrations. The natural jellifying agents which have been used were pectin and sodium alginate. The effect of jellifying agent and their concentrations have been investigated. Oral jell was prepared by heat and congealing method. Then investigations were done by measuring the pH, content uniformity, syneresis, stability, general appearance and production yield. The investigations showed that the formulation F3 with 5% pectin is the best one

    Some Herbal Medicinal Plants Activity against Candida spp which Resistance to Antifungal Drugs

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    Some medicinal plant that used as antibacterial in Iraq has been experimented as antifungal, five of these plants include Zingiber officinale, Salvia officinalis, Origanum vulgare, Glycyrrihza glabra, Punica granutum were used against four species of candida spp. C. paracitucus ,C. albicans, C.tropicus ,C.kruzi, which are resistance to antifungal drugs, 80% methanol was used to extract these plants, 5 mg/ml of each extracts used in nutrient broth for 4 days to evaluated anti-candida activity. The Results show that plants extracts causes complete inhibition ,decreased in candida growth ,don’t effect on activated candida growth, Zingiber officinale causes complete inhibition to candida spp except C. albicans, Salvia officinalis was decreased in all candida spp, Origanum vulgare, effect on C. albicans and C, kruzi but it don’t effect on other species. Glycyrrihza glabra decreased all candida spp. Punica granutum decreased growth of C. albicans and C. kruzi only. Keywords: Candida spp , plant extract, 80% methanol

    Efficiency of Plants Extracts Synergism as Antibacterial Activity on Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Synergism between plant extract was carried out in present study using six common plants which extracted by mixture of methanol: water (20:80)%, then it characterized by thin layer chromatography, antimicrobial activity of these extract performed using OD of bacterial growth at 600 nm  against E.coli , S.aureus , Serratia Spp. , Klebsilla pnemoniae, Aeromonas hydrophillia isolation from different source in  hospital tests were  performed as only one extract on every bacterial species then tow extract was mixed together for evaluated synergist efficiency on every bacterial species, results show that used one extract only causes decreased in bacterial growth in different level, barley was the more effect on pathogenic bacteria but sage was lower effect, it caused activated bacterial growth.Synergism between plant extract also show different effects level  according to mixture forming and types of bacterial species. Present study concluded that mixture of plants used in herbal medicine have disadvantages in addition of its advantage to treatment bacterial infection, in other hand synergism between plants may be more effects. Keywords: synergism , OD, pathogenic bacteria

    Design of a microwave based mobile thermo-chemical unit for biomedical waste treatment

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    Biomedical waste (BMW) contains pathogenic microorganisms that may severely harm the community and environment. Due to the Covid pandemic-2019, isolated wards at health care units and even due to the home treated patients; vast quantities of BMW are generated. Covid-19 converts even ordinary waste such as gloves, testing kits, and personal protective equipment into high-risk BMW. The appropriate disposal of such waste involves safety, affordability, and efficacy; hence can be considered a complex issue. A solution proposed in this article is an OSBMWTU (on-site biomedical waste treatment unit) by using microwave radiation. The possibility of enhancing the thermal effect of microwave radiation by using chemical additives was tested. The proposed machine reduces waste volume, inactivates microorganisms, and disposes BMW on-site. Findings suggest that adding butter spray to microwave radiation enhances thermal effectiveness by 43%, increasing treatment temperature while minimizing time, power, and running costs. The proposed machine will work automatically after filling the BMW, thus, minimizing the human involvement. It prevents bio-hazardous waste accumulation and decreases its volume by up to 80%. The designed machine is characterized by safety, low cost, and small dimensions. A machine that can handle 72 kg BMW/day can be set up on-site in an area of 1.5 m2. The suggestion of the proposed machine as a BMW management and treatment system will reduce environmental pollution due to BMW during COVID-19 and even after the pandemic

    A new model for large dataset dimensionality reduction based on teaching learning-based optimization and logistic regression

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    One of the human diseases with a high rate of mortality each year is breast cancer (BC). Among all the forms of cancer, BC is the commonest cause of death among women globally. Some of the effective ways of data classification are data mining and classification methods. These methods are particularly efficient in the medical field due to the presence of irrelevant and redundant attributes in medical datasets. Such redundant attributes are not needed to obtain an accurate estimation of disease diagnosis. Teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) is a new metaheuristic that has been successfully applied to several intractable optimization problems in recent years. This paper presents the use of a multi-objective TLBO algorithm for the selection of feature subsets in automatic BC diagnosis. For the classification task in this work, the logistic regression (LR) method was deployed. From the results, the projected method produced better BC dataset classification accuracy (classified into malignant and benign). This result showed that the projected TLBO is an efficient features optimization technique for sustaining data-based decision-making systems

    Evaluation of Different Methods of Curing Bacterial Plasmids

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    تلعب البلازميدات دورا مهما في انتشار صفة مقاومة المضادات الحيوية بين السلالات البكترية والتي تشكل تهديدا  على الصحة العالمية. لذا اقتضت الضرورة ايجاد طرق ناجعة و كفيلة للحد من انتقال البلازميدات. تعتمد الطرق التقليدية لازالة البلازميد على تنمية السلالات البكترية في ظل ظروف غير ملائمة ، مثل ارتفاع درجة الحرارة أو إضافة عوامل أقحام تتداخل مع بنية تركيب الدنا اثناء تكرار البلازميد. هنالك أساليب أخرى تعتمد على ظاهرة عدم توافق البلازميد القائمة على مبدأ التنافس بين البلازميدات المتطابقة ولكنها تتطلب معرفة دقيقة بآلية تضاعف البلازميد المستهدف ، بالإضافة إلى المعالجة اللاحقة للبلازميد المسبب للتداخل . مع ظهور تقنية كريسبركاس9 التي هي محاكاة الدفاع البكتيري الطبيعي ضد المتسللين من البلازميد والعاثي، تم استثمار هذه التقنية لتكون اداه دقيقة لاستهداف اماكن متخصصة في الحمض النووي البلازميدي. في هذه المراجعة سنتناول اهم طرق الازالة والحذف للبلازميدات من الخلايا البكتيرية.Plasmids play an important role in the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacterial strains that pose a threat to global health. Traditional methods of curing plasmid rely on the development of bacterial strains under inappropriate conditions, such as high temperature or the addition of intruding agents that interfere with the structure of DNA synthesis during the replication of plasmids. Other methods rely on the phenomenon of plasmid compatibility based on the principle of competition between identical plasmids but require accurate knowledge of the mechanism of multiplying the target plasmid, in addition to the subsequent treatment of the interfering plasmid. With the advent of Crispras9, which simulates natural bacterial defense against plasmid and latex infiltrators, this technique has been used as an accurate tool for targeting places specializing in plasmid DNA. In this review, we will address the most important methods of removing and deleting plasmids from bacterial cells

    Effect of addition of different levels of pomegranate peel powder to concentrate diet on productive performance of Awassi lambs

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of pomegranate peel powder to concentrate diet at a level of zero (T1), 1.5 (T2) and 3% (T3) on productive performance of Awassi lambs. The concentrate was offered to lambs at a rate of 2.5% of live body weight and ground wheat straw on the adilbitum basis. Results revealed that there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in straw dry matter, organic matter and nitrogen intakes by lambs fed the low level of pomegranate peel powder (T2), whereas, lower values were recorded by lambs fed the high level (T3). With the similar trend of change, total dry matter intake were 1056.03, 954.61 and 841.48 g/day, and 975.35, 896.24 and 793.92 g/day of total organic matter intake, and 8.49, 7.73 and 6.70 g/day of total nitrogen intake for treatments 2, 1 and 3 respectively. Although there was no significant effect in growth parameters, lambs fed T2 gained better final weight, total and daily gains, 34.20, 8.15 and 145.53 g/day respectively, however, lambs fed T3 recorded 31.52, 5.72 and 101.34 g/day for these parameters respectively. Lambs fed T1 and T2 achieved better values of feed conversion ratio as compared with lambs in T3. Lower digestion coefficients were recorded by lambs fed T2 as compared with lambs fed T1 and T3 with a slight difference in dry matter digestibility (58.39%) and organic matter digestibility (59.68%), and relatively high differences in crude protein digestibility (51.78%) and nitrogen-free extract digestibility (63.85%). Lambs fed T2 were prior in ether extract digestibility in comparison with lambs fed T3, where digestion coefficients were 59.92% and 55.09% respectively vs. 60.17% for control treatment. Crude fiber digestion coefficients were closed among the three treatments