134 research outputs found


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    Kemampuan penalaran matematis membuat siswa memahami materi secara maksimal, maka dari itu diperlukan latihan soal secara bertahap saat pembelajaran. Adanya riset dan studi pendahuluan, mengungkapkan bahwasanya penalaran matematis siswa berada di level rendah. Tidak adanya variasi model pembelajaran menjadi suatu kendala yang harus segera diatasi. Secara menyeluruh, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan penerapan model pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis pada materi pecahan kelas V, khususnya soal cerita. Aspek yang diteliti ialah dugaan, bukti dengan kebenaran solusi, maupun kesimpulan yang melibatkan 41 siswa kelas V MIS Ar-Rahmah Jakarta sebagai sampel eksperimen, berdesain penelitian time series. Instrumen yang dipilih berupa tes uraian dengan empat soal cerita. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas empiris, keempat soal berstatus valid dengan kriteria cukup, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi. Hasil uji reliabilitas yang didapat menunjukkan adanya seluruh soal berstatus reliabel. Hasil uji normalitas menampilkan soal berdistribusi normal, serta uji hipotesis menyatakan jika hipotesis kerja (H1) diterima. Kenaikan angka kemampuan penalaran matematis terlihat dari rerata skor pretest seri 1-3 ialah 6,77 menjadi 7,85 pada rerata posttest. Dengan demikian, simpulan yang dicapai ialah penerapan model pembelajaran CIRC dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis pada materi pecahan kelas V. Mathematical reasoning ability makes students understand the material maximally, therefore it is necessary to practice questions gradually during learning. The existence of research and preliminary studies, revealed that students' mathematical reasoning was at a low level. The absence of a variety of learning models is an obstacle that must be overcome immediately. Overall, the purpose of this study is to prove the application of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition learning model to improve mathematical reasoning skills in grade V fraction material, especially story problems. The aspects studied were conjecture, evidence with the correctness of the solution, and conclusions involving 41 students of class V MIS Ar-Rahmah Jakarta as the sample of the experimental, design time series research. The instrument chosen was a description test with four story problems. Based on the results of the empirical validity test, the four questions have valid status with sufficient, high, and very high criteria. The reliability test results obtained show that all questions have reliable status. The normality test results show that the questions are normally distributed, and the hypothesis test states that the working hypothesis (H1) is accepted. The increase in mathematical reasoning ability can be seen from the average score of pretest series 1-3 is 6.77 to 7.85 on the average posttest. Thus, the conclusion reached is that the application of the CIRC learning model can improve mathematical reasoning skills in grade V fraction material

    Approach to Symptomatic Migraine - A Reviewof Literature

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    Welcome to WillowTree: Come take a closer look

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    The demand for more workers in tech related fields has given students the opportunity of choosing between multiple job offers and students can now be more deliberate about the jobs that they accept. Because of this employers also need to set themselves apart from other companies. Many companies do this is by sending out brochures, PDFs, and other information that may be outdated by the time it goes out. Our solution to this problem was to make an application which would provide relevant data to the user as well as provide insight into the company. The end result is a beautiful, well-made app which allows users to experience Charlottesville through the eyes of WillowTree. Constraints we faced were limited access to photos for use in the applications due to copyright issues as well as keeping consideration of easily maintainable and malleable data. We started with basic information provided to us by WillowTree then worked with them to establish goals and expectations. The end result is a mobile application which can be downloaded through the Apple App Store by anyone new to WillowTree and Charlottesville. Remaining issues are that the app is completely one-sided and does not currently collect data from the user. If this were possible then user data could be passed along to recruiters. Overall, this app will prove to be an invaluable recruiting tool for WillowTree and set WillowTree apart from other employers.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1091/thumbnail.jp

    Knowledge and skills in community oriented medical education (COME)self-ratings of medical undergraduates in Karachi

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    Objective: To assess the satisfaction of medical students regarding community oriented knowledge and skills that are proposed to be part of the current undergraduate medical curriculum. Methods: Competencies listed in the regulations for medical education designed by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) were used to develop a self-administered questionnaire. Using the questionnaire 220 final year students of 3 public sector medical schools self-rated the knowledge and skills that should be part of the curriculum. For analysis the questions were grouped into courses of Basic, Clinical and Community Health Sciences. Students ranked their perceptions on a Likert scale of 0-4 for each question. Descriptive analysis was done to calculate the proportion of satisfied and dissatisfied students using the median of the highest possible score as the cut off. Results: The analysis of knowledge gained found a greater proportion of satisfied students with the Basic (55.9%) and Clinical Sciences (50.9%) courses than the Community Health Sciences course (45.5%). Analysis of skills acquired uniformly showed a low percentage of satisfied students for Basic (39.1%), Clinical (29.7%) and Community Health Sciences (19.1%). The proportion of students dissatisfied with their knowledge and skills for different courses ranged from 38.2-85%. Conclusion: Students perceive that current medical school curricula are unable to meet the required standards. Proper implementation of community oriented curricula is the first step towards effective health care provisio


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    Background: Placement of flexible plastic tube into trachea to maintain an open airway is done during general anesthesia and its effect availability of oxygen to tissue in patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the intended result of single bolus intravenous lignocaine with magnesium sulphate to reduce the pressure of availability of oxygen to tissues during laryngoscopy and intubation. Material and Methods: There were 178 patients included in this study. Two groups were made with 89 patients each. Group A receive intravenous 1% lignocaine 1mg/kg. Group B receive intravenous magnesium sulphate 10mg/kg. the data about mean arterial pressure, heart rate was compared between 2 groups. Data was analyzed wing SPSS version 22. Place of study. 1st March, 2018 to 31ST August, 2018 in Jinnah Hospital. Lahore. Duration of study: Time period for this study was 6 months. Result: In 54% patients of group A, 20% reduction of mean Arterial pressure was observed and 36.69% reduction in group B. there was 25% reduction in heart rate from basilines values in 11% patients of group A and 6.23% in that of group B. Conclusion: Comparative study showed that lignocaine was more effective than magnesium sulphate by preventing increase in HR and MAP after intubation and laryngoscopy. Keywords: Hemodynamic changes, MAP, HR, Stress response

    Association of Interleukin-8 Levels with the Development of Uterine Leiomyomas

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    AbstractObjective: To find out the relationship between Uterine Leiomyoma and IL-8 levels.Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted on a sample of 100 females (age ranging from25-50 years) including 50 ultrasound confirmed cases of uterine leiomyomas and 50 healthy controlsfor a duration of 6 months. Levels of plasma IL-8 were measured by ELISA technique.Results: Irregular menstrual cycle was reported in about 44% of cases and 11% of controls. Meannumber of fibroids in females was two. 54% of women were found to have small (<2cm) sized fibroidswhile 46% had large sized fibroids. Out of these 78% were intramural and 22% were sub-serosal typeof fibroids. Plasma levels of IL-8 were positively correlated (p=0.001) with Uterine Leiomyomas.Conclusion: IL-8 levels are significantly higher in patients with uterine leiomyomas depicting apositive correlation between IL-8 and the development of fibroids. However, further studies arerequired to better understand the role of IL-8 in the development of fibroids.Keywords: Uterine Leiomyoma; IL-8, Risk Factor

    Gaba-B Encephalitis in Pakistan: A Rare but Treatable Entity

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    Autoimmune and paraneoplastic encephalitides are a group of neurologic disorders that present with cognitive decline, neuropsychiatric symptoms, movement disorders, or seizures. These diseases can present before, with, or after the diagnosis of malignancy. We report two cases of GABA-B encephalitis from Pakistan. The first patient was a 67-year-old gentleman presented with cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric symptoms. His CSF analysis showed increased protein levels and GABA-B receptor antibodies. He was treated with pulse steroids, which improved his symptoms. The second patient was a 34-year-old lady with cognitive decline and psychomotor symptoms. Her serum autoimmune antibody panel showed antibodies against GABA-B receptors. She was treated with pulse steroids followed by plasma exchange, but did not improve. A low threshold should be kept for testing for autoimmune and paraneoplastic encephalitides because they are potentially treatable

    Evaluation of liver function test abnormalities in patients having COVID-19 according to severity of disease

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    Background: COVID-19 infection affects all major organs of body in addition to lungs. Damage done to liver varies from being hepatocellular, obstructive or mix pattern. The aim of the study was to evaluate abnormalities of LFTs, in COVID-19 patients according to disease severity in our population.Methods: A cross sectional study, conducted at GTTH and Surgimed Hospital Lahore, on 100 patients who presented with COVID-19 in between October 2020 and September 2021. According to Symptoms, patients were marked as having mild, moderate or severe disease. Bilirubin, Albumin, ALP, ALT, AST, GGT, LDH and prothrombin time were checked at admission and subsequently. Data was analyzed using SPSS v23.  Laboratory values were computed in each severity category and SD values, odds ratio, 95% confidence intervals were studied in logistic regression models. P value<0.05 were considered statistically significant.Results: Among studied patients, 66% were male, 34% were female, mean age of 44.68±9.36 and range of 29-68 years. 29% were with mild disease, 40% with moderate disease, and 21% with severe disease level. 80% cases with rural background had moderate/severe disease levels while only 14.3% cases with severe levels were from urban areas. Only direct bilirubin showed a statistical significance with p value<0.05 in all severity groups. Other LFT’s didn’t show any significance between different severity groups.Conclusions: Among Liver function markers only bilirubin was related to COVID-19 disease and proportional to severity of disease.

    Myths and fallacies about epilepsy among residents of a Karachi slum area

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    Misconceptions about epilepsy may explain the considerable stigma accompanying it. We aimed to identify such fallacies through questionnaire-based interviews of 487 adult residents of a slum area in Karachi, Pakistan. Of those interviewed, 25% believed that epilepsy was caused by evil spirits, black magic and envy by others those without a school education were more likely to hold these views (P \u3c 0.05). Perceived complications included impotence and cancer. Shoe-sniffing was considered a treatment modality by 13%. It appears that misconceptions abound regarding epilepsy\u27s causes, complications and methods of treatment. However, those who had received a school education were less likely to link epilepsy with supernatural phenomena
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