198 research outputs found

    Checklist and bibliography of the Trogidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)

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    Presented is a checklist of the world Trogidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) including synonyms, geographic distributions, type repositories where known, lists of valid species by genera and subgenera, citations of all papers containing original descriptions, and a supplemental literature section containing works on various other aspects of the family. The Literature Cited and Supplemental Literature sections combine to form a comprehensive bibliography

    Taxonomy of Phanaeus revisited: revised keys to and comments on species of the New World dung beetle genus PhanaeusMacLeay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Phanaeini)

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    The purpose of this paper is to reassess the taxonomy of Phanaeus MacLeay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to accommodate new taxa and changes in taxonomic opinion since the publication of Edmonds’ 1994 revision of the genus. The two subgenera and 13 species groups established by Edmonds (1994) remain unchanged. A revised set of keys with accompanying comments and illustrations separates 54 recognized valid species. Seven recently described valid species are incorporated into the revised classification: Phanaeus blackalleri Delgado-Castillo, 1991; P. bordoni Arnaud, 1996; P. changdiazi Kohlmann and Solís, 2001; P. lecourti Arnaud, 2000; P. martinezorum Arnaud, 2000; P. yecoraensis Edmonds, 2004; and P. zapotecus Edmonds, 2006. The new name Phanaeus sororibispinus Edmonds and Zidek replaces Phanaeus alvarengai Arnaud, 1984, a primary junior homonym of P. alvarengai Pereira and d’Andretta, 1955. Three subspecies recognized in 1994 are elevated to species rank, new status: Phanaeus texensis Edmonds, 1994; P. pilatei Harold, 1863; and P. guatemalensis Harold, 1871. Phanaeus obliquans Bates, 1887 is removed from synonymy and given new status as a valid species. Twelve new junior subjective synonyms (bold) are recognized: P. tridens balthasari Arnaud, 2002 (of P. tridens Castelnau, 1840); P. dzidoi Arnaud, 2000 (of P. palaeno Blanchard, 1843); P. genieri Arnaud, 2002 (of P. amethystinus Harold, 1863); P. prasinus jolyi Arnaud, 2001 (of P. prasinus Harold, 1868); P. kirbyi ledezmai Arnaud, 2002 (of P. kirbyi Vigors, 1825); P. achilles lydiae Arnaud, 2000 (of P. achilles Boheman, 1858); P. chalcomelas grossii Arnaud, 2001 (of P. chalcomelas [Perty, 1830]); P pyrois malyi Arnaud, 2002 (of P. pyrois Bates, 1887); P. tridens moroni Arnaud, 2001 (of P. tridens Castenau, 1840); P. lecourti peruanus Arnaud, 2000 (of P. lecourti Arnaud, 2000); P. endymion porioni Arnaud, 2001 (of P. endymion Harold, 1863); P. pseudofurcosus Balthasar, 1939 (of P. tridens Castelnau, 1840); and P. prasinus trinidadensis Arnaud, 2001 (of P. prasinus Harold, 1868). “Phanaeus viridicollis” Olsoufieff, 1924 (sensu Arnaud 2002) is an unavailable name here considered a color variant of P. pyrois Bates, 1887

    A taxonomic review of the neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff, 1924 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae)

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    The Neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff (1924), as classified here, comprises 38 species distributed among three subgenera (Megaphanaeus Olsoufieff, Metallophanaeus Olsoufieff, and Coprophanaeus s. str.) and eight species groups. Keys presented help to identify supraspecific and species taxa, all of which are illustrated and diagnosed. Lectotypes are designated for Phanaeus ignecinctus Felsche and Phanaeus ohausi Felsche. Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold), formerly regarded as a subspecies of C. telamon (Erichson), assumes species status. Coprophanaeus magnoi Arnaud, described as a subspecies of C. milon (Blanchard), is raised to species status. New taxonomic interpretations result in 10 new subjective synonymies (junior synonym listed first): Phanaeus machadoi Pereira and d’Andretta = Coprophanaeus saphirinus (Perty); Phanaeus costatus Olsoufieff = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Phanaeus worontzowi Pessôa and Lane = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus kohlmanni Arnaud = Coprophanaeus morenoi Arnaud; Coprophanaeus pluto nogueirai Arnaud = Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold); Coprophanaeus edmondsi Arnaud = Coprophanaeus conocephalus (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus uhleri Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus chiriquensis (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus henryi Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus gilli Arnaud; Phanaeus perseus Harold = Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold); Coprophanaeus telamon nevinsoni Arnaud and Gámez = Coprophanaeus corythus; and Coprophanaeus florenti Arnaud = Coprophanaeus ohausi (Felsche). The status of the following names remains unresolved: Phanaeus strandi Balthasar; Coprophanaeus rigoutorum Arnaud; C. terrali Arnaud; C. lichyi Arnaud; C. lecromi Arnaud; C. larseni Arnaud; and C. vazdemeloi Arnaud

    New species of the \u3ci\u3eScarabaeus\u3c/i\u3e subgenus \u3ci\u3eScarabaeolus\u3c/i\u3e Balthasar, with a review of the subgenus (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Scarabaeini)

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    The Scarabaeus subgenus Scarabaeolus Balthasar, 1965 (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Scarabaeini) is defined and nine new species are described, six from the Republic of South Africa [S. (S.) fragilis sp. n., S. (S.) krugeri sp. n., S. (S.) lizleri sp. n., S. (S.) orientalis sp. n., S. (S.) rugosipennis sp. n., S. (S.) similis sp. n.] and one each from Angola [S. (S.) cunene sp. n.], Namibia [S. (S.) namibensis sp. n.] and Kenya [S. (S.) werneri sp. n.], bringing the number of recorded species up to 41. Species accounts listing original descriptions, subsequent accounts, type localities, type repositories, and geographic distributions are provided for all the species. The status of S. (S.) reichei Waterhouse, 1890 and of S. (S.) bohemani Harold, 1868, both formerly synonymized and reinstated, are discussed. It is concluded that S. (S.) reichei is synonymous with S. (S.) canaliculatus Fairmaire, 1888, whereas S. (S.) bohemani differs from S. (S.) palemo Olivier, 1789 in the color of antennal club and shape of paramere tips, and is upheld pending availability of molecular data

    Timber truss – critical condition, modeling and causes

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    V příspěvku je prezentováno modelování postupné degradace krovu zemědělského objektu. Autoři si nekladou za cíl pouze informovat o příčinách poruchy jedné konkrétní konstrukce, ale nabízí některé obecnější zásady pro vytváření výpočtových modelů tohoto typu konstrukcí a pro pochopení jejich statického působení.The paper presents the modeling of progressive failure of a farm building timber truss. Authors do not aims only to inform about causes of the failure of one specific structure, but they also offer some general principles for development of computational models of this type of structures and for understanding their static behavio

    Morality and law

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    Co je to právo a co je to morálka? To jsou dvě otázky, které když bychom položily náhodně vybraným adresátům, určitě bychom se nesetkali s jednoznačnými odpověďmi. Zatímco na první z těchto dvou otázek, by většina z nás našla alespoň nějakou odpověď, na tu druhou by už nejspíš bylo hledání složitější. Přitom když se podíváme zpět do historie, pochopíme, že morálka je pro lidstvo jedna z nejdůležitějších věcí. Pokud bychom tedy měli definovat právo, většina z nás by tvrdila, že je to určitý soubor norem, který už dlouho dobu netvoříme sami, ale prostřednictvím zástupců. Víme, že jsou to normy, které stanovují, jak se máme chovat a co dělat nesmíme, co se stane, pokud tyto normy porušíme. Ne všichni si však uvědomují, že existují i normy, které i když nejsou výslovně nikde uvedeny a za jejich porušení nás nikdo nepotrestá, jsou neméně důležité. Na naši druhou otázku, by tedy většina z nás odpověděla, že je to také určitý soubor norem, který stanovuje, co je špatné a co dobré. Víme však, že za porušení nás nikdo nepotrestá a tyto normy nejsou vynutitelné státem či jinou třetí stranou. Jsou to tedy dva systémy, které však nestojí vedle sebe izolovaně. Jsou v úzkém kontaktu a neustále se prolínají a měli by spolu spolupracovat a být v souladu. Pokud v souladu nejsou, společnost již byla svědkem, kdy...1 Morality and law For the most of us it is quite clear what law is. Most of us have certain idea what law represents. A lot of us may have a different idea, it is because of many elements which affect our law perception. On the most basic level, law is something which is connected to specific values in society. Based on this idea we can certainly say that law is something which guarantees balance in society and system which provides safety. On the other hand, morality is a subject of a discipline called ethics. This subject represents a system which provides and protects distinctive values which have different normative quality. This system is formed by high amount of appropriate rules of behavior and its way to realize this behavior. In the past, the connection between these two systems was very important, it was a noticeable fact that these two systems cooperate and communicate. Even though nowadays these systems are more and more divided, they still interact. In the law of Czech Republic the connection between morality and law can be observed especially in the good manners. Good manners are intentions which are projected throughout the whole law system. The main goal of good manners and morality is to fill the gaps in the law. Another important goal is also to straighten the perception of justice in the...Department of Politology and SociologyKatedra politologie a sociologiePrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Contemporary trends of education of children in family

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    This bachelor thesis is named Contemporary trends of education of children in family. It is clear from the title that the thesis is devoted mainly to current educational approaches that respond to changes of both global and social character. The thesis is conceived in theory and its main aim is to describe several contemporary educational tendencies and to outline their common features. The bachelor thesis is divided into two imaginary parts. The first deals with the conceptual definition and general concept of family and education. The second, more extensive part focuses on the description of five selected educational approaches and their summary. In the thesis we can find a philosophical reflection on the encouragement of individualism and its impact on the lives of these individuals. This bachelor thesis also includes references to classical authors, which undoubtedly influenced the current concept of education. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Tato bakalářská práce nese název Současné tendence ve výchově dětí v rodině. Z názvu je patrné, že se práce věnuje především aktuálním výchovným směrům, které reagují na změny jak globálního, tak společenského charakteru. Práce je koncipována teoreticky a jejím hlavním cílem je popsat několik současných výchovných tendencí a vytyčit jejich společné znaky. Bakalářská práce je dělena na dvě pomyslné části. Jedna se zabývá pojmovému vymezení a obecnému pojetí témat rodiny a výchovy. Druhá, obsáhlejší část, se zaměřuje na popis pěti vybraných výchovných směrů a jejich následné shrnutí. V práci najdeme filozofická zamyšlení nad opěvováním individualismu a jeho dopadu na život jedinců. Mimo jiné v této bakalářské práci najdeme odkazy na klasické autory, kteří nepochybně ovlivnili i současné pojetí výchovy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra pedagogikyDepartment of EducationFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Assistance System for Traffic Signs Inventory

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    Immunobiological properties of selected natural and chemically modified phenylpropanoids

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    Effects of natural and structurally transformed lignans compared with stilbenes or stilbenoids on production of nitric oxide (NO) triggered by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tested under in vitro conditions using murine resident peritoneal macrophages, are reviewed. Relation between the molecular structure and immunobiological activity was investigated, and implication of substituents, double bond stereochemistry, or cyclic attachments (double bond geometry fixation) was assessed. The focus was on lignans and stilbenoids because they were originally selected for a joint project of common interest to phytochemical and pharmacological investigation and because they represent well interesting and universally attractive groups of polyphenols with a feasible potential for therapeutic or nutraceutic utilization