85 research outputs found

    Modern methods of numerical modeling combustion processes

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    In this abstract, the modern methods of mathematical modeling of turbulent combustion processes for combustion chambers of gas turbine units. The mathematical conditions and limitations of methods based on the solution of the Navier-Stokes system of equations are determined. The most effective modeling systems are compared, their mathematical foundations are considered, the applicability limits are determined, and the advantages and disadvantages for calculating real combustion chambers are determined.В данной работе выполнен обзор современных методов математического моделирования турбулентных процессов горения для камер сгорания газотурбинных установок (КС ГТУ). Определены математические условия и ограничения методов, основанных на решении системы уравнений Навье-Стокса. Проведено сравнение наиболее эффективных систем моделирования, рассмотрены их математические основы, приведены границы применимости, а также преимущества и недостатки для расчета реальных КС

    Interaction of Citizens with Regulatory Enforcement and Inspection Bodies: Status and Key Trends

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    The objective of the paper is to evaluate the status and trends of citizen interactions with regulatory enforcement and inspection bodies in the framework of inspection reform.The key method used was a representative sociological survey conducted in 35 Russian regions in March 2020. The survey allowed for collecting citizen evaluations on personal experience related to facing 10 major risks to public values (in the areas of personal safety from crime, food and non-food product safety, fire and technical safety of buildings and constructions, environmental safety, risks related to medical services and drugs, transport safety, risks related to financial services and misuse of personal data).The results demonstrate that some 49.5 percent of Russian citizens have faced the need to protect themselves from the above risks for the past 2 years. Out of them, 44.9 percent of respondents applied for protection to regulatory enforcement and inspection authorities. Only 44.2 percent of respondents that had applied to regulatory enforcement and inspection authorities for protection of public values fully attained their objectives (i.e. managed to prevent the threat or have violations eliminated and the damage reimbursed).Comparing these results to those obtained from the previous surveys demonstrates that implementation of the inspection reform has not yet made any significant effect on improving the quality of interaction between citizen and regulatory enforcement and inspection authorities. To improve the quality of such interactions special measures should be undertaken for improving the use of feedback mechanisms for planning inspection activities. Responses to citizen applications should be controlled not only in terms of timeliness but also in terms of substance. Timely review and reaction to citizen applications as well as more involvement in damage reimbursement processes on the part of regulatory enforcement and inspection authorities are also recommended. Broader use of digital technologies for interactions between citizen and regulatory enforcement and inspection authorities could also help improve the quality of these interactions and contribute to increasing the public trust to these authorities

    IoT based system for real-time monitoring the hydrogen-ion activity in water bodies

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    The paper presents design and principle of operation of a mobile combined pH meter. Sensor’s network underlying the IoT system for monitoring water bodies hydrogen ions activity in real time was demonstrated. The measuring device was tested on liquids with different pH levels. The obtained measurement results were compared using a stationary pH meter OHAUS Starter 3100

    Diffuse Neuroendocrine System: Structural and Functional Effects of Radiation Injury to Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation (APUD) Cells

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    The paper presents a review of the results obtained by the authors on the study of external (gamma) and internal (I-131) radiation effects on the functional morphology and linkage of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) and amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells of the stomach and duodenum. The investigations performed enabled us to determine that the morphological changes noted in APUD cells had a dose and time dependency. The present study supports the point of view that the radiation initiates serotonin release from APUD cells, which appears to initiate the mechanism of early postirradiation dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent adaptive response of DNES. Analysis of our results, together with a review of the literature, indicates that APUD cells actively participate both in pathogenesis of radiation injury and development of organ and tissue radiosensitivity

    Approaches development to formalized description of the disciplinary competence of testable component structure

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    The purpose of this paper is a development of approaches and recommendations on the selection of quantitative and qualitative component structure of disciplinary competencies, as well as ways of its formal description. One of the main problems, which it is necessary to decide while developing a studying and methodical discipline complex (for example, a discipline program, a fund of estimation tools, etc.) of competence-oriented educational program, is designing of a component structure of each part of competence (a disciplinary competence), that is involved in the formation of the discipline. In this case, a significant impact on this process has not only the content of thematic plan and selected kinds of class and self works of students, but proposed control tools and diagnosing methods of learning outcomes specified in the competency format. Methods. It is proposed to use joint (testable) design component structure of disciplinary competencies and control tools (tests, test materials), check the level of development of their constituent elements described in the triad of «to know», «to be able to», «to master». Requirements to the basic quantitative and qualitative properties of disciplinary competence component structure are formulated and substantiated. A structure of diagnostic table that makes it possible to set a correspondence between disciplinary competence elements and components and their control tests, and also to fix outcomes of current control of development level (test reactions in the binary and not binary alphabets) is proposed and analyzed. A classification of diagnostic tests is given; their impact on format and properties of diagnostic table is shown. Scientific novelty. The approach to designing of a testable component structure of disciplinary competence is proposed; it allows setting some properties of control object, which can increase procedure effective and decoding precision of diagnosis of learning outcomes specified in the competency format. The sub product of using some methods of technical diagnosis for their application in the learning outcomes quality control on the competence-oriented educational programs is given. Practical significance. The research implications can be useful while designing of component structure with showing properties, and will allow teachers to make a test procedure more effectively and qualitatively; it is possible for student to estimate more adequately current level of training that is most significantly under a size and role of student self-work increase. The recommendations and guidelines for selection of a diagnostic table format may be used for designing disciplinary programs and estimating of tools funds in educational programs, wherein learning outcomes are specified in the competency format Цель работы – разработка подходов и рекомендаций для выбора количественных и качественных показателей компонентной структуры дисциплинарной компетенции, а также способов ее формализованного описания. Одной из основных задач, которую необходимо решать при создании учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины (ее рабочей программы, фонда оценочных средств и т. д.) и компетентностно-ориентированной образовательной программы, является проектирование компонентной структуры каждой части компетенции (дисциплинарных компетенций). Существенное влияние на данный процесс оказывают не только содержание тематического плана и выбранные виды аудиторной и самостоятельной работы, но и планируемые средства контроля и методы диагностирования результатов обучения, заданных в компетентностном формате. Методы и результаты работы. Предлагается совместное (контролепригодное) проектирование компонентной структуры дисциплинарных компетенций и средств контроля (тестов, контрольно-измерительных материалов), проверяющих уровень освоения их составных элементов, сформулированных в триаде «знать», «уметь», «владеть». Обосновываются требования к основным количественным и качественным показателям компонентной структуры дисциплинарной компетенции. Разработана и проанализирована структура таблицы диагностирования, позволяющая установить соответствие между компонентами дисциплинарных компетенций и контролирующими их тестами, а также зафиксировать результаты текущего контроля уровня освоения. Дана классификация диагностических тестов, показано их влияние на формат и параметры таблицы диагностирования. Научная новизна. Описан подход к формированию контролепригодной компонентной структуры дисциплинарной компетенции, позволяющий придать объекту контроля свойства, повышающие эффективность процедуры и точность дешифрации диагностирования результатов обучения. Представлены частные результаты применения некоторых положений аппарата и методов технической диагностики для их использования в области измерения качества результатов обучения в рамках компетентностно-ориентированных образовательных программ. Практическая значимость. Построение контролепригодной компонентной структуры дисциплинарной компетенции дает возможность педагогу более качественно проводить проверку знаний, а студенту – более адекватно оценивать свои достижения, что особенно важно при увеличении объема самостоятельной работы. Рекомендации по выбору формата таблицы диагностирования могут быть использованы при проектировании рабочих программ и фондов оценочных средств по дисциплинам и разделам образовательных программ, в которых результаты обучения представлены в компетентностном формате

    Study of structure-property relationship in steels based on analysis of EBSD data

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    In this work, we formulate novel data-driven assays for exploring the structure-property linkages for high-manganese austenitic wear-resistant steel 110G13L (Hadfield steel). Steel 110G13L has the following chemical composition, wt.%: C(0.95-1.50)-Mn(11.5-15.0). These assays are built on recent advances in high resolution quantification of material structure using correlations and principal analyses of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data, as well as in the mechanical characterization using nanoindentation. These novel protocols are demonstrated on a steel 110G13L that exhibits various polycrystalline microstructures. A comparative analysis of EBSD data was carried out for samples of manganese steel 110G13L obtained by various methods. Analysis of the diffraction patterns of backscattered electrons allowed us to plot orientation maps, Schmid factor maps and distributions for austenite dendrites. Schmid factor maps are used to determine the degree of homogeneity of a possible deformation. The results of the measurement of hardness and Young's modulus for the austenite dendrites indicate the heterogeneity of the mechanical properties of the material in submicro-volumes due to lattice defects (dislocations) inside the crystallites. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-33-90198The equipment of the Ural Centre for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used. The reported study was funded by RFBR (project No. 19-33-90198)

    Research into spontaneous activity of myocardial cells under normal and pathological conditions using the hardware and software complex based on nanosensors

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. The paper focuses on the capability of a nanosensor-based hardware and software complex (HSC) developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University to measure the activity of myocardial cells from the surface of the human body. A comparative study of nanosensors used in the HSC and conventional AgCl electrodes by FIAB Spa (Florence, Italy) was carried out. It is shown that the value of electromagnetic interference in conventional electrodes is several times higher compared to nanosensors. ECG was recorded using the developed HSC in order to show the possibility to control the activity of myocardial cells

    Manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the background of COVID-19: review and clinical case

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    The article presents a literature review of clinical data on the manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus against the background of coronavirus infection COVID-19, COVID-19 is considered as a possible cause of type 2 diabetes. A clinical case of a patient with coronavirus infection and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus was presentedВ статье приведен литературный обзор клинических данных о манифестации сахарного диабета 2 типа на фоне коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19, COVID-19 рассмотрен как возможная причина возникновения сахарного диабета 2 типа. Приведен клинический случай пациентки с коронавирусной инфекцией и впервые диагностированным сахарным диабетом 2 типа

    Two cases of hydrophobia in the Republic of Tatarstan: In vivo and postmortem laboratory diagnosis

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    The results of rabies in vivo and postmortem laboratory detection in two cases registered in the Republic of Tatarstan are reported: a victim bitten by a wolf in 2002 and another one bitten by a stray dog on Goa Island, India, in 2013. In the patient bitten by a wolf cornea imprints studies using the method of fluorescent antibodies (MFA) showed rabies-positive result 6 days before the patient's death. The results were confirmed by postmortem examination of different parts of the brain and salivary glands using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. In the patient bitten by a stray dog the rabies virus specific antigen was detected by eye cornea studies using the MFA method and saliva studies using the ELISA. The rabies virus genome was also isolated from saliva and tear fluid using nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 9 days before the patient's death. The in vivo studies results were consistent with the postmortem study of different parts of the brain using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. All the infection-positive results of both in vivo and postmortem studies were consistent with the clinical studies, i.e. rabies diagnosis was confirmed. The analysis of the rabies virus gene G fragment nucleotide sequence of 238 nd length showed a slight difference between the studied isolates (2 rabies) and the RABV AY956319 (1.68%), difference by 10.5% from the Vnukovo-32 vaccine strains and by 10.9 % from the SAD B19 rabies strain, respectively (rabies viruses of 1st genotype). It was also significantly different from the lissaviruses of 2,4,5, and 6 genotypes (21.0-32.7%). The obtained results indicate phylogenetic closeness of the studied isolates (2 rabies) with the RABV AY956319 rabies virus strain belonging to the 1st genotype