181 research outputs found

    Morphologic transformation of human breast epithelial cells MCF-10A: dependence on an oxidative microenvironment and estrogen/epidermal growth factor receptors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MCF-10A, immortalized but non-transformed human breast epithelial cells, are widely used in research examining carcinogenesis. The studies presented here were initiated with the observation that MCF-10A cells left in continuous culture for prolonged periods without re-feeding were prone to the development of transformed foci. We hypothesized that the depletion of labile culture components led to the onset of processes culminating in the observed cell transformation. The purpose of this study was to define the factors which promoted transformation of this cell line.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Changes in levels of phenol red (PHR), hydrocortisone (HC), and epidermal growth factor (EGF) with or without estrogen treatment indicated that both oxidative stress- and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα)-mediated pathways contribute to cell transformation. Gene array and Western blotting analyses of cells maintained in our laboratory and of those from other sources documented detectable ERα and ER<it>beta </it>(ERβ) in this ERα-negative cataloged cell line. Results also indicate the possibility of a direct association of EGF receptor (EGFR) and ERα in these cells as well as the formation and high induction of a novel ternary complex that includes ERβ (ERα/ERβ/EGFR) in cells grown under conditions facilitating transformation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our studies resulted in the development of a growth protocol where the effects of chronic, physiologically relevant alterations in the microenvironment on cellular transformation were examined. From our results, we were able to propose a model of transformation within the MCF-10A cell line in which oxidative stress, ER and EGFR play essential roles. Overall, our work indicates that the immediate microenvironment of cells exerts powerful growth cues which ultimately determine their transformation potential.</p

    Exploring Primary Student's Problem-Solving Ability by Doing Tasks Like PISA's Question

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    Problem solving plays an important role in mathematics and should have a prominent role in the mathematics education. The term problem solving refers to mathematics tasks that have the potential to provide intellectual challenges for enhancing students' mathematical understanding and development. In addition, the contextual problem that requires students to connect their mathematical knowledge in solving mathematical situational problem is believed to be an impact on the development students' problem-solving ability. The tasks that have been developed by PISA meet both of these criteria. As stated by the NCTM, that problem-solving skill and ability should be developed to students when they were in primary school (K5-8), therefore, it is important to do an effort to guide students in developing problem-solving ability from primary school such as accustom students to do some mathematical solving-problem tasks. Thus, in this research we tried to investigate how to develop mathematical problem-solving tasks like PISA's question that have potential effect toward students' mathematical problem-solving abilities?. We used a formative evaluation type of development research as an mean to achieve this research goal. This type of research is conducted in two steps, namely preliminary stage and formative evaluation stage covering self evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one-to-one, and small group), and field test. This research involve four primary schools in Palembang, there are SD Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang, MIN 1 & MIN 2 Palembang, and SDN 179 Palembang. The result of this research showed that the mathematical problem-solving tasks that have been developed have potential effect in exploring mathematical problem-solving ability of the primary school students. It is shown from their work in solving problem where all of the indicators of problem solving competency have emerged quite well category. In addition, based on interview result from some students, known that they like to do such tasks because can improve their reasoning, creativity and thinking ability


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    The objective of this study is to find out what are the reflection of students’ achievement after learning sentences structure grammar II at IAIN Langsa.Reflection represents serious consideration of past actions and experiences with the aim to evaluate them for future actions. This research was qualitative that conducted in one class.&nbsp; The data has been taken by questionnaires and interviews. It is a descriptive survey research including questionnaires and interview. After collecting the data, they were analyzed and described to have the final results. The result of this thesis illustrates that there are several students’ achievement reflections after learning grammar II at IAIN Langsa. There such the awareness of students of independent learning and the awareness of students about the role of students in solving a problem

    Strategies for Increasing Traditional Retail Stall Loyalty To Suppliers in The Era of Digital Transformation

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    The concept of marketing aims to build, maintain, and enhance mutually beneficial relationships between suppliers and partners. Therefore, this research recommends priority strategies for increasing traditional retail stall loyalty to suppliers in the new digital transformation era. This research was conducted in Indonesia's fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retail industry with data collected through a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews with several experts. These include top management of retail industry supply companies, principal of FMCG, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association, Secretary-General of the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association, Chair of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and academics who are also practitioners in the retail industry. The data collected were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. The results showed that merchandising and employees are the most dominant factors in forming retail stall loyalty to suppliers in the new digital transformation era. The company's main goal to increase retail stall loyalty to suppliers is by raising sales growth with the continuous rise in profits for supplier companies. Furthermore, the most important alternative strategy to increase retail stall loyalty to suppliers is product assortment and stock availability as the main alternative strategy. In conclusion, this research is useful for supply companies to establish relationships with traditional retail stalls in Indonesia. Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, merchandising, retail industry supplier strategy, retail service quality, website qualit

    Maestro seni tradisi

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    Maestro Seni Tradisi Indonesia adalah tokoh-tokoh seni tradisional Indonesia yang terpilih berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan survei di lapangan serta hasil penilaian dan diskusi mendalam oleh Tim Penilai yang terdiri atas akademisi, pakar, budayawan, dan pelaku seni tradisi lisan. Maestro Seni Tradisi tersebut dipilih dari lebih 60 orang tokoh dan seniman besar seni tradisi Indonesia yang diusulkan oleh lembaga pemerintah dan masyarakat, lembaga pendidikan seni di berbagai daerah, Dewan Kesenian Daerah dan LSM kesenian tadisional Indonesia, yang diteliti secara seksama dan mendalam oleh Tim penilai. Penilaian terhadap usulan maestro tersebut dilaksanakan berdasarkan kriteria antara lain seni tersebut unik, khas dan hampir punah serta senimannya memiliki kemampuan mentransformasikan keahliannya

    The impact of the quality of democracy on the economic growth of provinces in Indonesia

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    Purpose: The impact of democracy on economic growth is an interesting study of economic institutions and there is still debate about the impact on economic growth. One side of the research finds that democracy has a significant and positive impact on economic growth, but the other side states that the improvement of the country's democracy causes economic growth to decline. This study aims to examine the impact of the quality of democracy on economic growth at the provincial level in Indonesia. Research methodology: The data used in this study use panel data using the Eviews 9.0 analysis tool, so that the best method named the Random Effect Model is obtained. Result: The results show that democracy in Indonesia has a significant impact on economic growth and there is a positive trend in the long run. Other variables used are labor and foreign investment, which statistically, if these variables occur, can increase economic growth in Indonesia and increase employment and data on foreign investment play a role in driving economic growth. Economic growth in Indonesia is already in good condition and the economic growth that occurs is convergence growth which shows that some provinces that are poor/underdeveloped can catch up with developed provinces. Limitations: This study uses fairly short time-series data, so that the addition of a longer time-series will of course give better results. Contribution: Improvements in democracy in Indonesia should also strengthen democratic norms that apply in society, such as reducing corrupt behaviors, especially political corruption and money politics to get public office because if this behavior cannot be corrected, then democracy will have little impact on the economy


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    Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas pada pembelajaran pendekatan open ended dengan media puzzle terhadap pemahaman konsep pecahan siswa kelas 5 di SDN 1 Temulus Kecamatan Randublatung Kabupaten Blora. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif korelasional dengan penggunaan metode observasi dan metode tes dalam pengumpulan datanya. Penerapan metode observasi guna memperoleh informasi berupa aktivitas belajar yang dilakukan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, sementara metode tes guna memperoleh informasi berupa pemahaman konsep siswa terhadap materi pecahan. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu 16 siswa dengan prosedur penarikan sampel menggunakan nonprobability sampling berjenis sampling jenuh, dimana keseluruhan anggota dalam populasi menjadi sampel dalam penelitian. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan pengujian regresi linier sederhana dan pengujian t sampel (uji satu pihak). Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil prosentase pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap pemahaman konsep pecahan siswa sebesar 50,2%. Selain itu siswa juga mampu mencapai ketuntasan belajar baik ketuntasan belajar secara individual dengan jumlah siswa tuntas sebanyak 13 siswa dari jumlah total 16 siswa, maupun ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal dengan prosentase ketuntasan sebesar 81,25%. Dengan demikian maka terdapat pengaruh aktivitas pada pembelajaran pendekatan open ended dengan media puzzle terhadap pemahaman konsep pecahan siswa kelas 5 di SDN 1 Temulus Kecamatan Randublatung Kabupaten Blora. Siswa juga dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan aktivitas pembelajaran pendekatan open ended dan media puzzle


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    This research studies the types of feedbacks made by EFL students in a writing class. A number of 25 students essays were collected and analysed. The results revealed that a number of 61 responding feedbacks were found in the types of support, sharing knowledge, negotiation, appreciation and criticism. Meanwhile, 142 correcting feedbacks were found in the types of coded, uncoded, a combination of coded and uncoded and direct answer. The type most used in responding feedback was support, which indicates that it is an important pursuit in these students learning to drive each other into improving their writing skills with confidence. Whilst the least used was criticism, and this indicates that it was not considerably favoured to be given in the peer correction feedbacks since they restrain encouragement and cause social anxiety. The type most used in correcting feedbacks was a combination of coded and uncoded. This signifies that to provide both mark and symbol on an error can avoid confusion between the student corrector and the student writer. The least used was direct answer, which signified that it was only done by students who had high English proficiency and confidence to provide the correct answer directly on the errors


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    The use of interactive multimedia is very important to develop in physics learning. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive multimedia base google sites on the subject of work and energy to improve the learning outcomes of class X students of SMA Bina Warga 1 Palembang which are valid, practical and have a potential effect. The method used is Research and Development with a rowntree development model consisting of several stages, namely: planning, development and evaluation. The evaluation used is a modified Tassmer evaluation consisting of self-evaluation, expert review, one to one, small group, and field test. The data collection technique uses a walkthrough to test the validity of the product which consists of three validators to assess the product from the material, media and language aspects, one to one and small group stages to test the practicality of the product developed. The results showed that interactive multimedia was valid and practical (3.56 interformations were very valid) and (94% were very practical stage one to one, 87% were very practical small group stage) for the N-Gain value obtained an average of 0.72 high category. So it can be concluded that interactive multimedia in the form of google sites is suitable for use in learning physics.AbstrakPenggunaan multimedia interaktif sangat penting untuk dalam pembelajaran fisika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan multimedia interaktif berbasis google sites pada pokok bahasan usaha dan energi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Bina Warga 1 Palembang yang valid, praktis dan memiliki pengaruh potensial. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dengan model pengembangan rowntree yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu: perencanaan, pengembangan dan evaluasi. Evaluasi yang digunakan adalah modifikasi evaluasi Tassmer yang terdiri dari evaluasi diri, expert review, one to one, small group, dan field test. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan walkthrough untuk menguji validitas produk yang terdiri dari tiga validator untuk menilai produk dari aspek materi, media dan bahasa, tahap one to one dan small group untuk menguji kepraktisan produk yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia interaktif valid dan praktis (3,56 interformasi sangat valid) dan (94% sangat praktis tahap 1-1, 87% sangat praktis tahap kelompok kecil) untuk nilai N-Gain diperoleh rata-rata 0,72 tinggi kategori. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia interaktif berupa google sites cocok digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika.How To Cite: Wulandari, M., Hakim, L., Sulistyowati, R., Mian, Y. (2022). Interactive Multimedia Development Using Google Sites to Improve Student Learning Outcomes and Energy. EDUSAINS, 14 (2) : 188-201

    Determinan Bias Boundary dan Bias Pengambilan Keputusan: Perspektif Bounded Rationality Theory

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    In accounting, decision is an important aspect but prone to bias in its making process. Limitation in decision making that lead to bias is driven by some bound. This study aims to enunciate some bounds and identify bias determinant in decision making process. Literature review is employed to analyze thirty-four articles since 1986 until 2018 from renown journal publisher such as science direct, emerald, Jstor regarding decision making in business field. The results shows that there are 9 bias determinant in decision making process such as task complexity, information presentation format, quality and quantity of information/data, situation/environment, competency, method, experience, personality trait and motivation. This article contribute to body of literature and decision makers by provide gap on decision making on the context of judgment bias and bias determinant that should take in to account before making a decision for better result
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